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.��._ . •.. , ' .fk'e�.S, <br /> i'i.', <br /> .. , � s` . .. - . .. . .'„�lev5 <br /> 1, - ' -_- "__..-_.__ 1 <br /> � . 99•�c��o�� . . <br /> • I , S. Hf�rar� ep Plropa� Iat�. BQrroae�ehall 1ce�p tha uaproves.�ats now wdsti�g or�srraR¢r eeected o�the . <br /> • � p��Y m�a8aia-`s las�by �ira,h�usds iacludQd within the isim extesc�Pd covarage•ead eny oxher fsarards, i�cluding <br /> • `j ftoods ot floodiag.fvs ahtch Leaider reguites instuaaoe.This insusaaca shill bss caintaiaed in ths a�ou�ts and for t�s pe:iods <br /> ' � tha3 Leasles rtquite�.�e in�tt4uce c�aticr providing tl�e inss�eance ahell be ctta�n by Borcavror su6ject to Y.eader'o a�spreval <br /> ' ! which a�ll aot be�m:rasonably arithheld. If Bonac+er fails w m�intain covange de�n'lsa�above. teadsr I.eader'e . <br /> ,. :, � ogiton�obtain covesge to pmtoci Ler.dtr'e right�ia tlm Pavgerty ia auand:nce with puagrapf�7. cisu�a. I.eadas <br /> . . ; All ensLr<*+�galicies aad reaewsls sball be sr.oe��le ta Le�der aad sh;ll iaclude a etandard mortga8e ,, .' <br /> � eh�ll hava the rig�t to hold tha palacies aad reaawsls.If Leade�requtre�,�orr��arer�haU pmmPtlY�ive to Leader all reoei�te of (' . <br /> . � paid piemiums Ead rac�a+al notiaes.In the eveat of loss.�omowar sh�ll givo pretnpt natice to tha insuraace cariier aad I.�eader. <br /> � � T,egdeg�ay m�aks proof of lo:,�if noi ffiada pmmptly by$�tsower. �`. <br /> __ - � Unless I�der aad Bormaer oshetvuise agrae ia vniting.insur�nce Proc�s�all ta ngpli�ta re��an or re�ir of the <br /> , • ` �P�Y�5�+if the n�toration or npa[r is acoaomically fas�'bio an�L�tder'8 6CC11lIlj1�S II9I ICS"sEIICd.If the rzstaiarion or <br /> i repair is nai ecaaom�IlY fe�'bla or L�ndsr'e securery aoutd be 1�,ttv3 insa�iaace proceedg s�1 b°aPP��to the suma <br /> � ' � cectsred by this SecurfltY Inst�umeni+whsthzr or aoi then due,with ei+Y exoe�paid to Bormwer. If Barp+ower a6aadonn tbe <br /> en <br /> .._. i Prepsrty,or dae�not aaswer widun 30 days a notico from Lendcr tbst the iasuaase carrier hPS offeied to settla s claim,th�s : <br /> Leader may coDl�t tha insivaaae prec�ds- Leadcr may use the pmcoeds w npair or reswra t�te Property or w pxy snms <br /> � od�wiII vvh�th��t�is g'�v�. � :, <br /> secueed by thie Sec�sy Insitumeat,whsiher or aat thm due.'i�e s0-day peri ��° �stiall not extend or _- � <br /> Unles3 Le�c[Er�d Earrower othe2wiae agt+ee in rnitmg.anY aPP�on of ptoc�e ro PrinsiP = <br /> . gost�oae the dwg da1�a`the mnntbly paymsnt�re f e m e d W in p a a s g r a p l�s 1 aad 2 or chmg+s the amount of tha gaym�ts.If , r;;-. <br /> - �sler�..,nsgcaph ZL C�r_�-:+operiy is acq�sired hy l��er.BosmwePa tight w any ia.sutaax pollsIes and pmcaeds r�saIt�ng&om � <br /> • d�t�dhe Prflpery prior to the ecquisition ahall pasa w I�a�er w the exteat of th�snm�secnre3 by cbis SecuritY Insi�umeat . .' . <br /> ! e ,_: <br /> � ? im�d.*`".,sely prior to tl�aoquisition. , :`_ <br /> . �,p�p�,,�tton,lV�in�and Prute�ion aF the Peaparty;Boramwe�'s Loan�lgpltcatton; •-.F� <br /> � � ,` �onower shall occuF3+s�9I8b�1&�ls�U86 I�C PtOiDEII}I 89�OlI01YC!'S p17IICl�IE91aEIIW W11t1III B�SiRY�}I8 8RCI tI10 67[LC11Li0D 0� '•': r <br /> e+e9idca�o for at least oae year aRer ` <br /> _ _'_i�.. u``i`-as�..�it�r I�!�^�rl3��L��rramy t}te�onrsty as BoiiovieT'e plincipsl ' <br /> ~''i„'� ' " tha�of occnpaa�l.unl�v Lr�isr otheia+ise agrces in writing, wLieh conswt e�aU noe bo uareasonahly wi�heid,os ua��v.v `.•,_� <br /> � ,; ,,.;� � �r• exi� �ich ace beyand Bormvr�r•e contcal. Basanwer ehnII aot dssiroy. dema8a or impair the . <br /> . .`�.�'. �.; ex*es�ng ci�umstances �y., <br /> :;•`•';�r. propeaty,allow 4tcs Prvpesty to��urio:ata,or commit w-�s om tho Pcope�.Bo�wer ehull be in default if any forfeitiue <br /> ' ,' � ;; sation os procae�'�, ahether civ�or criminsl,is beg�m t�xt in L,e�der's goad faitb judgmeat could result in forfeiUtt+e of the ;p-;;. <br /> - - - : Fea �r c�i�materially impair the lim cs+eated L-7 t�:;.3 S�uritY In�meat or Leader'e aecurity inte�rxL Soncwes may :.