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20, SECURITY{11TERES7 UtdI3ER T}!E UNiFOR�CCld�ASRGUi1,Cc�t36 Thts Dsad of 7rus1 shaN be�nsldaret!and be efte�ive as a&�tandng <br /> staterriant and a Qxture fiAig pursuarn to she pravislona of the UNtam Cormx�raai Code�as adopted in!he state whste the real property Ia{ocatad} <br /> ', ��q B�uror.d�atfuis.and aNdea af sotml propevty now vwned or haraatter aited�ad to or to be used in oonna�Ion whh the Proper�y topoth.x wlth <br /> as <br /> � ony and aA ropi�oort�ents tt�ersot and s tl�erelo(the'Chatfola�.and Cirarnor horaby s lender a s�aatty iMerest in au�h Ct�atteis. The dul+tw is <br /> 1M CirarKa ds�aiaad above. Thit D�ed o1 Trttst vu�bs eflecth�e as a Bnaneing st8t�ft�es a mcwre�wm,roapacx w,an nxnxn Mduaac+wnnm <br /> e�d prertises and is to bo filed tor reeard fn tha�I astste records of osch aaenty wfiere arry par!ot said pterriaes(k�det�6 said Rxitxesj Is situated. This <br /> (lsad d 7nnt st�also be e!fectfvs as a Hr►andt�g slatecn�t coverkig any clher p�[zes anci may ba l�ed�arry other appr�priat�ft6�►g or recardng <br /> oltfr�. A ctirban.Phatograptdc u o�er�epr°d�°"o(U�is Dsed d Tn�or o(�y f�arxksg atatem,sM relatlng w Ws Deed ot Tnnt ahaA be sutik,ient aa a <br /> ir <br /> �x�rx3 stn..+etr�ent for a►ry of the purposea reteRad to In this P�agaph. The seaxgd P�tY!s She Lender desc�bed above. Upoc�darrgn�,C�raMor�xdi (�„1 . <br /> r.mke. exacute�d deAver sua5 secuttty agreertnrtls (as wdi ta�m fs deflr�d in ssid Unl!am Camr�al Code) as Lesidar et any Ume rte�y d�aem c.� <br /> ��r o�pro�er or rec�ed to grant to Le�der a pert�le�sewrity imerss2 in the Cha�tels,aax�u�on G,�rttar's(alhre to do so.Lender is authorized So � <br /> sfgn srryo wcl�a� as fhe agent o�Grart;ar. �arrtor h��eby atriixxizs.+s Lerx�er to file�slalements(as stxh torm is deftt►ed in said Unfiorm <br /> CortYnerciai Code)w°�Rh rsaPect to ihe Chattef�,a�arry tlme.witfiout U�e signature af Grantor. Grmrtor arry thne�aQon request ot Lesxtsr. � <br /> si�►such�Cing alalementa. Grantor v�pay sG fDing teea 1or ihen�of such(inandng siatsrt�nls and for Stm roftang thereof at Uoa tirnes required,fn y, <br /> u,e�on or�er,der,ar sa►d u�norm cocm,�aai co�e. er u,a pen or u,ts oeed o�rn,si r��„t�a ta�r�y a�m�►n�e me c�n�is,m�r, � <br /> 1 in 9he�werrt of anq detault undar thfs Dec�d of Trust.ap the and k�teresi ol Grarrtar in and to arry�eA ot ths Gharieis{s he�eby asslgfed to <br /> i a <br /> � LendeP.together xiih ihe Eimsfit of m�y depoatls or pa�sr�ts nwr or hersetter mede'tteereof by QtaRtoe w 1he predeossso�s C�'succeasors in Stle at � <br /> �. Qr�for M�e Propsrty. � <br /> � 21. R�l3RSF�IENT OF AJAt?UNT3�XPEl�FDEQ BY t.ERiL1ER. Lertde�.at Lender's�Eo on.may expend fiux{s(Indudng attomeys'fees and legal <br /> e e�aj t�pesfortn anp act requ�red to be tabcon by�antor ot to�xerdae sny rfght or o!Ler�txider dds Deed o4 Trust. Upon demerod.Grar�ta <br /> at�all krrriedlstely relrnbu�se letidec lor ad such t�rt�aunts expe�ded by Lender togetl�er with irterest Shereon at the lowet of tlre highast rate dascibed in ariy <br /> ) pbYgatfon or iho t�est rade a�aved by!aw trom ths date of payment urrW the date of reirr6ursen�ant. These s�ures shaA t�e�duded in tfie deflnitbn oE <br /> Oq6gatlons herefn and st�ba seaued by the benelklal lnterest gramed hetein. If tlte OWi�atlons arep�attsr tho be�rming o4 ptcb�tfoa o(notke ot <br /> sab,aa