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<br /> ftztus� tata crr bcrc� x patt o€:be �noy�dty.'+U! � � � shall aiso be cov«sd by this Security
<br /> Ias'au�cru:!UI of't"irie taKeg+aiag ia s+ekrts�ta inrdtis Seeacity�as�e'Pmpaty.'
<br /> IiORRt)WF�L C:04�NANTS��ocra+Mer is fa�vfaftY seixd o#'lbe estatt hec�eby ccxiveYat and ha�thc right to gra�t E.nd
<br /> �qavey ttie p4c�exty�d tbat'tbe.Pt�party.is amanntt�'td.cxoeQt for�of nxocd. Barrowtr wnrrants and vr-itl
<br /> defend geotca3ty tEK litk to d�e Pt�o��g,timt a1D daimc�d�s.snb�eCt to uny tncnmbraix�es of rccord.
<br /> T`�IIS S�C(3RiT'�:7A7STRUMEi�1T coanbiitres us�ifonn aovet�eats far n�atiortal �isc and non-i�niform cavrnanu with limited
<br /> -v�c7�t'tOt�s.by jtuis�iC'[itfl12r3��e.'a aaitOl2II Soctr,ity itLCtluuR�ni QOti�CSit�g cr�l pc6pe[Ly. w
<br /> .��,jjjj,'��]v{C(�'NaIAATtS.�OROWl.t EOd LJCOde!c�ffi7d agRt SS faIIOVVS:
<br /> I.Faymcnt o[.Pttndgel at� I� Yh�a1� and Ia�t C�tgrs. Hcrruwrr shali pramptlY PaY Whcn due thc
<br /> gtitaci,al Of s�d iai�cm tt�e debR eviaence3 by tl�e Natt snd atry pie{�ycnrnt and Lue ct�arg�due under the Nae.
<br /> `Z, �{�'j'����e.�to apq►licabk law or to a w*�ittrn R'ai��er by Lendcr, Borrowtir shatl Qay to
<br /> ����y��r p�y�arc dne otder tt�e No�.ut�ril the Note is paid in Full,a sum( Funds')for: (a}}•carly taca
<br /> . astt:ass�s which may�t�in priarity ever this Securi*.y inttsumeat ac a lien an the Property: (b1 Yearty lea�ehold payments
<br /> or grmtnd n�ts oct tbc Property.if any:�c);�rly hszasd or property inwrsncc Franium�:(d)Yrarty ilood i:��uranct prcmiurn�.
<br /> if airy: f�)Y�Y �B�Rt insut�.^e prrmiums. if a*ty; a�d (fj any sum��t}°abie by Bor:+ow^cr tc� Lender, in accordance witn
<br /> tht proti+isiort�of parsgraph 8. ia iic�of t:t:pavmerr c+f mortgage i�.wratrc=prtmiums.11►�e itctn�pre called 'E�crow Itertu."
<br /> L.c�r may. ai s�m timt. �olltct and Mald FundS in am amcxxr►t not to exceed the maximum �r��nt a lender for a tedCrally
<br /> refated mongage laan may requirc for Bcsrrou�er's escrow�nt under the fedcral itr.�i Estate Se�tler�xnt Pmccdur� Act of
<br /> 2474 as a.�nendtd from timc to time. 1`� U.S.C. Section 2501 cr s�q. ('RFSPA'). unlecs arx»her law that applie.a to thc Func1�
<br /> sets a iccur am�x�nt. lf so. t.cnoer r�}•. �t nr} timc, collect ar+d hald FundS in an arnc�nt not to etccecl the lcc�c� amount.
<br /> I.en�cr mav cstimBtc thc arncwnt of Fundc due �n thc k�a.cic c+f�vrrcnt dat� and rc�sc�nablc �timat� a�c�perxlitures of luture
<br /> Escrow Item�ar ocherwice in acror.ianee a-ith�pnlicahle law.
<br /> ihe Furxls sha�l t�e hrid in an in�titutinn wMase depasi:c are i��.autcc! hy � fcdcral agcncy. inctrurr?ntalih•, or cntit�•_
<br /> (including Lendcr, if l.cr�ricr is wrh an itictitution)ar in an�• Fcdcral Homr l.aart Bank. [.cnder ShaU appl}� thc�rxic to�y the
<br /> E�crow ttems. i.endrr may not charge Bormu�er f�r holding and apQJyiag tht Funds,annaally arulyzink the e�cr w acrnunt. �r
<br /> ��crifying the Fscmw�items. unl�s Lcrdtr}�avs Botmw�cr inter�i vn thc Fnnds and applirahle I�w permitc [.cndcr t�nwkc��rh
<br /> a chargc. 6�ow�r.•cr, Ltrw'rr may rcquirc Battoa•cr to�y a rnt-l�r,�c chargc for an indcpcndent rcal c.c:atc ta� r�c�rting srn•irc
<br /> used bv Le:�dcr im m�nrctioa with this Ic�an, unle,c� a�licable law �mvidGC ottterwi�e. Uolecc an agrecment ic macie ��r
<br /> appli��able law rcquires inter�t to be paid. !.cndir xFuft ixx bc roquirrd to pay Sormwer any intcrest or earning�or,thc Funcls.
