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a <br /> _ _. , i <br /> - r <br /> ,, 9�., �a�'�8 <br /> 20028390 <br />_. Upon receipt of pay►aeni of the pc4ce bid. Tncstce shall ddiv�r to thc ourct�er Trustee's 8eed cofl�-eving the _ <br /> Proprrty. The recltuts in the Tenstee's cked shs11 be prima Pacte rvidence ot the trutl� af the ststements made thercin. <br /> Trust�e s}xall ap�lti the pru�eds of ihe sa{r in tht followic�order. (a)to a1:cosis araf ecpeatcs of exercising the po�rer of . <br /> sale,and ttx salc, fndudlr�g the�•rmeM ot the'Fcustec's fees actuaily Encurrrd,not to�cceetl 5.00 96 <br /> of the prinripmi amnunt ot tt:e nair at the tim�Qf the dzclaration o!'detault,aod reas�nabk attorne;rs' fees as pecmittecl <br /> by law; (b) io a!1 sums securtd by L'sis Ser.ertt3 I�trurtract;and(c)anp ac�to ite�persoa or person�kgalh entitled to <br /> it. <br /> L?. Reconveyance. Upon FaYmrnt of aii sums xcvral tiy this Sxurity,Icutrument, Ltnder shall reqnGCt Tn►stcc to <br /> recanvcy th� Preqerty and sha11 surrender this Seruriry I�utruma�t asd ail notes cvidccicing debt savrcd by this Securit}. <br /> ]nstn��.mcnt to Trustc�. Tn:stec shall rtconvty thc Property withent watrsnty and wichait char�c to ihc persoc�nr persoru legall}� <br /> entided to i�. Suct�persor.or persosu shali pay any r'tootdatit�n costs. <br /> 23. Substituie Tnislee. I.ender. at iss option. �y from time to tirtr_ n�snavc Tru.MSe xrxi appoint a svczcc�r trustee tr� <br /> any'Frusta appointcd heztc�n3cr b�an instrur,�nt rtc�rdcci in lhc cot;nty in which this Sccurity In.ctcument is recordcd. Withcut <br /> conveyarscc of the Prooerty. thc wccYS.sor cruscee sha11 suxecd to a!1 the title, power and duties cbnfcrrcd npun Tnutee hrrcin <br /> and by ap�,nlipble law. e � <br /> 24. Rcquest for �i4iice�. Borrower rt4uuts that rnPies of thc :wtica of defautt snd sa[t bt scnt to Borro�vcr's acldress ._ <br /> which is the Prc�Qcrty Ad�rcss. , <br /> 25. Ride;s tv this Secvrity icutrummt. I!one or more eidcrs a�c cxecutai by llorrower and m.�orded togct���ti•ith this <br /> Sezurit,Ir��trument. the cove�+ants acrj agrcement4 oi each such ridcr�tsall bc incotparat�d into and shnll amend anr:supplement <br /> the rnti•enan�s and agr�menu of ihis Scc�:rity I�uuvcrxnt as if the rider(�)wtre a part of this Securiry Irrsttuincnt. <br /> (Cltcck applicatsie boz(es)) <br /> L�Adjustahlt katc Rider �Candainirsium Rider ??�]] 1-4 Family Ri�er <br /> ��G:actuatKd Paymcnt Riarr Plartncd Unit Dcwelopment Ri�� Biweekly Payrr►�nt Rider <br /> �Balicxm Rider �Rate im�rovement Ridtr Stcosd Hvme Rider <br /> (�'V..4. Rider �Oehet(s)(specifYl <br /> HY SICNIriG BE:L�J`JV.Bormwer accepts snd xgnYS to the terms ar�d covenaa�s cr.mtained in this�ecu►ity lnstrument and <br /> in any rider(�}executed by Bctirrov:tr and:ccarded with it. <br /> Witnes.5es: d <br /> ����1 ���� <br /> ELOY !it I BE -go�� <br /> �_�°'�C�.� � ���.ti�k,�-- �s�>> <br /> ORAL I A D EF I VES •9orrowcr <br /> -_ --- (Sesl3 (Scal) <br /> .��v„�f -Bormwer <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA. Coanty ss:HALL <br />' The foregoiag instn!ment was acknawlcd;���efarr tr.c t��is 22ND day of 3ANUARY 1999 . <br /> i by ELO�` R •JRIF.E A�1D �F'•ALIP. � L�tItrES k • <br />� Witness my hasxi and;�ocaria� sfat a�kP.ND T SLAND. E�R�S�:A �n said County, the datc aforesaid. <br />� T�4y Commis.eiott E.�Fices �ttlK'�LU;'°�3edl�� N A.�ts.��i tU..e7�. <br />( l�t�4..E t�R51c.i �"'�' <br /> lt�tioat'�.fs�.11�sl-tl.2�2 . <br /> 9ape 6 ot 6 Form 3G2B 3/30 � <br /> � <br />