�;,�y�.� . ;ka�:
<br /> _ h`f'.^TC �__.. _
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<br /> � � . � . ` . . ` . ' ` - . � � � � � ° • � '
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<br /> � • TOti=ThtER WiTH aU tha tmProvemsnt3 rtow or heresftet erected on tha propsrty.and ail easements, aDPuriereances.and f
<br /> -. � �. _. f�tr� naW ct lter��... e�1t ot tf���rona�r_An reglacem�ts and adddions shail abo bo covered by thls Ssc�:r3y Instrurrwnt �
<br /> .� AO of the totegoing is roSaned to!n this S2wrt1Y Instrurtsant as tha `Propsrty.•
<br /> BORROUVER CQYENANTS that Bortower ig tawNlty setzed ot the 0.�ffite hareby conveye0 and has the rEght to grant and
<br /> cam+sy tha Property end tha!the Propariy is unem�mbarad,exc�At Por encumbrances of r�ord. Borrower wttrtannts and wiD
<br /> � dsfend g5neraly the t31e to tho Prop2rty agatnst e31 claims und demands,subject to any eneumbmnaes af recard.
<br /> THIS SECUAITY IhSTRUNfEM combc+as unBorm cov2nanis for nattcnai use end non�unifaan covananls w3h l'm�ed
<br /> vartations by jurlsdtcUon to const�uts a unCOnn s�curity�nstrument coverir+8�P�R�Y•
<br /> . tDNIFOAM COVENANTS. Bormwar and lendet ca�+2�ant and egses as toaatys: �
<br /> 9. i+ayment of �rincipal an�!Interesi; Rrepabm�c►t and! Late C�rges.eorrawer sna�i promvu,r pay Y�han
<br /> ' due ths pruicipal o!and tnterest on the deb4 err'�Qsnced by tho No4o ctnd anY D+�Aaymarit end tate chargas due undar 4AS Tloto. 0
<br /> � � 2. Fun�s t'�r T�c�s and tnsura�ee. �ubj�ci to 8pp!'�8b19 law or to 8 wriiterl w8h8t bY Lend6r.Bortowet shali ptly � '
<br /> � to i.endar on tho day manihty payments are due under tha Not�, until tho Note i� Ratd in fu8,a sum ('Furtds')for. (a) ye3rty � :
<br /> f-� ,' t8x0s end 85Sessrrtcatts vthEch ttgy 8iffin RsIOr3St ovar thlS �utity l,islttim�t!fls 8 ��en on tAe Proa8rty: {b)Yeari�+ I835eho:d �
<br /> ' . � payrtsents or ground r�ts on iha Propsrty, �any: (c)yearty Aarard or proparty tnsurance premiums;(d)Yearty ifood(rt5urenCB �
<br /> prem:ums,it any;(e)yearty mortgage Ensuranae prema�ms,rt any;and(�eny sums payable by Batro�er to Lender In accordance
<br /> w�h the prsvtsions of paragraph 8, in I�u of ths payment o1 mortg�qs tnsurartce premiums. Thase Rems are ca�led `Eserow �
<br /> i tiar�r.° LsndEr m3y,9t Sny ttm�,eolf^.,,Ct 8nd ho!d Funds In an emount no!to e�ceeed th9 maxMnum an:Onnt 6 fande�tai a �•
<br /> • � ti tedaraUf ra�ted mortgage coan may requice fot Baircvre�s estrow sccount undar th9 fedetal Real Esiate Sauteme�►t Ptecaeur� _--
<br /> �� �! Att ot 1974 as srrtandad frcm tkne to tane, 12 US.C.�2501 ei ssq. ('��'A°I. unlesa 4�ottrar ra+n tna�c�p►�e9 eo Ns Funds
<br /> i 68tB a fesser 8mounL it eo,Lender eiay,a!eny time,e0'.ACt fln� ho:d Punds �n e.� amauni not te exoced ths lesset amounl. �'
<br /> . S l L�rtdst may�attnato th�tmaunt o!Funds Que an !ht truls at r.urran!daL tnd rsasanab7�attnut�s o1���nd+'turis o!fuUtrv `
<br /> • � , Eseraw Itarrts er othenxise�aeeordariee wlth appt�abb tew. g�_
<br /> � TRa Funda ahtll�s hs'.d in an hst�utton whose deposRs ao tnsured Ey o t�d�ral��ncy,hswment�I�Y.or miKyr(hebdsrtp �
<br /> �# � Lender,B LenGsr is suah an tnstitutlon�or [n any Fadernl Hoc��e Lotn Bank. Lender ahan appy tRe Funds to pay tRe Eswow �'
<br /> • � Hems. LenOer msy not ehar�e 6ortowear tor hotEtrtp artd appryhp tas Fund�,annual,y enahlY++p tha escrow eceount, ar veriryln9 E
<br /> � ths Escrow Items, �ntess Lender pays Bonower inLSre3t on tht Fund3 end apptkabte law perm,l8 Lender to maSc� &ucA a -
<br /> � � charae. Nows�rer, LenQer may Bquire BoROwer to pzy e oned!ms charge tor en tndependent reai Estats tau reparttnp savics _
<br /> , ar e.
