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<br /> � , UNIFORM COVENANTS. Botrower and Lender oovenant and ag�ee tLS follows:
<br /> � � 1. Praymeat ot Ptln�tpal aad Iatea�,st;Pre�aymPatand Late C�arges. Horrower shall promptly pay when due the
<br /> • • principal of and inter�t on the debt evideaced by the Note and any prepayment and late charges due under che Note.
<br /> ' 2. �ds fo�Texes aadIasur�nse.Subjeat to appiicabte la�v or to a written waiver by Lender.Barro�ver shall pay ro
<br /> � Leadsr oa the day taoathly payments ara dus under the Note,unt'sl the Note is paid in full.a sum('Funds")for:(a)yeaaly
<br /> - .•� . taxes and assessmenu whicb may attaia prioriry over tbis S�uriry[nsttumaat as a lien on the Propsrty;(bj yesrly leasehold
<br /> _ ' . • y payments or gmund rents on the Property> if anY: (c)Yearly haa.ard or PragErtY inswarice premiums: td)Yearly flaud
<br /> . � ._., --"' � insurance premiums,if aay;(e)yeariy mortgage insurance premiums, ii any; sud(�any sums payable by Eorrower to �' `
<br /> ^. �,, L,ender,in accordance with the provisiens of pazagaph 8,in lieu of the paym�nt of monga�e iasurance premiums• 'fhese
<br /> �� items are c�lled"F.�crow Items.' Lender may.at any tima,collect aad hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the maximum
<br /> amount a lender for a federaily related mort�age loan may require for Borrower's escrow acoount under the federal Real a��.
<br /> . . Fstate Settlement Pracedures Act of 1974 as antenti�from tim�to time, 12 U.S.C. §2E01 et seq. ('RESPA"),unless �-
<br /> ` another law that applies to the Funds seu a IessQr amoun� If so,Ixnder cnay,at any time,coAect aad hotd Funds in aa _ _
<br /> � amount not to excexd tbe lesssr amount. Lender may es�nate ttce amount of Funds due on the basis of current data and —
<br /> � • . reasanable estimate.g of expenditures of�tuture Fscraw Items ot othetwise in ar,rArdance aieh aPplicable laiv. _
<br /> � The�unds shatl9sP held in an institurian whose deposits are insured by a fadezal agency, insuumEntaliry,or eatiry
<br /> � . (includiag Lender,if Lsnder is sush�insritutioa)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. L ea�2c shall apply the Fur.d�ta ___
<br /> - �. 4 pay the Escrow Ite�s. Tinader m�y c�:charge Bo�r¢wer for hold'nng and applying tae Fuads,4:aally analyziag che essr�ow --
<br /> '; � i a c c o u n t,o r v e ri f!r:�'�:e F s c ro w L'�s, u n l e s s'J�c:e r p a y s f i�:!o w e r i n t e r�':a n t h e F u a s and a p plica�le Iaw p e r ffi its
<br /> _V�T=,—_ -.�.; Le�der t•�ma��s_;:�a sha.be. i=�wxc.r,Len:w my�y r�-._:.�°=�.:::ower tc��a cne-ti��.-gc Cor a�i�degendent zal =
<br /> '�';`; :fx s� ,+ �'�._e:�x re�a-t�g servict�:s�:�y Iza3:r ia ca:.�iion w�.r:�:s losn,r.Y:�s apvl:�b:e'_ar�pr�.�,.des otherwise. Unless� .�,
<br /> ''''` � ---e�-�teL:s ma:z nr�'.4'.:�.�,r ��i.::.-PS?*.a ba a:C,:..�cd.,s�:'�ci��*zr•.,_.�:0�3j BOTCOWCP 2II}r III:2;�25i OT .
<br /> , t �, � w� : �`... � �-- � ,
<br /> r., •- ��.'�..��,�,. ear�iz;;�.�L'�e F�.-ds. �-r�-�tmd ixn�°':�ay a��in urri'+��. �a��ti�.xha i.;e,�,-t sha:I te gaid oa the Ft-.i;s. _.
<br /> '�s':�:.;.:. ', '' { Lender shall give tz Bcrca•er,�::��nt ch���,an aun:�a�vn�g e:t,`_s�un�.sho�s�cre�:s��1zb�t�t'�2 F�s ___
<br />-;,�'•�;,;,` ; 's�`�� j and the pvrpose for�-�'.:a eash�:,bit zc t�:F::ans�as a.�e. Ts�Funds a•�pled�a:a�ad3i�e::a:sz..°urit}�°�z all s�s _
<br />;::u;,�;�•
<br />-:��,,,i : :,.'. se�ured by this Security Insuum�:. —
<br /> • If the Funds held by I.ender exc�d she�;��..��.��u�ti to be held by agplica�;�law.Lenrles s..�:acca�mt to -
<br /> Borrower for the excess Funds in aocordance wit�i t�=requirements of applicable law. If the�scount of eh.,a cimds held by
<br />_ c :� l.ender at any time is uot sufficient to pay the Escraw Items when due,Ixnder may so notify Borrower in�,�ricing,and,in
<br /> such case Borrower shail pay to T.ender the amount necessary to make up the deficlency. Borrower shall rnake up the
<br /> l e fi c i a n c y i n n o m o r e t h a a t v�e i v e m o n t h l y p a y r n e n t s,a t I.e n d e r's s o!e d i s c r e t i o n.
<br /> ' . � � Upon payment in full of all sums s�cured by thls Securiry instcument.I.euder shall prompAy refund to Borrower any `
<br /> � Funds hetd by Lender. If,uader paragrap h 2 t,L e nder shall acquire or sell the Pro p e r t y.Lender.pr�or to the s�quisition or
<br /> sale of the Property.shall apply any Fuads held by l.ender at the dane of asquisition or sale as a credit against the sums
<br /> • s�ured by[his SQS:urlry lnstrument.
