<<t . � ,-�i�?F,•y�'�`t�'.e,�,��4;��?�.,,.��`.
<br /> . .._„ �` '. i'�tr������', �' � 1 .r;ivi. " �SFrCfi,�f`�•_ .�cC�a. • .
<br /> .-•���i� . . - - ' . .`;.�t„S . '- . _.. .1 . � _. . .. . _ . . ._ _ - _
<br /> „
<br /> .: � ,� . _ , _ .
<br /> ., . _ .
<br /> ..
<br /> .. , _.. . .. . . _ _ ._
<br /> . •. . .__�.-'-._ ... . . .--__ .__ __..
<br /> .. . 'a.c�F'S`_ _..�_._ ._ _.... ._.._ _ ._ _ �_._. ..... __..----.__�._--- �--'�"�'� �
<br /> �
<br /> —=----, � eorrow�may wror��c�, II���rna o��n�a��anonao�ec�Arorte�,:e os t�ortonrers�fi2etest fi tRe ProF'�tY Ot ���_
<br /> d;er�._.._�t► -L
<br /> otlter rttatertsl Impa9me�t of tR�,�created by t�i� Sc-curtZy in�0umant or Lsnd2fs seeur�2y �terest B0IIOYIQf SRc'lII flG0 �13 ifl
<br /> . • dstauR�Horrox+er. dumg the toan aPD`.'xatton procass.Sava matertalN tatso or ataccurate c+fom�attan ar statcrnents ta Lend�tor -
<br /> � teA9d ta provtGe Lend�r w3h any mateflat intormatton} in connectten w3fi Ne loan evidenced by tho NotO. tnc(uding.but not �
<br /> t'sn3ed to, repre�enmUnns concemtng 8arrowefs oacupatscy at the Proparty as a pru�ctpaf resEdesice. If thLs Seeurity � '
<br /> Ir�strument Ls on a tgaseho'.d, Borrower shall comyty w�.h an th�provi�tons oi the iszss. If 8orrowar 8equire�t2s tEi�a to the 1 ;;
<br /> ; ' � Property.the tsaseAotd and tlte te9 t�te Shall not marga uniess Lender eqreas to the merger tn wn'Ytrtg. � +"
<br /> 7. Rroteetioan of Lender's Rdghta in 47te �ro�erty.If Botrower raus co a�om+ct�e covenanu and e�een�snes "
<br /> � �� conta�ed in tAts Seeurny MsWment, or tha�fs e tegal Oraaesd:n8 thai may signftk�nUJ affect Land°.fs �Ights tn ths PcaRerty �
<br /> � (such as a p.roceerla�g h bsnRruptcy.pro4ate,for condamnattan or fa�s:tuure or to entorce tavrs or regulattoas),then LendQS m2y �
<br /> �
<br /> ' � do nnd oay t�ir c,nc�lt6��r fs n�sflry to prot�t th3 va!ua of tho Prop2rty end Lend�s rtgfits tn the Propsrty. Len�Bf�acttons _x
<br /> � � may (�C�da p8y�t$ ery Sums Ss�ured my e I:en whtCh hii, prtOrfty ovaT thti &f�CUrtty Instrument, eyg°3►ing In cCUA. �3yinp `�Mf
<br /> - -c� i raasOnabte flttOtrteyC leas end entett�g on fhe Proparty to mak9 reaay8.Atthough LenQar may talce eeNOrf und9r tt►IS parayreph �
<br /> ��, .� �; 7.lender d288 no! have to do so. `''-
<br /> ,j Any amaunta d:tbursad(oy Lender under Rare,�raAh 7 s�a0 E&eomg addittonnl debt of Bonowar cetured by thb Securdy "r,__
<br /> InSUUrttant. UnBS9 BOrto�vBr Qnd L8nQ9r 8prea to other terms of payment, tRese emounts ShaU bsar hterest hom the dat�of
<br /> ; , • j E°bura�m�nt�it Ih� NotO rate ar�d sAaO ba payabte,w�h Interest,uQarf notiee trom Lender to Borra�ver�pasat�y payment `-
<br /> # e. l�iortge�s Inaarn�es. If Lendar re�u:red rr�ortgaga tnsurHnea es a conditbn ot mas��,$me ioan seenrea ey en�
<br /> �curdy instnment. 8errower shaU pay the premums re�tred to malnffiYi ths mertgaqs Insurenca W eHect.11,far any reason,tha �`�
