<br /> ��� p� appG�al�fe{aws and reg�lations.k+dudr►g,wtstaut�mitadon.the Arr�riCaru with Ois�des Ad.42 U.S.C. Ssdion 12t01 et seq. (arxl�11
<br /> �p'�tl�ete�x�r1 and ag zc•.�dn9 aaxi�g iaws a�td rep�atEons►otatk�0 to the P�Y bY�e a�Y fedesal.state o►mmu3p�l
<br /> a�,,d�fiiy with jiyisd�fon over Un Property.Are�enCY sre aid at�l 6e obEerved and ccrr�Eed whh iri aA male�fa6 respects.and sA�fghts.Rcaises.
<br /> pe�rra�,md oert�iCales of ooaeparxy�irx��p bu!nat Bmised 1a amiri►g varierrcea,a�e��s�r,o�,rorrmg uses,ena w,s�t,�+c:�ion
<br /> ep�ravals),wh�Yrer eerr�rerY a r'�►��.� eR m�ecie!a d�e use and oo�ipancy ot ths?roperty.proser�r are mxi sh�l be obirhed.
<br /> p�eserved ar�d,where�esaarY.rcxee�red:
<br /> !� �r�ta t,as fie ripM end is dufy sufhorfzsa eo e����1S����a�as�rrt��irey� 6Mx�+a o�n c,�a�y Ume�
<br /> cont5ct wlth ttse pno+�rbrts o!eny stahrie.re�tdelfot�.
<br /> (e) iJa actlon a,prooeed'ang is or�aq be pordinp a tluee6msed whieh rti�d RmterfeYy etfed the Properiy:artd
<br /> {n GranDor haa rai violateQ and;ha1 not viofate arty steiulo.re9�atlo^.o►dnenoa.rule o►lew.cortVacl or othet eQ.�(k�dudrre,�it not Writed to,
<br /> thoss 8rnwr'hG H�+s S�Iaaerials)wWch rtipM rtete�taly af(�1he P►cGerty or Landera rfpMs a��sresS in t�hs Property pt+war�t to V�Ia Oeed ot� ,
<br /> Tnts2. . � .
<br /> 3. PRfGH DBEDS�F TRllS7. Grantot re�es�ents mid tvarr�ts tt�t Lha�ro ara no prbr cieeds ol trusi nffoctMg a�Y PaA of tha Pmpsrty exeept�" ael faAh � —
<br /> on Sct�ile B attaahad la tMs Deed of Tn�st.v+/i8ctt CvaMar aprees topay and periortn 6�a tirriely r�rrier. H thsre ara�ry pr'lor deeds of then �Q .
<br /> r�aprees:o Fay a8 arr�aaits ovred.snd pertarm aE abB�ons required,ta,der s�,a,dseds ot vusr�nd u,e kn'lebledr,ess se�red Uie�sbr a�� ��
<br /> a0reea tFrat a detautt ur�der arry Friar deed of ttvst sha6 be a dstas�t i a�d a r L h i s D e e d d T n�s i a n d s t�!e�tl tl e Lender ta al t i�t t s rmd terttedes��! �
<br /> hsre§�ar In the 064�r.ns k�rahkh Lerider wot�id be er�tliied{n tha everrt ot ony o�er de2a►At. ,.,�
<br /> :..