<br /> � use0 Oy Lender tn tonnectton wRn thb toan, unkrss appiicabb taw provldes otherwtse. Unia�s en sgreament is rt�do or _
<br /> app�icaDta taw requ!tes Interest to be paid,lendsr sh3�li not be ttti�ukad to pay Borrow8r any tntotest c►Eier.tirtBs on the Funds. _
<br /> ' _ .f Borro+arsr and lender may apre9 tn wr�hp, however, that lntwest sha9 Ea pa0 on taa Funtts. I.enUnr shatl gi+re tv 9arrow�. -
<br /> �� �� - wfthout charg8,en ennuaf axountfig of t!�° F,cnds,showtng cred�s end dab�7s to tha Funds ar�d tto purBo�e tar whfch each _
<br /> ' �� debl!to the Funds was made. Tha F�nds ero pL-�-ed as add3tonal ssCUr�y tor a(I sum5 seeured by tP.o 3eeurRy instrurt�ent =.
<br /> r [f the FunQs hetd by LenQer�d th�era��LS perm[lted ta be hetd by apyilcabte taw,Lendm shau aecount to 8�rrow� _
<br /> � for the excess Funds in accordance wit�4na r�-:rrements of appGCabie faw.If tha Fsmount o}the Furtds hefd by Lender at any _
<br /> Ume LS not suff�teni to pay tha Escrow 12ems�+�:-�dsie,LC-nd�r may so nofdy 8otrower tn wn't�g,ertd,in sich Ca:e Bartewet -
<br /> � ShaO pay to Lc�dcs the amount necessery t�R:s;co up th9 deftcigney. Bortower sha[I make up tt►e dr�f�elertCy in no ma:a than
<br /> .• twelve m0ethy pu;,T-r�,at Lende�s Soi9 d�erea:rt.
<br /> � �' Upon payrt;�-3 e •°_L af a7 sams seeur�G�:�;�.s Secur3y Insbument,lersder shaA promptty r�7und 40 6v-rower any Wnds
<br /> hatd by Lender. If,under Rar��r-=,�� 21,L�:�s�al acquhn or se7 the Property,LendeT,prior te tha ecqu:s�ton or safa of 4he
<br /> . ;:;;.'`� ProAertfl.shall aPPty sny FurtQs �`r�i_ cq _n�.x a.tho ttrrte ot acquis�fon or sate as a creri3�st t7:e sums secared by thL
<br /> .:;�;!��_'°�! Seeur�lyr in�trumen�
<br /> ;.'•I:r�'i�l' --�
<br /> , 3. AppllcaUan of P�,;R:'�7'.%3. J-.ass epplicebte L�ti� provtdes oth2�rrtse, all pa��ta r�;c�:'�tJ by Lender under
<br /> +`� para�rapAs 1 and 2 sha�be ap,:�e�: fisi. '�a't 9�aYrs�ent charges duo under the NOt9: second,to����payeble under
<br /> `u.' paragraph�th�d,to(nterest dLe:fa�rth,to �-�ar.�.:duo;and tast,to any I�ta charges duo undor tP.0�'_'.^:. -
<br /> • b� 4. Chargea; Uena ce�-svr�r shai� w; � mxes. essessments, chacges, fa�es and �nposP,t.-s s(Sr�uffibl� to the
<br /> " • Property whf�h may atta� P�raY over thhs Secur.t�Instrurc¢:',and 12asehold payrttents or grcund �tntc,�t��. Borrow�shall
<br /> •� � pay these obUgattons in the manner pravtded tn par�qtaph 2,or N not pald tn that manner.BIItrs�r9r sh��y them C�t�r.9
<br /> dpectry to the p�rs�� owed payman� Borra•r.� s.".ail prompiy tumish to Lendar a0 notices ot emounts: '.�paEd und�rr`�s
<br /> � paragraph. If @a.:sv�Fr. makes these payrrt2-:s a;actAr, Barrower shall prompiy tumish to L.endor r�:�� evidencirtg ths
<br /> payrs�enis.
