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���;':��,"l � . .rt�,.,�,u�}�:,�.«�<<�:��£*�:� <br /> . ' - ----- ----, ., . <br /> v ""r�i_' ---.. . . - - . - •t - ..... -- -'- ._ .. . . �- <br /> 1 <br /> i . <br /> .. _� , � 17. Yransfe� 04 t�e Rroperiy �r e ��n�ficia! Interesi t� Boa�eower. 1} a!t cr any D� o!Ne Prop2rty ar . <br /> __ ----_, �y ���;: Q$�����Sa� �o►�onaf�et�l Int�mst tn Borrowar is sotd or usnsfarr+�sd and 8orrotiv�t fs not a natu+tU -- <br /> � ; p2rsan)wftAaut Lendsfs priar written eon�s.��lendsr its opi;an,require cnrrtadato payR.�nt�n tun ot an sums secureo or -; <br /> th� �eur'siY�nStrument Howsver,th3s opttan ahaU rtot be ezareised by Lendar(t e�r�lse ts prohib+�ed Dy teQ3►at tiw es of tho <br /> �� dato at this Sscurtiy Instrument. <br /> . f !t LenQe►cxerei:,e3 thin optton,Lend�r sh311 p:va Bonflwsr r.aibo of BCCe�ratton. Ths rtotica sha!1 provEda a par�od of rtot <br /> .� � 1?sy th9rf 30 day9 from the dat9 tA9 noliee 19 da!NBrsel ar matiBd within whkA Bartower must pay ai1 sum3 s�ured Dy lhi; � <br /> . ' ' - � s�9CUt$y I11gQUttt8tlt �}BOffOYYEf fd[�t0 pSy 1h850 3URi9 p�bf t0 th9 67�If8tl6t1 01 lhl9 Rt]t10d, LendEr rr�sy tn�roke eny rerrtadi9s � , <br /> ' � �SBrm'tted by thts�eeutityr Inshumertt wfthout tuAR3t notiCe o► Q;m�rtd on Bo�rovrP�r• � � <br /> � 18. Borrower'� Rl�ht to Re9nsiat�. iP Borrowar meeia cena`•n eondatWns. Bortow"or Shtill hII+ra tRe �nt t0 haa� � <br /> � <br /> ' _ � cntCreetrtsnt of thi� 82curtiy In�Wmesit dt5�on�nu80 at any t1n�9 prior tq tPfa o3r13cr of: (s) 5 Q3ys (or such otner Rsrta9 as � • <br /> _ � gpp��qnSg{3�tl43y ggeCByr fOr�8`.nit4t2m:'nt)batero sate a1 tRo Pra�^vtY purouanl to eny power ot ank�eontuined u►thi�5�urity � . <br /> ' -�- i tn3trument:ot(b)entry of a�udgm9nt an4atcing t�1,S9euNty instrument.Those cortdalans era that BasrauCr. (s}psys Lgndar et! � ; _ _ <br /> �.• i sums vrAtcA than rrautd 6o due under thts S�urt'�► tnstnament and the Not�as ii rto r.ccearaUon had accurr¢d: (b)cures any ` <br /> � EStBUR of eny Otn�CovenSnt Or 8greemerltS; (c)PaYS atl e�enses �ncuned In enforeing thl� fiecurii�l Instrument, includ�g,but � <br /> rtat lim:tBd to,r6asonabl9 attomeys'fees: an0(d)takes such ectton as Lender may reasonabty requUe to assure tPrat tA9 Gen of � `,���.: <br /> �� • • 4 thts Securtty InsSiumenL Lende�s d8hts in the Proparty and 9orrowefs abligaL'on to pay tho sums secured by 4his Seeur�y y,o_ <br /> "��?�.-: <br /> aha!1 continus unch[utgod. URan rerstatemflnt by Bottower, this SeCVtily �nstrumant and the oblig3ttons sewrad �4, <br /> , hereDy shail remafin tul.y eNectFre as if no sccsseratton had oeeurred. However,this right to renstato shRO nat appry tn the casa -_-_ <br /> of acCefetB�on under Para�aPh 17. "�e-- <br /> i9. $31C @Z IV�iB; C�Y891S@ Of LOSY1 SEiY�C@T.The NotB CT a& A� tnterast � th0 No� (tt7g92hEr w�h th(3 • .<._.-__-, <br /> Secucdy inswrrtent)may be sotd one or more ttmes vr�thout prtor notice to 8ortaw&r.A sate msy resuft in a change in ths entdy+ i . ::.�.