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� <br /> paymer.ts may no I:,ngcr tx rcqu�n�d. ax thc oQtzon of I.cnder,if rncMgagc incura�x�'cc"c:�ge(in the amou��t arxi ier t1k pe�:�d <br /> Q,ai [x.rxicr rcqui:rsl providcd by an irtsura aQpmved by l�ndcr again becc�t��cs a�'ailat�l-and ic obcnined. Bocr'owe�chall pa� <br />°miurm tc,t�ir�!o main:ain rt�rt�a�c irtwrancc ir.cttect.or ta proli�c a icxa rr.�erve.uotii tfic rcquiremtr'�t fvr mc:Rgagr <br /> in<urarc�:c�uis ir.accorda�xc with eny writtc+�t�rccmcnt t�ctwce�Bortnwrr and Lerxkr ar a�+pticabk law•- <br /> xc <br /> 9. Snspectfo�n. 1_ender nr iu agrnt nu�� rnake rcazc�abic erttrizs uFo:�and ���i�'��f the Ptopc:S}�. :-cnctcr chail givc <br /> �TtQV:cs�ic�ati>>ctiti�.oEo�geia.Laa�.tic�c�atior�s�CCifyi�greasaiat�le:as��t fo:the�.R�{�+Mial,in rnnneci�an w��llt e11} <br /> ltl. Conclemnatia,�. The prcx�teds of u�y au�ard or c�m far dZtTn��. direct ot consrqu <br /> cc�rxicmnation rr ot4xr cakin¢ af anp �*sst of the PropcnY.or fvr conveyancr in lieu�of mndcmn�tion, s,re htrct�� acaigned snd <br /> shalt be paid ta Lerxicr. <br /> thall tx fsx'to the wms scrvmi by this Sr,urit� lrt::rumrtn. <br /> :n thc evcnt of a toial Llking of tne Pm�aerty•lht P�cc�t- �AP� <br /> w�etiter or not then duc. x•ich any exc�s p3id to Acyn<'wrr. In the e�xrn of$�utial taking af the PmFxny in which the fair <br /> markrt vatuc of t►x Propert;: immaii.;,tcly t+riore the taic:ng is equat to ar �rcat�s tfu,,thc anxxlnt of the sums s.::ut�d hy thiv <br /> Serurity inctnimn�t imnxdiatcly bcforc tFx taking.unlGCS'Borm'a�cr and L�ndr�c�theT"•it'aST'�in wrilin�. �he wn�c secured b)• <br /> thi� Seturit� instr�mcnt shaU L�e rrd�c�ed b.Y th� amalnl of the Qrc*crtds muttipiittl by the ioUowing fracti�n� (ul the total I <br /> amewnt of tnr wrn. �ecurcd imaxs7ia�cly bc�arc th�c tal:ing, dividcd t*� tb► the fair m�*icet vaiue of the Pre�en} iinnxYfiat�ly <br /> t+cfo:C tEit ta?:ing. An� M�ly�r �hall tx Paic1 to Hcx�v"•rr. In tht r.�cni o` a �rarti�! taki�g of tfx Frc�+ccty in uni:n tht fair <br /> markct ��alue of the Property is�med+3ttly t�ef�re the taiciaC is In•�han �tic amcwnt�f�he tcmc�ecurcd immediatcl�� heforr thc <br /> takin�,, unlecs F3c�rmucr arxl l.enefer cxhetwiu sgnee in w•ritirtg c+r uniec� a}�licai�le ia� oihetw��e pr�n�•ide�. IFx pmcml< <.h:�ll <br /> he appliccf ic�thc sum� �.