17.TraRSCcr��f the Pr�apert�or a Benrticia!fnictesi in Borro.sv. If all or any�3rt of ti�Propeny cr any intcrest in it
<br /> is sold or transfcrnYl(ar if a beneticial intertst in Borrower es so�d or transferred and f�or.row�ec�is not a rtatural per��n)withcuc
<br /> L.cndzr's priar w�ri,�:,� mr�nt, Lcr.dcr c��. as its �tian. requir� immed•,atc payment in _,�li ut'all sursu tecur�i bv this
<br /> S�cur't;:trutrUment. Ho.�•e��er,this option shatl noi be tzerrisect by t.ender if ezetrise is praih�tbitod by faieral faw as eF the date �
<br /> of this Sccarity fn�trument_
<br /> �f I�r�der ezenyscs►his option. Lerdrr st-ail give Borracwer notict of accelesation. The notix shall pmvide a period of rx�t � •
<br /> lccs than :30 days f��m thc date the no�ice is detivtred or mailed witlsin s+vhict� Bor.ow�er must pay a11 si:ms securcd bp this �
<br /> Securit�•Instnimcnt. :f&�rrow�er faiis to pay d�ese sums prior to the ez�ir�*.ion of this period, L,et�der may invoke any reme�ies
<br /> permi�t�by this Sccurity Instrumrnt without furthcr notict or dar�and on Bomowr.r. �
<br /> 18. Bocroaer's Ri�t�t to 6teinstate. If Borroaer mocts cert�in cc.ndition,. Borroaer shalt have the right to have �
<br /> enforexrnent of this Secvrity Ineiruma�t disoamirn�od at am tirrze prior to the earlicr of: la? 5 days �or wefi �ther pericxl at� �
<br /> applicable law may spccify for rcirLCtaterncnt) befare sate of !he PropertY pu�guant to any paw•er of sa]e co �ncd in ihis � ,
<br /> Securiry Instrument:or(b)emry of a jucigm�nt enCorcin t!►is Sec�iri Itauv.,krnt.'[Twse coRCiitiont ar2'that 8orro rr. a) vs �.
<br /> B �Y (� pa_ Q
<br /> Lrr�er aft sumt which then wauld be due ursder this Socvriry I�uur�stt and tl�e Nots� if nc��celcration had rrcd; (b) �
<br /> cures any d_fau{; of any cv.hcx ccvrnants or agrrtmer,ts; (c) pays a!t e�}xn�c incurrod in enforcinc thic Security lactniment,
<br /> inciuding, but n�t !imitrci to, reasenable attorncys' fe+a: and (d)taka s�xiion as L,trxier may rcawnably requirc tn a�wre
<br /> that thc lien af this Soc�riry inuxvrt�ent, ►_cr�d..-i s tights in the PraFest�an� Bomower's obiiga¢io�n to pa�the sums securcd,by
<br /> this Serurity lrtuzument shall c�orttirtue unctws�gc,d. Upon rt��sta!ement by Barromrer, this Security lnstrunrnt acxl the
<br /> ahligatinns scsurod her�by sfial'l �in fullv e!faciivo as if no mcceluaiian tss�d octt�rrod. However, th'ss right to reinsatc shail -
<br /> not ap�iy in the case of acrtlerutian;rrxier p�r.�raph 17,
<br /> 19. Salr o[ I�otr.; C�an�e o� Lqan �ker. '!7ic ;Votr or a p�arial irtter�f in t}x Notc (tc�ether with this Security
<br /> Instrumcnt)may be soid one or more times w7thaut p�or nc•tice ta Sorrowcr. A�ate m�y rault in a change in ih�cntity(known
<br /> a�the "Lcaan Scrvic^r`)thai collccts rtxmthly paymerstc d�e under the�iote and this Securit��Instrument. There alco mav E+e one
<br /> or nxzre char.��c at the I.�n Scn�icrr uarelatcd to,:cak of thc Not�. .f there i�a change of the Loan Scrviccr, Bc�rm�:er will be
<br /> gi��rn a•ritten rx�tice of the ch.ange in accordance with paragraph !a above anci a�licable l�w.The notice w•;ti state tht nanx and
<br /> addrc�s o`th� new Loan Servicer and the addrcss to whecfi payments :ctx�uld i�e made. The rx�tiee wiU alu�contain any other
<br /> information rrquircd by a,ryplicable law.
<br /> 20. Ha�rdous Substs�cx�. Burn:a�,- shali ncx causc or permi! thc prc.crncY, uce. dis�o.�al. ctoragc, o� rcicasc of any
<br /> f{arardeus SuE�ztarxcs on or i�n t}tc Prc�ctty. FicarmW�er chul) rxtt do. rxx allaw anyo�c ;Icc to do, anythinF af(cctinfi thc
<br /> Pro�rrty thst is :n �•iotalicm of any FnvimarrK:±t,�l l.�,w. 'i�c pnc�xjir� tw7, ccnter�ccs shall nM a�ply to thc pr�cncc, o�c, or
<br /> storage on ;hc Pmperty of crr�a�l quantities af Nar�rdaus Snbctanc�s tt�at arc grncrnlly rccognizai to tx appropriatc to no�mal
<br /> rt-sidcntial u�ancf to maintcnanrc af the Prc�p�erty.