�;•. <br /> ...-..�: <br /> +� � � ,�, s L�3.,by csusing the sction op pmc�ding to be diemisscd with a niling 4^•"'"`;: <br /> cu�e�s��.��� Provided in paragra� as nth�n�':y.L �,• <br /> . tbat, i��.:..;_�':,�,4od faith determination, precludes farL�t�..�of the Bomower's inurest in the Preperty _---_ <br /> � i�pur�nt ef ciat»iai cnxted by Wis SecutiiY Insteumant or Le.ader's saurity interesL Bosowai shall ajso bs ilu u�r�.5.�-,:a� <br /> � � Bonower.dur�---��loan apptication proces.��sve materially f�lsa or inac�urato infom�ation o:smtem�.ata W L�u�(��a�."�.efi <br /> ' � .. to prrnrlde Lend..��:th any mateiisl inform�.'��)in connection witti the loan evideaced bY tha Noie.�:ualimg.but aoi limital _ <br /> to,r�s:sentatioa�oDncemlr�,,I3..�.^^�ver'a osx-.�ancy of the Property as a pria�3pal r�ider_ce.If thie S�urity InsOnunmt is on a =— <br /> ' , x�nth all the mvisiv�-.•.,, cf the lase. If Bon+o�ses mra�-�uinc9 fee tiEle to tk�. F*_�ooi4}+. tics — <br /> • ,• `. 1�.'�i.., Borxowar ehall c�.:� P <br /> �';���"� ° l�.�r:6�a::d s'�e f�Ntle sh�:T.��:Yazga unles�Leader��.�w the merger ia wrif�_ - <br /> .,`�' '�.L?�c':�'�a�?I.ead�rs L'�tfs[n�E'r�p�rf,y.�ff�?'ammower fails to psrform tim�:.-vmsats sr�c��•'.�taiaed in <br /> . .= �113�;ty t�*-s�t,or c�.�,_a a legnl P:�ceed'n8 et�.=%�a3+significantly affect?.e�+..der's np�ts�die ProgeriY(suah a9 a Y <br /> .. . • n¢` for coademnation or fa*.f.'��uo or to wfos+ce laRa:s regulatione), thea Isadar may do m� <br /> ' g'�v�-s::ag in banSauptcy p �Le+' -- <br /> , �•j,•;,; f.' G�,-,�ar whataver ia uocessaN ta I=�tect the valuo of the P�c;.erty anii I,eader'e ri�':��the Praperiy.L�der's actiona may _.� <br /> � iac��a paY�B �Y � � by a liea which Las priority over thie Secnrit� T.��nt, apparin8 ia as-�rst. PiY�B <br /> � , ,� �� reaqonable attomey�'fas and entering on th�Psopelty w malce�r.pai�.Althau,h Ler.�may ta3ces tetian under thia P�S�+Ph <br /> � 7,Leader doea not tuve w do so. _ <br /> ' Any amounta d3�burxd by Iradet�x� this paragraph 7 ehall become add��a�al debt a�T�rc+ower secutsd by this <br /> . . e,,,��,y rn=��,.�,� Unless I�c�rer and Le�der agres eo other tetm.g of paym�nt,l3r�r�u:?s ef�xll bear iat�sat from tho <br /> > c -- <br /> .`.��.' �cs diaburaemant et the 1�v�w�te aad sh�ll be pay�7a:�:aith interest, upan n�ti�,,c�Lender te Boimsc�;�quadn8 _ <br /> . �' � <br /> � w�Mort�agn P�stn'a�I�Ieader nq,u::ted mo�tgage insurance as a coadiden of malmrg tlu lom exund by thig Sacurit�r <br /> �(� Ias�:�snt,Borr�«res ehal!rv� '�e pnmium9 required io msiataia t�e mortgage insuraace in e£fx�If. fos aay rasan.the `± <br /> Ias <br /> ra��3a insuraace coveis��s�::sed by Lender lapses ar ceaqes 4o be in effact. Bomawer slvll psy tha pnmiu�e�cluira�� � <br /> � c[Fmi�a caversg�substu►tially c�qn'u::�alent to the mo�tgago iaswaace pmvIously 1n effoct r�a cost substantially c�u:.,�:e1;at to the C._ _ <br /> � = c,o�k W Bonower of the mortgtge ina�m-��r_p�eviovsly in effxt.from�a alteraa±e ms�t:,;sge insures iPPmved:.� Le�der.If .;_ <br /> . . :� subntintiaUy oquivalmt mortgr$e insut�sar,.�oaveiago ie aot available.Boaav�tr ehall�53+to Lead�e�h moath a aum equil to ��:_:. <br /> rinti Qr�� <br /> . � a�a-tae7fth of the yeuly mo�g�go ia.YUraa�rc�emium being paid by Borrower ahea 4�e in.,�ur�ace covemge Lp9cd _ <br /> � S�in effect.Leadet wi1D accepi,use and retain these paymsaL��s s loss ceseave in li�s mf mortg,�ge Insur�aco. l.oss resetve '- <br /> � �� � ('xscun 802b f�j0 - <br /> ' � 114- 2185 <br /> � � ��Rti�la2�si.o� LT044 s+a.9o+s �rr.y.: p <br /> �j,I � <br /> ., . . . •9 b. .. <br /> • . ` . .. . . .. '-'--. -. ....1.�r . . • �";. ' .. . ' <br /> . '..j;�� . . , . <br /> ';, , <br /> 5. . . . . . <br /> � � , . �, I• . . . <br /> ' � ' — - <br /> ,t � _ _ `.�t <br />