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pa�•ctxnts msv no 1c�ngcr bc the opaion of i.rnder, if mortgag�inturancc co��e:agc(irt the amoont and for thc period <br /> that [.ender requir�s}provi!ied Uy an ir�rcr zppmv�by i.endcr agaia ba�='t�$vailabk and is�btain�d. �orroae;�;�atl �nav <br /> the premiurru rcquire�5 to cnaintain mortgagc inwrfux�e in eftrxt.or to provide a loss resesve.umil Lhe requirement�or mortgage <br /> in�urancc cnds in acconiarxe with any a�r"rtttn agr�mcnt betw'aa Botmwcr and Lcndcr or appli�hk taw. - <br /> 9. IrLSpection. Lender o*iG�aernt rr.ay make rea�onable c�triec apon and inspectiot�of the Property. l.trxlcr stiall give <br /> Borro���er notire at thc time of or prior to an ir�ociion�ec�ifring reasanable tause for the inspcti'tion- <br /> 30. Candemnation. The proctieds of any award ar claim for dantages, dimct or rnrtseyueatial, ;n conncctioa w•ith any � <br /> condemnation or ctthcr:aking oi am p�ait of the Property.oc for coa�•eyance in lieu of c�ondunnation, are fx*eby a4signcc�and C� <br /> shall tx paid to Lctrder. ' <br /> In thc ever!t of a totai takireg ot the I�roQerty.thc procetds sha:i be applied ta thc sums secured b5'this'Security la�trument, �..� <br /> v,�tretha or net thrn duc, a�ith any exccss paid to Bormwer. In t}x event of a partial taking of the Property in w•hich the fair �Q <br /> mark't value uf the Prc�em� imznediately befo:e ihe taking is equa! to or grater�han cl�an'.cwrrt af the suins seccttei b�� this � <br /> Secu�ity lnstrument imrxdiat�!y bcfore the taking.anless Borrc�wer sncf La�des ott�erw'su agret in W�ritiug.the wms s�cured by � <br /> this Secvrity Instn�mrnc shall bc r�uce� t>y the amount �f the proceods mu�tipli� by th� follow:ng fraction: (a) the tuta! � <br /> aRwunt of t�►t sums se�ura� irnmrdiately befo:t tlhe takit�g. divsdcd �y (b) tt� fair market value of thc Property immecliately <br /> sc^u <br /> beforc the t�,lci�g. Any batanr shall be pai� to Bormwer. In the eveiu of a partial taking of ihe Pmperty in which the fair <br /> markct vatue of thc Property imrt�cdiatety beforr ttK taking is l�s tfian ttx amount a.°thc�urn.c securrd imi*�ediately beforc the <br /> taking. un��s BorrrK�cr and Lrncfer othrrwis�agre= in writie�or unl�appliqb�e law otherwise pro�•ides. t!ic procreds shsll <br /> be applicd ro thc sum�stcursd by this Security whxther or txK thc�um.o srr Ihen due. <br /> If the Prcxrty is aba.hdonod by Borrower,or if, after rasicY'�y I.etxlcr t��Bc�rrowcr that the rnncicmnc�r offen�o make an <br /> a«•ard or settle a claim for dumga. Aoc:+��*er fails io mpotd to I.tnder within 3Q days atlr. the date the rxxice is given. <br /> Lcndcr is autharzcd to coltcc!and apply thc proceed�.at i���tion.either ta restarnticm or repair of the 1'mperty or to the sun�t <br /> urured by th�s Scrurit}•instrnrtxnt.wfiaher or nof thrn d�sc. <br /> Unlrc� ixncicr anci 8�rm�r� c�thenvisr a�rr: in w�riting, aur• applrcatian of pmceidc tn principa! shall ncu c�tend or <br /> po�2pone the duc da�e o�Ihe manthly payr�ntc referred to in parsgraph� 1 �nct'_ar change tFK amcwnt of xuch payment.. <br /> Ii. Borro��•er Noi Relcssed: fortx�rarsce Bv l.ender Not t� R'alvcr. E�tcnaicx�a(�hc timc for�aymcnt c�r modification <br /> of amm�izatian�F thc sums seci.