_ . �
<br /> 17.TransCer o!the Pro�ea�ty or s I§enefciat Infer�si in Banv�ce�. If a!!or any part oi the Fcoperty or any interest in it ,
<br /> is so]d or:rarufern-d (or if a beneficial imcresi in Bacrowe.�is sold rr transferred and Aorrower is i�ot a natursl oersc�n)withaut
<br /> fx*�der's prior written conscnt. I.e�dcr mdy. at its optian, rtquirr immecliate payc�cnt in full ��f aiE sums sccureci by this
<br /> Securit�Insirument. Howe�•er,this o�tion shal!nat t+e exercised by Lc�der if eaercise is prohibitai by fakc:s!law as of the datc
<br /> of this Security{nstnmeni.
<br /> iE Ixnder exercisa this option,Lendcr shall gi�e F3or:row�er notice of acceleration.The rtotica shall providc a perioci of rto� �
<br /> less than 30 days frozi the da:e the notice is delivr.r�d or.rnailed w:tt�in which Borcowrr muct pay all sunu securcd by th�s
<br /> xcurity tnstrument. If Borsower fails to psy tbe,ce sums prior to L`�e e.cFiration of this period, Lesufer may invoke an) rcmadies �
<br /> pem:itted by this S�xurin•Instromrn:wit4�rnst further notice or demar,d an Aoxm«tir.
<br /> 1$. BormWer's Right f� KdctStste. If Bomow;.r me�ts c�rttnin wnditioas, Borrowtr �tsall have thr risht to have '
<br /> enforc�rrxn: of ehis Secority instrumrni disccmtinutd st am lim: pr�rr to the earl'e�r of: (a) 5 days (or �ach other period as �
<br /> applicable law rray specify far :einstat�rreerl) h:f±�re saSe af i}:� Propetty pursuant to any �wer of sale contained in this �
<br /> Security instrur►�tnt:or(b)esitry oi a;udgmcnt rnfae+cing this•'.�eruri!y :nstiument.'I�c�se:conditions as�c that Borrow•cr:(a)psys � ,
<br /> !x�u+er all sums �•hich then wautd bc auE under thes Sex:urity T:zstrumrnt �nd ch� Note.as if no:�cc�e4-ration had occurrcd; (b)
<br /> cures any dcfa�it of any oU�er ca4�ant� or agtcerr+ents; (c) ps�s �ll expa� incutr�ed .in rnfot^cing his Security Ir�atrumeRt, .•�
<br /> inciud�ng, but �tot limit�d ta, reasonable attomrys' f�; arxl (d) takcs svch action as l.crcder may rcaonably rcquirc to a.csure �
<br /> that the lien of this Sccurity Instrurexrit, LenJer's r:ghts in the Pro}�erty aruS Bortower's ooligatian to��ay the sam.a securcd by e..'"
<br /> this Sccurity Instrumcnt shail coatinue nrxi�ange�. Upon rcinseaterixnt hy Borrow�er, this Securty lnst:ur,icnt :snd the `�
<br /> obligatians secvrcd txreby sr.atl remsin fuily cffecti�e as if rxa scceler$tion had occisrred. Howrver, this right to reinsta[e shall C,j;
<br /> not apply in the case�f acoelrra?ia�n uodtr paragraph 17. a
<br /> 19. Sale of No4e; Ciwnge of I,oan Servker. Thc Note or a partial interGCt in the Nctc (togc:her with this S�curit}•
<br /> Iastrumenq may tK soid ene o-more times without;r,i��r rx+tice to Borroa�tr. A saie r.tay �esult in a chan�e in the cntity(known
<br /> as Ux 'i..o3n Scn�icer")diat mllexis tnanihl�payt»rnu dise ttnder lhc Note arxi this Satvrity Itt�tcument, 'ilxrc aiso may be one
<br /> or t�cre change.s of the i.oan Servicer unrelatcd tu a sale of thc Notc. if there is n change of che I.oan Serviar, Bflrrower will bc
<br /> givt�n�vritten natire crf Ux change in ar.cordance with pltragraph 14 above a�d applicabie law.The notire w•il� s:ate Ihe nume and
<br /> ad�ress of thc rr•w l.oan 5ervicer and the addresa to which payments shou{d be macie. The notic� wil! alsa contain any othrr
<br />` infortnation�cquircd by applicah�e luw.
<br /> 20. Nazardous 5nbstanc�. Borrower �hall not canse or permit Ihe prCSencc. u.a. dispasal. stora�e. or rele�cc of ar.y
<br /> Hazanious Snbstancts on or in the Property. 8orrou^er shall not do, nor all�w anyunc tise to do, anything affecting the
<br /> Pmpem� that i� in vioiation nf any �n�ironm�tal S.aw, The Qrocedi�g tWO sentetxes shall nat apply to the prescnce, use, or
<br /> storage or� the Prope�ty of sm.all quantities of H�ndcw�Sahsianoes that urc geoeratly rccognized to tse appmpriate to rwrmal
<br /> cesider.tial uses ar�to maintcnance of the Property.
