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� . : <br />� <br />� <br />� <br /> h . <br /> TO�?GI71ER Sb1TH nit the i cemeats now or�aRer ertdod on oi;c •.:uxi ali e:►sements. u`nenances,and <br /> m� ��5 � <br /> fiatures no�� ar 'btreztfter a �act �f tt� pn_*�erty. Ail cepipce�rnu arxi additi�� shst! s!so b�e covered by this Secncity <br /> In�tntn,ent. All oC the£oregoing i>referrcd.o in ttzis Sstv,rity Instrui7x�t ss tht'Propecty.` <br /> dORROW"EE2 CO��ENANf'S th� &xrnwrs'is tawfnl�y scictx2 of the estate hen�by conve}eci;uxi has She right tr�grnnt an� <br /> con�:e7• thc f'.vpeny and chat thc Fmpersy i� uener�rum'aerad. �.er.e{�e for cntwmbraneGS of texor+�. 8oetnw•,r a-artaits �ti tviil <br /> defend gcnera;ly the tit�e to tt,e Pro�xsty xgains:all cla,%rr�s anci c'�znJs,�ubje��t tc any�-ncim:hrancest�f r;cord. <br />, THIS SE�IrRITY l7�aTRUA1ENT�wr�inGS uniCrnm rnvtnant_� f�ir rwticac�I �!r and ntir,�unifar�n co+�nasticc with I�c:�ital <br />� v;.rriatiot�.�ey jurisdictian tn cunstitut�s unifvrn��a.v,riry irutrvinent rnvctirsg rcart pmputy. � <br />� UNIFORM COVEh AivTS. Borrowcr and I�nder cc��crant�xi agrec�fol3ows: ,� <br />� 1. Pa��nrnt o� Yrinci��l atxi lrrterest; fh�ep���ner! anc� Lai� ��rs. Ba�rcw�r :�haE! qromp�ly �y vvhen d�e thc <br /> w°r <br /> Rrincipa!of and interrst on th-clrbt evioeneed by il�e lvote an�ar.y pre�.vyrnzz�and tate ct•.arFcs dw_,erxi�:r the Nate. � <br /> 2. Fnn�s foc 3'ax�s a�sc�. insur�nre. Subjeci ta �plicable law�r to �wTiti� �Naiver by i.endcr, titorz�v�er shail pcty to C . <br /> Lendcr o:�tih day monthly payr,ienu ate dx undtr tfic Idlcxe,untii She NocC is paid isi i�ll,a wm('Fun.dc")for. �,3�yrari}•Gi�e� � <br /> and a�,ccssmert�;whicfi ms�•ztta:�n priorty over t�is Seeucitv [r�ctrumesn a,c a lien o�tht�Pr�perty; (b)yeazly leauhold t�aynx:nt�c � <br /> or rcnts en the Property, if aim�;(cl��eariy hazard ar prouesty ine:urarx,e prrntium.c;(d)ycrsly tiood insunnce pnrriurr�.r. � <br /> if a.-�y: (c1�•cari} moZe,aRe insur,uice Fremiurr�. if any: and (� am �vnzc�.�Ie by Bormw�er to Lender. in xco�-darxx w�ith � <br /> i the provisia:u of p9mgrs�h 8, in�icKu Uf etx�r�rnersc of moctgage i�euraenre ptemiumc.Thtse itemc aro e.ulled "Eun�w Icems." <br /> Lendcr �ti, at a+r� time, colSect .a.-ed. h�ld Fucids in an ameunt nat to excced the maximum amoun! � I�n�der for a fesirrail}� <br /> rclated rnnrtgacc lcc.n snay rrqnirc fc:s t,'n�rr�a�er'��scn,s accounc un�r the fodcra! Real Ectzte Setdement I'rucedurc�; Art �i <br /> 1974 ss amcndcc� f��ra ti�to time. ::? J.S.C. Sation 2fdll rr srq. ('RESfiA')� unies.c arxxixr law that appties to the Funds <br /> scss a lcsscr amout:?'. if u, LCt%�tY 7�l�r„ u �� it�T1[, cailrct and hc{d Furxls in an am�unt no� ta c�cmi thc lcsscr umcunt. <br /> L.e�cr n��• �.tima�c the amcav.�,� �f F'nr�is due na �tx t�ces of curnrnt cia�t� arni n.�orzablc cctimat� of experxlitures c�f futurc <br /> �uro��• (tems�r�t}urwise in accc�rdar�.r w�[h$ppiirsMe law. <br /> The Funds s��aJl k+� h*I�i in � institutior� �a�ixne de�acits arc in.w,trd by 1 federal agrncy. :n�t;umentality, or rntity <br /> (includir.g Lcnder, if Le,�r:r�,wrh ar,in�titution)a�in am F'edera! Humr L�•3�$ank. i..cnder�hall a�ly thr Funds to pay thc <br /> E.ccrow Iturr:. Ltixier �,�ay i�at charge&.�rnnvvcs for holding and appiying the Futxi.c, annualty analpzing the escmw•account, or <br /> ��eritying the Fsrrow It:a�u, unles.c I�icr�+a}�Borrox�er instrt.a�the Furxis ar.d a�licahle law prrtnitc C.cndcr t�make surh <br /> a chargC. Ho��•cv�r, La�t�r may mqc�irr Borrovrer�ta pcay a ont-time chargt fo�an inde�lxient rcai cctase tax rcportine tiervicc <br /> uscci by Ixnder in ��c;ec`,�cn� wittr this Yoa!