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(c) pA awe Wws ant MWWWM Veb". wlMtotr irt>lw b to mmimm wM Dbabllles Apt. 42 U.S.C. Sod w 12101 tt atq. (and d <br />mgAfims tote wxOed trod d zottkv and tg b tte Properly by vktae d arty %dsrel. smite a ntutbdpai <br />&Axrity wih) avitr tw Ptcttstty. p um* as aria sltpC bat obuetvad and w epved vO h aA tnfwbet tespecb. and d delfts. iotwaes. <br />pertriM &W rarO sass d cia upwv.7r ejckx%V but no(frtfisd b zm tp valwme, apecief *=*Plata for fwwwdon ing uses, and Anal kispec*m <br />tpprctetFs). '�rlittMien mrrpaaiy or penrtms i itrltbch taco -i miler4el b t» ua and aoattpsrwy d t(u Ftr+or". Pre *i om snd shd bt daWrod. <br />p nswftd wd. where nova sary, nr m"od; <br />c <br />(d) Orwoov hu the right and b duty auttodzad la baaAa and ;X.iotm brAlIgOmmundwft Dad d Tmst acid twess POP do not and she! riot <br />cwfid with Gate WavbPowat any saaft. repAubm adrom mb dam(Wm.4an�tryad cr c *w gowttent whidt mvy bv badrtp cn Cbw for at arty tlm . <br />(2 j !'10 BatlOrl Cr }XOC*edlhQ iQ a Thai tie Pm�g a 1flteelsr+td whtclt ri>ij%>! ...wa...r th! t�fOpetlY; old <br />(Q Osartdot Net nod vkAded and shall not -folds arty stau is. tegule fen. adktatoe, nde of law. oot►ka A or COW ---- -- Ockddk io. bA nd imbed b. <br />L. <br />ttrow gormr tp Hwordan Mmlorieb) itArldt t ttrsletirrly sets ft Properly or Lwdet't tlptlo or ii*nd h apt PropeAy p n rat to the Deed or <br />Tntf <br />Q <br />3. PRICK DEEM OF TRUST. Brenton rapseattls and wm.0 fief lira* are m prior t-m& d 9uf albctrig wIy perl 0120 PtOpetty strOSpr ss sal forth <br />on Setwdub 8 atlacM - b fhb Deed d Trust, wffi Om*w sgrsae bpqI and pirfarn in a *m* .vwv s, q two mrt ay prior deeds of trust txott <br />Grantor sWin to M dam um owed. and palm.. all a6tperi CIS tee)ttieel, under stilt deeds of trust and tie Indsbtednsss saeemsd lhontby and Aslita <br />Tb <br />tgroes that a debrtlt under arty prior deed d VW shed) to a OZA tale► rtbt Deed d Ttaf w* shall or MMs tinder b d tiptes . A mrsedee m tokted <br />(� <br />hereht or h 1M b which Lscv.%r "rid t:s swftbd h tin ~ d any arm ddu*L <br />i. TRAMMS CF 'AM PROPEfM OR BOMMU ItTEREM 0 GRAt+ilM OR BORRCWM in Ott overt of a dab. OMNOYutd, ism. <br />csxi W tot dead cr tta mfw b parsat d ell or air pert d rte tsri ptap "y dmutbed h 9dw&h A, Or wV I Aw Omski. adder any be aklml <br />Irft si In 8omoww a Czrw*L%r (I Bwrmer a t3r�um is reel a ttsetsl pe a pats offs �}tA Is a capadat, kd*d Ybflty wffp cry. PeAner*4 tenek or <br />d <br />off lapel w1ay). L uxler mty. st Its opMon dealer* rte atlstsndrtg Fncu ttderteet d !t►t 06ApiLalu pica aoortred tgereet 9tseaott krttttedaotM!► duo and <br />peYabb. At Lertda's request Qmlla a 8anarrw, as Ore cats nary be, dtaii Intm a e7at l Use rtsisrrsnt salMrtO lontt dolls stoddtmill 110.9m or <br />pruws, as tppopsiole, and tie sieef of Itak tssp'ectvt deatai>ttlp trMar*ats <br />& ASB IT OF Re(M in aonWdsmgm data t]blgrrm whit as wAXW by Otis Deed of Trust: Onattor ttbs Aft-Y a IVO to Laden d <br />Drank es sWM. tips. hlwosk dalnrt and demand now owed a hawder a... 6 e h d g and KO" Moos d t» PMPWW (irtdrtdlnp <br />issues or <br />oomm fobs. rws um stamovaL d for an rx! ooaV81t ► d the Pmpwly (d urrtt std apearterus wttexow wrkw Orel. an <br />'ttmax -h d tesiset. tra kmtsdieft+ anti to <br />h