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<br /> 2002�387
<br /> _ U�A �YC8�g1 6��ij�9II4Il3 O�IRE �3d�tC I31d� 'i'n�riee s�iall Gsfl�ver to the g�sxrtaaser Tniseee's d�l wnveY�B� �-
<br /> Praperty.T�e re+citais Fn t�e Te�ice's deed�all be prim$thdE evf�+�ace at the tna46 of tt��state�nPnts��e thsaretm. �p
<br /> Trusi�e s�al�apply t�e pro�of the sade tn the foQawia�order.(s�)to a!1 sosis nnd acpanses oP exercisiag t4ce po�ver off ��
<br /> sa4e,and the sa1e,taefudlcs�tite�ay�eni of th+e Tnasitr's fes�ucivaily drsurr��d,Qai to exceed S.00 �'o �
<br /> oi t�e prQa�ipa!anzaunt of the nate at the ti��e of tke deciaratton of default,unil reasona�le uttorneys'fees c�s per�it4ed �
<br /> by l�sv:N)to ali snais ee�red by t61s S�r[4y In�tnuneut;r�ad(c)�ny excess m the pe�son or persans tegsUy ent[ticd to
<br /> i�.
<br /> ?�. Recon�ey�aoG Upnn paym�nt of alt sums secured by ehis Securiry InstrurrcQnt, I.euder shali request Tnutee tc� �
<br /> ee�mvey tM� �ruperty und shall surrender this Sgturiry InstrumPnt and all notes evidencing drbt secure� by tf�is ��aity
<br /> (astrumsnt to Tnis�.Trusiee shaU r�nvey the Progerty withaut v�a�ranty uaA wid►out charge ro the person or pe�sons legatty
<br /> entitl�f to it. Such pe�son or persqns shafl pay uny recordaaan costs.
<br /> ?3.SubslItute Tru5te2.Lender.at iu ogtion, may fram titne to ame cemnve Tnisiee sind appoint u successor wst�e to
<br /> uny Trustee appointe�hsteunder by an instrument cerordsd in ths counly in whicfi tPus Secvrity insa�unent is recorded.�Vithout
<br /> canveyance of the Feagerty.the succes�or trnstee shall su�tn a!1 the ti�Pe,power a�td duties oonferred upan Tnutee 6erein
<br /> and by apPlicable iaw.
<br /> 2A.IYacg�tesi for Notioes.�orrolver requests that copies of the norioe:,of default and sale be s:nt to Burroa�er s�dd�ess
<br /> which is tke�roperey Address.
<br /> 2S.PL�s t4�s See��rity i�eat If ane ar mare riders are executed by Borrower and nocarded toge�h�r with this _
<br /> SQCUrity Ins�wnsnt,the aovenants and agr�nems of e�sh sucn riaer s'm,li i�izcv:�oeatc�3 into and sh�lt a�ad ar.3 sup�3A °
<br /> the�venanss and sgreeinents of this Sec�uiry Iastmment as if the rider(s)weie a p�t of this Socurity Instrumsn�
<br /> [Check applicsble box{es))
<br /> �ttid��ble Rate Rider �Coadomuiium Yiide3 1�Family Rider
<br /> Q Gra�uated Paymeni Rider �Plaaued Unit Bevei+r�mEr�t 1'�ider Biweekly Payment Rider
<br /> (�IIullaon Rider Rate Improti ea�nt t�td,� Secoad Home Rider
<br /> �V.E#.Rider �Other(s)[SP��Yl
<br /> BY�I�iN1NG BEIAW.Borrower aecepis aad agrces to the tenns and wvenanu coirteiued iai tf�is�c�srrii.v Insmta�ent�cd
<br /> in any rid��1�xecuted by Borrower rind mcarded wi.h it.
<br /> wmess�- ���? o"( GJ� (Seal)
<br /> P�I lGL Y L t�ATT5 -��*
<br /> � � l�i)
<br /> Tff��.CY L W TTS -��'Q
<br /> tS�i) (Seal)
<br /> -6or�ouer �''�'��Er
<br /> `�TA�'E OF NEBR�-��, Crt��tty ss:HALL
<br /> 'i'h-�13�c�oing insmuaent was aeknowledged before me U�is 2 2 SI' day of JANUARY 1999 ,
<br /> tiy PtiiJ[iiy2P L WATTS AND TFtACY L WAiT& ' .
<br /> f�i�ync�my tia.r�d and notarial seal at GRAND I SLAND, ","�BRASKA in said Coumy,ttse date�'':nr x::�.
<br /> My Commissioa Bxpires: �,NOiIIRYSttl��aM�hGttta �
<br /> IA1�F1K�.l�� Hatary Wb
<br /> N�CO�AI�.�.y4f�.� � �
<br /> r�:�
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<br /> -�g1�,`•'�i.�*�r,K/��, �F•r��.{j�,�A a, —��� - _ ..._.__.
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