�_ <br /> . (known as the'LOan Se�vice�that couscts monthh PaYm2nu dua under tha Note and thG Seeurdll InsVUmsnL There also rt�y -°-_ <br /> ,� tra ane or mora changes a} the Loan Seyvicor unreiated to a S81a of the NOte. It thEte is 8 Ct�tt89 of th9 LoBn 3Ervi�r. -_- <br /> • Bo�row�r w,'�t�e g�,�2r�wrt'tten notiee of the change in sccordartce w3A paragispb 14 above and apPt,cabte taw. Tha�otica tivi7 ���_=- <br /> . � _•,:�.,:__ <br /> state tho nama r�sd 2ddress of the new l.otu►S�cer and tha address to w7iic�+paym2nts should be rt�ado. Ths�atles w�J elso __ <br /> CCnta�:any othar inform.atton re4u�d bY aRO:xL•6E2 iaw. I `�`,`�=:� <br /> ,- --. .. ._- "' Z�. H�8Td01t8 SUbSl�et�q. Borrovrer shaD not cause or pamt3 tha O���a.us9, dsPoseb storsga,or reaase at � .;`` - <br /> , X. 2ny H�rdous SLb�tances on ar in the Propattyr. 9orrowet sh�7 not do, nor a�n Enyans c-'se to do,enytAlnB&RBC�B t�H ^— <br /> � � Prc�y that is c� ��tofation of any Environmentai Law. The prer.�dng rv� s�t�n� sha'_' not ePDY to the presence. usa.or _;'�� <br /> � stor�qe on the �rRarty of small quent�ies ot Hamrdnus 3ubnanaas tha: �:�zrally recognimd to be ayyroprtate to normal =;;- <br /> _ � testdenital uses and W mahtenanee of the Property -�s�'� <br /> E:.nower sD�a7 promptlyr 8h+e Lender wn'tte� rtotiee of anY aiva..C-"cy�bti. alafm, d�mand. tawsu� or otl�et actEon by any �r'�- <br /> - � �C�'Tental or fegu(atorll��Y or prtvate p8riy invoMing th�i�c;,�j asid anY Herardous SLbsffince ar Enaironmeatat Law ot =__ <br /> T� wP:ie� onnowar has eetual knowiedge. If Borrower bams. or�:+otfied by any govesnmental or reguiatory authurity.that any �� <br /> removal or ofhQ �ediatton of eny Hazardous Substertce affacting Prop�tty Gs noce3sary. Borrovuet sheA promytiy tefcs aU =__- <br /> �- rtecessary�a:�i-arr ons in accordance wRh EnvironmenffiI Law. <br /> ' '' As used in ���r.,sragraph a0,"Hazardous Subat�►ces'ere those subsmncvs def�ed as toxia or hsrardous substanees by <br /> ' � Emfionmental La�+ snd tt�e �It.�iing substances: gasoCa�a kerosene, oth�r fL�mmabls or toxEa patroSeum pradue�. taxic <br /> � . .,�.t: • — <br /> � ���5:�r�.; ' F�:��and he�Qaies.ti�-::+:i!a s�tvents�matsriats co�taining asl�toE or tormstdohyrl�,and radtoactive matertat�. As ussd c� -- <br /> �':�::`;:. t a,�,-�r�h gp. �c;ti-�nmental` means faderal laws and Iaws of ths jur�dictton whr.�e the Proporiy(s taeated that relate to <br /> . � � hea».�,safety ar e:�onmental Protection. <br /> � � �' NON-UNIFORM COVENANr3.Borrower and Lender tuRher covEnent ar.d aarea as foCO+vs: <br /> � � ��1. Acceleratton; Remedies. i.ender shalt gdve ���:� 40 �arrower prior to accelera4Ion <br /> � �� �� i��:���tng Borrower's breach ot any covenar�t¢�c �greer.:a:.: �n thio S$curliy Ina�rumeat (i�u4 aot <br /> . � ` pr:or to acceteratlan a�nder paragraph 17 u�alew appll��2 I�w proe:����s otherwtse). 7fie notice <br /> shali �ec'_`�!:(:�)the detautt; (b)tkn,v.Uon requtred to �r� 3tte de��f.� (o) a date� not leas than <br /> •'. � 3�days tr�cr L.