<br /> ' � �: 8orrowar ahall p�-r.rty discharge any t�- .�'�h h2s prlority over thts Security InsUumant uni�ss Ea�:w,•x. {a)agreas!n
<br /> � -:�; � wfRY�p to the payenent of ti:o c.;�aiton sscured by th3 Uen N a mannar aeeeptabte to Lendrf: {C? c�":�s tn goad tafth the
<br /> �k,t;:�� fien by, ot detends aganst e:''h'r�'.ent of ths tian tr►, tegal proaeedhgs whlch kn the Lends.'s a�sL-:�- azarate to pravent the
<br /> fi•�;� r
<br /> ••�I.. , , enfortamer►t of the lien;cr!t' sea�as fram t!3 hotCer of the Ilen an agreement seifsiectory tz I.s.�?,�:,.r:�y�dinatirtg tha�en to
<br /> ' r � ''��� • thi�Securirtyr Inttrurrter.l.1f:.c--��ar:etann��ttiJ:a�y paR o1 tha Property b subJsct to a lien vrhtoh�;�.:,r:.�prlo�dy over thts
<br /> '�•'`�`� ' '�'��.` Secuidy Instrument,La-.=o-r^�.� Szra 8ortas�v*�:r:�Jce Idantiylrtg ths lien.Borrower sAaO saUsty tP!o ti�.�or'take orte or more cf
<br /> ._f`s;�t� the aottons set foRh aDove w�.�,'�days c::���rrhg of noUCe.
<br /> - _ S. F182aid 0� P1'O��`''1�'J�naurenae. BortOVter s`:t1 keep th9 tmptovem9nta now ax}cting ot lereafter ereCted on thg
<br /> :;''•�•:- Property Insured agalnst toss ty Nre. hezards Included wfir� tha tertn •extended cav�rago°and any othsr Aarards, Inod�dhg
<br /> 40ods or tlood�g,f�r vfi3ch Lender requYss Hsuranea Thi�lnsurance shall ba malnt�sd 'n thn amau�!s and for the perfods
<br /> • ` r � that E.endsr re�ci.�5 'he Insurence certisr ti�avlding th� Insurance shatl tro c^asen by Barroutit su4je�: :o Lend�s ayproval
<br /> _�-',��.;.,� which sha0 not t� ��'�asanabty v�iihhe:d. � Barrov�er fa0s to ma�ta��atr::ige desar�ad a�ati�,�ra-r�er m�y, at i.endofs
<br /> ..3 �.���,r�,�c• optlon,obtaln eoverags t�pr�'�r'Lyr:Cefs�';�'r�fn tho Propary in aceardene�witA paragmyh 7.
<br /> �"F:;'��� � AO Inaurflnce po:bles e-+� '�f7�is'"P%?.8 ��u]ba eCCept9bki to Lendor end sha0 (ncNCn a sfirtC�rt �m:;tQHpe e�usa. LanQer
<br /> ',d,t sha}�havu tha right to hold��� 'r:•`���•�renewals. If Lend�r iequire3,BOROW�t ShIIO('.itPt;{SIIj( QJ.+i•79 L.9tId8I 6�1 f9C8�tS 01
<br /> -� . �. �' � paid premlums and renaxa!��_:an.� r�•o�.2nt ot toso. 8ortower chall gT�s prompt notic3 tn tlsts i-;.a,rnn�cartler and lsnder.
