`�a::�4 .
<br /> – - __ .. . �- —
<br /> � ..
<br /> ` __. .. _. .--- --- � � ,
<br /> I
<br /> . . ; .��- i��i�►32
<br /> , s • 19.'�caa6Fer of Q�e P��etty or a�c�l Inie�si In Boatoa�r.If all ar any part of dsa Property or ai►y inseze�in iz
<br /> i a s o l d o r t e a n�f e r�o d(o t i f a b ffi sficial interast in Borroaer is sold or traa�fen+e3�EonoweY is not a auutal pe�on)aithaus ` •.
<br /> � H.en�af's prior wrltt,ea ccnsent, Erndrr msy. ai its opnon. re quue ima�diace PaY� in fi�ll of aIl eum9 secured by th�s
<br /> ' Sacurity Ia�umeat Flowever.this opfion s5all not ba exercise�by Le�der if axenise is probibited by fedcta]law as of the ds�
<br /> : of thie Securiry Inshuaxat
<br /> If Isadsr exesiaes this option,l.eadsr e�ll give Boirawea aotice of sc�esation.�I�O IIOhCC 9bSII g10V1dD a�fi0d Of IICt
<br /> � less t8nn 3fl daye from the date Hr.a aotico�s ddiverzd or ma�ed within whieh�o:rowu musi psy nll sums aecuied 1ry this
<br /> . ' j Security Lasitu�ent If Bon�wrt fa�s w pay thesa eum9 prior w the expirat�on of tbia g=rio�.E.�er may invoke aay rea�edies
<br /> . pcta�iuod bY this SeamtY In.-'i��mt�t arithout furthsr aoticx or ds�aand on Bo:mwer.
<br /> ' g8. Boreo�'s Rig�t3 to Yte3m..�at� If Borto�ver mEeta cermin conditions. 8on+ower s�all �ave the ri�ht to t�ave
<br /> � —. • � ea�for�tt of shis Suu�it3►Insitumeui discantiaued at aay 4imt pYior m the eazlier ot'. (a)S days(or�uh oiher�ie�se
<br /> �.� aant w aay power of r�+is canmiaed i� thia
<br /> IIPPlicabla Isia araY sgecifY for ni�+taYemsat) bafore sale of tha Properiy Puts`
<br /> Iw
<br /> Securnay Inst�msa�or N)entrY of a jud�t cnforcing this Sxcurity 1n�m��'l�ase conditions are thrs Borrower:(a?F$YS
<br /> . � Ieadet eII sums ahicla than wo�ld bo dua undet this Security Instevmeat an�tha Note as if no acoetererioxs�d eocu�re�:(6) .
<br /> cure3 a�r default of aay oi�ar c�s•ens�ta or egneemea4s:(a)PfiYe all e�s�iucune�ia cnforcing thia Sacurity Instnsmsat,
<br /> . I mcluding, bni aot limit�d ta,•*"r�'�lc attorae3r�'fs�sud(dj ta�iss sush eci�on as Lsuder ma3+ca�so�bly require w as�ure .
<br /> � that tha liea of thie Securiry Ins�:�.P�es's rig6le in the P�perty sasl Bormwer'n obligation w�ay the sums socuied by .
<br /> thia Socurity Inst�ument sLall cc-,.:s-�. •T"^ed. Ugon rein..`�iat,��at by 1_•ar.a^an:r. sbis �suraty Irstn�meat and the
<br /> obli�atioas secured herrby sl�ail m�f�l.t�ef��ivo ea if ao�ecele�a4ion had occiu:ed.However,tLis eght W reinsmLe shall ,.;,:
<br /> • •j not nppl�y in tka cas�of arcelern���:ader r.�.»�.^�h 17.
<br /> 19. Sale of Note�,,C�-�e�I.�n SeQVicer. '�.zy}�ete or a partigl inteaes't ia tha Note (wgtth�r with d�is SecuYiey
<br /> - In.st�umsai)may be so2d oae ar�e times withovt priar e��W Bora+orwar.A sate msy result in a change in tke�Lity(6mon�+n
<br /> as the'Loaa Stsvlces'7 th�tt collecta montbly psymonta dus uudet thz I�am aad thie Secutity inatwL�ee -lhsre Slso may be¢�*- . -
<br /> . .; or nnore c3iang�s af tYie Loa�a Sesvicer unisi�w a eata of ttu Nous.If t,iu�e is a c4�nge of the Lean S�vicer.Borro�ver vv�l�se ,
<br /> given writtea na wa of the r��in ssco.d��with patagtaph 14 clwve�d applicable lsw.'l�ruGs+e w�l atau tha name�E . -
<br /> :,j:�...;; address of ths aew Ioan Sesvicsr aad thx�to al4ich�te shouW be made.'Iha nfltice ar*f'also conmin saY othei .:.l
<br /> ��:,?€" b ]i�T.2Law.
<br /> �.,� information requiied Y aPP �� st�ra�e.or nlase of aay :
<br /> �`°t.-�r'.� ?A. Ha�3tdau� &t.�cs�s. $oss�z;r slsall noi cau5e or permit the psrseuce.use, . s -:--
<br /> o:<. •r.. ,rs o afFir;inQ tka �..�.-
<br /> _ �,�{i�Y ,_'�' Hanrdous Substsnees on or in ';`E Pt�y- �sorrower snait nvi w, � at�.,.. ���:.Y�:. 4��u, ���---o - _
<br /> . ;;�.: ,,,,z,,,n,ml Iaa. 11ie teceding twa se.nteaces shall aoi ac�tg-to the pnsens:e.uge, aT
<br /> . '- �':;�� pn�periY tLat is in violation of say� P '
<br /> :, l;:::a;>� � , sto�age on tMs perty of small quaatiti^c���lnas�dous Substances that are gznerally recogaiud es tx appropriate to aormal �,
<br /> - r�6a1 uges a�nd w maint��of ths r�..�:cy. ,..'
<br /> '%�`�' �osmwet sball pYamptly p:ee I.cader anitten no��cf aay iavesiip,ation,elsim.demand,laarsuit aa othzr�nn bY a�'
<br /> ^ :,,--
<br /> - _ - goc�ar•�mental or ngtilatory a"sm�'ur Pm+ate P�Y inda��-�:�3 the Propetly and any Aaardous Subs�ace or Faeaa�naattal Iaw •`:__=
<br /> �, of which Born�wa 1�acival E..:.awledge If Bormnes i�a.or i9 notified hy any govemmeutal er ssguleoor.%m�,�.��-.sity+that
<br /> •::=,
<br />