<br /> S. Harard or Proprrf}• t:Lwrsnce. Bo�resw`tz xn�1� kaP thc imFro�%cmcnis nc� e�isting c: kr.aFt:r erected on the
<br /> Propert� insure�i aeair.sc ias bY firc. hr+z�rris i;itls�ded within the tctm 'e�trnd*d a?•rttage' and am other ha:�rdc, includin�
<br /> flc,oc!s or (1cxKSing, foc whicii Lrm3tr reqnires inrarancc• Th'ss ti w;anc=�a11 tx►nlintaincd in the umrxm��a�xl for the pc��c�ds
<br /> chat iurx3cr rcauire;. The inwranct c�rriu t m��iding thc imuras�ct shall t�:ctxKen by Bortcwrr eswbject ro t.crxlcr'� appm�'al _
<br /> w►iich shali n�t t�c unr+.�u�r,ably withfxld. If F3orrower fails to ma�ntain rn��era�c ��c�crihed a=x'�'e, Lt�er may. at i.csuier's � �
<br /> option.�tain co��cragc to pmtcC.I.cixkr's ri�hu in itx Pmf'=:y io aca�rdance a'ith�gra�h 7• �
<br /> A{t irtaurarv_�e po!icits and �ene9valc ah211 Ht��ce�tab�c to l.er�c=ud 'hait inciude a �tandard m.�rtgagc cia�}ce. l�oder� �
<br /> chall have the right to lwld tht policics ux1 trncwals. If l,endzr rcquiirs. Bormv�'er�halt pmmptly gi�e to l.ender a!I''�receiFts of e .- ,� I
<br /> paid prcr.�iums and rerxx-a! ►xnicrt. In the evrnt of lass, E3c+mowet strzl! give�ampi naice t�the iRwranre carri,r a��I.encicr. �
<br /> L,cndcr rnay n►akz prcx�f ot�o«if twt n�dt pmrr.pdy tw$otro�'cr. -
<br /> linless Lcrn4er.u�d SormKrr od.hrr�•isc agrrc in�ritinc, inwrarnt ptcxccd..c�ha�i tx a}�Ql.cd�Q n�:�ration or rcaair of the �
<br /> Prc�crt�•c!ama�ed. if the res:or�.ticn ar re�air is c�cnt�omir�h�feasiL+lc and Lendcr's stcv�ity is not l�c�encd. If the�tarstion er �
<br /> ry:pair i� n�i r_-onamicaliy� fca�ihk or 1_taxler's securit}•Nou1d tx lc�ar�cd. thc inwrancc FnxYeds zha11 lx a�ficYi to th::sum�
<br /> xeurecl by thi� SeruritL In�trurtxnt, wtxtltrr cx �t thrn due, whtl� any eze�cs paid ta Be:rmWTr. li E;ormwcr atu.ncSrnt the ,�
<br /> Ptopersy. c,r doc,s ncx amu�rr within 30 da}�s a cxtirc fmm i..cnder tlutt t,hc ituusance c:►rrin'h�t offetrd to scttic a clnim, the�
<br /> I.enclr may :roll�rt the incuranre procc�xts• t�crxler rsuY use ifie p'-�'t�dS �° rc�Z+ir or r�storc the Propert)' or to pay sums
<br /> seCUrrd b}•this Srcvrin� Irrstrumcr+t.whcther or rxx:hu+dur.The 30-ci�y�ri�1 w�ll t+egin vvhrn�he nnticc i�given.
<br /> llnlcss l.endcr and AormMrr otlxn*'ice agm in writing. am a}�ptica?ian af procce�s ta p7nci;wl s!ull ��t c�tcrd o�
<br /> ppctponc ttze dnc d.iic ot the mnmhiv pa��rrxnts refcrred to in �r.�Rrnpt� ! mxf 2 car chan�r the amc�unt of the poymcnts. if
<br /> undcr�sa:agraph 21 �hc Pm�crtr is ss.-q::irrc!t+y L.er�cfer. BormN•cr's right to any imucanct policia and pn�ccccts resuttin� !mm
<br /> �i:image tr. :lx Y;cT�ert��prio:to ttu xqvi�iti<m s.}u�l�u+.s�tt�Ltnckr to ttoc c�tcnt��f thc wmi�ceurcd hy this Sec�,riry :n�trunxnt
<br /> imnxdiatcly prior lo tfic acquisitirn.
<br /> 6. CXcupanc}•. Yre�en-atdon. !1�II1[Tlt2ta[ICt Yfld PTM)lttYIRA O�1}It P9't10tT'1V: 3torras.rr's l.r+an App{iraS#�n: Lenufiold�.
<br /> f3nrro�ver�hali occupr. es,tablish.and uce tlx Pro�+em•sc Bc�cmurr'�pritk�i�v! tt aiderx�e within ci�ty day�nRer the e�ecutic,n�!
<br /> this Scruritv lnstrurnrns aixi stu!! rnntirwc to c*a-upy thc i'n�p�crty as 8atmxYr'�princi�t r�idrnce fi�s at Ic�aat �nc}•car n(�er
<br /> the date oC occu�u>c}•. ��f�� ��n��""��&gT'� in�-riting, wh'rrh a�en: �'ull rxw tx unr�.onably withheld, or unle•s
<br /> ��trnu�ting cirrumstar,crs r�ist w�hich arc bcyond E�iorn�wtr'� rnnttnl. A'•�rt4`HTt th.ilt ncd dc�tr�y. dnma�c or im�air thc
<br /> F'rr�rty. atlo�ti� thz i'�upcm� to ddrrioracc. or c�mmi: waue on ebr Pmprny. liarrov►rr chall be in dcfault if uny forfei�uce
<br /> JC1U!� Ot �7T(k'Ct�j1lt�, t�'�iISCf C1w1I R!cri�iisa3. ic bcgun th:►t in L.crxlrr's gcxxf fnish;udgrnct�t coald rravll in fc�tfciturc of 1hc
<br /> F'er�+rr:}�or�xhcn�•i�e�teiiali. inx�+.2:: the lirn ctt7ttt�d b•r Ihis Savritv ttxtrunxnt or 1.�7td�t'��atriiy inlcrr�t. Honowcr may .
