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"'_'_" <br /> � • � 99.�c����� , <br /> ' ` • . y�:ni�msY ao loages be�quim�,at tha opi[an of Lsader. if�tga,a insuraas�ooves�ga(in tha eia�auat and for t��i� <br /> � t�si Lea�si teqvirCS)Pmvided by aa insurer agpY+cved by Lcader sgain�Ca�s available�i�cbiaiasd.Borcoaer eha1�pay . <br /> � ; thtt pRmiums tequit+ad to msint+in mortga$a�nn effect.or to pzoelde a los9 r�6eavo,�sntil ths���ni for morugago . <br /> • � iasunace eads in secorda�ce wit�eay cmtten agreem�snt betwaen�ormwtr aad Lea�sr or applicamle 1�w. <br /> ' ' 9.Iaspecttan.I�eadap a:tte agxat may u�nasr�b2a entrics upoa ead insg�ct�oa9 off tha Peope�t}►.Isadar shdl give . <br /> ' � �anower na8oe aY the tims of ot prior w m inspxtton epxifying reasoaable cause far tha iaapecHen. . <br /> � 10.�tutdemaaitfln.'i�ce g�s of any awud or claim fo:damsge�. dtiect oa ecasequcnrial, ia conaxtion wiW any . <br /> ' coademaaIIan or oihzr ts'�ciag of any part of the Progerty,or for cmnveyaace ia Uev of oond9�natian,arb hemby�ssig¢�aad <br /> shall ba�aid to Lea�ei. <br /> In tha ev�nt af a eotal�ng of the Pragerty.the preeee�s shall�applied to th.s s�szcur�by this�ecuiiry InsSm�snt, <br /> T �J ' vrliether o:aat thr�s due.witL any eacxss paid w Borro�ver. In tire ev�t of�partial °P ►�of th�Prapaty in w�eb t1�fair : - <br /> . : i ry <br /> . matket vaiue of ths Property imm^�ately before i�a ta3dn�i9 equal w or gceaser than tk'amauat of the�ma s�und by thia <br /> � S gec�uiry Yn3humeat immediately i�efoie tha talcing.unless Bozmwer aad L�dsr athciwise agree in a+ritiag,ehe�u�s sacure�bY - <br /> • - � h ..,. <br /> .. .. • ti thia SecuYity Iash�t shall be reduced Toy the amouat of tha pmceeds muitiplied �sy tha following fraation: (a) the mtal . <br /> t4�s fair�+�ket vr1Le of dss Property�ediatalY •._,-`-,. <br /> .. . amouat of tke sums s�xured immaiiately befo�the�ng, d'►vid�63+(b) III 9YI1fCI1 UIII EAtf �.;t.- <br /> . � before tlis�Ging. As�y bakmee ets11 6o paid to Ea�wer. Ia tha event of a�artiel taldng of t�Ce Prape�¢y' � <br /> t <br /> � muket vaiue of tha Froperty im�diately before t�o talang is less tLan tha a�ouat of tDu cams sacured immaa�iiiately+befaie the _.�, <br /> an <br /> micing,uales Bormwar and Leades othsrarise ag�ee ia arisiag or unlegs applic�ble law othelvvise pmvides.the Piocced8 s�nll --:�:,_ <br /> . � be agplIad w tho sums secured by this Security Insuu�ent wheiher or aot the sums an th�n due. :..�<:-,, <br /> , '� If tUa Ptogesty iu abaadoae�l by Bomoa+er,as i�af�er nntiee by Le�der Gn Bonoc;rer tha3 tba eoademr.�r offere to madce an _:�. <br /> tq <br /> • award or e�le a cllim for dmuages, Bormwer G�s�res�a�to Lea�et withan 30 days after the deta tha aotix ia given, ; ..�,- <br /> � � Leudez is euthorla�d w collect aad�iy th9 im opfion,eithes to�rstoiatian or tepair of the Pmperty or w tha svms ,,;. <br /> secuted by thia Soc�uis.v r�°�••_,*�,*�ziir�i�tr a3 r��thss duo. ",`;' <br /> . '.L� �Y .1 shatl noi extmd or - <br /> , Unles� Ireader ed Sotroa;�:mi.��in cvritin8� �Y BPPlicatian of praceeds to p�cFp" s,.-" <br /> -_- - -- �s�9�i,o��us date af t�e m�n4h:3�r=!'+*=�w in paisgrapphs 1 andl 2 or cLeage the�roimt of mr�payairaits. _ _�-` <br /> ri�_ p agra <br /> -------�.` � �.,�.smRa Not Ytglessed;��ace BY L.ead�No!ra Ws�iec::Extens�oa or thv t�`�j,��i��s3i�ic�tiaa T �_t.�: <br /> - � of a��d�an of tha sums secucod by tl�is Socurity Insteumeat grannd by Laader m any s¢ccessor ia is��t of 8oaograr e1�11 �?'.�. <br /> � � noi o�r�s w relcase tho lisi��ity of the o�iginax Ecn�ower or Bormwer's saccsssoia ia Lendsr�:.1 aot be requicod to :,.�, <br /> m ` <br />� ' eommzaee procxedin8�against an3+suaxssor in igi�est or refuse W e�ctend tima for paymrat or otl�c..