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� � <br /> ,���.�:a 10�885 <br /> ��A <br /> If i�ed mort 4'--- <br /> gag��u�n�e ,�+a cnncl�t�:in uf'maling thr luan urure� b}• thiy �crurU! In�trumcnt. <br /> Horr�►we! �c�emium�require.�!to maintAin the�nsara�ncE in ef�ert unul ruch time as the requirement fur the <br /> insurancs te ' �cc��r�isnce with SQrrna•er'�and Lendcr'�w•ritten agreement or applicable law. <br /> 8. . ^�..�ender tit'itc�ig�tit may mukr �ex�onable entnes upon and ins�ction�nf the Frc�x:rty.�ier <br /> �hall gi��c�orrow•er notice at thc time af ar prie�r to on iiispection specifj•in�reasonnble ci�use for thc inspecti�n. <br /> 9. Condemnaiiop. The proceeds of an��Award or cluim for dam�ge5,d�rect�ir cons�quentiul,in connGCtion wilh <br /> any condemnatian �r other taking af any part of the Aro}tierty, or for com�ey�ance in lieu aP cond�m�atiun, are hereby <br /> nssigned and shall be paid to Lender. <br /> In the event of a total taking oP the Pmpeny, the proceed�shall t�e applied t��thr tiumc secured hy this Security <br /> Instrument,whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Bonower. ln�he event uf u parti�l tal►ing oi'the Prope�ty, <br /> , unless Barrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing.the sums secured bp thisSecurity lnstrument shAil be reduced by <br /> the amount of thc proceed� :nultiplie�d by the follaa•�ng f'raction: (A1 the totu) am�unt uf thc sums secured ienmediatuly ,� <br /> : trefore the tal►ing,divide�f by(b)the Pait mArket��alue of ihc Prope�ty immedintcly before the taking.Any bulance�ha{1 be <br /> paid to BorroM�er. <br /> . If the Pruperty is abandoned by Horao�ti•er,or if:ai'ter notice by Lender to Borrawer shat the condemnor nflers to <br /> make an award or settle a rlaim for damages.f3orrowrr fails to respond to Lender a•ithin�0 days after the date the notice is <br /> : given,Lender is authorized to collect and upply thr praceeds,ut its uption,eithe�ta restoration or repair of the Propeny or <br /> ' to thr sums secured by this S�curity lnstrument,whether ar not[hen due. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrawer otherwise agree in wnting,any application of proceeds to prmcipal shall not extend ar <br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and�or change the pmount of'such payments. <br /> 10. Borrowe� Nat Relsased: Forbearance By Lender Not a 11'aiver. Extensian of the timc far payment or <br /> modificatian af amanizaEian af'the cums �ecured b� this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in <br /> interest of Botrc�wer chalF not operatc to relcase thc liability of the original Harrower or Barrower's successors in interest. <br /> ' L,ender shal! not be reyuircd to commence procerdings against any successar in inte�est or refuse to extend time for <br /> payme�t or nthtrvrsse modify amartizat�on of the sums secured by this Securit�•Instrument by reason of any demartd made <br /> by the origi�af Barr�v�cre�r Borrovrer's successors in interest.Any forbenrancc by I.cnder in excrcising s�ny right a�remedy <br /> Shall not be a wai�er af or preclude the exercise aPany right or remedy. <br /> 11. Srcceswn and