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_ . ....__ <br />_`.� <br /> 1 I <br /> rt <br /> ;��.�� 105$85 <br /> UytF��xti1C���•F�n�t� 8or�a��•erandl.endccco�cnantan�t;►�reea.f�,ll���.. <br /> 1. ['KS•ment af Pri�cipal�nd Interest: P�epAyment And I.wte Char�cs, Rnrr��u•er�hall promptly ��a� whrn dur <br /> tAe prenc�pal�,Pnnd�utere�t�m 1he debt e�idenced b�Ihe Note ai�d any�,repaNmrnt aad latr�ht_rge�due ui�der ihr�lote. <br /> 2. Fuad�tor TexesaAd lnsurautze. 5uh�ect ta�p�licahle la�+�or t�a�+rnten«ai�cr l>>•[-rnder,Bc�rn��+er sh,�!!pa�� <br /> r. to Lcnder un the d�} nwnthly payment�are duc vndec the No�e,unu! the Netc i�paid in full,:�.um 1"�'����ds")rqua! to <br /> ' , ane•tw•elflh ��f: (al ��earl}• ta�ec and aceeS�ment� u�h�ch ma}� :u�a�n priont� r�c� th��Securit� Inrtrum�nC (h► �•earl}• <br /> leasehold payments c�r grawid renty o�� the Prope�ty, if any; (c) ycarly haza�d insurance prcmiums; and tdT yearly <br /> . mortgsge in�urance prcm�ums,if z�ny. '1'hrse�tcros are called "escrow itcm�." Lender may est�mnte ihe Funds due un ihe <br /> basis af�urrent data and reasonabte est�mates of f uture escroK items. <br /> The Funds shall be held in an ms�itution the depasits�r accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a federal or <br /> statr agency(including 4ender ii'l.ender is such an in�titution). Lendcr shaU apply thc Funds t�pup the escro�v items. <br /> l.e»der m�y nat cha�ge Por holding and opplying the Funds. unalyzing the arcount or verifying the escrow items,unless <br /> l.ender payc Hc�rrower intcrest on the Funds und a�plicxble law permits Lender tn make such a charge. Barrower and <br /> Lender may agree in writing that iaterest shall be paid on the Fund�. Unlc�s an agreement is made or applicable lae• <br /> rcquires interest to be pa�d,Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or carnings on the Funds. Lender <br /> , shall give to Borrow•er.Without annual accounting of�hc Fundc sh��ring credits a�nd debits to the Funds and the <br /> pu��ose far wh�ch e•ach debit ta the Funds w•as mstde.The Funds are pledged as additional�ecurity far the sums secured by <br /> this Security Inslrumcnt. <br /> If the nmount of Ihe Funds Ezcld by Lendc�,togethcr with the future m��nthl��payments of Funds payable priar to <br /> the due dat�of�he escrow�tems..shall exceed thr aznount reyuired to pay the c�rrow items when due,the excess shall be, <br /> at Borrowrr'c option,either prom�rily tepaid to Bc�rrower or credited to Borrawer on manthly payment�of Funds. ]f the <br /> amaunt oP the Funds held by Lender is not suflicient to pay the c�cruw items when due, Barraa�er shal)pay to Lender any� <br /> amount netessary ta make up the deficiency in one ar more pa�•ments ac required by Lender. <br /> Upon p�yment in full��f sti�ums�ecured b}•this Secunty lnstrument, Lender shaU promptly refund to Borrowcr <br /> any Funds held by Lender. 