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<br /> 1-4 FAMI�.Y RID�R -
<br /> Assignment of Rents , 20028390
<br /> TFrIS 1—i FAMlLY R��ER is maae this 2yHp day of JANUARX • 4 1999 •
<br /> and is incor�r,aed into and shall be dtemai to amend and supFlement dze Mortgag�, Dcec! of Trust or Security
<br /> Dfed lthe "Sccurit�� Instrument") of tbe same date given by the under�igned (the "Borrower") to secure
<br /> Borrower's Notc to
<br /> The E�uitabl<> Building and Loan Association of GrBnd Island,
<br /> Nebraska, A Federai Savings BBnk (chc"Lcndcr")
<br /> of the�amc d�ite and cavering theProperty desc�ibed in ihe Savrity In.ctrument ane!Icxated at:
<br /> 310 R' 7TH ST, GRAND I SLAND, NEl3RASi{h 53801
<br /> ;Pn�crty AJilrtF..►
<br /> �-i F:�titlLl' C01'F,NAITS. in acidition tc..thc m�•cnants arx!a�rtcmentc madc in thc Sccuriry Instrumcnt.
<br /> Borro�cr and L.cncicr fur�h�r a��•cr►ar.t arxi�grce a�follows:
<br /> A. AL�1?1TIONAI. PROYERT�' SU$JF,CT TO TFiF. SECURIT�' ItiCT'RUl11F;tiT. In uddition �o thc
<br /> Property dc.kr�hed in ihc Security Instrument, thc t'oili�win�item�arc addecf ta thc Pmprriy dc�ripti�n, and chali
<br /> al�rnnttitute the Propeny covered hy ihc Scti'uritc SRStrument: building mat�rials,appliancec anef gcxxi��f e�ery
<br /> n�ture .�•}iatcorver rx�«• or hrrtafter lopted in, on, or u�ed. er inten�ed to he uced in rnnnecti�r� with the
<br /> Pr�Fcny. irx°iuding, hut not Iimitrcl to, t►rne tor the putpcxr� �f supplying �r disirihuting heating, cix�ling.
<br /> elcctricit}�, �1�. \t'35�7, 11t' afld I7€ItI, fYC prcvcntior and cxtingui�hing apparatus, sccu�t}• anJ accc�e r�nlrol
<br /> ap��arstuc, plambin�, hati� tubs, watcn c�ater�, watcr clo�r��. sink�, rangcs, cl�vcs, xfrigcrat��rs, di�hu•��.hcrs,
<br /> dis�sal., �vashen, d►yer�, aWnings, stonn wi:?(IOWS, storm dcx�r�. krcen�, blindc. �hacicc, �unain� ancl cunain
<br /> nxis, attachr.i mirron, cabinetc. �ancl{ing and attacl�a! floor m�•erings rx�w or here.fter attAChed to tlie Propcny.
<br /> all of which, irxlu�lin¢ rcplaccments arxl addition� thereto, shaN be deertxd tu tre and rcmain a part of the
<br /> PmFre�y co��crrd by thc Security ]nstrument. Al! of the fo;cgoing togcthcr with the Property dcscril�ccf in the
<br /> Securit� Inst;Ument {nr the leasehold�tate if the Security tas:rument is on a lcasehold)are rcferreci ro in this !-4
<br /> Family Ridcr anci thc Sccurity Instrumcrn as the"Pmperty."
<br /> 8. L'SE OF PROFEKTI'; C01�lPL1ANCE �'1TH 1,,+.W. Bormwer shall not seek, agre� to or make a
<br /> cttange in ;he ux of thc Pmpcm• or its zoning ctacsification, �lnle�s Ltnder has agrced in �vriting co thc change.
<br /> Born�weT chali mmply �vith ai1 laus, ordinas�ees, regutatic�cu und requircments of any gc�veramenta! bocly
<br /> applicable to the Pm}xm�.
<br /> C.SUd(3RDI\ATE LIEhS. Excr�t s�permitted by fecicral law, [iormwer chall rx�t allci�v any licn inferior
<br /> to the Securit�• Imtrument to be perfccted agai�t the Pmperty withnut Lcrxlcr'�prior writtcn permission.
<br /> U. RE!�T LpSS INSUR.INCE. Barmwer shall maintain insurance against rent loss in acldition to the�ther �
<br /> haTar.is for���hich in.aurance is rcquireci by Uniform Cmenant 5. ' ,
<br /> E. "IiORR01f'ER'S R1GHT TO RF,IlV.STATE" DELETED. Uniforn�G�venant I�is dcictcd.
<br /> F. BORROW�:R'i Oi'CUPA�iC1'. Unless [.cndcr and &�rmwer otherwise agrcc in writing, thc first
<br /> sentenee in Unifami Covenant 5 corx-rrning &>rn�a�er's cx-cupancy of �he Pmperty is deletect. All remaining
<br /> co�•enasitc anct a€reements set fonh in Uniforni Covenant 6 shalf rcmain in effect.
<br /> MULTISTATE t -4 FAI1�llY RlOER•Fannie Mee/Freddie INrc Unitorm Instrument Form 3170 3193
<br /> � '�J7�930a�Ot vMP MOAYGR(',E FORTAS�IiS00t52t�7241 � Pnn�vA on Rec�cbd p,�pe.
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