►, unlcss applirnt►lz !aw �iravidcc oclkrwix. Unlrc.s an agrccmcnt i� madc ur <br /> applicsble law requi!c�:men:st to Eie¢a'sd, l.erxier�hall n�at he rcqu",,red ta pa}Barrower any interest ar earnings on the Funds. <br /> B�m��tiYr :��xi �;der r„a.•a��n in writing, hc�wrvcT, thai iater�t shalt !x paid an the Funds. Lcncicr shatl give to 8orrow�cr. <br /> K�iti�o�t char_r, nn �nt��:al ar�cwnting of ttx F3:-uis, y±oK7ng CtCtiilS 2u�d debi�c !o the Funds �nd tite purixttC i<�r a•hich each <br /> dcbit t�:hc Funds was m�c1e_"Ilic Funds arc plcdged as additi�xtal ser.�urit}•far nll sums secur+ed by tnis Securisy ins;rumcnt. <br /> if the Funds lxk!'��v f.rridN�e*c�e+ed the as�x�unts permiaed to t�held by applirable law, Ltrxier chali accnunt t�&�rrawer <br /> f'cr the excecs �=aau7s in sc�rnrdane,:vvith �hr req��irrnxn�a of a�!ic9btr laa. If tht amewnt of�he Funcis hdd hy Lerxicr a� any <br /> �ir*�e is not .u[licient to Fut�the E.��mw It�wf►��due. [.erxicr tnay sc�t�otify&�ttower in writing,anci, in such case&�rrower <br /> sfiall pay to Lr:�R,.:r the amnvnt r►ec�.cary to mak,t up the cieficier�y. 9orrov�rr stu+Rl make u� the deficicnry in n� mnre :han <br /> rti�•el��e mnnthl��p,:;+,��ts,at l.erxler'�s�lr.di�reti�sn. <br /> Upc�n pa�•mc�� in fall of alf cum.s cccu:rd b;+ �his Scrvrit}� iRStnimcni, t.rndcr s}wlt pmmpfly rcfund t<� F3orrc��vcr any <br /> Fursds Iteld G�• C.enc.�.:�. if, un�ier Frarsgraph 21, l.rrxler chall ar.quirc nr sell the Prcmerty. Lender. prier to the xquicition or wlc: <br /> of the PT��cm•, .ha11 apply anv Funds hcici b�• i�K at thc timc oi acquisition or cal�as a c7edit a�ai�t thc sumc seeureJ by <br /> this Sc�;�ritv Instniment. <br /> 3. !�.pplication of Fa��mrnts.Un!c�..applicabte I:;w•�Sravid�otherv�i�e,all payments rcccived by i.cndcr undcr paragr�pns <br /> ! ancf i ;:ti�ll t>e s�rpliccl: fitct, tc�any pre{zi}�ment charg�due undcr tt�Note: secc?nd. to am�wntc payabEe urx)cr paragraph 2; <br /> thi�*J,ro inrr:;�;st due; fcwrth,to princip;►1 due;and tast,aa an}laic ehargrs due uncier the Note. <br /> �l. Cha�cc; L?er�. &�TO�ver thal! pay all taz�, :��rrs��-nts, charges, fine:c aix! impositi�ns attributable to 1he Pror�ert�� <br /> w•t;'s�h ma��+ a�t;.in priarity or�-r if�is Se+curit� Inurumrnt. and leaseheid paymentc or grour� rcnt�, if any.'f3�rrower chall pay, <br /> these ob�iratie�s in the manntr pmvidec3 in para�raph 2,or if not paid in tl�at manner, B�rmwer shall pay th�n an time dir:ctly ' <br /> tr. the oesson oH•ec! pa1tnent. Borrou�er shali pm*_*r+tly furnish to L.endsr ail naEicec of amount��to x paid unci�r this paragraph. <br /> If Bor���ti•er mak•,�th�ce pay�*w_nts d;r��tly. Bc�rrow�er sha11 �mmgtly f�mi�.h to L.e*xier reeeipts evideneing the paymcn!c. <br /> I3ocrotirer shall �mm�l}�diutti:rEe am-fien which ha�pri�rity over ihis S�curity lrntrumcnt unlccz Bc�rrow�er. (a)agre�� in <br /> � to the�yn�e�t oF tt�c�bligation secu:ed by the licn iR a mnnner acce�abl�to l,er►der; (b�conttsts in gnod fai!h the licn <br /> h�•, or drfenc;s 3�3tTLc1 tftf6fil'fllCilt Of �IIC �ifil in, legal proceedi��s a�hich in the�der's opinion o�rnte to preven! the <br /> er.forre�nt of''ie tieu; or(c?�erur�from the i:o?der of the lien an aarc^en�nt satis`xtory to Lersder subordinating the lirr. ta <br /> this Scrur�e�� (r.�t:ucnent, if Lerx;er deternzin� �h�t a�y �ut c�f the Prapem i�subject to a lien whir_h ma�� attain �nnrity Ovc'r <br /> tnis Securit}• 1RUrument, ixns3er ma}• �i�•e 8orrou-er a�totice identifying the lien. Bor:ower shai! satisfy the �ien or take one ar <br /> mt��e of�he u tic�as set forh abo�-e within ]0 days�f the giv=r.�of rx�tice_ <br /> Form 3J28 9/90 <br /> Pspe i of 6 <br />