1P under paragra�h 19 the Pro�rty i�sold ur acquired hy l.ender,Lender shaU ap�lt, no later <br /> than immcdiatcly prior tv the satc of thc i'roF►eny or its arquisition bti Lcnder,any Funds held h� Lender st the time of <br /> application as acredu aga�nst thesums secureci hy this Securny Instrument. <br /> 3. Applie:tion of P�yments. Unless applicable law p�ovidrw atherwi,c, all payments received by Lender under <br /> paragsaphs 1 and 2 shatl be applied:first,to late chargec due undcr the N��Ie;second,to prepa��ment charger due under the <br /> Note;third,ta amounts payable under paragraph 2;fourth,to mterest due:und principal due. <br /> �. Cbxrges; LIens. Hotrower shall pay all taxes, assc�csments,chargc�s, finc�s and �mpo,ic�ons attributable to the <br /> Property which may atta�n pnonty over this Srcurity In�trumenl, and leasehold pa�•ments c�r ground �ents, if pny. <br /> ' 8orrower shall pay these obligahons in the manner provided in par:��raph 2,or�f not paid in that manner.Bosrower shall •� <br /> pay them un time direcdy to the prscon aw•ed payment. Borrower�hall promptly furn�sh ta Lender all notices aPamounts � ` <br /> tn be pa�d under th�s paragraph. !f Sc�rrower makes these payment�d�rectly, Horraa�er shall promptly furnisk�to Lender � ,a <br /> receipts evidencing the payments. � <br /> �.� <br /> - A.....�..»-..��.�..�...d...!'_' t.__ . t' L L_. � � . a. • � _ . <br /> - a,a.�.v....� .uo�.y�v.�q�ay vr,�ii'ai�c ui�f em�viuiru uati piiiitiiy o'vet itua aecu��iy Tntiitutttcul utties�bvrtowei:(:ij <br /> agrees�n writing ta the payment of the nbligation secured by the l�en in a manner acceptable ta Lender;(b)contests in goad <br /> faith Ihe lien by,ar defends agamst cnforcemcnt uf the lien in, legal proceedings which in the l.ender's opinivn operate to <br /> prcvent the enforcement��f'the licn or i'orfeiture c�f any part nf the Propcny;ut (c)secures from the h��ldcr of the lien an <br /> agreement satisfactary to Lender tiubordmating�he hen tu th�ti Serurity In�trument. IP I.endcr determines th;�t any part of ; <br /> the Propeny �s subjat to a lien whuh may attain pnotity over thi� Sccunty In�trumcnt, Lender may give Borrower a <br /> notrce identifying the licn. Aarrow�cr shaU�au�fy the 6en or take une or m��re of'the acn��n�set forth alxwe within 10 days <br /> of thc giving of noti�;e. <br /> 5. Na�rd lasunnce, f3.�rrower shall keep the impru�•ement�n�n��exi,ung ur herrufter erecteci on the Property <br /> insured agamst loss by fire,hatards uscluded w•�th�n the tenn"extended c��vrrage"and any other hazards fnr wF�ich I.ender <br /> requira insurance. "fhis �nwrance shall be inaimained in the amc�unt� :�nd Cur the periods that Lender require�. The � <br /> insurance wrrier pra�iding the insurance shall be chotien by Borre�a�er tubtect tc� Lender's approval which shall not be � <br /> unreasonably wuhheld. � <br /> Atl�nsuranee policies and renewals�hall be arceptahle�c� Lender and shatl mclude a titandard mortgage elause. = <br /> Lcndcr shall have che nght to hold thc policir+and renewal,. If Lcnder reyu�re�,B�rrowcr,hall promptly give to Lender �•' <br /> al)receipts of paid preruttums and renew•al nottcc�s. In the event uf Ims,&tiruwer shell give prompt notice ta the insurance _ <br /> carr►er ard Ler�der. l,eetder may make proof of E�ass if not made promptly by Horruwer. �� <br /> Unless I.c�tder nnd Borrowe¢othcrwitie agrec m wnting,in�uraa�e procecYls�hall be dpplicd tc�restorat�un or repair ��'� <br /> of the Propeny damaged, if the ce•,t�ratiun or repair is cronom�cal{y feas�ble and Lender's securiry is not IessQned. If the � <br /> testoration or repaer is not ecanomtcally fe:isible ar Lender's secunty u•ould br lc�s�ned,the msurance proceeds shall be <br /> applied tv the sums se�:urrd by th�s Serur�ty In.