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�� <br /> -� <br /> _ � _ � <br /> 89�10��8� <br /> Nn�•UNIF�R�i CovENANTS Aorrowcr and Lender furthe:cm•enant�nd ugrce us f��ll�,��s: <br /> 19. Acceler�tion; Renfedies, l.end�r shxll Qlvc natice ta �orrower priar to �cceleratlan fallowtrtg Dor�owe�'s <br /> brt�cb of any cover�tat ar r�eement in this Security in�trament(but not priar ta�eceler�tlon under paragr�pAa 13 and 17 <br /> uAleas applic�ble la�e psoYlda otherwtse).7'he notice sMail spccify: (a) t6e detaulh, Ibl the �ction requieed to cu�e t�he <br /> dct�ult;(c)�cl�ttr,not leys tban 30 days tran the date the notice Is Yiren ia lbrrow��,by whleh the dehuh must be cured; <br /> r. a�d(d)tAat t�il�re to cure the deff�utt on or betore the date ipeciHed ia the notice m�y rault in Mccelentton of the�ums <br /> �cured by t�b SecWrity Iiut�ument Msd s�le o!t�e Property.The nottt�e sh�ll tarther inform Borrower dt the riEtht to <br /> rei�atate�her�ceelention �ud tlea rl�ltt to brin�a court actlon to assert the non•existence ot a detault or �ny other <br /> de[e�se ot�orro�e�ta�celtr�Hon�nd sale.It U�e de[�ult i�not cured on or 6etare ths date speclfled in the eotire,Lende� <br /> �t its o�tlou iasy requlre imn�edtate p�ynaent ia fail ot�tU�ums eec�red Ay t6is Security lnttrument without fu�ther <br /> de��N a�d nuy insoke the power otsate and aay other rcmedies permitted by applicable I�w.I.ende�sh�t11 be endtled to <br /> coiket d! e:� i�currttl i� prnuln� t6e remedle� pro�ided in thi� par�aph 19, including; but not limtted to� <br /> reao��ble�ttorneys'tees and cosb o!title e�ideace. <br /> If the poxer ol�alt i�invaked,Trwtee shall record t aotice of detault in each couaty in which any pat�t of the <br /> Properqr b locsted u�d shall mail coptes of such notice jn t6e m�naer pre�c�ibed by�ppUcabtc law�to Borrower and to the <br /> _ oNe�peroon�prescribed by appliq�ble Isw.ARer the time required by�pptle�ble Isw.Tru�tee aht11 give publle notice of <br /> iale to the penoes and iA the manner p�escribed by�pplicable law.Trustee.without demand on Borrower,shall aeq the <br /> Pro�erty�t public�acqor�tc►the higkest bidder at the time aad place and unde�the terms designated in the nottce otsde in <br /> oee or enore p�rcels and!n�ny order Trustee determines.Trusta rm�y postpone sale ot all or any parcel ot the Praperty by <br /> public announce�nent�t the time end ptace o!any prevlously �cheduted sxle. Lender or its designee ms� purch�se the <br /> Pro'erty at any sale. <br /> Upou recelpt ot p�yment af the price bld,Trnstee shall dellver to the purch�ser Trustee's deed conveying the <br /> Property.The recltals in the Trustee's deed s6a11 be prima tacie eridence of the truth of the satements m�de therein. <br /> Trustee ahall apply the proceed9 of the sale in the follawing order.(al to all expenses of the�tle,including,but not limited <br /> to�Trustee'a tees as pennttted by applIcable law and reasonable�ttorneys'fees;(b)to all sum�secured by this Security <br /> Imtrument;and(e)any e:cess to the person or persons legally enHtled to it. <br /> 20. I.ender in Possession, Upon acceferation under paragraph 19 or abandonment of the Propercy, Lender (in <br /> person, by agent or by judicially appointed receiver)shall be enlitled to enter upon, take possession of and mai�age the <br /> Property and to coilect the rents of the Aroperty ineluding those past due. Any rents collected by Lender or the receiver <br /> shall be applied flrst to payment of the costs af management of'the Property and collection of rents,insluding, but not <br /> limited to.receivcr's fees. premienms on eeeeiver's