�-'v,�r�fY amoitization _`;:�;-. <br /> � - - { • of the sums sec�red by this Security Inshum�L•i'sy reason of aay demaa.d made by ths otig+n�+ B�+�r or Borrower's �=�. <br /> ' �' � aucces.go�s in Iateissi.Any forhearaaca by I.ender ia axe�ising any right or remedy sI�all a.rot ix u��Jr�nf or precluda the =- <br /> .-"r,.. e�ce�isa of any right or ramedy. '�:.c�ve�ts aad agroen�eat�of tLis _ <br /> . • • t�`�i' . it.Suooessois aad Assi��s .�,�'r-„�ad;p¢L�s3 aud Sevcral Liability,Co�sf�es• <br /> .:.�.,.:� <br /> . . . Security Iast�ua�t�Z b�d �fi i�-a;�t rhe r�ssors aa3 oasigos og E��'er au� Bor�wes. c�..r't J�er.t uo tha gmvisIona o <br /> • . : paesgtapb 17. Bo��'a'o covc���.3 a�� ahall ba joiat aad a�ec•al. Any Borrower�i�t�igns thie Sxauit}► <br /> . t.. . ti R � h' L,�..vment onl to mo ^3 and canvey t�t <br /> � • In..°t:ummt but dxs aoi axe�ita w.��7'.3: (a,•i..,��ina t.� Soewixy Y �- � <br /> Borm�cr s ffiLes+est in tho Prepecti`t�xr tha��r-..La 3f tbis�ty Ins�t;N)is aoi gtssonally o����*ated W gay�tse sum3 <br /> � • seam,odl 1:y t6€s Security Insteumtafi�ad(c)s8is'-S^:=ai Le�ez�.3 a�►other Borrowe=�sy 3�raa w ezt��,medifY,f+sri,u�r or <br /> ' � malce tay accommndatio�with ragard to the eeru��f tbis SeauitY�st�u�t or t�e Note without tbsCt Bu�wer'e c�aseat <br /> �' �3.Los�a Chs�Yes.If the losn secured bY tiun SeCwitY laataumsnt ie sinbject W a law which sct,�i�tim laan chatges� <br /> '� anfl that law is finaUy iaterpreted so that thA iaYerist or oihet loaa charge9 coll�os to be cflllac�3�:•�nnection with 4he <br /> � loan e�cceed the germitted limits.thm:(a)any auch loan chnrga slull be redusod by the rmouat nscessary w raluce the cl�arge <br /> � • + W the permitoed limit;aad(b)anY s�ms a1�dY collected from Eoaower aLich exce�ed Peimatted limits w�l be refimded w <br /> . �� Bonower. L�der may ehoose to milce this eofimd by reducing the principal awed under the Nore or by m�1Cin8 a d'uxt <br /> • '. . � prym�nt w Bo:rawea. If a:efvad redvices principal� the reducdon wW ba treated as s pattitl Fc'�=aYment cvithaut aay <br /> prepsyment charga u�i..�r the Nate. <br /> • � b4 Nottces.Asy notico to Barmwer p�vided for in tbie Secudty Iastiument ehall 6o givm by dellveiing it or hy m�tn8 <br /> � it by Sr.�r clase mW�mlcse applicsbl�s law ra�ire9 ure of eaat�r method.'Ibe aotica aL�lt P.rt d'uectal to the Propest�Addreas _ <br /> ' or any e'dter address Bormacr designates by aotiee W Les.'�. Any notlee w L�der c�be givea by fuet el��sail w <br /> � Leader'e sddres.v stated hexeia or any other add:ess Laider desi�by nofica to Borrower. Any aotice pravidal fot in thie <br /> Sc�crity Insbument el�sll he deemed to havo bxa�vm to Bormwes or Leader ahe�given as psovlded in tmis pungeaph. _ <br /> ' .,i��i: � RS.Goveirnin� I.�w; Sevarabilaty. 'I7�is Security Inshumeat shall be gavemed by fedenl law tnd the lsw of the ° <br /> . .� -�`''� juriEd%c�3an in whie��he Pmpeny is�he eveat�c any provisi�on or clau,e ef c�ie Se�vriry Iasavmeaa or ehe No�e ►.•__ <br /> ■ �e ..- <br /> confli,ots with applicable law,snch contlict ehall not affxt other provis�ons of this Securttq Lnstrurn�t or the Nota ahich caa be <br /> �;_ <br /> . � give.a effect witl�,tLe conflictiag pmvision.7°o thia end tho proviaioas of this Sec�rity Instrumeat and tha Idote are dazLred �;'_ <br /> ; to be eeveia�2.. �n: <br /> E�u,r?r-.n�u��'?:4:opy.Bonmver ehnll be g'oven one cnnformed cagy of the l�iox and o8 this Socurity Inst�um�� _F <br /> � Fartn�¢ZS � <br /> i19- 2185 `�-'� <br /> t�.:�: r�ao m o+e ur.� :�' <br /> : ��,?��IEI tas�• 11T044 °pp <br /> . s Y�;:: <br /> � .. �,�� . � _�. . : <br /> .� ':;...�.-. -:��7r�„;::::.+:�.,�.:;�.::s:���??t�' _ �- . ` . .. . �. _ <br /> . � .. . ` , . <br /> ' . � . • � � . • ,� <br /> � , . . : . � , . <br /> '� _ _ _ _. . <br /> ,, _ <br />