��_�r_�'S �. � r>=- .f'<�..- ' ---s-.- ,--;_ ��
<br /> .r�, ,�,��.,--�,'_ . . : . -.,.. T— - . .
<br /> �* .
<br /> �. � • .. � _ . ` _ . i'dc _
<br /> . ,�o `.: ( �� ' .x.�:. . ,..ia.�=.nar^yy',h.,�,a :,� . . . ' �.`. -� .b�'`,a--- .��c_
<br /> - � ��;�`S�. - - � �.�_. -� �ra�-�-.
<br /> � __-
<br /> � 17.Truasfer of fltz P�'opertY or a Tdeaxfic€al Tn4er�i�Borr°ever.If all or any part of the PropertY or any interest in it M
<br /> .�
<br /> � is sold or tmnsferred(or if a heneficial interest in Borroweris solu���i�poY��n°.ne���aFta������y��i§
<br /> . . . �.c:nder's prior �vritcen consent. Lender may. 8I [f5 OpLtOA. rey ' � _
<br /> ' ." Security Inswment.HoweveT,this option shall not be exercised by LendPr if exercise is prohibited by federal la�v as of the da2e �
<br /> of this Security Instrumznt.
<br /> if l.ender exenises this oprian.Lender shall give fiarro�wer notice of aoceleraticen.The notice shall provide a periad of rtat _
<br /> ,? (ess than 30 days from tlie date the nouce is delivered or m�iled �3+ithin a+hich Bo�Wer must pay all sums secured by this �__
<br /> ' �ecwity insirument.If Borrower faifs to pay these sums prior to the eapiratiun of this pEriod.Lender rtay invoke any remedies `
<br />_ °, �, permitted by this Security Insmimant without further noticeor demand on B�rrower.
<br /> -,� �&. 89��y�,s �{� 40 ����¢, If gflrrovrer�rteets certain conditions. Borrower shali have the right to have `_
<br /> . �' enforcement of this Sscurity Insn�usnent discontinued at any time prior to the earlies of: (a)3 days (ur sucfi uther period as �s�
<br /> �� a licable law may sg�ify for reinstate�nt)before sale of the Frupei'tY pursuant to any po��er of sale contained in chis �__
<br /> •"� ��. pS�urity instrument:or lb)entry of a judgment enforcing this 5ecur►t3+Instrument.Those conditions are that Borrower.(a)pays o
<br />,_� LendeT all sums which then would tse due iuidet this Secucity Ins�ntn►e�►�and the Note as ii no�oceleration had occurred: (b)
<br /> cums any defautt of any oiher covenants or agreements; (c) pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Secwity Instrument.
<br /> - incl¢ding,but noi timited to, reasoaable attoraeys' fees; and fd)takes such acnan as Lender may rezsonablY*e9uire to assure
<br /> ,�'�� that the lien of this Securiry Instrument, Lender s rights in tfze Proper:y arcd Burrower s obligation to pay the sums secured by
<br /> this Secwity Insuunce:►t shall oontinue un+changed. U�oa reinstatement by �orrower, this Se.cunry Insinur►ent and the
<br />�,�; '�• obligations secured hereby shall remain fuUy effeMive as if no acceletarion hzd o+xum�• I�owever.this right to reinstate shall
<br />;;;..�:.: not apply in the case of acoeler�tian under paragaph 17.
<br />'�-¢�--- 19. Sale of Noie; ��� m��Sa �fl�'• The Hote or a partial interest in the Note (cogether v�ith this SecwitJl
<br /> -�_�-�� ���a�ar��c without priar notice co�sraW�g•A sale may result in a chan�e in the entity(tutown
<br /> " fnsuumem)rrray -
<br />�-=;:��'�� as the^Loan Servicef")that oollects montlily payrnenu due undsr the Not���S�nty ttn���t.There slso maY a AT1e
<br /> _- .,�::� or mom changes of the Laan S�nrtcer unrelataJ to a sale af t1i��N 4�ove a.3 appl'tcable Iaw�The otic°Nw�11 stat the name and
<br /> "- � given written notice of the chan�e in accordance with FaraS�
<br />'�T;.�� �d�,�c:f the new Loan Sen+i�r::�4he address to wiuch parnnents should�e made.'L'_*�notice:vill also cuntain any other
<br />'�1�-F� information required by appII�4:la.;u.