�`a dete the notice isf s�.v-en to Borrower. ���s-hqch tR:� d�t�r113 ra��S be cured: and <br /> ��� ��,),tL•`�4 fat9cre to cure •_h:e detault on or be'�.t the dai� speclfle� �r�� if:p �n¢ti,� may reault in <br /> . �`l;,�`;;�. ; ara�2araUon of the aum��aured by this Sec-�.�-�sy lnatru�ent and sal.�ai:iih= h"r:•�arty.Thc c�cttce <br /> � ����� �f, turther intorm 6ac�:v.v�r of the right to r�+3.�sa�t� efter accelerat�on and 4he right t,o tr.cfr.*.� e <br /> � couR actton to assert tf�E non-exlstence of a dela��� � any other doYenae of Borra�n t� <br /> ` acceleratlon end aaie. If the detault Is aot cured on �:�tore the dnte spe�ifled in the ac:.'ce, _ <br /> � •� � i.,en�er at ita op�lon may requUe immedsate pa�-°�.1 �:� �.fs] of all su¢ns sec�red by thls Saruatiy <br /> �a.� ^ RT,�ment �nrithout ��`ssr demand end may ?��1.�2 :.� po�+rer of sale and any other rens�:�'.es :-_ <br /> ..,,,;. <br /> - ��m.:�il2ed by apPltcattf:� i�w. Lender shaft be e����'i'�S ia sallect atl e�en�es ineurred in�cr�rn+.:ag u=. <br /> � K titre remem'� provld�� :n thfs per�graph 21.�•'•=2i1J�I.�;,.. �s not IDmited to. reaaonable attice-eys' �.- <br /> 4'res nnd �of tit�a�:-tdence. � <br /> ' a 1! the ��wu e4 s3L� 4s invok�e�� Trustee �.*�ait rec�r�9 e� notice of dotautt in each courtly in z- <br /> � • �.'ah any put of t,F� �nperty (s tocated �.�� shall mait c�ptes o4 sach rtoUce in the cnnnrter �__;:= <br /> . � �'' ���cribed bY apPlic�3Cr� law to B�rrower an��the ather persoea Q�rea�ribed by apPllcab[e IaHr. �.__ <br /> f After the 4Hme�equired by appdicabte law.T►�:� ai"�,alD ��.re public rtoti�a o!aale to ti�e peraana �_,, <br /> ; and tn t6te cnanner preacribed by applicelale In�+r. 4���2.>�3�ut deman� on Borror�r�r,shali a�e0 =-_ <br /> � tho Rroper3y at publla auction to the htghast�tcid�o �� �'tr� tlme and pl�ce and under the tarrns � <br /> �ealflnated In the a�o4Dee of aafe tn one er �s:¢c� pnrcela and in any orde!r Trustee determirtes. ��;� <br /> � � Truotae may pos�onQ sale ot a!! or any �arc�� 04 the Properly by publlc ennouncert�ent eY the - <br /> � . t1�ne and placo 01 any previouaty achgduted aafe. Len�er or ita dea�gr�ea nsy purcha� t3�� :,� <br /> Propetty at any sa4e. <br /> ' ' Upan ►acalpt of payment of the prtce btd. Truatee altinil deltyer to the pureP�assr Trustee'a <br /> deed conveyinq the Rroperty. The rec(tats In the Trustee's deas ahafl ��prime tacle evidence ot ,. <br /> • � the truth of trte statement� mede tltercln. True2ee shn11 appty the pre�eetla ot the sate In the <br /> followirt� order: (e) to all costa and expertaea of exerctaing Lhe Ra�rer of salr, end the aaie, <br /> � Including A.he payment of th� Trustee'a tees act�nily lncuned, not�f th�pT�c�pal nmaur�t ot Uto ' <br /> note et tha Ume o!the aecieration ot deinutt,and Penaonnble nttorney'm teea as permitted by law: �. <br /> � � (b) 2o eil surna secured by 3hia Seeutity tnstrument; and(c) any exceas to the person or peraons ; <br /> :i legalty ent3tic�f to it � <br /> � P�,.""- G����� <br /> �� �.9.o�yn�,o�) aaAo a o+s <br /> - .,_. . . _ � , <br /> - I <br /> = e�n+ <br /> , <br /> i _ __. _ <br />