<br /> . f . Lender may make proof of[.:ti i�-r..e•°��,n rr•�mpiy by Bo�rorrer. .J
<br /> -�� ��� Un(ess Lender and Ec.-�:.=«'�r:-"'��'y:� �3.'ee fn writMp.Insurance proeeed3 shall bo appli�d to rx�rr'a�Dn or repatr ot tha
<br /> ,;;j.'f;��.'�. ; PropeRyr damaged.H t`a ry:::.����a;tr repab is oconomtoatry teasmte end lenQ�s security 1s not tessene�...;t tha restoratbr►o�
<br /> � ,,;;,�?,,.�t teQair ls not economlcnlly t�:,:,6.k,. ,r Lsnders securityr woutd ba tessaned,thfl insurenco pracead� sha11 be epplled to the sums
<br /> .' ;��,;.•:; � Securdd by tA1s Secutdy InsWrcent, whather or no!tRen duo, with ttny excesa pa1C to �oncu�. If Borrower abandvns the -
<br /> . •; Properly,ar does not answer within 30 days a notfca from Lender th3t tha insurance carrteu huo oHered to settia e claim,then =.
<br /> Lertde►may co:lect the �surence proceeds. V�nder mny use thg proaead� to repBY or ratto�t the PropeRy o�to pay sutns -
<br /> sBCUrBd Dy tANS Securiiy Instrument,whether or not th°n duo. The 30�ay p��.+9 wUl begai wnon tho notico is pllan.
<br /> Unies;� L6nQsr and Borrower otherwt�o agreo in wdttng, eny app:'aat.on of praoao9s to prirtc�al ehs7 not e�Qend a�
<br /> • pasYpona ths Cus Eate of the monthfy payments ro'errod to 1n p2rag�t+s 1 and 2 or chnnpo:he e►naunt of the paymer+ts. 1!
<br /> urtde►patagrayh 21 the Property is ecqu�ad Oy lsnder. 8orrower's ri�Tt to eny i�suranco pol'ti:�and pra�'�d:,t��u~�fp fiam
<br /> da[nepe to the PropeRy prtor to the acquL^@tan shalt pasa to Lendcr to th� wRent of 4ha sum� by thls Security tnsUumenl
<br /> � � ImmeG3�tary prior to the acquls�[on.
<br /> � � 8. Oacup�ncgt, Preservetion� Me�3ntonenco and Rr�tect�on of th� Proparty; Borrorrer'a Loan
<br /> , � AppUcetian; L�LalhOldO. 8ormwer sha0 otcupy,esta0lsh,and uso the Piroperry as Bormwe�s prirtcipil restderses w�hin
<br /> ' • . s6Ry day� atier the exeeutton ot this Sscurity Instrumant and shall conttnue m cceupy the�roperiy as Hoaowe�'s pra�e�a1
<br /> � reslCenc�br at k�ast onfl ycar aftcr 4hs dst0 01 oCCUpEnCy,unfoss LanQer olhenr�tso agres�n b wrTing,wh1cA cons9n2�hsE!rtot
<br /> � � ha unreasonaby wdhheld,ot unfesE oxtsnuathg cicumufances�clst vfitoh ero boyond Borrou�s control. Boaowd shall rtoi
<br /> � desVOy.damago or impatr the Property,allow the Properly to dsteriorato,ar commil was2fl on the Proyerly.BGtroxat SR9ll be in
<br /> QofauR H eny toR88ure nction o�proeaed�g, whatAar civif or criminal,Is bc�gun that in Len6afa good iaRA judgmeni eo�td resv3
<br /> in fott8luria o}the Propmtyr ot othsrwise milterlally hnpBN lh9 fen Cmaffid Dy tAi3 SEiturily In�bumont or lende�s sscun7y hteresi.
<br /> : �� : ..z,t%,
<br /> . _ :.� ���, ��.
<br /> � � • } F1379.L11.0(10/Q9) P�ge 2 0l 6
<br /> _ _... ..:..__ . . l
<br /> ,
<br /> � . � � sass,
<br /> � �i
<br />