TpGCCHER WiTFi ali t}x impro��rrstienu now or txzrafter crcct�on the Pro�ertY. a�,d all wsements, appa:tcnanccs, and
<br /> fiztJrrz �r.x• or i�:ea(tcr a part of the nra�em'. ASI .-tg:accnxnts �crd addi:inns shalt ,�lsc� be covcred by thi� Securit}•
<br /> Iast:u�ent. A{I qf;3x forcgoing is r�ferrcd co irt this Scruriry lnctnunrnt as thc'p=openY•'
<br /> 130R�20WER C41�ER�ANTS that Bo��wrr is lawiully scicexf of tht cs:ate hcrtby convt3cd and hat:}x right to crant arni
<br /> cr.m•cy thc Pmpcn}• a�f that �he Propert�� is uM�vmbcred. excr4x iOC CE)C11Rtri'3I1CGS O�I1�COR:. BOTTQ�YCT�4'a.T1R�C IIT1d �vi�l
<br /> drfcr.d gcnerallr•:he titlC IO��1P�'Ii)Q�fiy d,��SRSt flII C381^1S II.��Cii18I1dS.svbjtct to any cnc�ntbranccs o�recocd.
<br /> THIS SECI�RiTI' Iti�TRUASENT cambines un:form covcnants tor natioral use and no�n-uniti�m�cv��e►wnu w�ith limited
<br /> ��ariat�ons oy jurisdict�o�to constitucc a unifonn sm:rito�icutru�rJent mvcring rral pro{+erty.
<br /> UNIFQfZ�.S COVENANTS. Bc�rmw�er and Le.�icr cavcrrant and agzfc as foi{oWS:
<br /> ]. Pae•ttsent of Pr[cicip�sl aad In2crtsY: R'epaymeist and I.ate CharR�. Bat:owrr thall pmmQti} E+a}• wlxn dur thc
<br /> e
<br /> Frincipxl of arxi inten�t on the drt�t cv'sdcncal by thc Ncxt and am prc(?a;�•mcnt ard tatc chargrs due ur�er Ihc Nc�ic.
<br /> 2. FundS for Taxe.a and lncunnce. Subja'c to ap;+lecahlc !aw•oc !o a tivtitien u�ivc�by l.encicr, Borto��'rr shail ra�� ti�
<br /> Lendcr�r th���tay monthiy�a}�n►nts arc dx arx�cr.tx Nt�ce.urnii the�3cte i�pai�f in fuit,a sum('Fun�c')for. {al yraily tatcs
<br /> and�cscssmrnt•;wht�h may atuin prioric}o.•cr this Scrurity I�tru�nt as a lien on tfie Prvpcm: (b3�•early l�auholci paymen:s
<br /> or gmund ren�s an thc Prc�xrty. i!any:tc)yeariy hazud or pm�xrty ir�.curan�prtrnium�:(d?}wrly tlaod ir��urancc prcmiun��.
<br /> if any: (el y::►r!y m�ncage inwrxncc {mmiums. �f a�iy: azx! {(1 �m� sumc pa}•ahlc b} Basmwcr ro Lrtxfe�, in acr�rdancr with
<br /> thr prnvicioTU oi'�arac,�T.v'�8. in licu oi thc�.��nurit of sncaricagc ir�.cur:Arce pccmiu!ns. Th�e itcm�arc callecl ":c:row itcrr.s."
<br /> l.rn:icr mar. a! uny timc. calicct a.n�! !x�)d 1=unds i�i �n artxxic� ncx :o c«'mi thc nuzimum amcw�tt a lerxicr far a fttfcrali�
<br /> relsteci mortb�ge :oan m.^.ti� require (af 8om�«rr's e�em�. xti.'o+�nt uncirr t� fedrral Real Fuate Settlement Pnx�edurtK Aci uf
<br /> 197a 3a arrxrxi�l (rom tirr.e tn ti�nc, !2 U.S.C. Srctinn ?50i ct xrq. ('RESPA'), un!�c�nnothc�taW tfiat applir.c tu thc Fun�ic
<br /> uts a lcc�cr arncrar,t. t! so, l.cndcr rrw.y, nt am� tinc. rnllc�t and hnld Fund� in aT amouru �nt to excz�eci the Ir�cr amount.