<br /> Bormwer shall promp!ly givc Len�tr written noticY of any investigation, daim, dctr.and, lawcuit or othcr actien by any
<br /> go�•emment�l nr reguiatory a�ency or privatt party imolving the Psuperty and any!-tazardous Suostance or Environmental [.aw-
<br /> Of wFllC�1 BO�t�.'ff}135 3CtU3I �Cl10Vr'It(S$t. IC BOIT[1WCf It3f715, ar is rtotitia9 by any governmcntal or rcgutatory suthority, that
<br /> any rcmoval o:od�r rcmecliation of any Harardaus Substanec afTeciing th� Property is rxce.aary, Bormwcr shall pmmptly take
<br /> sll necessary remeclial xtioas in accordanec with Envimnmrntal Law
<br /> A.s �Ysed in Ihis paraRr�.'� 2(1. 'Hazarda.0 Subcxarx�s" ure those subccanc:s dcfinrct a�s toKic rr hazurdous substanres by
<br /> Em•imnmental Law and the follou•ing wbscances: gaco!ine, kerpsene, at!�er nammable or toiic petroleum �f0(IUCIS. IO[IC
<br /> pcK¢icides a.*xi Ferbicidcc,vol.:tile solvents, rnnteriais containing��t+�:ns or fomtaidehyde,and r5dioactive n�aterials. As usecf in
<br /> this para�raph 2Q, 'En�ironmcntal La�` mcans fe�eral iaws ared iaws of thc jurisdiction wherc thc Property is locatcd that
<br /> relate to health, safcty or rnvimnr+xntal pmtcetion.
<br /> i�'ON-UNIFt�RM CQVENANTS. Barmwer and I.ender fut�t}t�r cevenar.t and agree as t��lloa•s: � _
<br /> 21. Accelerution; Remedies. Lrnr-r rhalt gi�e nntke to Borro«er prior ta acceleration foll��ing BorroH•er's brench
<br /> aC nm• co�•enant or ngreement in this Serscrity Instrument {twt no¢ grior to acceleration under para�raph t7 unlcss
<br /> appiicable Ia�r proti•ides wthervE-ise). 't'�e notice steall spedfj•: (a)the drta:ilt; (b) the actioa� rc�uired to cure the dYfault;
<br /> (c) � date, iwt Icce than 30 da�s from thr date ttx noticr ts given to Borrn�rer. by�rhich the defeaft must br cured; and
<br /> (d) that faiaure io rvre tbe default en or before the date s�titd in the rxstice may rault in acceleratioa of the sums
<br /> securrd br lhis Securitr In.�trumeni and sxk of the Proprrty. 'ILe notice shall furiher Infortn iiorro�rer of the right to
<br /> minstate alter s�cceieration and the right ta bri� a court actlo�� to usstrt thr noa-existence of a dcfanit or an�� other
<br /> deterne of Borro«•er t� nccel�erntion ac�d ss.le. tf the r�Kault Is not tvred on or beforc the date spectfied in the notire,
<br /> Le�der. at its o�tion, ma�• rrquire immediate pa3�i in tul! of all suinc secured by this Security Instrument w•ithout
<br /> furSher dcmnnd and mar im•uke the po�er af sale artd�eny Qiher rs�nrdies persnittrd by applicable iaw. [,endcr shall t�
<br /> entittrd tu rolEect all er�aetsse.c incurred Ir,pursuic�the retnedjes pc�o�9ded!n thLs p�r�graph 21,incluciing. but not limited
<br /> to, rr�eonshle attornefs' fe�and casis af title e��ideflce.
<br /> �i' the po��•e� of sale ss im•oked, l'ru.ttee shalt record a notice af defaulY in eact� a,unty in which any part of the
<br /> Properi�� is located and slisll mail caQies of such notice in .he man�er prcccribed by applic�ble laa• to Berro�ver astd to
<br /> the c�ther per�sa�s prc�srrit>ed b�•spplicable Iadv.AR�the time req�a;red by appllrnble lasr�Trusiee si�a�l give public r+utice
<br /> of suie to the persor►s and In ahe mann�c-prescribed by agQlicablP lak. Trostee� �cithont tlemand on Bucrower, shall sell
<br /> ttes Proper��at publ'ec auction to the highesi bidder at the time and g�ace aad under the terms designated in the notice of
<br /> sale in one or more �wrccis and in ara� araer'Pr�slee determines. Trustec ma�• pc�tpone sale of al! or am� parce# of the
<br /> Prope:-t�• bi• p�blic �nrmurtcement a! the time aad place of aRy prc:iousi} srhrduit� saLe. Lender or its desigreee may
<br /> purch;ue che Prn�ert�at am•sate. � ,
<br /> Fo�m 3028 9/90
<br /> Psqe 5 0!5
<br /> k
<br />