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� <br /> ��. �o�s�rr 7a coa�c�oa�n�+n t.FCV��.acnoe� c�or sr,��.�y�;.�,a�r wnt,wrme�non�o�ar,y aa�« <br /> ,rre�ned�e, oCmr proceedrg a(sedino*+e Pmc«+r• fir��►herebr'a9�lenaar as ,M.r„ey-in-fact So�rn,etxe.kritxvens� <br /> rietond sucts adlons.stdts.or a�ar legal end to oomprorrtss qr astMu any de�sa►or oattrov�xsy peAa�ic�g lhxsto. L.anc�ahatl m1 bs 6abie to <br /> a e <br /> i irarrF�r kx arry actbn.emx.rtiat�Ca.ortisslan or ro Uie adlotu�dosaSxc;in Shtx paragraph ar any�yas resuhirtQ iherehom No�inB <br /> Ue <br /> ccntebned�rein cv�pravert Lander hvm+�fdnQ�e actia�sp�in Qiiss pen�preph in its uwn nertb. <br /> �2 iMdD�ATp�t. t�ander sh�aA rt:d asxrne a be res�on�le for 1S�e per�of ot Grarstars obGg�tians with reaped to the Ptoperty under <br /> ar,y dr�a Grern�r st�io ar�rr�i�taly povEde�e.,der wi8,w�not�e d and trdet�r arxi t,o�d l�er ana!ls�ehold�s.�red«s,officers. . .. <br /> errpbyee,s arxi apants hsrtrlers trsm aB c�irns.dertsages.�fes(��et►artwya�teas and fegal e�onses).a�usss of action.actforsa.sutts and ' - , <br /> othet�al proceecfr,p:(urr.�iatively•c�rx'}per'tai►�inq M the arapery!k►du�ne.but rwc Ihr,nea w,rhose rNO+ving Fiazardous Mlats�SlA). cirar,tcr.upon <br /> ihe seq.eesa o(l.e�ier.shall hfre�egai oaxiaal to detsnd Lerxi�x ham wch C�irts.�+d pey the atlomey�'tees.fagal e�cruae and othe►cosis lnaYred tn � <br /> rfxx�ecSon qierawlth. In tfiu aMemative.Lender shal ba en7111�ed io Its am Iegei caeisel b delorid axh Cie�rne at C3rarto�s oosi Grentors � � <br /> 4' ob6gatkn to h�rnih Lbndur t�dar this perapraph dtaA s�irvfire Uve t��t�on.t+etease a lore�oax�e a(tlifs deed oi Trtt�. ` <br />� 93. T+4XES Rd�iC A3.RES�IIdENTS. Grantw atreii�ay a8 taxes and asmssmenis reiatin9 to Fmparty when dus and irtmedately�Lender evidetioo �""� <br /> ot pnymsr¢of sur�. Upm the req.�esl of Ler#x.C�rarrtor�ai dsPasit wte:L6r'..,er each morslh one-twe!!d�(1/12)of the es�rtated arxx�.�l insvrarxe � <br /> �iuiL taxas aaxf asses4rnertts peqtsA'�ng 90 Vw Proparty. So bnp es thera ia r►o cefaud.thesa�ts shap tre appNed to tlie payrnent oE taxes. � <br /> ass¢rtsme��ts�d insca�ce as reqi�ked on the Prs�psrty. In the went�duf�t►.L3nder shal tssva the lts sols o�tion.lo a�ply tl►e fia�ds so hel�to � <br /> �y�r�a�ihe GbB�orn• Anr kx+d�s�d rrer.m��s option.�a appYee in re►e�se order ot u,B a,e aate aeereof. � <br />; 14. TfdSPECTlOPJ�PROPERTY,BOOK3,RE�ORII3 AHD REPORT3. GrarAOr ahaA atlow lender or fla�cri a to examine and'mspec1 9he PropertY °� <br /> i ar,ci ex�rine.�p�d and�ka c�oi cuaH,�ars ixoks ar�a recar��w me t�c,perty rfam urre w tlrr�e. rarantor atsau prw�de�,y assislance. <br />; px�by l.ender tos these putposes. Ab ct the sigriahaes and lntom�mfon wntak�ed h L3rarrior's books and reoords shai be gsrn�ne.Vus.aeaxate and <br /> e�n aN respeds. GrmYa shaC note tl�e e�d Lerxiefs benelk3si tqerest In hs books and rocon�s pataining to tha P►operty. AdditlaiaBy. <br /> tiBnto(atw➢report.!�a tom��edfsfadory to Lendef,auch In6arnedon as Lender maY ro�eaS reSar�nO C�rantors lfnsrtcfa(oo�dtion or the Property. Tho <br /> i in}orrtaUon shafl be far auch p�kiads shaa raAeci t3�na's records a!su�ttne.