<br /> paymcnt;r��a� no tonger bc rcquirrd, at the r�tion of L.et�er, if inertgage iraurarn�c rnveragc(in the amount ax� for the periad ,
<br /> ttiat Lc�der req�'src<y�,rovided ty an incurcr appro��5d by Ler�de��again bernmes availabie ar►d is obtaincd. Bormwxr shali pa}
<br /> the prerni�n�s required t�n�intain mortgage ins:�rance;n eflezt.�r to pravide a toss r�erve,untii the reqaircmt�t for mongage
<br /> insursnce exxls in accordance with amr writte�agreen;rnt'xiwun Bormwer and Lender or a}�plicablt law.
<br /> 9. IrnspecCi�n. Lendtr or its agent may malcc rra5onabie encries upon atxf inspectioru oC the Property. Lender shsll give ,�
<br /> Rorrew•er rxxicc at thc timc ot ar�srior t<�an irupeetian s�.+xifving,rrax�rable c�ce fiu the i�pcction.
<br /> Ct7 '.
<br /> l0. Cnndemnatinn. ThE pr9cea?s of arty award or claim for damag�s, direc� or��r�ccquent�a{, in con�icm with any� e
<br /> condertl;zation or oti�cr taiciRg of any�art ef d�e Pruperty,or for canvzyance in tieu oi candecnnation, are hercby assigned a�r.i �
<br /> shall be�raFd to Lcn�rr. �
<br /> tn th,e�•ests af a�c,ta;taking of the P*nperty,the pnti�eed�shall t+e�+lied ta the sums ser�ced hy thi�Security)nstrument, �
<br /> whcther or nc,t thrn due, wifh any exc�s paid to Bormwer. in che e�rnt of a psrtial taking of thc Pcnperty ir w-hich the fsir �
<br /> ntarket va!uc e!'thc Propc�ty immccleatety before th�taking is equal t�or grcater than ihc amaunt of the ssr�s :,ccurrd by this �
<br /> Stcuriry 3r,3trurnrnt immodiately before tht taking, unl�s,c Horrourr u�d I.endtr ot}:eri7x agt�ce in writing, th�wma securcd by
<br /> thi� Security Tr�.<trurrxnt stiall be reduced by tlx amount. of the pcoceeds mvltiplied k+y the following fraction: (a) the total
<br /> amoant of tiu sum,c serurod in�modiauty beforc the takiag, e�ividcd b,y (b) tht faic marlket ��aiue r�f thc Pm},ert� imm�:�iattly
<br /> t��forc thr takin�. An� ba6;arec� shall bc paid tQ IIorrow�. In the evc�t of a jz►rtisl taking of the Propefg :�� which the fair
<br /> �n�sket vslut of d�c�'rc�perty immediately beforr the taking is le,ca ihan the amcwnt of the sums scct�rad immediately before thr
<br /> tal•��g, unlcss &�rmwer atxf [_crxie�othcrwex agree in writing.or unlc,cs a�plicable irsw �uhenvisc providcs, the procecds shall
<br /> bc apn?�ed to the:curtt�stcur¢d bp this Se+c+�riey Irt.ctru�m�nt wtxtl�cr ar not the cumc are then due.
<br /> 3f ch� F'rc��m� is abandotx�d by t3omnwct.�r if,aRcr rx�ti�:t by l.cnder t�Bormwcr th�t?he rnndcmnor offert to make an
<br /> a�•a� ��r sets�e a claim for damages, E•�rr�Wer fai�s to rc.cponei ro L:xxitc �vichin ?0 dayc after the date the notice is given,
<br /> Lencier is authorir.ai:a call<�c?and a�ply ehc pnxeedc,at its aptian, cither ta restoration ar rcpair of thc Pmc+�rty or to ttn cumc
<br /> scc,urt-ci b���this Sccurity Irslrumcnt,whttixv�r not thtn dut.
<br /> Unlc�,.s l�ndcr arxi B�orroN�cr otherwix agtrt in w�riting, a�ny applic:��ion of prcxmis to prinripal �tiw►1 not crtend or
<br /> �st�xmc thc�duc date of the mc►nth��•payrrcrtis refermd ta in parag�•aph-. 1 a�xi 2 or change thc amoynt of such paytnents.