<br /> ;� Z0. Ha�arda'� Substar'.m�e �urrower s'�all not cause ���emut the presenct. nse. 3ispasal. nars;e. or re'.w.,ti;of any
<br /> �:�::� Hazardous Subst2s� �n or in -r,e propeny. 3orrower shall not do. -v�,��enten�shall not apF�.+ ir the pn��ce, usgP.or
<br /> --" property that is in::r,�t�ion cf:,r� Enviconniental iaw.The preced'ng: �`�7��1 � to be appmpriate to numaal
<br /> �_'�`�'� stotage on the Prog.-::�of�.I.i�u=ntities of Hazardous Substances chz=:-'�� Y ��
<br />='�__�� residan6ai uses and e�-^ai������f the Property
<br /> ---'� Borrower shh_'�,;.z��t: ���z��er wntten notice of any invesiit_a•.�.cla`-'�-�and•lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> �� govemmental or r..�ti:�-�ry���Y�T Pn��P�Y snvolving the Propert'• •a.'anY Ha�::�d°�Substance or Envitonmental I-aw
<br /> - - of which Borro�v���.��.ztixual knowledge. Jf Bonower leams.or is noti��s:��anY�°Ae��B��t��l pmlmpi,y�4ake
<br />'m:=�� any n�tmval or oth�:-�r ''��'=on of any Hazardous Substanc�affecting�u� P�Y
<br /> __ � al!necessary remedial actions i;...axordance with Environmental Law.
<br /> _— As used in this paragry�►;.��. "Hazardous Substanc�"'�i4wrosene u other flammable ortwxic peaal�eum� pn�� toxic
<br /> Environmental Law and ttt� �=f:!�tving substanCes: gasolirs::.
<br />—=_ pesticidrs and herb'_�=�.ronme�rtal�l.aw"��rtsnf�eral laws and aws�f the}urisd�ction whe etth:e 1?�'�.eriY �s��t
<br /> -.-- this paragraph 20. '
<br /> - -' mlate to health.s�`�1::=:'environmental prote::an.
<br />`='s'-�`�� NON-iJNIFG c.til COVL"•>:n'�iTS.Borrower and Lender further co.v'-s.�t and agree as follows:
<br /> _--- 21.p�eleranap;lter�pii�-�.Y.ender shall give noHce to Borrower pri�r to auz¢!lFratfon fallowin�Baseo hrl'b��
<br /> - -- of�ny cov�ant•x agrePmc�: �in this S�curin' �S��t (�ut aot prior to acreleratioa ur�der paragrap
<br /> app�icable law t�rK:�des othenaLse).The aoti�e shall specify: (a)the defuult; (bby W�°�er d fault musi Ue����d
<br /> (c)a date,nai t�than 30 days from the dafe the Rodce ts given to��,urc�wer,
<br /> °'� (d} that fa ilure to cum t he d e Y a u l t o�a�r b e f o m t h e d a 4 e s p e c i f ced n��shall fartherrinform B nower o Y t h e P l g ht Lo
<br /> --_--- ��;r�..Zl by tlals Security Instrumeat and sale of the Prope�rty.
<br /> - �r3rng;u.2 nfter ac�eleration and the d�ht to br�ng a covrt action to assert the non�e�dstencc of a default or,any other
<br />---���� d�iyr�qf of Borrower W accelern�im ��Ate payment In fall of all sum secured�by this Se�vri�I£nstruaa t�t wlthont
<br /> Leader,at iu optifln,m y re9
<br /> fnrther demand aad may invoke the poR�'��'�e�d any ather r2medi�p�����Y$�l,�R�udin�,b t�rto2 I m�ited
<br /> enYiAed to collec�all expenses inwrred[���.'�in�tl►e remedies pmvided in this parag P
<br /> to,reasonable attomeys'tees u�d co s t s o�'.lr l e�v E d e a c e. r t a f t h e
<br /> If the power ot sale i:,ilzvr,�'�ed,Tn�stee Shal�reoord a notice of default in each cnjin�tyle!aw t Bori�o�er and to
<br /> _ — p�pe�rty is iotated and shali:mail wpies of such notice in the manrcer prescr[bed�:Y aPP b
<br /> the other pe�scr,s Qrescribed by upplicable Iaw.Afier the tlme required by appll�k°1aW+Tr�siee shull give pu6lic aotice
<br /> shail aell
<br /> of sule to tRe��.b�auCnan to he h3gh�i b dder t the[me alnd�(:L e and under thP t rm designated tn the nottce o�'
<br /> the Property�t r of the
<br /> safe i,�one or more parcefs and in any order Trtrstee determines.T'asstee maY Po�Pone sale of all or any parcel
<br /> �hra�p�ty by publtc announcement at the time und plcr_e aP a�y previously schr.:vled sale. Y ender or tts dtslg►e¢maY
<br /> punhase the PropertY ut any sale.
<br /> F�rm 3028 8l90
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