<br /> 4. TRAPtSFERS OF T}i5 PROPERIIF OR BENERCUtL INTERES7S B+i GRAAiTOR3 Oti 80RiiOMfER3. In the evant d a sale,canveyance.fee�e. Q
<br /> cottlra�i for d�ed or trarutor to pefson o!s1 or any par4 d the raa!pmpe�ty desaibed in Sef�ile A.a ar�r Infe�est t�ek�.a o(all or eny benel6dei �
<br /> hterest!�sortower or c,r�ta�(��_orrow�a Granwr E�nat a c�ahxal person ar pe�aor�s an fs a oorporation.Nrri+ed fab�lr�mnr,pertnerst�iP•vusi.or
<br /> 6i27m��?!t1.�tY�.L@tld9f RS�I.9I IlE O�RIf�1 dBC�8f0 QI9 OtJlS�Afl�ig Pf41C��6 OI 1I18��8CC7t19d�fl1@f9511�1�fl�Ofi�TYTIB�9Iy�10 MI� �
<br /> p0jt8�^lB. Ai LBf1d0T�S l8Ql1BSl,Ca7�T10!Of BO�POWNf.8E 1�18 C85A fl19�1 b8.Ei18A��fidSll�CQfI�f181Efi1Bf11 L8tIM19 ICfSF1 8A 9f h5 flOCIQ10�8fS.Rl@fTt1B!'f�Of
<br /> p@fV1813.£tS 8�f0�dS8.8T1�it1011711Bf11 Of i�1B��8E�9d�M0 O�IV(18t3f1��5- � �
<br /> S. /k..R$�OF�ENT$. I(1 CaISl�Of1 Of Ll9�t5.MfhdCft 8f9 50ClREfd�l 1�3�60d Of TNSI.Ca�8f110(8b60�U16y 8TE{�IS 19 V9I1�9f 9h
<br /> �S7SlOr5 951819. I�TI• l}l{9• �118f8E�. C�§?I 871�S�Bfi�ld f10W OYrMd OP t18f9H�(BC�J�[6d a1 9b 6X�5�Oflf�hJlllfB{B8E8S O��i9 PfOSlBfiy (kKaUf�(lg
<br /> OXSBfiSjOf15.(Bfi9'W0�!8fld SL�305�.iid d�BPI.'�1RTIlf fOf U58 ATK�OOCtl�?Y1�1 0�itlB PfOQ!'f1�i8�51lC�i�584 Allf�8�E W�101�19f W�Il8f1 0�OT80.8f9
<br /> ►,eteartsr rarerred to as riie-t�auses7.bY►d�ea�tles af bssees•�utomnnce ur�u,a t.eases,tog�otfser wHr,the 6,Tr,edate and oo+,tlrx�ng rigFn ta
<br /> co9ect rmcS receive nA o(Nue rerits.kioortx:, tevetxies,ksuea.Pm�e and otl�er fnootre af miy riatYxa now at fietseAet due(induclnR rny Irxarse oi
<br /> eny nature wrnln9��x�9�Y�F'�P�tmder vhe t.eases or trom or eris4�p oul ot the Propeny hcludn9 rtirdrnun rerris.sdd�Onel reMS,
<br /> porce�ntaga ren4s,parV�r�a corm�o�i erex tnaFntartar.ce oontri6utlons.taz and hwtanoe contr�btrtlons.debderx.Y r�ts.Aq�ddated�r�go� �olEowh9
<br /> de}autt!n sny I.sese.aA{:+ncer�ds payab�e ander enY F�Y��'�Q0��bss o(rertts testdttng hom er+tenanteb�ty cmtsed�y i�tttxibn ot
<br /> �ge to the Property.a�proeeeds puyabie as a reseilt ot a lessee'a exerdse ot�o�tion to purdtasa the PropeAy.al proceeds deriverc3 trom Ute
<br /> termnalon ar rejecUon of smy Leasa fn a bardQUF�4.j u o�er h�H��Cy Froceedng.and a9 proeeeds kom erry tlghis and daims ot eny Wnd w►dch Grantor
<br /> rray have agafrss�arty lesaaje under th�.+i.�a:�or a�y occupersts of U»PropeAy(ad at the ahove sre hereafler edfedfvefy reterted to as ths'Rerits7. This
<br /> ;I� fa wbjeci tfl tt�a rf�ri.P���%�Y 9�to ihe Lendar b caNed and t+pply the Reirta. Thls�sigrmant is reacded!n ao�a�wiSh
<br /> ap��l�atate Isw:the bsr►aatued by Uds assiguf�ent fs k�letided to be apedflc.Per�ected.and ctroate upon tha reeadng of tMa Deed ot Tntst.aq as