<br /> � ,�, mcrtqaqe tnsuraisca toveraqe requfred by Lender lapses ar cea:�es to be in eHect, 8orrow�shall pay the prem�ma requtad to �'�
<br /> . obtain eavetage subslenitaVy equtrateni to the mortgage hsuranco prev.'ousl�ir►eReet, at e cost suhstanUattY e4ulrNent to ths � _
<br /> eost to Borrawsr et ths moRgage insurence prev:ousM in eHeret, hom an aRemafa mortg?go insuret approved by Lend�. If ;.,_--
<br /> substantta'Jy equlvalent rrtartgags insu�nce covera8e Is not avaCabl9. Bortower cha9 p2y to LOndBr each moMh a sum eqtt3t to �' -
<br /> � one4welRh of ths yeaAy mor�qage insurance premium 6emg psid by 8orrow�wts2n tAa Insuranca cov�ago tapsed or ceased to k���
<br /> x• be a�effect LenQer wdl axept,use end�eta6n these payments as a toss res�t� r�au ot moRgaga insutance. Loss resenre �.,
<br /> ` payrrtents mt►y no �nger ba requtred,at ths optiDn of Lender, �7 mortga8o inssranq co:�ttsge f� �s��t end tor Ms perWd ��
<br /> � . � that Lender re4utres)Drovfded by an fisurer e�Provsd by Lertder egain�a�om�s�l�and is cbi�tned Borrowar 59�an paY �;-
<br /> e__.
<br /> . thg prESn(um;, r�yvJeG to m3Jnt3Y+ mortgaga tnsurance tn eNect, or to oecs:�a lass�ssva.un�'i tha requfrema►t tot martg:g� ��`-
<br /> Y � - `� insuraztce en�in sccord.3c:co w�h any vrritten 8gregment betw9en Borroxr�end I.ert�er cr applica�DlB law. �'
<br /> 9. ItI8Q8fi�imn.l.crtdc-r or�ts egent msy mJco�a.�.:caabte entries upan and v��".ens of tAe Property. Lc-s�d,zr s*�.7 gNe L•.
<br /> . B o r r o w e r n o t k e a l t t h e t�'�a c'cr prier to an ins p2ettan s�i(ytn g ceasanabie cause f:r t`r� inspactton. �=�-
<br /> ' 10. COIIdBi't18m3L+II0. Tha prcre?...ds of any award or elaim for damages,d�x aonse�:c-nt�l, in connection wiih enY =_
<br /> ; condemnfltian or�th�r�g ef any�acE a9 the Property,or for conveyancs tn I'ieu o#esndemnatezr,are hereby assigned and
<br /> ... . . ShaA be Dald t0�der.
<br /> t' In ths ev8nt o!a t� takr�g ot tha Property, tfie proceeQs shstl bs appi�: r tha sams secuted by this Security —
<br /> . - Instrurtsent,vrhalPiar or c�':�+-�n due.witfl any�cesa paid to Borrowe►. In the even;�'a paRtal tek�g o}the Pro�erty n wh�h
<br />- '�;�;;r=; tha fa�martret vah.�a ci �i.��ropecty tmmadiateJy hefare the tatcing ts equal to 07 gr•�r�tt+an the smount ot t�e sums secured
<br /> �'i�� by thts &et�tip.i��*_-��-i 6nmediatety 6efore tAe tak�g, untess Borrower and Lender otherw�se a9ree H writinp� the sums _
<br /> ', .�'��` ��..� secured`�f iis�:�a.r.'.:% !n�trumen!sAall ba raduced by the amount of the proceeds muRiplied Dy the foRawing traCUon: (a)the
<br /> ��"" toLZl amou°t ¢f 3•� s�-=secured tmmadiatety be'ore the taktng,dNtdad by(b)tAe fab mar&et valua of the Property immed�tery
<br /> d)•.%. —
<br /> ��;r � „ � tiofore the tak(ng. Any�:sJ�sr.o shatl tre paid to Borrower.In the event ot 8 partial taktng o4 the Proparty tn wnkh th0 feir markei
<br /> . ,��i;.� vatue of the Rraaartyr l-m�iatety bafore tha tnking is t�::.fian the amount of the sL-�s secure6 bnmedately Cstc=3�e taktng.