here� fr�the eveni Lerxior sttiaU�at flx sole captiion.PerrTt►Gramor to pay a�,y part ot the Obligaiions aher the beginning oi pudlt�t{on af <br /> s aU <br /> naMca ot hereln provided.then.Grxntor st�ali pe on demand sA expenses inaxr�d try the Trustcie and Lsnder in�ion wfth sald puElieatlon, <br /> �ng reaso�able sttomeys tees ta the sttorneys Eor t�ie TNatee and tor the Letxfer,anci a reasona'vle fee to the Trustee,and thfs�e�:of Tnist shaq be <br /> sea�tity{rx aM such e�enssa and fees. <br /> ?2 APW'LlCAT10N OF pAYaIAENTS• The Trustee shall apdY the procveds af tha wstee's sale.6rst,to the costs and�xpanses of exerd�ths power of <br /> T10 IA <br /> s�e a�d of the sala,fnduc� tfie payrr�t of ihe Trustee's fees�!!Iy Ir+curred ciot 10�x��ed the artbur.t whlch may be pro�+Eded fc�fn ttw oed of Trust, <br /> aeoond,to psyrnerrt of the�tion se�red by the Deed of 7n�si,thI► the pay�r�ent oE juniac desds o!Vust.mortgagos or ather ilentwlders,arx!the <br /> balar�ce.if ihs parson ar p�sons legally entitied thereta <br /> 23. PqM4'ER OF ATTORNEY. Gran!or hereby appoints Lsnder as hs ariomey-4n-fact to endorse Grarrtor's narna on all Instruments and other documonts <br /> pMaining t�tlie Obtigatlons or Deod oP Teust. tn addti�n. Ler�cier shaA be entitlad. 6ut not�eq��� to perform any aetlon or execute any dowmer.t <br /> �to be taken or sxecuted by Graniw under this Deed of Trusf. Lender's ve+fomgnce et sucn acUon cx exewtfan of sueh dncuments shall noi <br /> Gr�tor(rom any flbl'�ga:ion or aae arry defautt�+nder this Ueed ol Trust. AH powers of atlomey desRx!lbed In thfa De�d o(Trust are coupled wlttl an <br /> krter�at and ara t�revoeable. � .-- <br /> ?A. 3UBROGATIQN OF LEl�1DER. Lender shaN be subrogateci to the rlgi?ts of the holder of arty pravious Ue�i, secutity Intere�w enclirrbrar�ce ` <br /> dsdiarged�rNh hxida acivance�d by Lerrder regar�ess of wfiether tFis�se t1eRS.sacurity in4eresis or ottier enaurbrances have been re{eased of r9card. <br /> 2b. COtLECT��I COSTs. To She extent�e rmitted�y law,Grantor agees to ptiy Lc�rxier's reasonatrle feea and t�sts,fncJt�ng,bul not limitsd ro,(ees <br /> aod costs of attomeys and other agenls tEnd wFihcwt lirritation paralegals, clertcs and consuflants;,whelher or not su� atlomsy or agertt �: an <br /> o(Lender,N,}i�Ch are{naurod by Lander�cdlecNng any amotmt cfue ar enfordng any�pttt�terttedy under this Deed of Trust,wliather or not <br /> s�t Is .�ng.but net�rridted to,aq Pees and costs incurred o�appeal.�n ban�vuplcy,and ia post-judgnerri colleeticxi actions. <br /> 28. PARTtAI. REL'eASE Lender may ralease its inler�sl in a portia�n of the Property by execuiing and recorc5ng one or rnore Partial Deods of <br /> peconveyance wtthout aNecUng fts intorest in the remalning portian of the Propetty. Plothtr�g hereln shatl be deerr�ed to obli�ate Lendor to release any af hs <br /> trrtarast{n ttie Property(exoept as required undes Paragreph 38 or as nmy be otherwise rcv,�ul:ed�y law),r�or shaU Lender be o611�ted to releass anY part <br /> o(the Pn:perty ff Grat�tor Is In default und0r this Qeed�f trusL TFie tlen and securfitv frtterest created by the 6eed of Trust remain fn effact wiSh resped to <br /> thel portlon of the desned in t�e Deed oi Trust.thet{a not the subjoct of thls of arry Pariial Daed of Recarveyance <br /> 27, iJppQiIFICA710N AP3D WlUVEfi. The rt�d'ification or waNer of any of Gran2ors �igations o�Lendet's