<br /> �urc such�c+cf�ult arai rcinct3tc.�proridc�f in para,gcaph f8, by casicing thc�ittinn ar prcx�ceding ro he dismic�cd Nith;�n:linF
<br /> ti�at, in I�ndcr's rcxai fai�h �lriezninsTior., prrcludcc f�xfe�ture o!' the &rm�w'cr�� interc�t �n thc Pmperty or nthc� materiAf :
<br /> im�?aimunt of the li� cc�cxicil b�� this Stcurii� lnstrumcnt o� l.e�lcr's .�vri;y �nterett. fk�rn�wcr shall alco tr. in dcfault if
<br /> A�rrc�wr�, du�in�thc losn�plic.ativn pr�x�s.gaw ncuersably� fs�x or ina�-cvra:t inforrnatian or uasements to Lcncfcr(or tailcd
<br /> to providc Lcndcr with sm• :n�+tcrial inforn�aticx�)in a�nncrti�m a�nh tl�fca»r�•idznccd hy tF�c Note. inclucfing. hut nc�t limitcd
<br /> ta. rcpse5cntatiens conccrnmg&�rrvw•cf's octi-uf��o!tt�E'r�erty ac a pri�c��al rrci�iencc. 1 f th�s Securit�• Instninunt i�on a
<br /> leace�:c�ld. &?rmWrr shall mmpl�� ++•ith a!I the �+tos�isiortc of the Ics�e. If ;;nrm..rr acquicrc fet title to ttx Pmperty, thc
<br /> Ica�chold arn!thc fcc tittc shall rxx nxrgc unlc�s Lz+xltt agirrt t��thc mcrg:r in ..ri7ia€.
<br /> 7. Protection of I.rndtr's Ki�,hts it�the PrnpM��. !f Barmwcr fxils to tyr.fu:m tfie rnvcnants and agrccmcnt�rnRtainal i�i
<br /> this Sctt�ritv Inctrurtxnt, er thcr: +� a Itgal �mct�ing that may si�niftcaatly alfccs Lkerxlet'�rights in the Pmperty (such as a
<br /> prc��ec�iing in bankruptcy. p;ob.-+tc. l�,r rnnelcnuuiation or torfeiturc ar to rnforce law�s or rcgLtatiom). �hen [.ender may do arxl
<br /> pay for whatrvt� 1C t1KYW1V !O �fCNttl (�1C \'71I:Y'C1T[fIG PtOf1�71y a�d L.rnder's rights in the F'roperty. l_cnder's actions may
<br /> include �a}•i�g an�� wm� sccvrtd M� a lirn whirh t�as pm�rity m�er tfiis Stcurity Inxtntr.ient, a�earing in rn�irt. �aying
<br /> rcas��nabit attarncyt' tcc�and c+ttcring o�thc PruF++_�rty ta nuke rcpairs. Althcxtgh t.etx�r may t::l.e iction undcr this parr�raph
<br /> 7, l�rr.!cr aec�rx•t have to do u�.
<br /> Am umruntc disbui�ctil i+y Ltixlrr um:cr thi� paragreph 7 vhall lxti'nme �idit+�r�al tfrhl Of B(�Rl1N'Cf �ccurtcl hy lnis
<br /> S�^ct�ritv lnctrun�»t. Unlc'�s E3.�rmK-cr asxf Lcn�jcr agrce tv cxtxr tcrm<<�t�yaicrn, tticu srtwunts shall bcar intcrcmt (rnm thr
<br /> d�te of di�burscr.�ent �t thr Nvtc rstc arxi �h.rli be payablt, with iE.terat, upon nwict from Lencler to Eiormwcr rcqucsting
<br /> pa��mcnt.
<br /> 8. �Iortgsge ln.�urancr. tf Lender requirat�nart�e ins�atarxe�.c a rnncfit+on of making thc loan securcY! hy this Security
<br /> In�irunicnl. 8rrn��+`er chal! pay tht prcm;ums ��y�i2d ro maintain the mc�rte�ge irrsarance in effect. if, for any rea�n, the
<br /> mortcacc in:urarxe rn�•crage reauircd E} Lendcr la�+se.a or craats to bc in effect, l3o:mwer chall pay thc prcmiums requircd :o
<br /> ebtain cc�•:craee suhstsr.tially c��ivalent so tht mortgage insursner prrviausty in eCfect, st a crxt suhslantially equivalcnt ic�the
<br /> cost ro B.�rt:���r of th� nmrtcage ins�r3nce ptrviously irt eft�. from an al:ernate treortgagc inwrer zppro�•ccS by Lrxier. If
<br /> substar.tiail}� equi�alent rrwrtgsce irsu�anct rnverare is n�i availahle. S�rrowa'shall �ay tc l,ernicr tach month a��:m cqual to
<br /> one-t.�elfth o�the�earfy rrx:rtgsce insurance pers:�ium l�ing paid by Borroa^er w•hrn the ittsu2.ce.coversge lapusi ar eeaced to
<br /> be ia et�rct. �c:x:e�w�il!acccpt, use snd r.iain t}xs�paymtnts�s a lass reserve in lieu o� rtx�rtgagt insurarr_t.`�,L.oss reserve . ,
<br /> Fom�3028 9190 � .
<br /> �,aaas -
<br /> �_
<br />