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<br /> ;: �'�r =t'- � -.___._.°': . .. . �___.__,_____.. - -.,
<br /> � � payments may no longer t�required.at the option oi Lender,if mongage insurance co�erage(in the amaunt and for the period -
<br /> . thnt Lendea �quires)providEd by an�nsurer approved by Lettder again beromes available and is abtained.Borrower shalf pay
<br /> `,;; tP�e pr�miucns required to maintain mortgu�e in�urance in effect.�r to provide a loss reserve,until the requimment for rttongage
<br /> ' `''`�+ insurance ends in accordance with any Written agreement benveen Borrower and Lender or applicable taw. �
<br /> � 4.Insp�tEan.T..�nder ar iu ageni mny make reasonable entries upan an�insp�ctions of the Pmperty• Lender shaU give �
<br /> • '��� Borro«er notice at che time of or prior to an ins�ertion specifying masonable cuuse for the inspectifln.
<br /> r�= 10.Cosdetautntian.7'he praceeds of any award or claim for dama�es, direct ot rnnsequential, in connection with uny �
<br /> • I_ condemnation or other taking of any part of the PropErt}+.or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are herehy assigrted and �
<br /> �'� shall be paid ta Le�tder. � �
<br />.:._�f+.: In thc event of a Lutal taking of the PropPrty,the proceeds st►all be applied to the sums securecl by this Security[nstrument, (�
<br /> `�-� t�hether or not then due,with any excess paid to Borrow�r. In the event of a paztial taking af the PrapErty in whieh the fair ��'
<br /> = market value of the Pr+�perty immediately before the taking is equal to or greater than the amnunt of the surrW�ECUf�t3y t�ti5 �
<br />_-�,�,�; SECarity Inswment immediately before the taking,unless Borrower and I.ender otherwise agree in wricing,the sums secured by
<br /> ^� this Security Insuument sbaU be reduced by the amaunt of th� praceeds multipli� by the falloKing fracaon: (a)the tatal
<br /> y amonnt of the sums secu�immediately before the taking,divided by(b)ttie fair markei value of the Property imme�tiatety
<br /> Isefom the taking. Any balance shall be paid to Borrov�er. In the event of a part+al cakin8 of the Pro�erty in which the fair
<br /> ' �et value of the Property iminediately before che talcing is tess than the amount of the sums secured immediately before the
<br />�=- :,.;,;�,g��;;p��.„��Lp�rteT otherxise a�ree in writing or unless applicable law otherwise provides.the pmcee�s shali
<br /> �<�' be applied to dk�ums secured by this 3ecurity Insuument whether or not the sums are then due.
<br />-1�:" If tlte pce�r-,3ty is abandoned by Borrower,or if,after notice by Lfnder to Barrower that the coademnor offers to make an
<br /> f�;;� award op settle�claim for damages, Borrovrer fails to respond to l.ender vrithin 30 days after c:date the notice is given.
<br /> _s`� Lender is autharzed to ceIIc-z.t�d app1Y the proceeds,at iu option,either to resiorzti��.or repair of the Propertp or to the sums
<br />;���;� secured by tlris�.`urity *L=�x*��.vsfie�e:�or not then due.
<br /> TJ� Unless Y.�:er and E�-^_;::s e�=�r_�agree in wridng, any �lication of proceeds to �ri^_c:�a� s4:as...` �st extend or
<br />��:� postpane the due date of the-�.--��'.Iy�:,;.,'*r�s referred to in paragr�!*s i and 2 or change the atn�u�r_�.z such Fs;�r.ents.