<br /> a�,ydod by appYcab;e stau�law an avr�,aed tran r�w tk„e.•a.sbng aa n�re ks no d�tt u�me obsgatbns a ws Deed a Tnn 1,Len��ancs
<br /> Grartta a revocs�le i4�ns�to co0ed aY Rerrla from the Leases wheti due arxi to use wdi proceeds In C�ta�tors bw.,hiess operattons. However.Lerxi9r
<br /> may at arry drre roqulre C,�amor to dapostt a6 Renta kito on acc�xit!nekrtak�ed by Grantot or lot�et Lend�ers�. Upart default in tha PaYmett�
<br /> cf,w{n the perfom�av�ce or,any at tho ObP�stl�u.Lender tiiay at tts opfort take poasession of thep�e�y and heve.hcki,manage.lea.se end operate ihe
<br /> P on tertru and far a period of ttma V�at Lander daemt proper. Lerde►rtay prooeed io coAect and receivs ap Rents hom the property,and Lenc:�
<br /> ^� I have f�power to mako at�eraUons,rerwvatiw�s,repalrs cr tepiacamerus 10 ihe as Lendor rts�y deern aoper. Lender may ap�fy aM Rertts in
<br /> �i
<br /> Lerxier's sdle�9screvori to pa)sr�ern of the Obiipatf�orts or to the psyrrnnt of die oost�alferations,roravatioru,repaks and reptacornents and any
<br /> expertsos incfdeM to tald��g and retafr!�i �sslcn ot the PropeiYy perb�y and the rr�r�ement end�aperatk+n of the Property. Lender mey keep ihs
<br /> property propxty kuaced and may ds�iarge arry tazsa,charges.d.94rn.aasessrt�errts and other Rerts ch ac�ue. The e�ertae and cost of these
<br /> actlona mey be peid hom tho Rertts reaehred,a�+d ffi+r�,�a�at,ae�add�d�o a,e�nc+�ai o�r,s�o a�►�a,s. Tt,eae arr,ou,ts.�opea,er w;m
<br /> o�er a�ats.,chaM becorte pert of rtw ObGgadons seam�d by 1Ns Deed ot Tntst.
<br /> b. USE AND IdAWTENANCE OF PROPE3iTY. Granlor�iaN taka ad acUons end mgke any reF.~�irs nae�ied to rrekitein the Pmperty In gaod car�dtbn.
<br /> c�ma�,an no�cam,n a�►mn ary ws�e�o be o�a wnn r�oa a u,e Pro�ny. cr�:3r,en use me P�openy sa�y a,�na�wnn
<br /> app�ab4e faw end lnstxar�e poAdes. Carantur atta9 not rrgke sny attetetlans,eddtions or krprvvetnenta to the Ptoperty wiVwut Lefiders prlor wririen
<br /> eo�sent. Witteo�n Urrit{ng the!a-epofng ad ottetatlont,ad�tions and arpraMements rtmde io the Property ahad bo aubjed to tho beneflda�Imerest belond�9
<br /> to lArtder.shaA not be rert�oved wlthout tande�'s�iar vrrAten cornant,and ehaA be made at C3�anto�a ade e�se.
<br /> T. I�SS OR DMlAGE. G�rtor shall bemr the errtue ri�c c!arry bss.theft.des�xxion or den�age(�'Loss or Qam�pa�to tfie Property or arry
<br /> portian thareot from any cause whatsaever. In tiie event of any Losat or Qart�ga.C�tar st�a9.at the opdur�of t.ender.repeN Qee aNeeted Property to fls
<br /> previous oorK9tbn ar pey a csa�ss to be paid to Lerd�the de�xe Ir.�e ta�r rttirt�t vakie of the afteeted PrOperty.