<br /> �•���+�� • unies3 Borra�Ner end Lc-r�r othorwise agre9 �n wr�i.3r� er unisss aypticabt� Iaw otharwtse prav'.des, the prnooe�� shall be
<br /> ,��.�+
<br /> �'.t'Si,, appiied to ths sum�sec�r.r�by this Securily Instrum9nY a,riethet or not the sums are then dua
<br /> <'.��;i • I}the PrcDortj a a"�,�_nad by Barrower. or H,a`�r notice by Lender ro Borrovter that tha �+demnor ofters to make an
<br /> � ':�''i�: award or saite a eta�n tcr �.amages, Borrowar faCs ta respand to lender uvith� 30 days aRzr tha date tha notMe is g!ven,
<br /> '• �ti;i�: •..
<br /> .�;�},:.•.• Lender is auttsor�d ta c.42:t ertd appry thu praceeds at its aptton,e8her to ��to:a�on or repaU ot tS�a Property or to th8
<br /> - r-r� sums seeurod by lhto&�.rCy Mstrument,whethar or nm:rhen dua
<br /> '��'�`��;f� Unbs3 Lendor en� 5�rrower otherwisa �groe in wrfting, anY ePPikatton of ��ceeds to pfic�at shail nat extend or
<br /> _;ai.'.:i.. _
<br /> �� - ,• po�tponu tho duo �ats o4 the mcnlhly paym�nta reterted to in paragraths 1 and 2 or chang0 ths amount of such payrrients.
<br /> in'�!''•" ��� 11. Bo�ro�uer R�ot Rcleesed; Fortaearance By leRd�1'ti3t a WalYei.Extenslon ot th0 tfie for peyment Or
<br /> ,'. %"
<br /> :_:::�.:;-;.�� madiRcatbn of ama�ttra•.�;�o!tDO sums seeured by thLs Secur[ty Insfru,-ont�nfe4 by Lender to eny successor in tr�terest of
<br /> ��'"'"`" ' Borrower chall nat ope.�:e ga reease tha f1ebL'ty of the c�1rta1 Borrower or Borrcura's suceessors ln hte�est I�,d�shaA not
<br /> "" --:•_t;,••.,, .,
<br /> "°'�"'�"'"'� ? bo required to cemmera�r.roseadings egafist any ss�asssor � interest or retwp t� ex[and time tor paymer•� ar atherw's0
<br /> ;����4'�;:�..'�rf��
<br /> mod;ly+amart�xitior� of the�:rns secured by thf;Secur•r•j lnstrument by reason ot ar,t lamand maQe Dy the oripinal Borrowe►or
<br /> • Borrowa�'s succoasara in intcires� My torb�r►rance by Lender in axeretshg any righi or remedy �"aU no! Do a waluer of ot
<br /> �' '�����.� precUde the e��rctseof any right or remedy.
<br /> ;���'��?�• ''. 12. Sucaa�aora ea� Assigrta Boand; Jolnt and Severel LYak''.'.ty; Co-signera rne co,renan�s ane
<br /> _x,s,..,
<br /> -_-° agreerrtonm of thia See�cn�v �nstrument shall bind and bene�t the successors and e�Wt�-s ot Lender and Borrower, svDject to the
<br /> :;.�.^d,'�"`t'` provistona of pnrugmp"t t?• Barroweta coti�anants and agreements shatl belofnt c.�.::smraraL Any BorroYrer wha co-si�ns tAis �._
<br /> "'�`." '• Secur;ty Inntnimeni b��t �:as n�t�cecutB the Note: (a)i�ea��ignMB this SecuYdy�-..�ument oniy ro mort�ape,�ant and comray
<br /> ->�ati-�• �' that Barrow�r'o in!e�.." �the Propatty under the tertns of this Sec�i�C�� lrtstrum�t; (b) is not personaly ob0yated to pay the '_.