�ed sf�be rendaoad wlth wch irsquency as Lered�r mey daaignatr. AA <br /> k�lomiat3�n rum{shed by Gras,sor to l.ende�etsai be c„e,acuaata ana cartpdets!n sa respeds,end si��a by c,rat,tor n Lender requests. <br /> 1 S. ESTOP�EL CERTIFICATES. Wittdn Wn('�)days aRe�anY��bY Lerxi�er.Granta she9 deAver to Lerxier.or any iMende�fiansferea ot Lendera <br /> rfghta wlth raspect lo ttrs Obliqartions.a aigned end a�cw�Aecl�ed staierrent speclfykq(a)ttx+outstandYeg belar�oe on tha�lona:end{b)wtisther <br />' Gran?or possesses any daimx.dotanaes,sel-otts or caxi5erctakr�a whh narpeca to tlie Obbgatlorn and,fl so,the nanxe ot such dakns.detsnses,sat-oHa or <br /> . awnterdair,x. Grarnor w�l be oondusNely nound by a;�repres�ntat�on mat LeM�r may rneka a she hrtended rransferee wht,respea to these maners fn <br /> " ths evei'rt that Casaa�tar t�6e to provids the requeated stslsmartl In a ttnely marmer. . <br /> 18. D�FAIILT. Gfanta sha9 ba h default under thfs Deed o(Tn�st and the Tnislee'a pawer ahalJ become operative�S U►e eveni thst Grantor.Borrower or <br />� arry guararnor ol the Ob'.iga�ans: � <br />: (e) ��PeY�Y�to lo�der vmen dua; <br /> i: (b) fa�s to PeAo�m enY ObUgerio^or bro�+ea any wsrtanty a oavenar�t ro Lander conta'ned h thfs Deed of Trust a any ottror preser�t a hiiure <br /> f <br /> i (c)�destroya,loses or dar�ges Uie Properry k�any rriateri�l res,�e�or s�jads tlw Property;o seinae.cortflscaUon.or coridetmatio�: <br /> (� saoks to tevofce,isrrrinate or otherv�rtse firrit ks iab�ty undar srty guar�ty to Lender, <br />; (e� d{es,becornea IegaAy k�carn�et��ssdved or tertrirtated.becomes hsolveM.makea an assigruneni lor the benefit ol credtors,tails to�nY <br /> dBblS 8T 1t16j��IXi1B�JB,f�65 fl'aBl�Oft UYidB!1h8 f@d8f3�b0lL�QI3�CY�8W3.�185 8f1�f1VO�1X118ly RB1�110f1�S b0f1�Qt�'ICy�I�k1 W�l�l CafA111Cf,BW�OW9f <br />'�� Of 8I1�¢'J9t�)10f{S(18lT18d,Or h85 plOpBfly 181C8f1 lY1VB!8flp WTr1 Of pfOC8S5 O�004X1; <br />}� t� 8�6H9 QOOC�S 10 bB JSCiC�.V8nSQ0179L�Of SlOf9d Otl 1�18 PfOP9f�Y.�7E p0'SSBSS�Oit.1f8�1SrCf181�OP1.Of U58 O�Wftt�l.�S��. <br /> Ifl) s�s�Y P�Y other fhan Grarrta or 8orrower to assurtxi ar tmderta{aa any ObAg�tlrn wtthout the wrl'Ae�conse+ri of Lender:or <br /> (h) causen Lendor to deern Itsett insewra due ta a signN{cant dec9r�e In tha vah�e o!the PropFrty;or H Ler.der.In good falth.ta atry reason.bellavos <br /> ihat the prospecf of peyrnant cr perfortrs�ce is hr�elred. <br /> 3 <br />;, 17. RIGiiT3 OF LENDER ON DEFAULT. If thete is a deEaull�-ider Miiss Deed ot Tn.�sl,Lender shafl be emitlad to exerdse one or r.wre oP�he(ollowir�g , <br />�• cert�es without notice or demend(except as te�uicrd by law): -- <br /> t' (a) to dedare the Obl4gntiatis�ately due and payable!n ht8; � <br /> F; (b) to coilect 7ie oulsta.�du�g 0�3ons widi or rriUiout resoring ta jixifclal prxess: <br /> (c� to requi�8�arar6or to detiver a�xi meke avaliabie'.o Le�ider mry personal property or Chatteis constkuling ihe Propeny at a pdace ressonably <br /> rx <br /> conve+�Eent to Grnntor�tnd Lander: <br /> (d) to emser upon artd take possesslon d ths Property withan appy4�g for or obtaWng Cw ay�poinur�d ol a reooiver and,at Lender's option,10 <br /> i a�dnt a rtr.,�Her wtthan bond,witlian fkst b�ingir�g udt on ihe ObB�tiot�a snd whtwtd otfiawtse meetirTO �Y �«Y ���s ���8 <br /> recefvors.fl being kdended tlist Lerxler ahaA have Yhls co�Vechial ripht b appoktt a recefvar; <br /> (e) tfl Qm�OY g rt�enegi�9 agent o!the Pro�erty and iet tF►a smne.ehher In Trustee'a wim the name af Lende►or In ihe name of Grantor,and <br /> i receive tt e rerda.kxomas.lawea and proP.ia of the Proprrty and appiy tho sartia.aher payrt�r cl ap neces�vy cliargea and ox{�enses.on account ot <br /> I tfie Ohl!