ris�hts under this Ooed of Trust nust be <br /> c�talnad In�writinp signed by�onder. LsndEx may pe�tortn aziy of Bcrrawer's or Grantor's Obligatlons.cfeta�or�ail 10 exerdss any of its rights or acoept <br /> peyrtanis 1ran Grantor a arryone other than Gramor wfthout c�using a v�alver of those Obligatians or�ights. walver on one ocraslcu�shall not constitute <br /> a walver an sny othar oxasion. Grarrta's Obligata' �s under this Deed ot Trust shall not be affeded if Lender amerods,compromises,excharts�es,Eails to <br /> oxercise,irtipalro or raleasus eny of thx Q'�aigat(ona balonglrrp to arry Grantor.Bortower w 1hlyd or any of hs�s agafnst any Granta,8orrower a <br /> 1hErd RaAy or atry ot She Property. l.ersder s faifure to{nslst upo�i sL�td Fartom�arxe af any o(the�ilorss shaq notbe doerred a waiver and Lender shall <br /> r,av�s tr,e rigtn at er,y tlme merear,er 90 insist upor,sv(a perfomfarxs. <br /> 2fi. SUB$TITl�TE TRUSTEE;TRUSTEE LlA�ILITY;COI�1PErISAT1dN. In case ot tha�eath,lnabitky rotusal to act or absonce of the Trostee fran the <br /> state whero the res!property is 6ocafed ar in case the hader oi the gat s shall dQSlre tor any reason 10 fQfT1DV91h9 TNSl90 Of 2mjl S11lY�UtlJl9 tNS109 ES <br /> trustoe hereunder arsd to a�+polm a netiv trustee in his plsc;e and st�d,t w holder ol the C�iigatlons is F�teby granted full pawer fo appoint'ai writing a <br /> aut�stitute trustae for sald Tnistee,and the su�tltuto trustee shaq,when appolnted,becort�e u�ssor to ati r(ghts of Trustee hereunder and the same shall <br /> becar�e vostaj in him tor the puspcses and obp�ts ot Uris Deed c: Tn�st with aU tttepo�rer,�rUes arxi obNgations hereln conferred on�lhe Trustee. Trusteo <br /> shaM imt�e lfgble tor any error ot judgrront or ati do�by Trustee,a bo otherwlse reaponslble or accatmtable under any dreumstances whatsoever. <br /> 7rustae shall not be persaially AaWe in case of erttry by it or arsyorie acting by viAue o(ihe po�ers hereingrante�d R upan the Daed of Trust for dobls <br /> arsyo e <br /> cariradQd or Gabiitty or darr�es Inauted in the manaperrant or operatlm ot sald premises. Trustee shall tutve the�la�t to rel on any instrument, <br /> dowment or s4gnature authorizuig or suppating sny ection ta3can or proposed!o be taken by fl hareunder w believed by7t In faith to be penuine. <br /> Tn�stee sha8 be ernliled to reimburs�ment tor expenses irxurred by It ln the pertomiance o(Rs duHes hereundor and to rea e cortpensatbn for such <br /> ` of tta axv(cas hernunder aa shel!be rendered. Cirantor wUl,hom tima 10 t�a,pay corrpe�saUon due Trvst�e hereunder and relmburse Trusteo for and <br /> aave and hold d hartrleaa from and agalnct a�y arxi aA lons,oost.AebWty,darnwps and expenss whmtsoover Incurred by k In the pe�lc�m�enoe ol!ta dutlas. <br /> A0 mcxieys recelved by Trustea shall.untll used or appUed as hereln be held In irt�st for thep rposes for which they were recelved,but need not <br /> xi u <br /> pe segrepated In any mermer(rom eny other moneys(ettc�pt to�e e�requdred by law)and Trustee shaN be under no t�biliry for Interest on any <br /> rrateya tecetve�by h heteund�t. <br /> 2A, 5UCCESSORS ATlD ASSlGNS. Tl,is Dged ot Trus1 shap be bie�d'irr� upon and fnura to the �ee�flt of Gramor a�d Lender and their respeetive <br /> wasssors.assbprts.trustees,r�nlvors,adminlsuafa►s.Personal n�preserttatives.legateas arsd devisees. <br /> 30, HROTICES. Exoept