<br /> .-,;`•�� .;;�..�� suma eecu�d�� trts :.�eur�yr Instrument; and (o)agraes that!ns»r, �d any other Borrow�r may a�ee ta eo4ertd.mod;fy. --
<br /> '" ' torDeat or muha any��:armod3ttons wiih regard to the terms of�;'s Sasurity!�vM.,ment or tha Nats�rRhou!that Borrowers _,_
<br /> i��li�i; . � consEN1A
<br /> ``'� � 13. L+03lf! �h?[��. 11 tha loan sscured by thl� Secun',y cr:r�fic-2 �. 6a`r',ect to a taw whkh seta •:aximum b&� --
<br /> �r��� Cherges,and thut taw��:•afy hterprefed so that lha intorest or of�''>�•a:�..�c.'.�;�� :o6eete4 ar to be colleeied in eonnection
<br /> �1� wRh the tottn�t::.o�d ttte�.rmitied lin'.t;, thFU►: (a)any such loan c'�n�i1 s`-:.'l Co'r'uCed by tt���.:.ount neCe55ary to redute
<br /> ; �:: the Chergo to tfito p�'n'•Cr� I?mi� and (b)8ny sums flteady Co:le•�aJ �t�m �e�:'�l�w�kh e�x�eaea Perm�imsa wr.t oa
<br /> • a ' rotunded to 69tr.=c�a.f✓�r�r msy chaoso to makfl thi:ry��1�by re�'lC�g th�F-�:rc,�^.1 owe4 undor the No.o or by makhg e =
<br /> ;..
<br /> . direct paymnnt ta BoR-�a. It e rotund roGvices prtr:�; tho roduciton v�I!1 ba'�:.5 as a parttal RreFa•lm�nt w�AOa1 er►Y _
<br /> prepaymsnt dha►Bo undar tha Nota
<br /> • . 14. Nb11C!'�.Any notko to BorroweT provtded fot in th[s SoeutAy Instrument sha0 b9 gMen by deltuesinp D or py mailing ft �
<br /> � ' by Tirc!el�..s r+nU unbss applicabt� law requires use ot eno4Rer method. 1he noi(ce shaU be diected io t7�e�oy�erty Addre,�s _
<br /> •�_�.-� . ` or eny othor Ed�ese Bortowar deslpnates by notice to Lender. Any notbe to Lender shaB be BHen by frst crss ma31 to
<br /> � . Lendefs addreas stated hae�or eny othar address Lvnder designates by natice to Borrower. Any rtallco provlded far in thls
<br /> �. �• Secu�ity InGfncment shall tis deerned to hsve baen gtran to Barrower or Lendsr when g!+ron as provides in thta para�ayh. =
<br /> ty
<br /> � ' 1S. Q�Oti�T�11A� a.AYli� S�VE7QbAIly. This Sflcuriiy InsUUmsnt sha{1 ba govertted Dy tsQ�n� la�► end the�aw o!the =
<br /> ' jurisdicY3an h wht�h Ihs Pro�sAy is leeatod. In the c-�vent that any provisbn o�clause of tt�ls SeCUr3y Insttumen!ot the Nota
<br /> coni'iitts��?th aF�ticabb Ia:v. SuCh conf.'tt sh�ll no2 uHEet other provistCr.3 ot 4hi;,SvCUtiiy (nstntraent or th�NOta whiCh Cen Do =
<br /> � gtlen efi�c!vr!ihaut ths conR;cting provston.To thU end thn pmvl�ians of Ufi�Sccur�yr Instrument end tha Kots ere decierocl to =
<br /> Da s�voruLt�. —
<br /> 16. B�rr�Tn►er's Copy.BorrowFir sha0 ba gh•sn orta eonforrrt�d copy of tho Note and o1 thls Secur�y In�trur.:an� '-
<br /> F'-
<br /> �
<br /> � � F1910.Ltl.O(1016�) �dII�3 ot 5 ��I�y �-'�/�%� ! .
<br />.___._ . ...__...__... .� . �
<br /> . � CJYSt
<br /> — �'
<br /> � - - ___. . ._._ .. . .
<br />