�nri hy�fii`Scrunty In�tnamcnt whcthrr��:»nt thr wm.arr thcn duc. <br /> If thc Prc�cn�• i+abarxlcmn!by" Es�rni�'n,,�+c if,aitcr �uxicY h� l.c�ndc� to&�rn.wYr t;�.zt thc c��+n7rmiN�r��f�cr� i��n�kr an <br /> awanl or sctde a claim f�r dana�cs. £ormw'cr failc to trs�+�d tu l�ndet k•ithir 30 dat�c aller thc date thc ncitict i� given, <br /> LCII[It�Ic 3U(MOi1TC't�iC�t'n��CCY 3t3[�3j7�11'1tiC j�ft�(7�t.3i IlS�7�.1114t1. rilfxv to rcstorx�:ic�r.or rcpai�of ihc Fropertv or t�thc�ums <br /> ueurecl M this Scc�rity lrutrumcnt, whethce�*r vxx thrn dut. <br /> Unlrss Lccxicr anci Bc�r.o�rr ��.�cn.i�r a�rrc in �•ritirfi. um �+!iCatinn ot �nxti�ctii� tn principal .hal� ►x,t c�tcod ur <br /> pp��rn�nc tfic duc d�tc t+(lt�C:T1�6Rf�irt��3tltK'ttlt l!'fC.TZ�'1 Jo iA�1�S�'�' i �� ?��r ttuncc thc nnxwnt�,f curh(�aymcnt�. <br /> lE. Einrrn��erT:ot7trtcusrd:�'a�ea���+��}'►���`�����.�����e`l`'Cthetimc f�,r�a�,mc�u �,r iTrxlifiratii,n � <br /> af ar?x�rtization�f thc wtt:s sceurcd by�hi��revri►y',ncirunxnt gra»icil hv t.r.txicr t�am•ctnY�cor ir.intctc�t o(&�rre,w�cr �h:i!1� <br /> nnt aper�te�o rcica�c thc liab�iity t�f llic ntigina! E3i�tmwrr nr &�rmwcr'c.uct`tK�r�in intctc�t. S.cndrT�h;i1�n+,�hc stquisrs ti�` 1 <br /> a� procrniiziF`a�uitnt an5' `uec'n�r in intercst or rcf�c t�catcrxi �i:�x f�x�a�•nxnt ��r olher��i.e ��rxlify anx�rti� O <br /> c�f thc cums �ccurcd by �hic Sccvrity lrnirur.�rnt by ressn� of rm• drn�.n+x1 mxlc b�� ttx original &,rmwc� ar E;f�ffllWCf's <br /> �;icrc�u�n in inicrc�t. Any fu�i+c�rance by l,csxlcr in cxerriceng sng nght or nrnxd� sba{l rx�t tx a µaiver of or prcclude thc CS <br /> cxctci.r�f am riahi o:crnu�y <br /> 12. �uceecu►rc and AtciRns Bt►urx�: Joint and ��eral I.iabilit}: Co-srRners. TFIt C(�1'ffl.1R:S atxf arree �t� of t3ii� fi- - <br /> Scti�uriry Imtn:nxot shalt birxi and berefit the w.^ccs�rs asxl acsi�ns of t�ncler atK1 $orroµcr, suhject ta �hc p >vi�ions af <br /> paragra�h 17. B,�rn�urr'� rn�•erunt+ ancl a�rcr+r.c�nis cha1� t''� ,-Fpim a�d �r�•era1. Any Bormuer •�ho a,-:igns thi.Sccurity <br /> lnstrunxnt but dar+ rxx c�ccvtc th` Ncuc' ta) i� rn-cignir.g this S�+ctirity l�mmrnt aoly ro mUrtgagc. gn•rn arxi ci,m�c}• �hat <br /> E�itrvuer's intcrc�t ir, [Ix Pmperty un�thc tcrms�f this Sccltrit�� Insinmxrtt: tbl ��� P�����)''�'��B�C'� ��P�y �hc tiums <br /> stcvtti�3 hy thi�Sec'�risv Inctn:rtxnt; an:j(c►agrrrs ths� l.cnder a�x.1 any exhrr Aorrow'tr nny agrec to eztend, rmxiif�•. forbcar or <br /> makt an�•aernmnxwatit•m