<br /> vz� 11.Borrower Noi Rc-Gau��For"a��raaoe By I.ender Noi a Waiver.Extension of the[iir.r.fr�c ra�..�c:r�odificaticµ
<br />'� e�f:�octi�tion of the sums s::::red by this Security Instn�ment granted by l.ender to any suceessor in intsre�t rti 1��:�ower s�al1
<br />_� �o:operate to release the liabitity of the or�nisl Borraw�.or Snrrower s saccessors in interest. Lender shall rrt.e Era req�ired w
<br /> _-a�--` commenoe pr�a�ings against any sucvesas:�in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amorti.ation
<br />--_- -- of the sums sacs.�ed bY this Secucin' Instn�ment by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower or Borrotver's
<br /> �-'-"-.� successars in iiccerest. Any forbeaiance by Lender in exercising any rig6t or remedy snall aot bs a waiver of or Qreriude ttte
<br />-° exercis�of any right or remedy.
<br /> _==_-= l2. Saoc�ssors amd Assigns Bovnd;Joint and Several Lfability; Co-stgners•The covenants and agrcemenu of this
<br />- - - Security Instnunent shaU bind and berzefit the successors and assigas of i,ender and Borrower.subject to the pmvisions af
<br /> ------ P��Ph l7. Borrower's covenants ar.� ,�,°reements shall be joint �_d several. Any Borra�;�r who co-signs this Secuiit�
<br />�„�:� Instrument but does not execute the Not�: (a)is co-signing this Seeuribj Instrucnsnt only to cr��r,,��e, grant und«�nvey tinc�
<br /> i3���rower's ir.terest in the Fr��;arty under the terms of this Security Inswment;(b) is not pa�so:.rir�obligateiJ.to pay the sums
<br /> --- _ �,:�red by t�s Se�curity In��r.t;ansl(c)agrees thss Ct.zder and any other Borrower may agree to extend.m:�;�`y,forbe.zr or
<br /> �e�y�,,,,��,�o��i�re�rd tz�:terms of���i�s�ecwity Insuument or the Note without that Borre:Y��'s consent.
<br /> - --- 13. II.�um�rges.If the loan se�mai.��y this Security Insuu�.:,.Mt is subjest ta a!aw which seis maximum laan charges•
<br /> - and that law is finally inteipretefl so that u e interesi�r other loan c�.arges collecte3 or to be c�`r�ted in cor►cection with the
<br />��— loan exceed the permitted iimits.then: (a)any such le::�charge shall be reduoed b;�'�e amaunt necessary co r�'*ce the chazge
<br /> =•w��
<br /> to the persnitted limit:and(b)any sums already collzer�fro�n Borrower which c..-��ed permitted limiu wii�iba refun W
<br /> �...,._ Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal o:.�.i under the Noie or by maldng a direct
<br /> payment to Borrower. If a refisnd re�.:.� principal, the reduction wiU be ueated as a _r..sL��:ai prepayment without a-.3?
<br /> prepayment charge under the Noie.
<br /> 14.Notta�.Any natice to Borrower provided for in this Security lnstrum�nt shall be given by delivering it or by mailing
<br /> r:by firsi class mail unless applicable law r;�uires c=�of anoth2r method.The notice shall ba dir�to We L�+��rty Address
<br /> or any other a�ddress Borrower designate:��_�y :e:i:e �� Lender. Any notice tn Lender shall be given by !*_c�a:class mail to
<br /> ---- L�nder s addn:.:s stated herein or any at:��,v�dress I.ender desi�nates by notice to Borrower. ���y notice provided for in this
<br /> Security Instrument sh�ll be deemed to Y.��+e��een given to Bonower or Lender when given as{s:����:,3ed in this paragraph.
<br /> I5.Gvvernin� I.aw; Severability..'This Secwity Instrument shall be �overned by federal law and the law of the
<br /> jurisdiction in which the I�m;oerty is lor,ated. In the event tfiat any pmvision or clause of this Security Insuurrtent or the Noie
<br /> conflicts wIth applicable la;v;such canf�'�sh�ll not affect other provisions of this Secwity InsUVment or the Note whieh can be
<br /> �iven effect without the conflicting pn�:��°���n.To this end the provisions of this Security Insirument sind the Noie are declared
<br /> '"� to be severable.
<br /> _-.� 16.Bomnwer's Copy.Borrower sha11 be�iven one conformed oopy of the Note and of this 5ecuriry Instrument.
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