<br /> Bc,rrv�.rr and L.er�er may agrze in�r�ting. hou�cver. that intercct chall bc �aid cm the Fund�. L.entler chall give to �rmw•cr.
<br /> ��:ithout rha�c, an annual acctKSnti�g of the Futws, xhnwing creditc ard dct+ita to the Fundc and the purpo:,e for �vhich cach
<br /> dcbit to tlx Funcis w-ac made.The Fundc an pledged as adstitional security fot all�+,�snc securrd t�y this Security In�trvment.
<br /> lt�the Furxis hcld by Ler�der excrr�thc ama�nt�pumitted ta tae Fx)d by spplicable law. L.encir�chall account tc+ Borrowcr
<br /> far �he t�ccc� Funcfs in accord.vtct with thc rcquiremctt+���f spplicab?c taw. If thc arixwnt of the Fwxis held by Lrrtder at any
<br /> time ic not sufiicien� ta pay the E�emw Ete�a�hen due,I.�nder�nay so ncwif}� &!rraw�er in writi�g.arxi, in�uch case Barrc,wrr
<br /> sh�ll pay to Ltrnicr the :uz'�uunt neccc.sary ic�rt�ke up tltc �Stficicncy. Bortvw�er chall make u? ehe d�f:ciency in no rtx�rc than
<br /> n�•cl�•c rnonttil��}�na;mcr.��,at Laxicr's solc discmicx�.
<br /> Lip��n paynxnt in fliU c►f all wcnc cecured br this S�curity 1nslrurnent. Lc:xier tha!I promptl}� rcfuncl t� I3c�rrow•cr any
<br /> FundS held by l.ct�dcr. If, under�ratsgra{�h 2., L.at�tt shal!acguirc or sell the Pro�ert�', L�cnckr. prior e�thc acqui�ition or salc
<br /> a�the Pm,ntrty. �hal1 apply any FunKfc�cki by l.cr�dtt at the time�f acquisition or xale as a ctrdit again�t the sum.a secured Ey
<br /> thi�Sccu;itv lns:rumcs�t.
<br /> � 3.appltcatinn of Par�mentc.L'n?�s a�+licablc faK�pmvidcs cxhcrw•ice, ail payments trni�•cd hy [.cndtr uixicr pars�raphs
<br /> I arxi ? �hali t?c appliccf: frct, to any prc�yment chargts dut undcr thc 'Vcxe; sccrnd, to srrxwnts payablc ur.dcr paragnpi: 2:
<br /> third, to inte�c�t ds�e: fourth, to p�incipal dur:nnci last,to any late chus�,cc due uncler tl�e�'�tc.
<br /> 4. CharFcc: I.ir.ttc. &�rn,u•cr chall pa� all ta+cc�. �ss.resmMiic. c;�ar;;cc, fincc arxl i►»pc�siti�nc attrihutahlr to thc Pr„perty.
<br /> «•hich may �ttrin priorin� o�•cr this Sttvritti� In�trumrnt, mx1 iracrfxsld paymrnts or �rou�xi rcnts, if uny. Rormwcr shall �+ay
<br /> thc�e.�li.ati�?n�in thc:nanncr pmvidcci in parngraph:,or if rxit paid in tfu�t te�anrur. E3orrowa�hall pay thcm on tinx dircctly
<br /> to th�pc�n o�►•cd pa}•m�nt. &�m��Yr ciwi3 pmmptiy furni�h to[.endcr all nc►ticcs cf amounts to t�c�aid under thiz paragraph.
<br /> tf&:rn��►•rr maka ihC�e�ymentc dircetly. Ba�sower shall�amF'iy fvr.�iih to Lencler receiptc evicJenci�g ttx payments.
<br /> Borrow•cr�hall promptly diccharge any lien which hac pri�rity ave�Ihi�Se:.�urity Ir�trunxnt unle.c.�Einrrower: (a)agree� in
<br /> ��•ritir.g to the��•rnent of thr c�ih�ation�ecurcd hy ttx liea in s rranr�acceptabie ta Le�der: (b)ccmtc��; ��good fai!h the licn
<br /> by, or d�rcrnis r�iainct cnforccment of tbc lieo in, Itgsl pnx�edings which iz tt,e Lender's opinion operatc ro prevent the
<br /> enforcea�ent of the licn; or(r)secures fmm tt►e ix�lsirr of thr lien an agrctment catisfactory ta Lendtr tubo�lina!ing the lien to
<br /> tni� Securitv in�t:ur�nt. lf Lender defermines ti�t an� part of th� Propem• is�ubject to a tien which may zttain priority over
<br /> thic Sccurity In.arunknt, Ler.der may give Borro«�rr a n�tice identifying the(ien. Brrrow•er shall :atisfy the licu or take one or
<br /> more of tF�actionc;es fonh aba�e within ifl dat���f�ht gie:ng of notice.
<br /> Fwm 3028 9/90
<br /> Peye 2 0*6
<br /> �
<br />