<br /> . ' . 3. Applicatlon o?Paymetns. Unless appllcable law provides otherwise.all payments received by Lender und�er
<br /> , , pamgraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied: first,to any prepayment ch�ges due under the Note;serond.to amounts payable
<br /> ' undu parageaph 2;third,to interest due;fourth�w principal due;antl last,to any lau chazges due ander tde NoLs.
<br /> 4. Charges;Llens. Borrower shall pay ull taaes.assessments,chargee!3, fiaes and impositions atuibutable to the
<br /> � Praperty which may attain priotity over this Seturity Instrument, and leasehold payr�ents or gmund rents. if any.
<br /> • Borrower shall pay these obligations in che mannEr prov:Qed in paragrapb 2,or if not paid in thai manner.Boreower sLall
<br /> pay them on time dinzctly to tae persfla owed payment. Borrower shuU prompdy fumtsh to Lendsr all nodces of maounu�eo be
<br /> ..'� ' pa�d under this paragraph. If Borrower makes these payments dizectly,Borrawer shall promptiy furnish to Lender rcx�ipts
<br /> , � . evideacing the payments.
<br /> ��---;:•��.. '`•.. B�rcower shall pmmptly discharge aay licn which hzs prioriry over this Securiry ���:�e�t�:s Boaower: �.tu
<br /> �"�-�•'�' '� agre�.s in writing to the paymeat of the obligatian secur�by the lien in a ma�er accepta�rx t��.end.r.C'�a:,rontests ia goa:
<br /> -` � � faith the lien by,or defends against enforcement of the lien ia,legal proceedi�.,s which i�t`_.]xndet's c;inion opetate to
<br /> .�'. � pc�veat the enforcem�nt of the lis�; or(c) s� from the holder of the lien aa �.�—�._.ent satisfactory to Lender
<br /> a
<br /> . __�.',.; sulsorct:nating the lien to this Secu�ic�r insuument. If Lender determines tbat any part aL i3s4:�:operry is subject to�i:.n
<br /> wtaic�nsay attain prlority over t�is Seruriry Iasuument,Lender may give Borrower a aatt.x�ui�.:'.fying the lien. Bomrr,cs:
<br /> ' � • shall satisfy the lien or take oae or raore of t1�2�rr.ons�et fort�above within 10 daya of t:�:e 6:ving of r.��ce.
<br /> � g, H�xr pmp¢Ky Insuranse.Bu����shall keep the improvements now esisting or he:�J`iz:r:rected on the
<br /> =•=��"'"�'" Praperty insured against loss by fire. ha�:�ic�.luded wit.�the tzrm 'extended coverage" aad au.l �sher hazards,
<br /> _+�' '�' iacluding ftoods or flooding,fop which LendeT r'.,s�►inzs in�vr�x. 7'his iasutanse shall be maiatained iz��.e aTnounts and
<br /> y-����� fos the periads that Lender requires. The insurance carrier providiag the insurance ahall be chosen by Bonower subject to
<br /> ��. � • ' � Lender's approval which shall not be unre�onably withheld. If Boaower fails to maintain coverage described nbove,
<br /> # Lender may,at Le-.�sr's option.obtain coverage to protett Lender's rights in the Property in accordaa�e with P�&�Pb�•
<br /> ' " � t A11 insurance golicies and rene�vals shnll be asreptable to l.ender and shall include a standard martgage clause.
<br /> ,�s Lender shsill have the right to hold the pollcies and renewals. lf Lender requites,Borrower shall pmmptly give to Lender
<br /> Z. a l l r c o e�pts o f p a i d pr e m i u m s a n d r e a o w a l n a t i c e s. i n t h e e v e n t o f loss.Boaotiver shall give prnm pt notice to the insurance
<br /> �- . carrier and Lender. Lender may make proof of loss if aot madt promptly by Borrower.
<br /> � t.. Unless l.ender and Borrower otherwise agree in wrltjng,iitsurauce proceeds shall be applied to restoration oT reps�ir of
<br /> the Properry damaged. if the restormion or repuir is ecaaomically feasible and Lender's secwiry is not less$ned. If the _
<br /> . . . � res±oration or repair is not economically feasible or i.ender's secur�ry would be lessened,the insurance proceeds shall t�e =
<br /> :� applied tfl the sums secured by this Securlty Instrument, whether or nnt then Que.with sny excess paid to Borrower. If e
<br /> i Bonowet abandons the Pcoperry.or does not answer within 30 days a notice fmm I.eader that the insurancs cattiet has a
<br /> , � ° offered to setde a claim,then Lender may wllest the insurancs proceeds. Lender may use the procee�ls to repa�r ot restore q
<br /> . � the Properry or to pay sums secured by this 5ecuriry [astniment.whether or not then du� The 30�day period vuiQ begin �
<br /> � ' when the notice is given. �'
<br /> � � ' Unless Lender and Borrower otherv�is$a�ree in writin�,any appllcution of pmces�s to priacipal shtili not extead or t
<br /> • pastpone the due date of the munthly payments refened to ia paragrapha 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments. if '-
<br /> urider paragrzph 21 the Prog�J:s zcquired by Lender,�oirower's rip,ltt to any insurance policles and pmceeds resulting �
<br /> � from damage to rl�,Progerry�,r:c:�a c�E�-,.',:.'.�ition shal!�a:r:to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this S�sriry �.
<br /> ' �� lasm;ment in:-.3"'.r_.�.=11 Pr_sr:,�c:::Z��,�`�ic�ix.. t �
<br /> �
<br /> �
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