wmf`.et referred to as to wW d baeet" trader Ora IogalMx wAtt cattkxtktp ftm <br />cofisa and recall d d tie rvnts. ktatrae. rain umm k imin. pals aid orar kxwrm d nakx0 now or hasafter due (ktdtxlrtg ktom, d <br />duo dtz%V under the Lanes kom d� Prcpwlrwki kt8 n**nan ruts, rends. <br />may nsa re coning any reden�Mrnt err a arle q out <br />porow,u gs rams. peeling a cenT= arse rtwktterrtct aorNrtxslw s, tax an! kntstr>oa eontrlr mQm rattle. lgt/daMd dtr s�folowktQ <br />dwWA M any Loose, d proc0sds payabb tnda any polq d knumme oaralig boos d raft �t0 from urAarttabllltr atrtsed (fir or <br />dOrrtape Io Ou PmpwV. d as d a loan's d or to rice Pmpatl;. d dwkvd from to <br />proceeds payable a reaik etaetsMe apron purdwe ptoaeds <br />tent titiatat a re )K§Md a ry tease h a ban9rrtipety a ottmr hwoMrn67 P attd d proceeds from any riptrl and dakn d any find wlid Otarttot• <br />may havea�r� any lessee under Ore Lwwues ry any ocatper" d ft (d d ft a6ow we haaahor e+oledhrely tr►fated b at tlta The <br />inwf b sitbiea b rte ,ipit, power and artrtarMy s� b the t;tttder b aOieet and appy lh. f�rAs. This iwbsrwrsl M retarded h 9ooadax* wlOt <br />ssau+ inw; Ore ilen ee.e+ed Din tics ssairRstaxtt M ttlatded b be sped6O, and dxtest upon: Ora etoetdrtg d ttM t7eed d Trtut, d as <br />ptwided by applr�ie amts dtow as anuttded kam tlhte b trttrt Ike i� ea tttttr b no deterf utder the t7ttlgsrorte a this Deed d Tout, Lerdx grants <br />Grantiar a tavow�s icense b coitaet d Rata kam rte i3Oeett wltar due artc" b uae m�dt paosedt In Crarrlot''s businoss Flowerer. tsrider <br />xdofark <br />� a1 any t<rrie vegan C�rattor b depaaM at Reties kpo an acaarsrt rtaktYFned bit Qrttror a Lander err Latdst's ktfMuMon. on to tta payr. tell <br />d. a in tfxr petfotrrtertoe d, any d ttr Gldgerons. Larodar ttsq at Ms sprat fefs posmaseiort d Ora arrf aTd har0 hold, trtarwge. isw and *grab 1110 <br />�tp��y at iattsr and for a pared d 13trtm rhea Leetdtr dsarts proper. Larxfet groomed b ottlett and rsosdv+s d Rents karrt the ptOpeAy. all le'tdst <br />�iaf ttrt+s to mow �iaratfone. tettorrrrorie. egaeks tare t deem L d Rents in <br />power a rapianemrrms b tett� au 0ttder mrry proper erdet apply <br />d..e xbes wb der wow to Payttwrd d ttt Mkis om ar b She pepim d It a cad d such aMoraftm. trttorarorts, nePaks anti end any <br />wpenses kxddent b takkq and pOeeeeebrt d tts Ptiaperty PaFodiotiy acrd atr. ---- -act and epa d tw Propwty. Lwidw mmy kwp Ow <br />� <br />" 7 tx�«M and rnat►�ga : . dtppsq. dah>5 aseessniarttt and ortar lea Mtic(t msy�aocnra. The e1; -a anti cost d these <br />actbris may be hem ttt Refs n =Km4 and any wpaitt sm w is did ba added b to prkteipal d tta CMpfats. Thon a =mft bparm whh <br />drat costs, t wwu part d rte Oblpt km saataad by tis Dodd d Titttt <br />e. USE AND MAINTEMAHM OF PIMPERTY. Oraeft sheaf We d salsa and nW a anyr� rtstdtd b i.wh aka tw Property in good condor. <br />Grtaiior shtl red colt., a perml any waft b be cons. "No neptG b tit Prop . ikrapor sled rsa tt0 Praparly h Whh <br />wOwb bow and kteuan m P . Otatbr shah roar "WO aMaaMaros, addfara a bra FN"wq-• wfMtoeA Leader ltion <br />to Lander, bed i�orsri� Lende� w` wr � mile b dM bo wbjact b tta bawddd k-Iml - b" ft <br />Pfa ooeieerA. ettei b0 ntsdt a1 t3nsrMOt's mob eteperre. <br />7. LOSS CR DAMAM OrarAor