Asstga�s Houad;Jotnt and Sere�d I.iabillty;Co•signers. The covenants and agreements of • <br /> this Security Instrument shal)bind and bentfit the successors and assigns of L.ender and Burrower,subject to the provisions ± <br /> of paragraph!7.8orrower's covenaats and agreements shs►11 be;oint and several.Any Borrawer who co-signs this Security � _ <br /> lnstrument Aut do�not execute the tiotc:(a)is co•signing this Sccurity Instrument only to mortgage.grant and canvey <br /> a....n_�.._.--'-'-•-- � �- ^----�.. ..__.� �.u_c. .-.•-_ �.• � .� ��- <br /> iva�asva�vr.c� �i��ccicai iic iirc r�upc��y iii�uci uic iciniS vi uua aa:iiiiiy�muuiiiciii;�v�i;uUi pciavntti�y ouuKaicu iv pt�y ' _ <br /> the sums secured by this Secunty Instrument; and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend. <br /> modify,forbear or make any accommodauons with regard to che terms c�f th�s Security� Instrument or the Note withaut _ <br /> that Borrawer's consent. <br /> 12. I.o�n Cbarges. Ii'the loan secured by this Security In��rument is�uh}ect to a law which sets ma�imum loan - <br /> charges. and that law is finally interpreted so that the �nterest or ather lo�n ch;�rges collected or to be collected in <br /> cannection with the loan eaceed the permitted Iimi�s, then: (a) any such loan charge sh:sll be reda��ed by the amount <br /> nc�cessary to reduce the charge ro the permi�teci lim�t;and(b)any sums already collected From Hormwer which eaceeded <br /> permitted limits w�U be refunded to Bonow•cr. l.ender may nc�x►xe to make this rcfand by reducing the principsl awed <br /> under the Nute or by making a direct paymem to Horruwer.If a refund reduces princ�pal,ihe reduction w�ll be treated as a <br /> pania!prepayment withaut any prepayment charge under the Nc�te. — <br /> 13. Leg�slatton ABecting Lender's Rigltts. IP enactment �r expiratian of:�pplicable laws has the effcct of� <br /> rendering any provision of the Note ar this Security Instrument uneni'orccable according to�ts termti,l.ender,at its option. <br /> may rcquire cmmediate payment �n futl of al) tiums secured by this Security (nsttument :�nd may imoke any cemedies � <br /> pern�itted tty paragraph 19.If Lender exercises thi�option,Lender shal)take the steps sper�fied in the second paragraph of <br /> paragrapi�17. � <br /> 14. Notices. Any notice to Borruwer p��;>>dcd for�n th�s Security Instrument shall be gi�•en by delivcring it or hy — <br /> maiDing it by first class mail unless applicable law reyu�res use of anrnher methosi. The notice tihall be directed to the "��' <br /> Property Ac�dress or any other address Horruwer designate.r by no�iee tv ixndrr. Any n��tice to Lender shall be given by <br /> fitst class n�ail to I,ender's addrecs stated herein or any uther addres�l.ender desiguate5!