5, Ha�rd or i'rapertA Ituexrance. Borrowtr shaJi keep thr. im�rovements nou� ezistiRg or hereafte! erectcd on thc
<br /> propem� a�surcci agaic�s: tos.a by firt_ t►a�ards inclwicd c►•athin thc term "extec�ed covtragt' and any oth�r hazards, including
<br /> f�c�od�or t?oocii�ig, for w•hict� [xnder requires:awrance."i�it irtsurance�hall be maiMaintcl in tht amaunG.acxi for thc pr�iods �
<br /> th�c I.rn�er n-c}uires. Th� incurarre ra.�ricr pmviding the i�urarxY shall be ct:osen b) Bocm�ver subjtct to Lender's a�-�.+roval �
<br /> u�hich shal! not be crt:z�ot�bly wzthixld. if Bosrvwsr �ils to maintairs �cvvcrage described utK��e, l.ender may, at Ler�er's �
<br /> option.obtain co�:.ragc t�protcc:i.cndtr'�right�in thc Prcocrty in a�ardance with ps:agraph 7. � �
<br /> A{i icuuraz►�c po!icies and re�w�s cha)1 � acce{�ta�le to Lrn�er and s1�ap inclu� a standard rrAngage da«.te. C.ender �
<br /> sha11 have thc right to�:d;hc policia and rrocwals. lf LendeT rxquires.Borrow�r sltiall prompc4y gi��c to f,tnder all receipts of �
<br /> p9id premivms ancJ rcrrewa� naicGS.In a'�e event of loss,�rmEVtr shall�ive prampt noliee to the insttrance exrrier and Lxnder.
<br /> f..�:xirc may ma9ce psm!'of loss�f ewt masie proanptly try Borr�v►�er. Qi►j
<br /> E�n!e<s Lcncfet arx3 Bormcv�r otherwiu.agtte in writing, imvr�ncr proceeds u�all be applied to restoration or rrpair nf�he
<br /> Pre�r.�•da�r�agcd, if t�:t rtstoratic+n ar rrpair is econe�micAlly fe�sible and Lendti s cecttri�is not fessened. If the rcstoration or
<br /> rc�ir is zwt cronc+mita]!y feasiGte ar l.�nder's�tcurity Kro�ld bt lessec�ed, tht imutarxt�roceeds shall be npplieel to thc sums
<br /> �ccumi by thic Sccvri:y in.�rurrKrst, whcthrr or na thrn d�c, w7th sny ucas paid ta �o�rowe,. If 8ocrowcr abandons thc
<br /> Pro�xrty. or dx�� rx�t nn.ewcr within 30 days a rx►tia fmm ix�ckr tfiat ttu in.wr~•s�e carrie�has afYercd to scttle n cluim, tiicn
<br /> 1..cnder ma�• cc�riL� tf�c i�.surancr procccds. Lrr�dcr may us� thc p�c�cecds to rcpair or rcc!orc thc Pmpeny or ta pay sums
<br /> serurctf by tnis S..�cu:ity lrt.c�rurnrnt.v�hcti4er or r�et t2�en due.Tlte:;0-cisy period will hegin when the notice ic giv�n.
<br /> L'nle:�4 t,tndrr :�nd Bornawer otherwise agtee in wri:ing, asn• s�lic.�tion of pme:edc ta �rinc:pal chall not ettcnd or
<br /> pc�stpanc the d�t si�r: of thc r�an�.hlr Qr.�•mrnt� refcrrcd to in pa�raphc 1 and 2 or changc thc artxwnt of the paymcnts. If
<br /> urder Qang��a�h 2i th.. Pmperty� is acqu:rcd by Ltncler. Bormw�cr'� rigfii ta any ir�wranct pulirics a�c! praceccis rc�ulting frorn
<br /> d�i��ge to the G'ropemr prior;o thc ac�sixiti�n shalt�.cs to L�xdtr to tht exte�of the surt�s soeurcd by d�is Securiry Ir�.ctrument
<br /> immrdia.clv prictr ta ttn xquisition.
<br /> 6. Oernpanc��. P'rrservatian� 1�tair�trnxme$nd Protect�an of ttst Properly: B�rno�rer's I,usn Applicaticn: I,caseholds.
