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� • � �v_ -+a� - i`x`• __. . - __ _ _ .._._.�_._.�—_._ _._'—_____...' _. _. .. . � . ._� <br /> i <br /> , ' " ���1.0��� RIGINA►L � _ '.. <br /> , � � ; . <br /> ' � • 6. eccupancy, Preservatloa, Malnte�nce aad Proiectton of the Progerts, Borrow�'s Laan.Appltcatton; � <br /> ' ' � E,ease�!ds. �flrrauver shall o�upy,establis�,aud us2 the Pcogerty as Bflrmwer's priacipal cesidence within siaty days <br /> after�he execution of this Seswiry[nsuument and shall contlnue to nccupy the Properry as Borror�er's principal nsidence � <br /> � for at least one year after the dnte of occtipancy.ualess I.ender otherwiss a�rrees in writing. which consent shall not bs • <br /> unreasonably withheld,or unkss extenuating ciccumstaaces exist vrLich ar�beyond Boaawer's conuol. Barrdwer shall <br /> , `. ..� rtot destroy,damage or impair the Property,allaw tke Pcoperty to deteriorate.or wmmit wate on the Progerty. Borrower ; <br /> , shall ba in default if any forfeiture as:ion or pmceeding,whether civil or criminal,is begun[uat ia l.eader's gocd faith <br /> ; judgnasnt wuld resulc in forfeiture of the Propr.rcy or othervrira materially impair tlze lien created by this SECUriry <br /> - : •�! [nsnniment ar[xnder's securiry int�rest. Barrower may cure such a defanle and provided in paragraph 18,by <br /> . .� . • cavsing the astion or proceeding to bz dismissed with a ruling that. in 1�ender's goad faith determination. precludes ` <br /> forfeiture of the Borrower's interest ia the Pmperty or other material impairment of the lien created by this Securiry <br /> _ ' � • Instrument or Leader's securiry interest. Bflaower shaU also tse in default If Borrower, during the loan application : `�: <br /> . . . •: _ process, gave mazerially false or iaaccurate informatioa or scstements to Lender(or failcd to pmvids I.ender with any �v_°. <br /> material informarion)in connection with the loan evidenvsd by the Note, including, but not lunited to,cepresen•.ations ������=� <br /> concerni�g Borrov�er's occupa�cy of the Progerty as a pria�ipal residence. If this Security Insuwnent is on a teasehold, "�` <br /> Borrov�er sha12 comply with all th�provisians of the lease. If Borrov�er acquires f�atL:to the Prop�rty.the leasehold ansi = <br /> the fee titt�shal2 noi�erge ualc�s Lender a�aes to the me.�zr in writing• `;�;� <br /> �_ 7. Fe��a�o�l�av�'s R1gh�ts is�the Pt�oper�.�_ If B�-r�a,zr�_•.".s t3 get'3.rm the cot;:�ats aad agr...°ments C ,.__ . <br /> . - : = contained in;�is 5�:.-iry t,��m,-�,c,oz t°�~•:e'ss a lega?prac�..3;i�:hat ma} si�nificanfly ��Lztd�r's rig`.ss in the I':�°:"� <br /> '.�, ProgertY (such as a pro:,ee:i�g in��'�ate,.`�.coacz�ation or f��;e�:.:r��.t��`.ara°IaR�s or re,�tarians). 1. ,�-` <br /> ;' tlu�Lender ma} ���:.�yay fcr g�edei is n�ss3.�to prc:act the va1Le c���:F.;.•Per.S'd.d Len�:'s rights in the , - <br /> - = a _.....e� • > ti=,�, ,��.,. � n rytit�; mar thi3 Secuti �: <br /> _ _`� �rr�.erry. Ler��s nCII:.:J i�>a� i:r.�.:.:.. Pa}i�g �y �� s.a.u.,., �; _ ....._ __i� � �r t}' ,` o <br /> ;•. � Irsbruu:ent,a�t+e��=g in caurt,PaYing r�..�ona�le attomeys'fees ar.�enteriLg an tte F:�perry to�ake re��a:rs_ A9iho::,gfi �`�•�:��T <br /> • � � L�Cer may �c�e.�ion under this patagr�3 �',Lender does aoa have z�d�so. ,� <br />. . ---...._ Any uno°�disbursed by Leader ur.��this paragtaph 7 shall L+�nse additional debt of Borrs�er secured by this ��,:`---. <br /> � �.-- <br /> _, ',� S�curity Insuusaent. UNess Borrower and Lender agee to other terms of payment,these amount�shall bear mtsrest from <br /> • t�e date of disbursemeat at the Note rate and shall be payable,arith inu�rest, upon notice from I.ender to Borrov�er ���° <br /> ' requesting payu�ent. <br />