<br /> • ' ' ' - - ' . � • . �� . .l
<br /> , . , •
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<br /> � . . � < . . . .. � .. '- • �._ ....:__'i�4``."
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<br /> � . : , 99� �o����
<br /> � � �1 }: .
<br /> . ,
<br /> � 13. Loan Charges. If the loan secured by this SECUrity lnsnvment is subject to a law which sets maaimura loan ��,
<br /> ' . chazges. and that lacv is finally inte�preted so that the iaterest or other loan charges callccted or to be collerted in •
<br /> � conneaion�vitb the loan exoeed the germitted luaiu, then: <a)any such loan charge shall he reduced by the ainount
<br /> necessary ro reduce the charge to c,�e permitted limit:aad(b)aay sums already coAectefl fmm BoTTawer which exc.$2de�
<br /> ` � � pernritted limiu wtll be rzfunded to Boaovrer. Lender may chaose w make this refund by reducing tlie principal oK�ad �
<br /> - - - undsr the Note or by malang a ditect payment to Borrower. If a refuad reduces principal,the reductiun will he treated as a
<br /> y- partial prepayment withaat anY P�PaY��t charge�asler the 2+lote• --.
<br /> - -' �`� 14. Dlottces. Any notice to Borrower provided for ia tttis Securiry►asuuraent shail he given by delivering it or by _
<br /> - mailing it by first ciass mail unless applicable law requires use of aaot'�er method. The natice shall h$direrted to thc :
<br /> � ' property Address or any other addiess Hormv�er designates by noticc ro Lender. A�+notice to L.eader shall bz givan by , �
<br /> � � fust class mail to Lsnder's atldress stated hereia ar any other address I.ender destgnates by notice to Borrower. Any notir.e ' _,�_,-=
<br /> - pmvided for in this��curity Instrument shall be d�ned to have been given to�ar�amwer ar Lender whcn gives as provid�in �._�:��,_°.
<br /> ..; � ttus paragraph. ';."',:`
<br /> �,� 1S. Goveraiasg I.��v;Sev��u`t�:y. This Securiry Iastn�Ent shsi:l�$goveraed b�fetie�al law�d the law af ttr� �S=J`�,+'•-
<br /> S 1.
<br /> �G"?� ��a s ;� :s:x7sed. In the event that�:.�,;prc�-'ssi�n or clawsc of diis Szcurity ��meht ar ths s",�' .
<br /> �p J11tISa1Cti0A 121�i_....L IuE'PCJj3 _ —
<br /> �;zr
<br /> � Note cc-.".ic°w�:�agp3�szble i�, su:�c^aflict�.�=`1 noi aff�ct c'�r:zr p���siax�s of this Secutiry Insm�:2 ar ttis:��.�e `:�i .
<br /> �sz
<br /> , ' . • `:,. °°.�;;. �w,:oII. �'a:::s��:z r�isions of this�ec�rity Insts�.�.:�3�e ��u _
<br /> `+'.�;��a R'��;»�'.raa b2 D:e En�_`:e..�t wi2h0u[�h8 ca---�-:,�y-� p '�'•'---
<br /> . . ��:=+1 3�.�:��e�e�?��r�be seti•e:�ie. "
<br /> �., '�� le. Borrer.�a's 2��y. Bo.��:���r shail�e�vea one conformed copy of the Note and of this Security insuu�r�t. ��r��
<br /> ' of the Pra or�t� ,..`, -
<br /> - . •�'_-� 17. itransfea�of�e t'rroperiy or e S���ciai;iiu�°:oi i��,-.�.;:F:. If alt or:mY P� �' �;�
<br />"' interest ia it is sold or transferre� (or if a benef cial interest in Bomower is sold or uansferred and Bflrroiver is not a :
<br /> , ;� � natural person)without l,ender's prior written wnsent,Leader may.at its option,requit+e immediate payment ia fWl of all �-
<br /> v e r t h i s o t i o n s h a l l n o t b e e x eni t�d b y Lender if exercise is prohibitctl by �4�----�
<br /> . ,... �.p sums s.cured by tbis Ser.urity Instn�ment Howe , P _
<br /> ' � 7 federal law as of the date of this Security Iasmiment• :-
