2Q SECURIrt R:TEREST MMTHE tAAFORM COiRERCIAL CODE ibis Deed of TWO shah be ad and be affective as a Ptneirq
<br />stadwwd and a fiuCtxe MV Rrwant to fie pnovbions d 1ha Urftrm CwnTmid Coda (as pdopdad In the state whom to rod popwty is iomms
<br />amfsntl res. shatters. arxf art'-aes d property nave owned or iisne 1 afeched to ar to bea wed in ao�on Kolb the Property togr>tnr wMh
<br />a# tiered grad tdtnweb (to Thdmftl and Gmdari!heeaby Lender a seaxtty brand h such Chtsftsls TM rle3AOt k
<br />ate Grenw was daabove. 116 Dead of Trust vA be alfecave as a ihenekp rtxrs rm 3d as a van Ung win► Baps I b d foam hdxlad within
<br />said and b to be tired gar reoo!d h fie riot et a records d each cannly re any pert d seld prwrises MMdM aid fb kM) Is sRuated This
<br />Deed of Trust shd also be *Uvcdn as a flimck p Wtamwt covering odor pptsrtisee and mry be filed h any —9 1911 ecoeovdde ling or rewdir+0
<br />office. A csibot pftosoprophic or elver rspraducfon d this Daed d ThAd cc ol arty fn►V_w shmnsrt rddrig is Yik Dead at mud shd be sufficient n a
<br />finac►dg tukwrtwtt for any d flee ptapoaes nslwnd b h tde Parageph. The sealed party is fie Leader dssabod abaw. Uaon atimand. tremor shell co
<br />make, execute end delver zuetr'seru�► agreements (as such tarn Is ddned h said Urm rm Conttetdal Cod$)) as lender all any fnu may deem
<br />necessary or proper ar rogt*vd a guard io Larder a perhdvd suaafty Inmrest h the Cktitars, and upon: G4rartor's hiitae to do m. Lender Is a ftstted la co
<br />sign any such egreen erd as the agxt of Granter. Granter heraby auatarfzes Lrder to Rh f naming staNrrraonI (as such term b diffract In said Uniform . 1
<br />Conrmerdad Coda) whh,mpoct to the Ctettdtt, strrry tics. wWwA to sigmlae d Grantor Graxor wfil. tw. wwr. at s�r+�r itm upon request of lender.
<br />sign such g sSatwnwits Gunter wfi pay d lBrig Sees for the arg9 d suds fkusridnp statat+wts and tar the �rrg fteraa(st the tunes n►c+ulrsd. h
<br />to opktkm of Lender. by said LWiorn CarsrwcW Cods. f the chin d tie Deed of This be �%kiod to any searrRy aQeerrsrA oover�tp fte
<br />h the of any ddeuR under tHs Dead d That. d the ftK tde and tnprest d Grwr t !n and 1a any and d a f» Charids is itersby aasyrwdtoto
<br />rte Property. h to d way or p� ter
<br />rxm or !meow made faol by Grantor or the pradsoessors`r yucca mm h if b of
<br />C �Q
<br />21. REMURSBFIENT OF AMOUNTS EXPENM BY LEMBL Linder, d Larider"s nchr expand Sends (Yxdudrtg atbmeys' faaa brad Laval f�
<br />expanses) to perform any bet nquked to be tam by Grantor or to exardw any dgftl a renal of lendV under trio Dead d Trust. Upon demand. Glrantor
<br />sw bmvdiamly mkrdtucse Lander ford such strtotate 4tTt0 id11d by Lsrr- togsthar wfh !ntwed #mwa, at rib boar of** Mghad rase described h any
<br />O o sorrfsh ow s d by tea. kvmtha date d psymeral urd itte dodo d nkTbxs no& Theme suns shd be kuAuded b foe ddnMm d,
<br />secndby"benefdd ktmrast �ac�ad birch. p f�a OblpaAlarta era p� z;ie,• ttte bwkanirtp d put>ftetlort d notlon d
<br />sale, as herein p ovidkL ar in the event lender shat. at Rs sole nplfaort, prrr+R C3tarRar to pry arty pall of the t7bilow�IOCUS rdfer fta begktttkag d WubMaaMor► d
<br />nodee d sole. as hsrdn provided. then. Grantor whet an demnd d hound by On Thtdee and w In oota»cfon wMh said pubficatibn,
<br />ttdudtrq rsesm *him & tent 71, Seca logo also Kole for 1M Tau w and for ha Lndw. and a reaaaaabb fee to tha Tnntee. and 111111 Deed d'sruat sled be
<br />seaAy for d Koch experass and faros. }
<br />22. APMJCATKM OF PAY113i M Mo Trustee shd_ 2ndw I d tea inustat.'s ale. tint. b tae cogs and e>¢artsa d auardsinp jibe po�wr d
<br />bale and d fta ode. irtdudrip �r�te�e�m�t1 d the TnusOse'i leis hearted real a exceed far anntn�t wHch may be provided for h #w Dr 3d a TruXL `
<br />seoorri. to pnyrran! d fie obbgsiai aacured by the Dead of Thor, to tae mnanl d junta coeds d tttrst. sr>rxmapea a char Aattiaokixs, and tree
<br />tteknoe.lf arty. b the garcon of goners Mgdy erfled ttsrreto.