as otherwise requlred by faw,arty rtotice or oiher corrarunkation to bo provided under this Deed af Tru. shall be!n wri�ing and se�t <br /> 90 the perties at the addresses der.cxibed fn thls Deed ot Trust or such a4F�er sdc#ess as the partie�.ma deslgnata In w�iting�rom ttme to ifine. Any such <br /> noeoe so�,ren and ser,t ey nrst�ass m�n.aosta�,an be do�ned�ven u�e ea��er or mree�3}days after s��ch naticg Is sent or whan racehred <br /> by ma penor,to wna,r�wct,rwUoe ts tieuig�en. <br /> '' St. SEY�RABIL(TY. V�rrenever posstble,each prev�s:�ot thls deed of Trusi shall be finerpreted so as to 6e eHectfve and valld under appllcable state <br /> I$W. II 8�1J1 PlGVIEI0�1 OI U1{S,OOAC�O�TN51 VIOI216S ihs!aw a'R�uiee�f�,�ceab{e.the rest o{the Deed ot Trust shaq conUrnte to be valld arxi enfa:eable. <br /> ° y' <br /> ,+ <br /> 32 ApPUCABLE LAW. Tnis Oeed of Tnrst shab be govemed by tha laws ot the state whera the real property ls iocatod. Unless ap�icaWe law provides <br /> oTherwlse,Grarrior oonsentl to thoµulsc9ction arid veRUe of arty caM se{aded by Lerxiar,In hs sol�dsuetlon.foeated ln that stata. <br /> ;� <br /> 39. N�SCELLANEOIlS. Gramor and Lander agree that tlme is ot the essence. Grantor wafves�esentment,damand fcr paymer�,notice o(�shonor and <br /> protest except asrequtred by law. All refarances io Grarta in th}s deed of Trust shall fnduc+e allpe rsons signing below. If there Is more than one Grantor, <br /> their Obl'pavcns stiatl be jofrri and seversl. This Osed of Trust r9presents the axnp+ete IMegraied understan�ng between Granior and Lendar peAaining to <br /> the tertrn and oarxrtions hereot. <br /> 34. NO T}i�RD PRRTY R1GH7S. No person Is or shall be a third party beneficiary of any ovlsian ot this Da�ol Tni-: AG�xovisions of thls Dec3d of <br /> Trust tn(avor of Lender a�e intended solely fc�r:he benefit of Lerder,and no thNd party�be ertUtled to ass:xr� �r oxpe,���hs�Lendor wi:l not walvo or <br /> oonseM 10 the mrdlkatlort of arry provlsbn ot thls Deed ot Trust,fn Lender's sole�dscret3on. <br /> al <br /> 95. PRESERVATlON aF UABILlTY AND PRIORI7Y. WiUwut affecting the Ilability of Borrower,�rarnor,a any guFVaMMw ol tF►e tfons,or eny other <br /> Pe�xon laxce�M e Person a�esstY teleased in )for ths payrt andpeAormance ot the ObNgatlons,and wfttwut alteding�s of Lender with <br /> respec!to any P��perty�not e s�y released fWr��and wlttio�utmtrrpafrirtg In arty way tha p�iodty of tliia Deed ot Truat over the Imerest of any person <br /> 6oquirod or fust �ider by�dng aubsequsr�to record�ng af ttds Oesd of Trust,Lender may,oither before or a}ter the rrre!urity ot the ObiigeUons, <br /> end whhoul noUee or wnseM:reieasa erry person 6able forpx}nnerri or periomgrxe of aN or emy part af the Ob'Aga�ons;make nny atte�p 1ho <br /> t�m�s otpeyrtxxri orpe�tortrier�nf all or any pert of the Obli�ribns;exercise or rehaln horn e�oerdafng or walve any or rert�ady�t�e�nder mey hav� <br /> under Rr Deed of 7n�st:nxe�ad�lUonal securlty o!any Idnd lor any of the Obllgellons:or release or ot!►erwlse de�wlth rea! Fyraonal pro � <br /> O arry <br /> � seax4►g tho ObligaUons. MY P�'�a��9 a reoordlnp evkience o(atry Interesl of any nature In the Propcx'ry ahaN be deemer:bY����0� <br /> krteroet a racordny ariy avldmc�,e thereof,to hava co�sentadto aN a any such adbns by t.ande►. - <br /> ;. <br /> r�oo�a«.�a�v� �r�a a <br /> ; � <br /> �� <br /> ��� <br /> _, , <br />