<br /> �crxlcr may cstinutc thc ar�nt a(Funds due on thr t+aaia of curnm dasa and rcacc+nablc cctimau�of�xpe�diwrcs c,f futurc �
<br /> �scrc�«�kcrns or cxhcruix in�rcczrziance ai�h a�+�+l�cab)c law.
<br /> 'n;� F:�nde chyli hc hr.1d irt an in�titutic►n when:. drsxnitc arr inwrc*c1 M� a fcctcra! ngcrk��. imtreinnnialit�, ��r cntit� i�
<br /> (inc:ludinc l.cthicr. i!Lcncir�is curh ar iactituticn�ar in as�y �cdtrnl }fiamc l.�un f'ank. Lrrnlct�hatl a�iy thc Fu�.J.t���vy thc�
<br /> Exro�� ltcm�. Lcnder may�t chnr�^&�tmurr for h.�ltfing Ynd a�+l�ing t1K Furtilc. ar.nually nnah•ring lhr c�cm•.v;►cc�,unt, i,rQ
<br /> ��cri(r•in�thc F_<rmw ltrms, cnlrc�l.crxicT�says Botmwcr inicrr�l an thr i`vixJc ami a(��licahlc law•(+crmil� l.crn3rr tc, �nikc�uch�
<br /> P. l'I11!'�'C. ���(fu'C�'tf. Lrndtr m��� rc�uirr Eian�aurr ti� �?av a c?nr•�ia�c cl�arge !c*r an irxlcrcnckot rcnl e�:atC!ar rc�tting .cn�icc
<br /> a
<br /> u�cd h� l.�rtticr in rnnncct�cm Mi;h thi� l��n. unlc�. a�lic�3+ic {aw rm�idcs �xhc:wrisc. Uni:cs an Agrcc►rxnt i� macls ��r
<br /> a�lical�te Iaw� ��u�m intcrN to t+c F+aid. l.erx�cr at�a41 nc�t hc trc�uircd 1i��r• Horn��•ct anr• inlrn`t�r rnrnimc on thc T�orxl..�
<br /> [3ocmw�r�nci l.c-�xlcr nu� agrcc in x�riting. tm�tw'�r. Ih•rt intcr�c�i cl�sil bc�tid tm ttx Furnic, l�ncltr zfial! ci�c to B��rrci��•rr,
<br /> W�ithcw� c:tarFc. :u� annual acrountir.g rf t3�c i-'urxfs. xhc�xing ctcclitc srxl cSct�it� to ttie runcir arxi thc pvrpcxc for ��hich carh
<br /> dcbit tc�itx Furxfs w�as m�c. 'T?n:Fu:�ds arc�1cx:Fcc!as�aciclitiasal�crurity for aU cums ����cd by this Sccurii� lmtr.nncni. ';- --
<br /> !(�hc Furxis txld M Lendcr ucc�acl �he a�rx►urn�pctmit�cd tn hc hcld b�•a�lirahle law, Lrn.ier�hull acr�unt ta 3orri!��cr �'�
<br /> to�tht c�cz.�� Fur�s in aocn�sf�ncc with tht rcquircmcnts�f a�!�lica�t�le la+�•. 1f iht attx�un� of thc Furxl.hcld h�,l.crxicr at any
<br /> tinx i<not suffiricnt tn�a�•th�:E4crow Izcm�Wi,tn dur. Lerxicr niat�o r�ii� Borrowe�in�vritiRg. and. in s�i:h rasc E3orrowcr
<br /> �h:ll pa� t�� Lerxlrr thc :u�wnt necrssary tu �si:r u� ttie dzficirnev. F3carruN'er :cball make up thc deficiency ir� rx� nx�re than
<br /> ie�rF�c:m�nthh pa}mtnts,at 1_er.dtr'4�oic diurrlinn.