�(�(�F1}1I11S StCiITlI)'IMl2V?f1CRt�CrititlCd Z1y LC:�'i l0 d11}'SLCf�'CSC'f 111 itS�CfC�1 t)�B(1rTON''C!'shall <br /> root o�rrate to reir�ce the liabilin�of thc nri�is�al Bormwer ar Bc�rnn*rr's�uccessors in interest. �..cndcr�hall rx�i be rcyuirr.f ta <br /> commence procccdings against any sucrrssor in inter�ct or refuce ta extrnd time for payn�ent or esil►�nvice modify amc�rte»tiors <br /> I of th� sum� ucurcd by this Srrurity Instrumcru hy r:�asc�^ of any dcmand macle b�• thc nrigina! Bc�rr�wcreor Bc�rmw•cr'c. <br />� succrssors in interest. A�y �Of�f3TkY �V l.ender in extrri�ing any rigM o: :�-rr�dy ch.ilt nat tx � waivcr of ci� prcctude thc ' __ ., <br /> excrcise or any right or rcmctiy. ` <br />� 12. Surccs.wr� and A_ccl�ns Baund; 3airi and St+eral LtabiUt}; Co-siRnerc. The rnvcstants and agrcemcm� of thi� <br /> Sccuritv Instrumcnt sha!! b:�d and lxnzfit �he wccc�s_mrs and assigr� of Lender and Borrowcr, wbject m th� pr4vicions of <br /> �:a,�raph I7. Bonnwcr's cv�•r�isrns and sgreemaus stsalt be joint asxi sc�eral. nny BaROwer who co-signc this Sccurity <br /> lnctromcnt aut dc�cs rxst ezea:tc th: l�otc: (a) is m-signin� this Security ln�trumcr.! Qt1Iy t0 11X1(ig'd$t, grant and convey that <br /> B,,rmu•cr`� �nt:rest in the Pmpcm� undcr t!u terms af this Secut�ry I�tn�mrnt: tb) �5 � P����Y ���Sa�� ��P�Y the sums <br /> s,�cureci by this Sccurity Instn�mt�t:and(e)a�rees that I,a�dcr atd a.ny txher 8arro�vcr may agret to etiteti�d. modify. for�ar or <br /> make any accomr►x�J�tions w:th r�egani to the temn of this Security Inurument or the Nexe without ttwi &►rmwer's rnn.ant. <br /> 23. [.aan Char�cs. If the loan secured by this Security IRStr��nt is subject ro a lsw which srts maximnm loan chargec, <br /> anci t;�at law is finally interp�r:ai so ttwt th� intere.0 cx other losn durgt� eollectod or to he coll�cted in conncction with the <br /> loan c:ceed the pe:mittF.d limiu, thrn: (al any wch loan ct�arge shall bt rcduced by the amount neccs�arrr to rc�fact ttx charge <br /> to thc �rmittc�d lim;t: and (b)any wms a]rcady rnlle�rtcd fmm Borroa-er which excca3ed permittcd timi:c will be rcfancicci to <br /> F�orro�•�r. Lrnder ►nay choose to malce this rcfund by tedoein� t}x Frincipal oa�i un�er the Note or by making a direct <br /> �.�yr:xnt �o BOITOt.Yf. If S mfund rcducrs principal. the reductioa will be treated as a partial PrtpaYment w•ithout any <br /> �: prcaayment chsrgc undcr thc Notc. <br /> � 14. tioticus. Any noticc ta&��µtir pro�ided fnr i�this Sccursty tnst►umcnt shall bc given b��6clivcring it or by mailing <br /> � it by first clazs mail unl�cc�ppficahle law rcquircs uu otanother methcd. The natice chall be directcd to tFe Pmpeny Addr�ss <br /> or any other addrcs.. &�rnn►�cr daignatrc ry ncuice to l.erder. Any ncxice to [.ender thall tx given by first clacs mail to <br /> C.cndcr'� xtdra< <tatcd hcrcin ar,any Mher nddrres [.axf�r drsignates by notire ro Borrower. Any �icc pmvided for in this <br /> Sezuret��in�trument stiall bc dccmcd to ha��c txrn given to Bc�rrc+we�or Lcndrr whcn given a��mvided in this paragraph. <br /> �' 1{. G�t•ernin� I.a��•: �serabilit�. Thi� Security in�t;umc�t �hail t+� gaveRxd by fc�leral laav and thc law ofthe <br /> juriuiiction ar. �;•hich the ?ropertt� is Ic�catec9. ln the evsni that :^.y provision o�clause of this Security instrument or the Note <br /> contlicts with app�i�ablt law,swch rnnflict�hali not aff�~t other provisiertc of this Security irutrument or the Note which can be <br /> � ki�•en �t�'cc� u•itheut tfx�enflicting prc�vision. To this cmi ttzc pmvisions of this Securiry Instrumenr anci the Note are decla-ed <br /> �' to be se�•.rabie_ <br /> Z6. Barm��es's Cop�•.Borrow•er shall be given sne confor�xd capy of the Note and of this Security [nstrument. <br /> Fo.T-ao2s srso <br /> :,q.aas <br /> k <br /> �' <br /> i` <br /> � <br /> ,. <br /> .. . . . . . . .. ..__---- -...__.._. q . . . , � <br /> �', . . . . . +� . .. .- +� . <br /> �.:.' � .... . �..._.._,.. .. .,.. �__ . . <br />