<br />23. POWER OF ATTORNEY. Grantor he ebr adpokis lender as b atlo ney in r d to endorse aranloft narn an d h:gumer b and oflrer docunanta . t
<br />pertaktkq to fta Oblgatfrxts or Decd d T ud h addMat LuKler shag br erg9led, but no! regaled, to paAarrn avail acdrxh ar' osaaars arty► ckxx ti
<br />.required to be taiwrt ar exsated by Grantor uxier tftk Deed d TnuL larders p11rlorrrntoe of wxh acflort ar 11ossccut�ir: at rtudh c�lxwnts slmM rat ►
<br />rolfeve Grantor from any Otlgotlorh ar one arty dslatrR radar fie Deed d Trwt M pow11rs of atbrraey da11afbad h tcls L�s'� 04 `a nest era eaupled wRh an
<br />ktar'ed and ore havocaobte� i
<br />2L SUBROGATIOK OF LENDER. Lwadw 9W be wAro` ia.= let the rfg a d the fto!!sr of any previous Item seetsriti `rzs .?aYc or ormu rtbrance i
<br />dischwQed vrM bxtds advanced by tender rsgirdwn ol winter ir" iwur. soariy htwats ar Ofaer enarmdarioss have a, yr, �wb : umd d fe0ard
<br />25. COI 1ECTION COSTS. To tw mom by law. Gm• w sOess i3 Lan We reasonable far end cosh. it ck lxn not irrited to. Im ,
<br />and costs a atfor eys and alter agents wwas k—=wt yraaSe clerita and conattteraes). wittier or sal 4uM stfontey or amt b an
<br />wrcloyee d lender. widct era ttaared by� or- .becfrtp y arnw+t due or eriarct+g any richt or t�errsds� txtc0xh f of Tnu:t, whe?her or not
<br />sub is Includrg, btu not lnitod to, all toes and: rim Beamed on appeal h barowtWicy and for pod4xVr whi w-Aecd ra adam
<br />26 PARTIAL RELEASE Larder nag+ reiesss Is lured In a portion d In by auaeaAhp and cite a more Partial Oseds d
<br />Reconveyance vMhout aflecting Its Interest h tiny �;n"V pm* m of ft ►noparty. Nl hanaia sAd Sea dearrsdna t Larder to release any d Its
<br />ktesst in the (atacapt as regtired u Y?? �P f 98 oar as n eey bs atnerwlso nagtdred b7 Sewj, nor shat Lerxlsr obligated to ryiease arty pert '
<br />el She Prcpwty�It Is In dedacdt undw t;tl Dead of Tewt, The Mn and �y Levert nxarrtar: b to Osed d Trust rorraeln h efhCt wRh respect to
<br />tisai patai d the propwty, as da'lted In his tae.d oe Trust let k tool file su6jert d its or anX P Deed as Peaontreyertne
<br />27. MM 4CATION AND WAIVER. The qedlic.4m or =Nw of any of Grareaft CbF<*i its or Lancet's a dts under ft Deed of Trust nut he
<br />contained In a writing signed by Lander. Lacer may per any d f ibim u'a or Grata' a i"biigadottu, delay a fd to exerc4sa arty d Its nlgfts of scow
<br />paymartc Lan Quarter a anyone othw trim Grantor wRtau: atctsktg a xalvsr d fxxsa OfY: r ice or �,, A waNsr on one occasion shat rat oaastltute .
<br />a waiver an ury otltor oocadon� Orarpor's taxfsr fie Deed d Trtsd stall not Sea aAsctsd i<lerhdsr airisids. curlier fails to
<br />Ueitde perry s d t d fw bafart veep ;o argt (barulor, f3ottottae ar tdrd pity a xarty d R11 tidafa any (�rantor� or
<br />Property. Lwidet"s t, lebt treat strict parloasaonoe d bray d b 17oQgator sled nolb decreed a waMr attd Lander shat
<br />fmt'e ;tine riprt at srry this tierwiser'to lafd neon strict pw?�etriiwioe.
<br />28. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE; TRUSTEE UARRHY; MAIM In case of the death, ha6iq. refwd to act or abs a r m of tie Trustee km the
<br />stale wi m to red prop" is located a h canto holder d the 0 ftdom sW d 1 1 1 for arty meson b roman the Thmm or arty subskdo trustee as
<br />VuMe hereunder and Tics appont a new trustee In W place and sued. fte holder d tae obl&km k hweby vented tai power to appoint In writing a
<br />sulk trustee for said Trusses, and to subftme trusim shd, when appolted, bscarrs strooemw to d theta of Ttwte 1 hereunder and to same amt
<br />become vested in him for fie ptsposaa and objets d his Dead d Trust wiYi d the . d;0ss and obiga/orts herein conieeed on tae Trustee. Trustee
<br />aW no! be flabis for error d or alt dove by Trustee. a to �tesporufitla or soominim a under any circumstances whatsoever.