�trument, whether or nnt ahen due, w•ith any excess paid to Borro�vcr. !f <br /> Anrrower abandon�the Pr��perty,or does n��t a�swer within 30 da}s s rtouce from Lender that the insurance carrier hac <br /> offered to settic a claim.�hen 1.ender may ce�llect the msurance proceeds. Lender may u�e th�prrxreds to repair ar rrstore <br /> the f'roperty or tn pa�� wms�;ecutcd by th�s Secunty Instrucneiu,whether or nat then due. T'he 3U-day per�cxl wll)begin <br /> when t�r�otic�i�given. <br /> Unlexs Lendcr and Borr�w•er othrrwise agree+n wnt�ng,any ap�r..�atum uf pr�xeeds to principal Shall nnt extend or <br /> pnstpone Ihe due dste af the monthly payments referred ro in paragra�r•�.1 and 2 or change t he amount of the pa}mcnts. If <br /> under paragraph 14 the Ptaperly�s acquired by Lendet,Borrower's right tn any i�surance poltcies and proceeds resultmg <br /> frum damage tu the!'roperty pnc�r to the acquisit�on tihall pas�to Ixnder tc,the extent��f the tiumti se:cured hy thi�Security <br /> Instrutnent�mmed�ately pnor to the acyuisuion. <br /> 6. Preservatio„and 1lairttenance of d'roperfy;I.easeholds. liormurr�hall nnt dctiti oy,damagc��r tiubrlantially <br /> chan�e the Property, allnw the Pmperty te►deten�rate or cammu aatite. If'thiti Sccur�ty Instrument i� «n a leatiehold. <br /> Norrower shalt comply with the prcn��i��ny of the Iease,and if Barruwer acNu�re�fre utle t��the Yroperty.the Iea�ehold and %`—_-_-- <br /> fee t�tle sh.dl nat merge untc�ti T.ender agrees to the merger m w r�ting. ' <br /> 7. i'�r�tection uf I.endet's Riqhts in the Nra�erty: AtortqaKe insuronce. If R�un+wcr fa�l. t�� E+erfi�rm �hc <br /> ta+ereants�nd agreements run�amed m thic Secunty�herc i�a Ir�;al rrnreeJin�;fhcit may �i�;nifi�.�ntly aflcct <br /> l.ender't nghtti m the F'rc��erty f�uch ati a prc�ceeding in ha�okruptcy, pn�hatr. f��r rnncicninau�m ��r t�� cnG�rce law� nr <br /> regulat�um),then 1_ender may dn�n:1[+ay ft�r whate�er t�necr�sar}ti�prute�t the�alur nt'thc•Pr����crt� en�1 1 ender't n�htti <br /> �n tfir {'rc�perty (rnJer'r ach�+n� m.�} mcludr paying an� �urm�ecurrJ h� a hcn �.hirh h;�� rn��rity ��ti�r tt�n Se.urrt� <br /> ` Intitrument.apFxar�nR in cnurt,rati�n�rea����c�hte aUi+tnc�+'f�c�eti and r���rrinfe�m the Prs�p+:r t� t��rnal�c rr��,urti .4lth��:i�;h <br /> ` Lendcr m�y�awe a.t���iR uuVc� ih�ti��are�ra}�h�. I cndcr dne�n�=i hatic t�+�1n«� <br /> ArE� ,�mnuniti d�4hur�ei7 hc 1 s•i��ter undc�Ih��har.��;r��ph'�h��ll he��,n�r,��1�l�tv�i�.�i dr'r,���t H��r�,urr�e.ure�l M [h�, <br /> 4r�uvary Iq�itijT�tCtl: I�T1IP��I{��ifn.�ty d711� � CI1��['1 dElc•t'fn��lf1P( �Cl�t:ti�+� r.��tllt 1�! 'f7.'��•.1�.'�'�11�1+.(I.111�`t'AI If71C�t'�f �f�•tI1 � <br /> th.: t7��tc ,�i ii►v��i,rrue•nl .�( 1i�r v•�+.c s,�lc u:ti �i�:�il t-c �•.�t::hlc- u�tr i;�!r�r.t ��� . •i �,. r,. � . ,���: ! �•ti�ii r t,• N��t t�,��,i <br /> tCl�uCatliif(('.t}ntrut �, <br /> �. � <br /> � <br />