<br /> F3orrc t� shall �mmptt}• �i��c Lendcr writtrn rxKirc af any im�ecii�aiion, claim. dcmaruf. Iaw•�uil ar othcr action bv any
<br /> Fa�cmrncntaE or rrgulaiory agerx��or privntc�arty im�olving t}x pru,pery and any Naz�nicws Suhctancc or Environmcntai Law
<br /> of t�•EtiCh F#orm���C�}� actual knowledgc_ If�3cirrowcr tcarnc. ar :s ncxi!"ird by anp govrrncncntAl ar nga�a�on• uuth�,ritv, that
<br /> �nv rer�xn•a�or athzr rerxYli�ti.�n af anv NaT�rdcws Sut±stnncc a7crti�g the Prqxrty is t�erec.rnry. BcrmK�er shall pmmptly takc
<br /> ail n.-crsc�ry rcmcdi�l x:ians i,,xcutcfactce wit1� Envirr.stmcMaJ I.aw.
<br /> Rs uscd in Fltis �.+aragraph ?0, '}{�e�s Suhcta,�x�c" art thocc a�bci,tnce.�. dcfincd a� t�xic or ha�anicw� suhstanca hy
<br /> Ern�ironmentai l.aw anJ thr fo(loa�ing �utxtark-es: �austirse, ker�enc. othc• flammahle or :a�ic prtmieum �mcfucts, tc�tic
<br /> pcsticidc�s an.i h;rhicidcs. ��olatile sc�1�•cntc, matrrials cotttaintng asbeslos or formaldehyde. Blld T3d1(T�CiIY=iTk'lICr13�S. AS UCC(j Itt
<br /> thi� �araFr�ph 2Q. 'Envimnmentsl Lsw' mcans fedreal Iax^s and lav�s of ttx jutisdiction w°fkre the Property is located that
<br /> relatt to htalth, safctv�r cnvironr»ental prcxoction,
<br /> NON-L'NtFOR!�1 COVENA�ITS. Bc�rrvarr and t,endcr t�urtl�sr cavcrrant arxi 3�ree�foltows:
<br /> 21. A�relrrntia�; Remectics. Lrnder 1haU gi�°e notkr to 8ornov�er prMr to acceleratioa follawin� $orroa•er's breach
<br /> o�' �RV cotienant c�r a�reement in th�C Secnrih• Insirumerti fbvt nat �r3or to acceleration untfer pura�raph 17 uolc�s
<br /> applicable ta«• pro�(des other�rlsej. The�tict chal!specify: (a) the default; (b) the sctioa reqnirrd to nire lhe de1"ault;
<br /> pc) a date. not[�than 30 dla��from the datr tht ewtice �S givrn to BorroRer. bv whkh the default rnust be cured; and
<br /> (ei} that faiiare to cure thc detault on er be4'ore t}ee date speci[ied in the notae mar result in acrtlerntlon of the sums
<br /> secured hti• this 5ecurit�� Instrs�mrnt arrd sa:e at thc Pmpetty. The not#cY c�q�� fnrther inf�rn� Borrowcr of the ri�l�. ,�
<br /> re�m�tate after• acceleration and 11►z riRht ta txi� a caurt actian to gcter! the non-acistencr of a default or anv other
<br /> deP'e�ce +if &►croner to aceefrratbn and salt. Tf the defpult ic not curai rxa or txfore tlx date cpc�citird in the nvtice.
<br /> Lrn�er. nt 3t� ap�ion, ma�• rcquire immedia�� paymer►t ;n fuU o�atl .r�c�s s�enred by fh�s Secvrity Irnttvmen! «•�thout
<br /> furiri�er demand and nui�• tavoke tbe povrer of sak and aay other rrmtdi�s permitted bv applitable law. I,ender shall be
<br /> entitled to collec!aU erpe�ce,c Incuxred ia pnRUinR tbe rentedla provldM in thls gar�rnpA?l. includinR. but not limited
<br /> to. resiaii�xbie Attorne�5' tees And costs af tltle twidcr�ce.
<br /> If ti�e po��er ot'wIe is im•c►ked. Tn�ctee sha11 ercnrYt a noticc nf det'ault in eacl� rnunt�• in whieh any part of the
<br /> i'rnpe�i�• {� Incuted and shull maU ec�pie,s aP auh �otice in the manner prescribec! by applicable law !� 13orrow�cr and tn
<br /> the��the�r peccon�prescribed b��applkatile ta�r. A[ter the tim-reqnircd b�•applicable law.Tructee shall�ive public notice
<br /> of ealr to the persartc and in the mannrr prtscrlbed b►•a�pl}cable faa, 'fru�lee. w•Ithcsut demand nn Rormwer. shall se!1
<br /> the Pmpert� ut public uucti�n to the fii�hect bldde�at the time and placr srtd under the tern-s cfzsi�nateci in the notice af
<br /> .�ale in one o� more Jrarc�elc a�d in an� ordtr Truslee determi�. Tnxtee ma�� perctpont cale of ail or an.• '
<br /> Propert�� hy� pubYic annoi�rtcrment at ibe tirrer and �slace oC am• prc :�i�• sc}redu�ed yale. l,ender �r its d�csircnee rma�
<br /> purchase the Propert}•at an�sale.
<br /> `', Fwm 3028 9I�0
<br /> Pspe S D1 5 �"
<br /> \\ .
<br />. . . . .. . . :� : .. � .
<br />