<br /> i 1. F3orro«•er Not Releastd; Forbeacatx�By i.tndrr Not a �Valvtr. Exierzcion af the ti;tx for rzyment or cmxfification
<br /> of anx�ni,�tioca of the sa�secured b�this Se�.�uritv Irtstrurtx:nt��rseed by i..rrni:r to sr.y wcctssctt in i:ttr,rcct of Bctrmwer th�li
<br /> not uperate tr rrkasr.thc liarilih�of the ariEin.lf Sn!�mwrr nr Borro«rr'c succcccors in intcrcct. irncler thall not be rcquircci tu
<br /> com��xnce plxrc�iing�agains;any succc.c,cor in interesi or rcfucc to e.rtcs�d tin�fcr�aymc�t or�then�•ice mcxiify arrx�rti�ation
<br /> of ihc sum.� trcurcd by �his Sert:rity lnsttumer�t by tra..um of arty ctemsnd m�de by tht original Bormwer or Bc�rrowcr's
<br /> su�cec�nrs in intercu. Any iofiearance by Lrnde,r in u�rcising an}� ri�ht or rertxdy �hall not k�c a w•aiver of or precludc thc
<br /> excrcise of any right or ,rrned�.
<br /> 12. Succc�occ and �►ai�ns Bound; Joint and Se�eral l.iability; Co-sigmn. The bvenants and agreementc of this
<br /> Securit�� InstrUmcnt chait hir.d and berxft the suocrs.wrs a.-�d a�signs of L.tnder and Borrowcr, subject to the provisions of
<br /> p3raeruph i7. Gorro��u"s covcnantc arx! agrceme�sts s,`�all be jo�nt and �e�erl. Any Borrower wha rn-signs tnis Sect�rity
<br /> Instromtnt twt dc�es rx�t e�rcutc the Notr. (a) is rn-�igning this Securizy inctrUment on�y to rr�rtgage, grnn: and comey that
<br /> �rmwer's inte�t in the Prc�n�• urxier thc t�rnn of this Seturity i�strumcnr, (b) is not p�crumafly obligated ta pay the sums
<br /> scrurL�i by this Securit}• t�stn�men�; art�(c)agre+�that Lendtr and am•��lttr$otrnwer irray agrce to eztencl, rmydify, forbear or
<br /> make any accommedat���n�with trgard ta tf�ternn c'this Seeurity lrtstruraent or•the Notc without,ha[ Bormwer's rnnsent.
<br /> 13. I.aan Char�. It'thc losn�rcumi b} this Secuzit� taa:urixr►t is subjrct to a law which acts maximum I�an chargc�,
<br /> :erni that In�ti• is fin�illy interprct�ed x� that ttx interest ar catur ioun chacges ec+liectrd or to tK collet-ted i�i connection with the
<br /> lean cxceed the�rn;ittcd limits, thcn: (a1 am+cucfi� loan ci,arge�ha!I �.+c rciiuctd by thc amaunt nccasary to reclucc the charge
<br /> to the p�rntitied limit; zrxf (b)Nm• surtx already :oilected fmm Borro���er which exceeded p�rmitteci limits wil! be rcfuncieci to
<br /> Bc�rm�ver. L.ender may ch.�s-. to rr.ake this rcfurxi by reducing the prisxipal OK'� utxler Ihe Note or by making a direr,
<br /> pa}•n�nt to 8ctirro«cr. ,t a refund reduces principal, the rcdu��tian wil! bt trcaled �s s► partiai Frcpayment without any
<br /> prepayment chsrgc und�:the Nnte.
<br /> 14. \otices. Am• notice to F3armwer grovided for in this S..^curity In_urument�hall be given by delive:in� it or by maiiing
<br /> it b� tt�-�t clac� mail unl�ss applirab{�!aw requires usr of a.�othrr methaf. Tne rtotice shall toe directed to the Property Address
<br /> cr any othec address Bc�rrower designat� by not'scz to F.es�der. Am not:cc to L.ender shall be given bv first class mail to
<br /> L�ndc*'s address stated herein or arty otber address Lendcr aesignates by notirc .o Bormwer. Any n�lice provided (or in this
<br /> Secority Tnstrument shall be deemeci to hu�e bcYn eiven to Borrower or Lcnder when givrn as provi�ea in th�s p;�ragraph.
<br /> 15. Coverning Law; ;aeverability. This Security Instrumer:t shall be governed by federai law and the iaw of the
<br /> jurisdiction in which ?he Propeny is iocated_ In the event that any provision or clau.se of this Seeurity lnstrutnent or the Note
<br />'� ctmflicts n•iih applicable taw, such conflict shalt sx�t affert o:her provisions of this Securiry Ins,irument or the T�IcEe which can be �
<br /> f gi��en e(fect without the conflicting pmvis:�n. 'To.;�is e:�d the provisions ef this Security Instrurrtent and the Note zre declara�i
<br /> to be severable. -
<br /> 16. Bocro�F�er's CopF. 3orrawer sha11 b�given�ne confomied co�y of the Note and of�his Security Instrument.
<br /> Fortn 3028 9/90
<br /> Psge 4 ot 6
<br /> i
<br />