5. l�azard or Pmpertt Ir�nrance. Bornower sl�f kteg the i:n}�mYem��-nts now+ ecisting os hereaft�r crectod on the
<br /> Property insured agaim: i�s � firc. harar•is incl�..cd �tithin th�e terrn 'eztendai cowrds_t�' and am other ha�ards, including
<br /> floods or+flacrjing, for wfiich Lenda r�quires iawrarict. Thj�s l�KVrarxr thall be maintaiRed in the amcwnts and for the periods .
<br /> that I.erxicr reyuires. The in.s�rarKe c:+ssier providin� tht insnrar�c�sha11 be rt�tr. by 8orma�cr sub�act to Lerxler's a�rn��al �
<br /> w•hich stsall not be anrcasor.�bl� withheld. if�cTUwer fzil� to rt�a:ntatn eo�•erat� descrit�ed a�bovt, Lxnder ►na��, at L.endG*'s ' �
<br /> oy:io�.obtain coL•trage to protxt Lendu's rights in the Prr�trt�in aemcdanee s►ith��capt►?• ,,
<br /> Atl inseranc� policicc arsd re.-ttwals shatl tx acce�table to Lrender an� shail include a sta�ard mongage�lause. Lender � `.
<br /> shail have ttse right to hold the poticies and renews3s. if l,c:rkr re�quircs.Sorrowrr�all promptiy bive to L.endtr a�1�reccipt�of Q
<br /> paid p�nnivms and nenewal:ioticts. in the event of loss.B�rmwtr shall give prumpt notiee to the in.curetsee carrier�Lendet. O�
<br /> I.��de:may make proof of iosc if not ma�prortr�.+tEy lry Bortv�ver.
<br /> Un�ess L,cndcr and $orrow�r olE�erwise agrce in wrting,it�n:tasice�rocYtcls shall be applind to r�toratio�or rtpair of thc �
<br />'� Property da�aged.if thc ratoratinn er rcpa:r is eeancmKaliy ie�sihie and Lte�tt's tecuritv is not tes.acned. IE thc r�ctoration or
<br /> I n�air]s nat ecoryottitaily feasible or I.en�t4 s s�urity a�ld bc lesxneri, the iRSUrance prnce�is sha11 t+e applied to th-.�ms
<br /> i cecurrm by this Sccurity T�stremrnt, wt�htr nr t�ac �hrn dut. with arty excess pstid to Borrower. 1f Botm�•ez abandon.a ttte
<br /> PropGriy. ��r d�es not ancwrr.vithin 30 days a notire from L.ender that�}x 'sissurance carrier has of€em! tc�xttle a c13in, then
<br /> f Lc�der may a�itcrt the inwrarace proc�s. I.endcr may usc the prcxreds tQ repair or Fcctorc thc Propccty or ta pay sums
<br /> sau*ed by this Secutity {nstn;ment,ahether or ssrcrt�hcn ciuz.The 30-da�period wili be�in wficn the natice is given.
<br /> Unlcts t.zndcr arr.S Borrowrr othrrwise agra� in wrisin�, am �pplicati:.n of pr+c�cteds to principal sfixil rx�► e�tend or
<br /> i postpone thc duc dute of the momhiy paymrnts referrr,d to in parsgraph� 1 ar�d 2 or chas�ge the amount af ttsc �+ayments. If
<br />�� urx„+cr paragraph 21 the Propeny i�acquired by [.ttxler. Barrowti s right ta am; ir�wrar�et poliries ux1 procec�s rt�sulting fmm
<br /> damsge to:hr Pro�r_rty pri�;r to the xqaisitian shal!pacx to E,cxider to tht ectrnt af the zcim�sexttred by this Secvrity lnstrument
<br /> immctii�tciy piior t�the acqnisitior..
<br /> 6. Clccuparu��. Prccersaifan, ;►isEntenance a�sd Protectlan af tlse Propertt: &►rro�er's Laan App�ication: I,eaufiutds.