w�i�h rrgarti to the term�af this Srcurit�•trtstrurr�ent ar Ihe No[c withcwt thar Borrowrr's consrnt. <br /> lZ. I.van Ciutr'�es. lf the loan cecat+e+d by ehis Stcurity Irturument ic suhjM [o a laW� whicii xts ►:iatimum ioan charges. <br /> arxi tha! iau• is finall�� intcrprcted � thai thc interni or cKhtt Iwn ctlargc�ct�llccictil c�r to hr crllcMttl im m�nc�hi��n with thc <br /> lav�rzaal aht �crn�ittcd lirn�tx. tfi�n: �al r.n)• `ut'h I��.in rlta�'r chall I`e reduccd hy thr anx��rtt t�Ys�ary tn reJuCC IhC ch�r�c <br /> to :hc ,rnnittcd limit: arxi (h� ar.�- cvms afrcady c+,ltct-ttcl Itrm &�rmarr which c�crcdcY! ptmsitt:d limits uill hc rc(uruinl cc, <br /> S�:z���.�c�. l..cs 3c< n�y ����� ia itis�i`c f[t£!t�`�ffffC��{'IFt�GC'111�'1JT1'�l1l.Y7f�?� !»Slll))J1111t� IfA' h(�tC Of f?� m:�king A C�If[CI <br /> �+a�n:e,�t tn B�irm��'cr. lt n rcfund recfuecx princi{+�1, the reelucticx� witl be trcateef �s a psrtial prepaynxnt ulthiiut any <br /> p�����.c c{„cge ets.(cr ttEC�ZiTIC. <br /> 1�3. Naticc�. Ar.y rx+tice tu&�rrourr nm+�i3td fu�in this Stxvri;y lrr.strumcnt �c:�all bc givcn by dcli�erin�lt or by ir.ail�mg <br /> it h� fit�t cl�.t� nuil unlccs�licahlr l�w rtquirrs use af ux:thts mcthcid. The notict�hall hc dirc:tcci to the ?ro�scry Addre�s <br /> r.r am• �thcr xidrz-« Bo:mwrr drsirnata by rxxicc to Lendrr. Am• noticr_ to Lendcr ��ha!I tx gi.'en by I:��ct class mail to <br /> LCI1�Ci�t 3��tCSt SI12td hCft1li OL 3T1�' Ol}1Ci 3�.+l�RK-� LeM1er dtsignates b}' :x�tice to Botrow'er. Any r.etice pmvidecl for in thic <br /> S�tiurii�• Instrumeni sh:!!be deert�ed ro havt t+een gi�'en to BotmWCC or Lenocr whrn given a�pmvidcc! in thi�; .ragr►ph. <br /> j.". (iS��QfninF La�+; Sece[�abil[t;•. This Secvrit� lnstrumet�t shal! be gocemed M• federal law ane the la�• of the <br /> ivri.<.diction in ��nich !he i'ropesty ts lcx�te�.ln iN^�e'ttt tS�at a�ti pso�is:or oc clau<_c:oC tf�i�Sec�irit�• (ncerurr�nt or the NotC <br /> conSl;cts�tith zFp!irablc la«•, sucti rnr.fiict shall not affe��t othu pro�'.�ions of t'r�is Se��trity Iruerunxnt or the hute which can bc <br /> �i�•en effect «ithoue �he con3ti�:ing pm�•isien. To thic e,rod :he�rovisions of this Szcurity Iruwment anti the hote are declareci <br /> to bc severable. <br /> i6.Burros��er's tyop��. Eormwcr shall t+e gi�er-ozie cronfo��ed copy o!'the Nutt and�f thi:Secvrity Irstrument. <br /> Form 3028 3130 <br /> �tqr�ot 5 <br /> t <br /> �€ <br />