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3 <br />11. L.ENDISM RWAq TO C.OMMENm OR DEFEND LEGAL AMOM Grantor ilia! provide Leder wMh wrftert oartbe d any adtial or <br />+ troMined aetOtt. PA. or rtathet proctletf�i'ti.' dig to Grardor hereby tlppoktfe: Lander as b b OOtTll em me. kmr !e h. and <br />downd WrA ac*m. stalls. or cow � and io oorrpronlse or sstfe any : t i Or OfIfMPOMersy X �s tw�� �� <br />Grantor for <br />any acton. am. mWafar. antisdonpn�M Cr�a orap� d0 �a desetlbed h this pttagalfi a try lestelfrtp ' <br />astttairrsd hsrdn wM pns+ om Lender.recce to ft tti fn Lis perapaph h its am tttnhe. + <br />'12 RMENINMAIM Larder shd not asstxm a be .espy Ale for the ptrbrtneltce d of Grantor! abMgdortis midst tied s� o t . under <br />any � Gnnsor that brad I* peo�.de Larder vm rr>ftren nallm a tad ttder�h► and lead Landor end its diree�oes. daoKt. � <br />yeas oral stgstds herrrlsas kom all dabs. dtrnsdeR MIMI e f acrd legal 41 IF -i. ebus d action. aeaiom. suds and <br />( "dekta7 b tfte Fly l txA not 1rhiMd b. *roMa1r�r+p Hardous 1AestrWs). Grenlor. upon h a <br />�tequ�id ota Low nd�sfrd� � �sd tordsr Gam sudr Ciai:s. and pogr ltta etlortrey�' Nee. lqi �sn*"� a� oar oogs inc�nsd <br />i oocsnediort fnerswitt h alruraeh+e. Landx alai! bs eettded bae1'p1oy lie van G►Asl ooursd b defend fLrlt Otirrs a! (iraedors oust GrwnAors ;. <br />ob�galiort b ir�rrtihl► tssrudK uendar Labe psre�ey^.h sir swlvs f» Mnfiffaeort. !abase err fcrodaM.. a Lois Deed dTneeL � 0 <br />19. TAXER AtlO ASSN• ��' � Grantor staff depodl wMtaMr tam edtorta�iMeeMrr (�(� id � �ha O <br />d d :ems. upon t!o rsgussl d Larder. efrd applied b fie paynant of <br />n pre�tttxes and assessrrrhrds 10 sue Properly. tie kahg es there b tvr detatttfl. tree emoults <br />asaessrtnrtts end kteteranrte ss r»gt*ed the t�ntparti►. Gr re evens a dalmA Loader shell lrs+ta *w t1�A. at ps soN option. to sP�y era so Mks to <br />pay any lases a W*d the Oblp*m Anyfu nds tppled mwy, at Lartdds opfon. be rtppfled' eweae order d the due tlyde ttnaeeoR <br />14. 1fi3F'ECTK>rl OF PROF Al `r, BOOKS. RECOR>a8 AiIO REPORTB. fkaror,hhll slaw Lauder arils aperta10 Oxartdrts and rte Properly <br />and eminte. end maloe con d G fees boob and teoatde pettsdrhktQ b'Ite lstoptrte Gam t s b >.ne. Grtttor shag Inge aocttr end <br />( regneksd Leader lc:f>eae pupoeet N d lttaaaiptttAttee toil kttarrtaiat oarttiKd h Ckraretbrt boob ar+d teoarde the be peraetrre. <br />(n d rweped's Gransar salt noM the d d Lwrtdera bereWsi htaaest h Its ttoab end raaotufa 1 to the Property. Adrlt TM <br />Grantor staeA repxs. �� a lam rY b larder. sudr Nomteeton a Lander mtp het sq +egerdlnD Grarads 1 aanfMon or fire <br />Prop". TA <br />hloerrrneNeort drel Ds 4t;r such per!odt, sty reface Grartare reoottle as tthdllkrte. trrd siraA be rrrtdetsd wlw wrch fte�+erwY as t:erreler mtty deelpnbs. <br />kttortrnefort furnished by Ganegar b lerxler dal be hhe: aoursdt end aoerplOM h d ttsepect+t. and sighed by C;>rarfor Ill Landlr ngesrtds• <br />IL ESTOPPEL CERTIFICATES. WMnirn ten ( tip) taays sdlr colt regttest by Lender. L;rtr(a) ter delver b Lander. a any Mttended trralena b Lender's <br />r% is wm respect to ate ObIgodons, a dpnsd and adatorrlsdged ssetenhent spedfykp (a) rtraMwndrt0 beNrtoe on fhs Ottfpalba• atnd (b) set-oft or <br />G�srdor any elatrm. del erase6 set -ens a ootatsedekls wMt t � ioo to W v d to 1. a"-1 in <br />Gn r*w vdkl be oonclueivdjr bound by any <br />kw event to Grardor fats b PI ate regtrsdW ststertsat h a>trrraly nanrtsc <br />16. DEFAULT. Grenaor shall be in deautt under ftis Dead of Truest and tut Tmdom's porter chef berate operafw h are eveed feet t3rar>lor. Boerov+wr a <br />ay viamum of the Obigdoetn <br />(a) tale to pay any Oblgaton b Lwxkr whon. ckm <br />any � or d io Lender axsrwad h aloe teed a Trued a any ottat present or ha " <br />agreement <br />(b) ta#s to perform arh!► <br />(c dostram !oars or dag" propy let any neeemspc or subject O �y b setv". earAmeaftL or mxbnvm* n. <br />(d) kb mvdw. son, —I —err of wwlse t4rdl as labft under any guerenlw b Leader; <br />(e) dos. beottrnes legally kmoffT lerht.Is dissoltired or bolvill lest otters InschmV. melons sn asdgirmed for it a berteM of avd m. ids to pay <br />debts as Lacy became des, lass s psftn trader tw In tim bokupecp laws. has sn k'*mwy t h bwkuWy fled h wtdch Grantor. Borrower <br />or aay guerarhtor is nerspd, or has property sakat tetdnr arty colt a proosss a eatat: <br />(t) apow s gads to be used. ttuupomd or stored as fns Pmpwty. the Pos slon. it xh 4* . a tae d wtkK ls tlegd. <br />(g) &ft" arty P" ofar flea Granw or Borrower b mum err tndw%ft eery ad.,_ n v ltwut sue vwhlea core= of Lerhdx: a <br />(t,) cauteos Lender b dttenu tell insecure doe to a sIg Is fag define h fee vokm d Its Peopertr or it Leader. h good toffee, for any reason. beietras <br />that the prospect of payrmg or pedomunm Is LTtpeired <br />17. MM OF LENDER ON DEFAULT. p two b a ddatdt under fie feed of Trtd3. Leader +stall be ceded to exercise ate or ntors of the following <br />rerraodes wh8 W nolm or do. ad (axocpt as feq Avd by law): <br />(a) %, declare Ire Obigatiarn km* r due and peyabfe in feel: <br />(b) b collect fee outstanding Oblg feu WM or wfthoul tembhg b)xic tt process: <br />(c) b rsquke Qsardor to dsfwr and redo avalab e b Larder any personal property or Chenalb aoraettsrtrp to ftpety at a place reasonably <br />aortvef g 10 Gerardo and Lender. <br />(d) b ~ upon and tad's possession a to PmpwV wit and atppi tg for or 0 ttm appokmrattt of a resaiysr and. at Lenders opfon, to <br />appoktt a foceh+er *!trout baxl, vriltottt fret hknghg wit an the Oblggws and wWoul attaalso .."to arty stakdory aortdfone rege ilk <br />rec ohms. d being krisadad ties Lander shill have this aonvacl al matte b app A a receiver: <br />(e) b effpioy a mareging agate alto PIOW IY wad let the saris. ekhsrh Tnealeels own norm. In tut nerne of Larder or Ingo moons of Grantor. and <br />receive fie tarts. kt mvus. issues and prone of ate Rep" and apply the sans. alter papms of d neommy dnergss and expenses, an account of <br />fee Owgaliorw. <br />(fi b Pay any suns In any loon or nmw dserhted expedient by Lanrdsr b prod the security of ftis Dead of Thai or b cue any defame other than <br />paymxrt d der ea or ptirteipei an to Cbigallow <br />(g) lob lose this Deed of Treat )tcicdy or nornjudddy and so dred to sale of tw properly trough exadee of to pim mr of sale as referenced In <br />paragraph 20 hereof in acccardertos vriau opplicabie taw: <br />(h) to setva Grantors cbsgwkm apaitmt any amours tiered Grantor by Lander krcf