<br /> Borrowcr shal(:�ccu}n,estat+lish,am!u�c thc Pmperty 2�&�trav��cr's princi�►I t^�idcncc�7ti�in sitty days aRer thc c�cr�tion o(
<br /> thit Security Inctrurnent and s}�al! contin�e to o�ecupy the Property a� gorrou'er's AnnciP�� m�de�ee for at le�st one year aRer
<br /> thc ciate of�ccupancy, uniess [.ender othtrwi�e segr�ees in writinF, Mfiirh nx�scist shal! ncx t+e�n�ra.canabty withheld, ur unless
<br /> eztrnussting circumuarxes cxiu whith arc beya-id Botrow,cr's ccrosrol. &�rrovrcr shall txx d�troy, elart�gz or imFti1ir thc
<br /> Property. al{ow the F'ro�xrty to dctrriorate, or corranit waae on thr Pn►�^rty_ Bortower stwll tx in default if any farfeiturc
<br /> action ar prc�cte�iing. whah�r cicit ar crimirsa2, is bcFun that in L.r.ndtr'�gax.,+ faith juclgmcnt rnulsi �ult in forf:iture�f thc
<br /> Fmperty or othcrwi�e materially im�air tht lien crcate►3 by thi.s Sm�rity imtrumrnt or l.tsxlt�'�security inttrcct. E�rmwer may
<br /> curc tuch a dc(ault a�d rein�tatc,ss pmsicizd in Fzara�ra�h 12�. t�y cau.�ing thc action or pmrerding to t�e dismis.�af with u ruling
<br /> that, in L.tndcr'c �ot�d faith dtirrm�rra!ic�, precludes Earfature af ttse $orrower's imes�t in the Pro�crty or other nmterial
<br /> im�imxnt of thc lirn crcated by thiS SerUriry Irta�r�nt ar l.��xicr'c �ccurity in:erGCt. �Cr.o�Yr chall alco bc in dcfault if
<br /> E3or.ti�wrr,during the loan apnlirntion pracc.cc,gava matcrially fal.se or inaccvrate information ur:�tatementt to Lender(or failecl
<br /> te pm�•ide Lrnder with any matcrial intartna:ion)in mttnecticm nrith the toan zvidencrd by the N+xe. +nclading, but rtot fimiteci
<br /> to, rcprescntatiarv�con.^crnir.g 8c��rourr's c�cupncy�f tl�Property a�a principal t�idtnce. lf this Smtrity Tnstrument is oc a
<br /> fe�uhold, �rrowcr shall ctamply with all the pro<<isiaos of thc �r,�e. lf Borraw�er acquim f�e titic to th� Property, thc
<br /> fcascl�old and the fte ti!ic shall rxH mer�e unlas Ltsider$gre�ta tF►o mcigcr in writing.
<br /> 7. Protection a!'l.esx3er's Ri�hi,in t!x Propertf.If 9orm�vtr faila to perform the rnvenants and agrecmeats rnntaintcl in
<br /> this Sccurity Instn:ment, or there is a legal praaeding that may signifi�ntly af(ect Lender'� rightc in tht Property (such us a
<br /> pnxeeding in hsnl:ruptcy, probate, for condenmation o�farfaitu�er or ta rnforte laws or c�gulatior�.c). Ihen Lencier may do and
<br /> pay fer wh.at��e� is neces.s3q� to prcutct thc ��slue of the Frc�erty and Ltnder's righ�.s in ttx Pro�xrty. Lcnder's actions may
<br /> iacludt ;,�ying any sums sccur:d �y � lirn W�hich ha� pracvity o��tr thi� Sc+curity I�.stn�mem, appearing �n rnurt, yaying
<br /> �rasr�,ataie attomeys' f:cs and cntcring on thc !'mpexty to makc repairs. Atthough l.ecrder may take action under this paragraph
<br /> �, L,ender does Mu;►ave to do u�.
<br /> Any amaunts dist�urscd by l.axicr uncicr this pam_r,raph 7 chall G�ccomc ndditio�l dcbt of BoROw�rr ucurcd by this
<br /> Se�vrity Inctrument. Untas r'3omawer and [xcuicr:grce tc�othcr tennc of pa�7�nt, th�e amour.t� .hall bear int-rsKt fmm the
<br /> date of disbur:sement a; shc hcxc mte and shall t+e payable, with interest, upo� naticc fmm :.er.der tn Eiormwcr rcqaestirg
<br /> payrtxnt.
<br /> 8. �fort�u�e Irt.cura�ece. it'Letxier requircd manga�e insuranct�a corxiition of makinF the�oan secural by this Security
<br /> lnctrumcnt, Botmwcr chall �y thc ptrmiurns cc�uitrd i� rs�aiat�in the mort�ngc irxurance in cftcrt. 1f, f�� any rcacan, thc
<br /> nmrtga�c in.wrar.cr co�•er.��rcquired b� l.cnucr l�pscs et ce�c.c tn t+e iu efEect. &zrrciwcr ahall pay thc prcrniurm rcyuircd to
<br /> c�bt�in a��•rro£e substpntiaily cyuivalrnt ro tts� 7�arignge �n.wranct prcviously in effect, a[a tnst wtrtantiaUy cquivalrnt to,�hc
<br /> cYrst ;o BOR0�1'!'�JT t�St 1t10T1£kgt 7!t511(3tXY pi'ttilOtL�Iy in effcct, fr�m an afttrnat= mortgagt inwrer a�prdvcd by Lender: Lf_
<br /> wbstsntisliy equivalent mortgage inwta�xe coverage is not a��ailable, Sorrower shall pay tn L,er�der pch moii(h a sum eyual to ,
<br /> onc-tw�clith of the��eariy mortc.ge insurarxe premium being paid by E3orrowcr whrn Fhe insurarxe coverage la��r ceased to
<br /> be in cffect. Lc;xiee��ii!aecept, use sred ret�;n these payrnenes as a 10� c�cerve in liw of mortgage ir+surance. Lcis�� rescrve
<br /> Form 3025 919G
<br /> F'qe3M6
<br /> I
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<br /> �.�: . � � . � .
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<br /> � . .......-, ' ,::... :�:�::$�'fi . . '.
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