shd beta tit eels Mk d arty loan. nett, dtfmcron ordentege ( 'Lace a Darwpe-) b ttt0 Rap" a any <br />pm*n nand kotn anti taus wtieAsoever h ttt event d aq Leos a Da m9k O wft steel. ad toprm d Lendw. tta Rgmty <br />repel abcbd b is <br />prsviom cotdi m or pay or duce b be peld to Larder tit deasemt h tr pin.4W veins d t» atlbded Property. <br />M(SURAW -E The pro" well be kW kwjmd for As ktl Immutilo vam will cc* apaktst d harsds kxiudrtg bum dwnW cKmdd by <br />leod, ow t aka. bttrado acid it*, gv* , x corer Cmm tr b tta endarR tagoked by (ender. d�r" racy oI - - ktwrarttt an " �.�p:9 &M stsCt <br />oarptc O as trs aooepeebds b i.attdoc frt b sofa disanrott : The ktataata► pities shi IWWW to tnatrartos oorttpatty b povide tertian wlOt at feet <br />days' wtittrwt ttorce balfort strott p>6cas am aMaad or aertcefed h airy tnartsr The kntaanoe rmcrtr Larder doss <br />polies shd n $ <br />pa �e�rt3 arc stet tb 2111 a errissdott dGMrAffaravoempoem dial aloe! tw ftm d Lander b be paid tta ktslimtco proceeds pertaHrtg b tfto <br />I= or dertiega d to Ptoperry. In to evert Gmno r fain m vcWW or mekMh im.warx Lettrler (eAet be by caw) <br />k proMdrtg ttoMom as mrriaeyy mpdred nratr <br />inks dstastbon p u m kmwume aa�e sips to and to itetrrsrtce cad shill be m advanot parYedt and ktMtsf as <br />dearhod >;t the 'RE t3F �E?(P�OSi SY and seatsed Fmoby Orsstlor shel ki 1'.,6 ltrtdw wm <br />evidence d kt�trimce h*sft to tagdrad Oovarago. Lander many act at allcrr+epj�iN Orattor h .-MM tp and —m mightg efeI under kgtrrarrct <br />catioeling atrttr poky a ardorskg C3raraor"s nettle an a� drag a nepc[mttim ktsttattent drawn Dy any ktnrtr. Al suit kutaatot po/obs steel be <br />asrted, pbrlgea and ddrensd b [snider as ksyter mewMy for tr CrYperonr, In tot everA d losw. tbatitor sltei krrrtselasefy girt lnortder <br />wtRtett acid Lerx`.et is rerQiorirtsd b treks prod d loses �: aadt ktaaarter M dltaded b otelat pn�r dkeery b tnttdsr ktstead d b <br />under tad Gtatdar. Letxlar ahai haves Mt* right, at its sae oprort, b wit rs towatti lh Clblgetlatts �toarard rie poet of ttbuldrq and <br />rafork+g Ole ht'aptb• Arts" arttoutts rtiaDr at Lertdmr'ie be <br />eipiMort aga$ed h rie ia�era otdor+o0 rit a1n deAee 112201: <br />9. ZONM MD MVATE COVEMMM Ck wow dtd rtol h>rett or aomwo b arty in 1ita zatktg pravhim a p t afe oorataits tRsebig rte <br />use d trite Pfopw ; wttt a Lstders pttar w t�n mum If G mrtt es use d' to 1,1%uny�st names a rratooriarrirtp sus rstder any mnhg prorlsiort, <br />Cdr shd rid ca= a p wnt3 suit tree b ba dbom*and a abuxkmd wmw gm prior wtI aotusnt of Lacer Elva *w wB k TnxseWy FTu" <br />Lsridw wM wTtr.tai tt dm d any pgxm d doe @ms b tM =nkV p v*lmts a pirate 4OVwm t dbcrrtg toe p mp l&. <br />I& CONDEUMTM Barra dtd dmr a fsteiy ptavtdm fonder v fMt rrr>tierr no8,1 d try aaLml or hoafated cmx% m dm or wrditettt dwah <br />po tg p%u*IkrQ b else Pmped►, AI uxwfts papmbie b Grmrtbr ken wit cardwz.m On a tstkktg are hereby asslQted b tortder end after be applie <br />kst d <br />to the pr�ttted of Eendet's satatneys fees. bgi wperms aced abet atta (kxktdEtg apptabei Mss) h r9orneclbn tt�fMt rte cordennasm or aril m <br />dorttesi pritat sings add =fin. aS The opSor tot lsrtder. b the d toe <br />paymtttt �6�ora or Mre resiorsiat or rspelr d ore Propatdy. <br />Pgrrtdt <br />