<br /> 8. INSUiiAtdCCE The a�lA be icept inatxed tar hs fi�l instsable value(reptaasr►�ent c�t)a�k�st aR hazards k�lu�ig loas or d�caused
<br /> A
<br /> fi�ood.sErt�aJ�.tors�dc�rire.thefl a other casuaNy lo the ex�nt required by lender. CirarAar may oh�s�ln Ins�rance on the Prap�rty hom
<br /> od
<br /> °carpenles as are aaepaabb w lender h Its soie dscreHai. Ttre Y�oo po6des shatl requfre the�cart�sany to p�ovide Lendor whh cri least
<br /> 3 0 daye'wrtr.en notic�batore wch po8cfes aro aNered or canoeMed In arry m�nor. The k►surarxe popcles shell name lsnder as a loss
<br /> payeo ar prov �hat no act or amisalon ot Grantor or arry oihsr ahe�affec!the right o(Lendar to be pald the inaurance prooeeds perta(ning to the
<br /> bas or dernage of tfie Araperty. tn rtro evmm GraMor ta�s to e or�rt�atrtlakt knaxarxe,l.ender(aSler p►a�vid��g notloe as ma be requtred by laa')rtmY
<br /> h its dsaerion pror.we appropriate fnstmancs age t�pat ihe Propsrty and the irtsurarxe cost ahaM be ar�advanoe payab�e end bearhig irtlerest as
<br /> desuibed fi tha 'FlE{MBURSEt�tENT t�F AMOU�NTS EXPENOED 6Y LENOER` and seaaed hereby C3raMOr sha�ll hunish Lender with
<br /> sh
<br /> ewkienoe ot inwranca kidcat�ng the requlred caversge. Lender rrey act aa attomey-in- for Orantor!n m+Mrrip and setlAnp daims unc�er insurance
<br /> s.�9�7l PdlcY rx en�sinp C,rantors nar�on eny dratt or n�poUaNs kutrurtw�t�awn b/a^.y Insaxgr. AN such lnxuance palkles shap be
<br /> p� wt
<br /> Im�diat assi�esl,piecSged and de6vared to Lanciet as hrther aeaxity for ihe ObNgetlons. In the�r:a�t ot lass.C3rantor ahaA krrnea'�atoly gtve Lerxler
<br /> oy ran
<br /> rrettten notFoe�d L�der!s s��thorizad to rnelue proof ol!oss. Fa�irr�.�uartt�e�y is dreded to melce sd�,�to Lerxler irtstead ef to
<br /> L.endot ar,a crsrnor. �ende�snad have u,e rlBtn.at ns so+a op�on.!o epply such m�'ss towsna�e abG rts a iowara the cost or rebuilding and
<br /> reslaing ttoe Properfy. flny mna,xNS may at�.snder's o�,t(as be appilsd!n the Irneras arder of ihe due datas it�ereo(.
<br /> 3. ZONWG AP1D PRtVATE COYENANTS. Geantor shaA m!tdtleie or�nsent to arry dTSnge h ihe zoo�ng pro��isbns or prMate cwenaols a}feeting the
<br /> use oP the ProExrty wtthout Lesxlers prior written consern. if Cir�tors uae of the Property becanes e r�aumiort�ing use urxier any zorm�g arovision,
<br /> �rantor sfsaq nat cause or pem9t wch�se so be asamtaivad ar aber+doned witl�o�a the p�bor writteci cortseM of Lender. Grentor wiB hrme�alelY P�
<br /> Lender with written noUce ot ar'+Y ProPosed�er►9ea!o ihe zo�ing prevfai�ns or prtvefe coverwnts atfeettriQ iF�e Pnoperty.
<br /> '!0. C^"!�J�IATION. f3►xntor shap hm�eclateiy provide Lendet wlth wriiten notice of ar�y aclual a Ureater�ecl condermatbn or emfneM dort�aln
<br /> �P��`�9 to iha ProFer,y. P11 rrbrdas payable to Gcsnla[rom such eande�rxmtbn or ta}dr�g are heKeby asslgr.ed to lsxxf�r arxJ shall be applied
<br />' fl^st Ua the pnyrtrent of Ler�arr attomeys'tees.legal e�enaes and other costs(k�d}ng spprafsal tees)In coc�nectlon with the co�dertnatfan a eminent .
<br />� dotr�sin prooea�,gs end U,en,at u,e opt{on ot 1.ander.to�e peyrr�n or Lt»ObA�io�a a the reators�on or repak or um Pro}�eny. ', .
<br /> e
<br /> \\
<br /> �
<br />�
<br /> �nore�«.�ac�
<br /> Paps2d8
<br /> sJ
<br />