<br /> Borma�er�hali c��cupy, cstahtish,mid use the Prt�p�enp�Bomawtr'�principat residence uithin�i�ry ciays alter the execvtii���of
<br /> ttiis Sec�ritv l�tn�rtxwia snd shai!i��cmtinue to crivpy tl'�e Propercy �s a:�smwer's principal residtnct Por n!":Iea�t one�car a�fter
<br /> tTre date of uccu�rsnc��. unlcs.c I.tndcr athcrwix agr�e.c in a�riting. which cri�rr►t xhali �t t+e unrea<onably •ithhcld. or unles:
<br /> extenuating circumuancrs ezist w�hich ar+e be}•ond Borsrw�er's cxx�tmt ��tmwer shall not destmy, dam�, or im�air the
<br /> Property. ailaw� the Pmperty to ��teriorste. or crnninit a�astc on the Pr���erty. Borrowcr chall t+e in default i any forfeiturc
<br /> ar.ion or pmceedin�. w1►eftser c+vil or crimirsal, is begun that in L.ender'..gaxl faith juclgment cnuld r�ult in forfeiture of the
<br /> Proxrt}•or othcrwi5c�tt.attrislly ;rngair 4t�c liut crcated hy this Smaricd ii�trumrnt or Lcnder's security interect. Borrowcr may
<br /> curc such s defaul;ar.d reinaate,as�rovi�i:u in paragTaph 1R. by rnusi�p thc action oc Frocee.�ding to be di�micaed witF a rulin�
<br /> tnat, in Lendcr's gocxi f.Mth det�rminstion, �7!1GCll2tJG.� �O�GIII;ft Of illt BOfTOWtf S 1S1ltfGSt in tiie Praperty or other m.ltcrial
<br /> ir�pai►�nrnt ot t4e lien crcated by this Setvrity irsaurnent or Ltixicr'�c �cturity interest. E3orrower shal! alco be in dcfault if
<br /> Barro��cr,during the loan applit�tion prc�ctss.gs��e m�ttrially false c�r in�ccu:at�infortr�atian or tiatements to Lerxfer(or failed
<br /> to pr�vidc L.encier uith any nrateriaf in!'orm+tion)in conn�ction with t}x loan evidtnced by the No3e, ir.cfudin�, but not limited
<br /> to. rcprc�entstie�s rnnrerning�rm��rr''s occupancy af t�e Property as a principal rcsideace. ]f this Setvrity instrumtnt is Rn n
<br /> lc�schold, l3orcowcr shnll ct�mQi�• witii aU �he provisians of the tea�e. if Boarowct acquirts fee title to ttie ?roperry, thc
<br /> Icasct,•,ld:u�d thc fee ti!lc s.h�ll cx�t rnr.rg�unle.cs Lender agc=cs t�tht merger in a•riting.
<br /> 7. Prdicctinn aC I.mckr'c Rights in tb�Ptoperty. 1f Borrawet fsilc to perfortn Itx;ovcr►ant�arxi n�rccmcnts containccf in
<br /> thi� Sccurit}• 1n,atrumcnt, or thtrc ic a Iega! pnrmciir.g that may significantty �ffect Lendcr's rightc in ihe Prcrperty (such as a
<br /> pmrecding in banl�ruptcy, pmbase, f�r rnrdanra.tion a�forfeitarc or ta rnfa:+ce taw:� or rcgu{atinnc}, thrn i.ender may do and
<br /> pa}� for whatever is nect;ccary t� pmtect ttie�rl��e nf the Pro�r�y arxi d.es�der's rights in the Pm�rty. Lender's action; may
<br /> Er.cludr. �?a��in� a�y sum.: �r�d �y a lien which hs.c priorit} over this �curity lnstn+ment, ap�xaring in court. paying
<br /> reasonabl�attorn:ys' fers r.rxi rntcring�n t!�Property to mal�o rc�airs. Alt:�ough L�nder may takc action uncicr this paragraph
<br /> ',, I.�rx;er dcx�rxx have to dc�so.
<br /> Any am��vnt� dickwr�r.d by Lendr: urder this paragra�h 7 shali becor.0 additional debt of �rrower ururcd by this �
<br /> Security Instrument. t�nlect BorroW�r smd L,ende�agrcY to othcr ter!ns of�ym°_nt, thex amou,�ts chail bear iniere�st from the
<br /> date of dis�srserrsent at the Note rate anci �hall he !ayzble, with ir.teresi, upon rx>:ice from L,ender to Eorrower r�uesting
<br /> pwyment.
<br /> 8. titort�age Iaturanee. If L.end�r required moRgage insu�ance at a conditicri�af��raicing ii�c���,�accvreci by inis Securi[y .
<br /> Ins.rur:�cnt, Bom�«•er shail �y tt±e premiu:m required to maintain the mort�age i*�surance in elTect. U, for any reason, the
<br /> mor�ga�e ;nsnrance eoverage req��ir� by lxnder(agses or ceases to be in effcct. Borrowe:shall pay !h�prerniums req;;ired to
<br /> c.�:ain cc��erage substantiali}•equivaient to tht mo:tgage ir,tsurance nrtvioeisly irs effect, at a cost s�!bslantially eq�ivalent to the
<br /> cost ,e 3cim;w•er of the mortgage insura.xe pxr�•i�tsly �n effect, tmm a� altemate mortgage insurer appro�•^_d by L.znder. If
<br /> c�bstantialh� ��quiti�aleat :nortFa�e insurance co�-r;a�e is not available. Fx�crow•er shal: pay to ?xnder each mortth a sam rqual !o
<br /> c�ne-t���eifti-�of the}�eariy mengaee iasi!raneP premium F,zi����i�bv 5orro�ver�uhen the ituurance coverage lapsed or cea�ed tc
<br /> be in effect. I.�nderµ�ii!accept, use a�d retain tt��c payments as a toss r�en•e�in lieu �f n�ortgage ins�rance. Loss reserve
<br /> Form 3028 9/90
<br /> Pqe3�8
<br />