pnd reasanablc attorneys'fees,and then to the sums secured by <br /> thisSecurity Instrument. <br /> 2l.Recon�ey�nee.Upon payment of aZt sums secured by this Security In9trument.L.ender shall request Trustee to i <br /> rewnvey the Pruperty and shall sunender this Security instrumeat a¢�d aU notes evidencing deb4 secured by this Security � <br /> Instrument to Trustee.Trustce shall reconvey the Property without warrunry and without charge to the person or persons �`�:_ <br /> ' tegaUy entitled to it.Such person or persons shall uaY anr recordation custs. -- <br /> ZZ.S�bstitote Tn� its option.may from t�me to timc remove Trustee and appoint a s�ccessor trasta -- <br /> to any Trusta appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this 5ecurity Instrument is recorded. % <br /> Without conveyance of the Property,the suceessor trustee shall succeed to all the title, power and duties conferred upon <br /> Trustee herein and by applicable Iaw. . <br /> 23. Requpt for Notieq. Aorrower reyue.cts that copies af the notices oi'default and sale be sent to Barrower's <br /> address which is tha Property Address. <br /> 24.Riden to tbb Secarity lnstrument.If one or more riders are executcd by Bonawer and recorded t�gether with <br /> this Securiiy Instrument,the covenants an�+agraments of each such rid�r shaU be insorporated into and shall amend and <br /> supplemrnt the corenants and agreemenu of ti��s Security lnstrument �s if the rider(s) were a part of this Security <br /> Instrument.[Check applieabla boa(es)J <br /> _ � Adjustable Rate Rider � Condominium Rider (] 2-d Family Rider � <br /> ❑ Graduated Payment Rider � Planned Unit Development Rider � <br /> � Other(s) (specify] 1-4 Family Rider "� <br /> HY SIGNING BELOw, Borrower acceptc and agrees to the terms and covenants contained in this Security ���� <br /> tnstr�ment and in any rider(s)executed by Borrower and rxarded with it. <br /> ................................... .............................................. Leo Jaco n ........................ ..�(3ea1�) . <br /> Oarla L. �Plat ...J . ................ . .................. . na Jacobsen. .��..a..--�-�,r.s�`.�(►r5�1) <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, E{aZl C'ount}� ss: <br /> On this 27th day �f OCtObeT , �y89 � beforr me, the unc�ertiigned, a N��tary Yublic <br /> duly commissioned and qualificd for said county,personally rame Leo Jacobsen and Le Q�a acobsen each <br /> in his and her own right, and as spouse of each other, and Darla �J'• ��'�'"��n�,�n��EpBrson �-_ _— - <br /> idcntic�) personls) whosc namc(s) arc ;ubxr�hed to �hc f��rc���in�; intitrumcnt anJ a;kn��tilcdg�•d �hc cticrutiun <br /> thereof to be theiT voluntar� act and dced. <br /> �Vitness my hand anci notarial scal at Grant#�'�la d, Nebrasks in .<���1 c��unty, ihc <br /> date aforesaid. .•� <br /> My Commiss�on cxpires: 9-!-C'13 � � � <br /> �„� . .. . ..��"1. !. . . . . . . . . <br /> M� `� �n.u. Puh��� <br /> �M.MAa,p E'.(1111��R F(� I��'t ti'��v('l � r+ <br /> T��"I K: ��.t��rt�11N ��10�,t <br /> 7he undrrtiil�nctl iti Ihe h�ildcr r�t the• mrlc ��t ni,te� .c.nrcil M rhi. !)rr�1 �.f liu.t ti,nil �i��ir ��� n,,ir�. ���r�;h�� � ,��� <br /> Hilh,�H nlhet�ntlehletlne���e�utrd hc tln� 1)cr�l nf I ru�i,h,1�c he:n��.i�,l �n Inll 1 nn i�;lir��•h� ;In„�.,! i.� ,�i�„I ..i�,i <br /> nntc nr ���,t�.., .ini) tln. I)t•cQ ��f Iru.t, ��h��h aii• �Icln�;r�t li,ich.. .�r�J i.• r., �t��: ,. .��i1u�i�� .�.ui.n��� .�il i��. � -r.�i <br /> tUY.t IIt'�t� {l\ Ltlll IIIII+.•� 1{��. �1...�.4 ..! 1��I�t 1.. �1��. . �11 . � . . .. �•, .II'. . ,. .� �i: <br /> - j••. , , _ _ , .. <br /> '�.t�: � <br />