$atbna: <br /> (Q �o?eY�Y wrra in any fortn or rrgnner deemed e�eciertt by Ler�der to protad tlia seautty o(1Ma Deed�t Trust or to aue$rry detauil other Mran <br />; PBYment of Interest a prtncipel on the Ob6p�aons: <br /> 4; (g) to foredoae this Dmed ol Tnfs4 j��ddally or nm�deAy arxi ta drsd the sals ot the proparty ttuough exerdse of the powor oi sale as referenced in <br /> paragraph 20 hareof In aocaxxtanc9 wtth appHce�e Isw; <br />� (h) to setaff Grar�!or's ObBgat{�ons e�alre�l any sma.Kris c+wed GraMcx by Lenden c�k�dnp,txri nc:Rrt91ed to,nronles, irssstrumenis. arid depeslt <br /> accoums rr�intalned with Lender or any axnsnthr exlsL4g w future atfi9afe of lnnder,and <br />� (i)to exercise s�0 ottrer rf�tts avciilahie to Ler�der urxier sny ather writien aproement or applicabie law. <br /> Lendsr's rlahts are cxxrulaWe and may be exeYdsad 4ogert�er.sePe�atelY.arxl M arty orcl�r. In rtio event that Lender insUtutas an edbn seek3ng the <br />' r�covery oT arry cr ihe PropeYy by v�ay of s p�rejudgrr�erri rert�edy In an aGton aaahs!Cxantor.urar�tor waves tha pasifnp o(any ba�d which mi�ht <br /> otheewise be reryufred. Larider a larxb►'a deslgnee may suctisse Uie Pmperty et saie. Proceeds of emy�'!ustee's sale twreunder s�tiaY be appi�ed <br />� Hrst,to the costs and expensea ot oxerd�the pawar of aala arxi of the sale,�ig the p2ymertt at the Trus!ee's tees actut�"uy hamed anci not to <br /> exoeed the amam!whkh may be provided for In tMs Deed ot Tnrst.seca�d.ta payrs�ent ol N�e ObAgeUan seaued h�raby.tfikd,ta the pa�miarn of�'unbr <br /> trust deeds.mort s.or other Nenhoklers.and N�a bafance.If to the a N� Ua <br /> 9a9e �r. c� P�'��r er,�ttkd thare�o. T1w�proPorty o.any pan me►eof may <br /> be soid!n ons parcel�or in such per�ls.manrser or o�der as Lender in its sole dsaetion mey alect.�d ane a more exerdses af ihe power herefn�anted <br /> shaq�ot extlngedsh a exhaust the power trdess the er�ttre pevpetty b so{d or tlie a6dQations ate peld M d�1. <br /> 19. TRUS7EE'S EXE6iCO5E CF POY�ER QF SALE QN DEFAlJLT: if Londer eleets to seA Gsamors intnrest in Uee exetdsa oi the power af <br /> ssle hetekn contakied.Lerider ahaB rroA'fy Trusles in the msn�then recAdred by law. <br /> Upon reoeF�+t at such notloe of L_�^��nd at ths drecdo�of Lender.Tnistee shad ca�.�se to be recarded,pub6shed and deUvered such r�otices ot dofault <br /> �d notkes of aele as may thei bo requfred by taw arxi by 1hi�Geed ot TrusL Truatoe sha&.on1Y at the d�ecflon of Lerr,J�ard wilhout demand on G•arnor, <br /> nhw wch timu eis may then be requhsd by Iaw and atter recadaUon of axh!atke ot de(at�t and afler notke of aale havirp bean plven as required by law, <br /> e�Np the Propert�at the ti�rie and plaoe of sele fixed by ri In wch notice ot sa:e.etUtiet as whole a h� e laYs or percels or hems as lander ahall deern <br /> e n� Bi p�t <br /> e'g�edern.arxi n such order as h may pubtic�tloai to the td�est�Idrler!or�sh tn la�wful mor►ey d the United States peyabta a!tht�time oF <br /> sa'e.or as otherwise rrey ihe�be rnquked by la�v. Trustee shatl deGver to such pixdiase:or pixchasers tfiereo!Its good end sufflaem deed ot deeds <br /> cor�+sying thep�operty so so�d,but wYtrout arty cover�ant or wartanty,e�press or hrpliod. The reatals in si.�ch deed of any metlers or facis sFk:q be <br /> conG�siva proof of the wthlulness thereof. Myperaon,indudnp.wiihout lirritatbn.Grantor,Trustee or Lender.may purehase nt wch sale. Truatee may <br /> in tha;nanner�xovided by kaw posiporie seb o(aN or any portion ot the PropOrty. <br /> i <br /> � 13. REGIlEST FOR NOTiCES: Grantor requests ihat a copy of any rratice flf de(at�!t and a copy of any notice c(sale hereunder be mailed to oach person <br /> ; who is a party heruto at ttw adct�ss oi weh persan set tonh herein at ihe sarre L`r►�ar.d tn the same nnnner required as though a soparaie request thereo! <br /> � hacf been filed by sach wch pe►son. � <br /> � <br /> 1 <br /> t <br /> . <br /> ��'��'���� Pap�3d8 <br /> i <br /> . � <br />