<br /> , � If Lender exercises this option,Lender shaU give Borrower notice of acreleration. The aatice shall provide a period of = -
<br /> �+ '; not tess than 30 days from the date the u�tice is delivered or mailed within whi c h Boaower must gay sill sums secaire0 by
<br /> � u
<br /> �. : �.�.��' this Securiry Insirument. If Boaower fails to pay these sums prlor to the expiration of thIa gerted.Lender may invoke any =
<br /> . . rernedies permitted by thls Secudty Instcument without funh�r notise or demaad on Bon�uwer. --- -
<br /> � 18. Borrower's Righi to Retnstate. If Bonower meeta certain candit[ons,8orro�var suNl have the right to hove -
<br /> � � �, eaforcement of this Seruriry InstcuRtent discantinued at aay time prFor W the earlier of:(a)S days(or such other perlod aa _—_
<br /> . applicable lae�may spectfy far ninstatement)before sale of the Propesty pursuant to any�SOwer of eale containEd in[hia �P
<br /> � . �, Sesurlqr Instrumcnt;or(b)entry of a judgmerst enforcing this SecurIry Instrumeat• 't'hose conditions are that Borrow�r:(a) �-=_
<br /> pays I.ender all sums which then would be due under this SQCUriry instrwnent and tha Note a�if ao acceleractan hP.d
<br /> • , �� occurred; (b)cures any default of any other covenanta or agreements:(R)puys all exgenses lacurred in enforcing thia _�
<br /> � '}� S$curity Insmimsnt,including,but not limited to, reasoAable attomeys' fe$s;and(d)talces such action as Leader mfay
<br /> , ' � reasonably require to assure that the lien of this Securiry Insuument, Lendor's ri�hts in thc Properry aa�d Bomotives's
<br /> � obligation to pay tbe swns secured by this Securiry Inssrum.nt shall continua unchanged• Ugon rei�.statemEnt by
<br /> Bono�ver.tlus Securfir,�Instrument and the obiiga�ions secured hereby shnll ram�a fully effe�tive a^.if uo a.cceletation had
<br /> • occucred.However,�iis ri�t to reinsiate shafl nai apply in the case of zccel�rration under paragraph 17.
<br /> � 14. Sale oY�;ate;Cduage oY Luan ServEr�a. 'fhe Note or a partiul intenest in the Nate{togetker with this SECUrity
<br /> Instra:�sa�t)may b°sold one or uiore times without priar notfee to Homower. A sale may result in a change in tha entiiy
<br /> � . (1m�;.,�a;�e"i�an Sen+icxr")that wllects�onthly payments dus under We Nota and thy.Seauriry insmiment• 7'heie
<br /> � also taay be Q::���aTe changes of the Loan Sarvicer uruelated to a sal�of th6 Note. U�r,�ere is a c�aa8e of the Losn
<br /> ' ' • Serviser,�on��•7���y:11 be�iven written nati;.s af the chajsge in accardaace�vith p�ua�,naph 14 aBcve aad applicable la�v.
<br /> 'F"", . ; �:� .' 1'he notic�will s:.�t.�,�,: nante and addmss a*�new Lflan Servicer and tha acidtess w whi�h ga-;::��j :ls�auld be made. -
<br /> The notice will a:.:=��tain any aa�er infora�arion required by appllcable tativ.
<br /> ; . 1A, Hazar�.��s 5nbstar.c�. Borrower shall not cause or pemut the presene�,vcc,Wisgosal,s:o;age,or release of
<br /> � • any Hazardous 5�:,��:�::Lcxs on or in the Propeny. Boaower shall not do,nor allo�v�,��as elEe w do,anything affecting
<br /> . . s
<br /> . the Property th�.=�=.�violation of any Envimrunental Law. The prerxding t�u.n sentences shall not apply to the pre5ee o�
<br /> ' � �- use,or stonge o���s?roperty of small quantitie3 of Hazardous SubstAnr.e�that fue generallY recoF�ized to be approp'
<br /> normal residentiai uses and to maintenance of the Properry.