<br /> U�n ��•mrnt in full �f all ��^►s �c�cumd bti• thi.c Sc�curit�� l�runxnt, Lerxicr chali pmmrlly rrfurnl t� I3orrowcr an.
<br /> Funct.hcld hy L,eraicr. If. urwicr 7naraFrs��:!. Lcix4:r s}u11 scquirr of�tl; th.:Pr��cny. l.etxttt. prii,r t�.he arquiciti�,n�,r �.�Ic
<br /> o(thc Pni�cny. shall a�{>h a�n Fu:u�c htld h�� Lrsxicr a1 i}x time t�f ac�ui�ition or salt as a cmlit agairt�t thc s�ms �urn1 b}'
<br /> this Scti�urity�mcn;.
<br /> i. ,1pplicnteoo of f'a��•mettt�. Unla.�licat►le taw proti�3e�otl�rvei�._.1�aymenGC rereiv��i hy Lc►xler u►xJc�paragraphs i
<br /> I anci � chall t� applitt1: Ctrst. !o am• pt�cq.r)'mctti chargts duC urxfcr Iht N;nr: *rc��ncl. to artxwnts payable unuet paragraph �:
<br /> third, tc intcrrst duc; fcwrth,ta prirxi�l ctuc;acxi isct,to any la�e ct+argci dut urxkr(iu ;�1otr.
<br /> S. t:hnr„es: I.fcrks. &•+tc�wer�i�li `n}� aU tazcs, a�ce�srzxnis, chargts. fitu�an�! imprnilionc ill(flf`tISllI1IC 117 thc Yr�,�crty
<br /> uhi:h may sttnin ��iotiiy c�vcr ifiis Sav�iry' lnurutix�U, ntxl tea�c}x�lc� pa�'mrntt ar gmurxt rcntc, if nny. Fi��rr��w•cr .hall puy
<br /> tt�c.��d,ligalii�n. +n tlm manocr pmvicitcf in parc�rs�*1i :,nr sf not N+d in that n�nner. finrrower shall t ay lhcm on titnc di.*cctly
<br /> to tiu�+rrv�n owcd pa)mcnt. t3orrna-ct chatl p�a�m{�ly furttish to LcnStr nll txxicr��f amcw:,��c��tk ����i �„a«m„�ar:+fraph.
<br /> 1!E3ormWrr:i�.ql��thru�}n�cnt�dir.�ctl��. E4,rmarr�tuil �+man�tly (umitih try lxncfcr rccripts c.�dcnring thc pay�nr.nlc.
<br /> Fk,rrr��tier�lc�ll pm:nptly di�;hscge am� licn u-hi:�has priuritv c���tr this Scturity lnctrur.�tn� unlc��Ekarrnucr: (�!agrres in
<br /> ��ritinl l��thc�,�•rncnt of�;ic c.hlizatio��ccur,^J by °'.x licn in a ma�n^_r am�tahle ta[.ctxlrr: (h1 amtc�t�in gc�l faith dir licn �
<br /> bv, or dc(rnd: agaisnt tnfotremti,t �: thc lecn in. Ies[a] pra�ecefi�zc which in the Lctx7:r'c nrini<in c,r+cr�tc t�� �rcvent thc
<br /> cnforrcmeiit of thr licn; er Ic1 xcvrrs fmm cht holder of she litn an agreen�nt �atisfxtory ta Lcrxicr wtx�rdinating thc licn t��
<br /> this Srcurit�• l�istrumcnt. (f l.erxier dttemiints that any �art of the Propert�� is �b}ect to a iien w•hict� tnav attain priority �,ver
<br /> this Securit�• la��run;rut. Lender ma}� �i�e &�rnwcr a rnnice idtntifying the iien. Bczrrower shx!! satisfy thc lirn or iah�oitie�r '
<br /> rix�re�zt�he xc�!iem kt forth atxi�c uithin t0 cia�s of!l:e�i�•�ng of rwticc.
<br /> fa►m 3028 9I40
<br /> P�Yi D�R
<br /> �
<br /> � . . . �,,,,.
<br />