�y nc>uce to Borrower.Acsy notice ' <br /> ptovided for in this Secunty lnstramem�.hall be decmed to ha�•c bcrn g�ven to Borruw•er��r Lcuder when given as provided � <br /> �n this paragraph. • <br /> 15. Governing l�w;Severabiljty. Thts Secunty Instrument tihaU he go�erned hy federal law and the!a�of the <br /> junsdiction in which the Propeny is lvcated. In the cvent that any pr��vision or clautie��f this Serurity Instrumer�t ar the <br /> Note conflicts with apFlicable law, ��s�_h con�:�t sha!!not afteci other�rov�stons�f th�s.Settsnty ln4tteement or:ke�:ote <br /> which can be given effect without the conflicting.provision. To this end the pravis�rn�uf th��Security Instrument und the <br /> Note nre dcclared to be se�erable. <br /> 16. Berrower's Cooy. Borrower shall be gwen one conformed copy ot thr tiote and of this Security Instrument. <br /> 17. T�ansfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest in Aorrower. lf all �r any� part of thF: Properry ur any <br /> interest�n rt is sotd or transferred(or if a benefic�al mterest in i3ortower iti�vld ar transferreci and Borrower�ti not a natural <br /> penon)without Lendet'� prtvr w•ritten cansent. I.ender �ts opnon,rcqwre immedfate payment in full�P all tiums <br /> sesured by th�s Secunty In�trument. However, �h�s o�tion shall nut he exerc�tied hy Ler►drr if�xerc�ce �s 1�ruhih�tec3 by <br /> fcderal law as oFthe date of thn 5ecurnv In�trument. .--- =- ---- <br /> if l.en�ier exerciiec 1h�s oph�n. Lender shall g��e Hotruaer nottre c�f'�►ccrlrruttc3n. �I�he nnUce�hall pro�•�de a pen���l ' <br /> i�f ne►t tess th�n ZO dayti frvrn the date the n�it�ce iti dehvered nr m.►iled a�thin wlurh F�nrrnuer rnu�t pay all�um�ticcured by <br /> tt�n Sccunty Instrument. If F3urrnwrr fails tn p:.�y thesc wmti pnur t��the exp�rahun nf thi.�+rru+cl, 1 endcr may ina��kc�+ny <br /> remedie5�rm�tted by this SccurUy lntitrument withc�ut Curthcr r���tue��r�emand��n 4i��rr��ue� <br /> 1$.Morrower's Riy,ht to Reinstate. If Hi�rr��uer mcct�ccrt,ut� ��md�tumti, Rnrn�acr �hall h.��c the nght t��h:��e <br /> cnfote.rmrnt nf th��Secunty in�trument di�r<mhnued at ariq tunr rnnr t��theearl�er��f l�ii��;,��ti t�+r tiuch nther��en��d�� <br /> L apPlicHhlC I8R fttJy �r+ccit} inr rein�t7tement)hefi�re�alc,�f tht� Pn�rrrt� rurtiu�nt t��.�ny� ���tier ni�.ile�uut.uncd in th�� <br /> !�iec��nty Inrtrurnent. E�r(h1 entr� �,f a �uil�rnr�it enl�,rcin� �h�ti lrcuntt lnrttutnent 1 h��,e ��md�tinn�.:rr th:�t Hnrn���er <br /> (a1 }�ay� I.cnder ,�ll �umw �.h�.h thc►� uualci he �1ue• under th�c 4E•�ur�t� It�.tt«mrnt .�n�1 thr ti��lc h:ul nn .i.�ricr.iU��n <br /> ,a:CUrfctl. (h) :tur, :lts} tjcfttult ��t dny ��Ihct i�nt•i�:u{t� ��t .�V�',fc�rnc►�1� (.1 ��tti� ,i!I r�(�r��.r. �hiu�tcii ut t•nfnr�luf� th�. ��t� <br /> LctiUi�ii =intinb�cii{. imluilm�;. i�ut ui�i im�tictj 1��. rcati�,niii,�C :itt;nr�c'�� t�•�•� �tul ��1� i,iki� �u.1t ,��tf�,�� .t� { �'�k1c� �n:f� ,y{t'i <br /> f <br /> tC.I���II:I+��� it'�Ulft• f�� _i��tll�' 1�1:7� If1C �I('ll I�� i11I` �C�.I�tli� �h�ftllltl�'1�6 � �'�ii�t't�� t��•�t!. iti Il�r �'r„�.� �f� .lii�j �R,�����N�'F'� . , ��F; <br /> ��}��I{',,ITI��r1 t.. '�•J� IIIL' �ti?tS♦ •.i'iUfC�� �+0 t�lt` tiP�11t1t\ �lt�(f111UPl1� �ft.11! .•�•�.frri- �l��.�i.�:i�'•,I I �. �• •,.I� .I �t. i,itlil �•t r" . <br /> (t��tf��u�� !1u '1t• �t�t+, �i�•,I�ntncul .tn�{ ilir„��3�;.tt�n�i��:�, ���f�) ��r:�n. . ,.,:' � i� n� t ���, �11, .� . � - i • � � . � �„ �.� � <br /> . �1'fr:� ��� .�i .� 7 ��•S�fIh�1►�•.�!!'UV.+.II�•���.t��1���1.f�,j�{'. '��i��r . .. •� 1.� - � � . � . � i ,� � - � , . <br /> � <br />