dreg; taut trot faired b. rrnrtbe. kntrunents. and deposit <br />accounts ntekddrod wMt Larder cr any a m*i id Mg or tuass WNW* of Lender: and <br />(t) to commin all star rV is my ttb so Lender under any otter mben mar erne t or applicable law. <br />LetKWa tt are ctmm letnra and my be eimdsed vapor aleiy; and h any ceder. In ere eirerrf teal Larder kwftdm an action smM to <br />recomy d mrty of tm Property by way d a prejudGruertt n anvil h art action against Grartior. Grarim warm to posOV d any bond which rrlgM <br />otmowlss be requivd. landeror s d -AW— a megr pxdmo the PmpwW as fry sets. Pmo eds d any Those s ado tnrerber dull be appfsd <br />!Est, to the com and expettsss d em"mci keg rte portx d se0s add 1(rs sai0. hd�rrg the payreartt d foe Trustees fees aAsely'oared and nil to <br />exceed rite arrmt vt#hict may be provided for in Ilia Dead of Tnaf second to pwprwd of ere t)blpediorss exceed hereby. thkd, b fee pop, a d d Onlor <br />I ud deeds, rrtottgogas` or otm flethoklat aid the belauoea, t any b the pecan ar persons MLW.- -+rolled octet. The propetrr or ay part trerwo3 troy <br />be soli h orse PeeaaL a in such parcel, creamer or order as Larder in IN sale dsaetaa tray siocl: ad acre or roes e�aedses d ere prwar heeler granted <br />shag not wdinguish or whoud the power unleas to enure property b eckl ortm kid, are paid h fief <br />18. TRUSTEE'Q EXERCME OF POt M OF SALE ON DWAULT: If Lender d acts ib sd C mr*n 's'lo In tts Propely by emrClm a the power d <br />safe herein cm- Adneit Leader shell nodfy Tmstee into manner two nq*9d bylaw. <br />Upon cecoo of such, of Leader and at eta d'eacferr of Lender. Tnniee stall cares$ to be reonded, pu Mitred d delivered such notoes d defaull <br />and ndkes of sate as ray Lien be mpkad by last and by fell Deed d Tna1 Trusses dt only ei ere dkacfort of Leader and wMW dersand on Grantor. <br />dw such *m as flay teen be required by leap and aftecnrcordtdart d such -ages d defshfl and a ler r- d - d sale hmitng been giver m required by law. <br />sal fn pr�eny Leff fire ttme and place d sale ftaed by g h suds ;troPrae d sob. elyter ohs rsthoie err h paraft lots or peace! or fens as lender sir deem <br />:3xpedertit. aced in sudr arde�r ass It mutydaterrlrre, at pubic axdtin io the hl�test bidder tar fah it iaprkel nnrtey c(tts Uribd Stales peyablo a! ere tkrte d <br />seta. or as ataerxise may tte:r be ttxgsrtsd by leap. Tnases afro/ dtfhrar b ease' pudhaser a pea�sers thereat ks goad aced deed a deeds <br />amveytng rte pro�srty so avid. but wiC�atet ern. eoveemr@ err r►arrarhA ,express err. krplad The esckals h surrlr deed d any ahatsees err feels seal be <br />oortdushte proof of ire tu@i&r3wis thereat' Arty pecsorr, irrcisedusp, wlltrocY tkritafoer, Grsrgar, Trresles rr Leader. nay puxdmse at srrdr sale. Tnates tray <br />let the maser pro++ided ty Leer postpone'sab d of err an pat4at o(tts PtoperTy_ <br />1% RMUEST FOR NOTICES: Grardor-r the a copy of eery crofts of dolasht and a copy of any nolke d sde hereunder be nhefed b each Pat so <br />who l a party hereto all tee add ss of such parrm sal Loan twtsin sign saute irm and Into same manner requked as though a separate reque t tined <br />had beast lied by each such person <br />NEDx r!OL rasr vq.sars <br />
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