<br /> �� �arrower shall promptly give Lender written notice dff auy invastigation,clnim,dzmand,lawsuit or ather acdnn by —
<br /> ��"�`• � any govemmental or regulatory agency or private par:�r involving th� Property anfl auY Hazardaus Subsia�ce or
<br /> �• Environmental l.aw of which BorYOwer has Zctual3mowledge. ]f Eorrow-er learns,or Io aotified by any govemmental or
<br /> ,�� £ regulatory author[ty,that any mmoval or other remadiation of any Haz�rdauo 5ubstnnce uffectiag the FtvpertY is neoessary, _--
<br /> ' a Bonower shall promptly take all neressaq+reme�ial aaions in�c�fdancc avith Envirnnmeatol Law• -
<br /> � . k As used in th�s paragrRpb Z0,'Haaardous Subsianses"are those substnnces define�t as mxic or hazardous substances by ���1-
<br /> Environmental l.aw aynd the following substances:gasaline,kerosene.other flvnmable�7 tonic petrolewn products.touic G___
<br /> '� pesticides and herbicldes.volutile solvents.materials containing asbestos or fomuildebyde,and radioactive materials. As =,_
<br /> � +�- used in this para�mph 4�. "F�vironmental Laur"means f�eral laws an�t la►vL oY thv jurlcdictton where the Propsrty ls __
<br /> � � located that relate to hQalth,safety or environmental protection. i�'�-
<br /> � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender funher cavununt nnd��ee as follows: ��;__
<br /> � � Zl. Acceleratinn;Remedies. Lcader shall pive natice to Borrower prtar to uceeleratton faltuwtng Barro3ver's _
<br /> ' '� breacb of any covenant or agreemeiat ta thts�ecwity instrvment(but no!prlor to noseleratIon uader paragrapb 17 -
<br /> at
<br /> - anless applicnble law provtdes oiherwLse). The uoticc sh�ll speciiy: (a)the default;(b)the astioa required to cure _
<br /> the defanit;(c)m dxte,noi lesv than30 days tmm the date the no2lce fs Ptven to Bon�a�ver,by whicb the deisult musi be
<br /> . s�re�;uad�that fallure to cure the delauit on or before the date speciliQd in the notic��oy�wc m$�e�non oi
<br /> � � � the s�s a�urerl by this Security Iastr+�me�►t and sale of ibe Property. 'I�e nottc�e sUall ttuttter tnform Borrower of
<br /> th$rtght to reinsiate aiter aaeleaution nn�the rlght to bring o wurt sction to nssrs4 titc non-existence of e dFlaul3 or
<br /> any other defe�o oP Boru»�ver to acceterntton aad sale. di the defuult ts uot cwul an ar Itefare the date spPCitied in .
<br /> the noitse� 1L�dE:• at its oplfon may r�zquiae imme�?iate �yuaeat In iuU oP all numa �etw+e� by this Sfcur[ty
<br /> Ins4nament wCti�a�C f�ther aetnaa�anrl may Invoke the pair¢� �i" sale and nny otucr remedies ptrmitted by
<br /> . .. applicable laca. ;�Jer§daail be entitl�l to collect a0 expenses�.'�c�in pum�dnit uie r�me�Ies pT°vtdetl in this
<br /> _ . . .. � F�W;ruph 29, i�.�ludtng,9z:.-2 not Itmited to,reasona'�^_:�.�rneys'�e:�sadavstfl of Ntic evideace. ,
<br /> ' , i�mm 372(l 4 C� fFagt4 01 S pagrJ)
<br /> •-,="_" " , '
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<br /> - � • ,
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