<br />Tntstes shell not be personally ibble in � of entry by it of anyone acting by vlrlue of file pawars mar granted R upon the Deed d Thud br debts i
<br />contracted or y or Incased h ft or operators of said premiss; ?ruche shat have tits b marry hstrsnsnt,
<br />dac mwd a sgnasxe e= or suppafrtg maw a sen ar pr�p�a� o be tsfhwa by R hereunder or beloved by h fable to be
<br />Trustee sW be sabred a eeintm —wart for hatred by R h the'wiotntewtce d Rs doles hereunder and b oonpetuatiornior wdi
<br />a! fts swAm hereunder save and notd l haErrrtsw t + dme d again �� � lab rbdwnapa'ara a hnaned�r f�peAo Truafte for and of Its dudes,
<br />AN me.,oys received by Three sha& utR used or applied w !oak p ovided. be hard h lust ier sm ptmposes for whddt ftey were received, but need not
<br />be segregated h any manner Ir mt arty ottw mxteys (except to to ardent rmp*ad by law) surd Tnutee shell be under to ihbfy for krierest on arty
<br />nomy s receI d by b twoutder.
<br />29. SUCCESSORS AND ASS4GPi9. This Deed- of Trust shd be auk q upon and Ines to the ber lilt of Grantor raid Lender and fmir respective
<br />stuc�ora, esaigra, trtseaas, cecehers, parsartd z>tpessor>tdvss, legatees and dsvtssss.
<br />30. NOTICES, E=apt as orliei� w required by leer. any trades or ocher cmurur�on kt be provided under ttds Deed d Trot did be h wftV and sent t
<br />to the pandas d the add =s described in fit Dead d Trust or such cater address as to penes dedgtae h wr*V from fns to tkne. Any such
<br />notca so gtmnt and sent W ikst cho rnak prepaid, she! be daarsd Given to caviar o frse73) days a!!er such nodes Is sent or when received
<br />by to person to whom., such noires h being gkw
<br />31. SEVFRABiLiT't. Y+Rtarww posstbie, earls provision of 26 geed of Trust stall be iaerpcsted so as to be Maeave and valid under epplicable stars
<br />taw. It any p ovWo n of this Deed of Tmai vim the her or b me iorceabie, fw test d on Dead of Trot shall continue to be valid acrd entoroeebis.
<br />I -
<br />32, APPLICABLE LAW. Shim Deed d T..-tsst shell to governed bin alts have of the sage whets tae red powly Is located Udess appkabe law prov ides
<br />caterwise, Grantor consorts lo tae Jtahediclim avid vertw d arty coat sel—m by Lander. h Rs soSe ds<ssfan acated h tract stem ¢
<br />31 WISCELLANEOUS. Grantor and Lsrldar ages teat *rmisoftwimscence.Grardor waities praserttrraert, dererd for peymert, nodes d dislaorm and
<br />protest as Lv haw. A4 i+aiwetees to Clamor h fie Dead d Trust shell kckde all sigtig below. h there is more than true Grantor.
<br />,dtsir s!� be and sarttrai This Deed d Trust repeaeds the cams�ieie ��g b"eent Grantor and Landerperuft g to
<br />Me "14 andcondidomnerem
<br />34. NO Tl M PARTY R GHM W person is or shat be a It" party berry of r vision of ads Dead of Trust. Al provl*m at tit Deed d
<br />Trus; it tavor of Leader are Intended solely for the 1 of Lender, and no and Party it -m erred to assure a expect that Lender wt not wahre or
<br />consul loft nrndiraion d any prasfort od fds Deed d Trost, h Ludw- s soh am -d m t.
<br />M PRMERVATM OF LIABILITY AND PRIMM. WRfnct elms rte Rebey of Batmm. Grantor. or my guarantor of fas or any other t
<br />p� ( a pun m ly rdaased In tar tts pays t sd of to O�dgyaiats. and wild toat ass 1 g � �ar�rder verb y
<br />respect a +riCrlt dtmlantrbr mniy.tir E[lore alma !ta rnelead tits O�blgedora
<br />and without near or corta 1 release any pnesan > far a peformwtoe a d a arty poi a the Cbtgatores; melts a�er+mw� a{swhp fie '
<br />terms d or d cif x say part d thee► Cb� auswels. a rslsdn tom etwrdetq a waive arty e� a rwrjr tier lentder may hers
<br />under flee- LSoad d l accep addOrmi "cur" d argr land far am d fa or release a oaterwfss deal wdt any rash or pwsonml
<br />lie «rsccrdcg s r Any parhered terra �to m d iAxast d cry t ehn h the Ropwly stmt be deemed by
<br />any acllats `,fit Lertdac
<br />NEDa t AoL1$47 Pp�da
<br />