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� <br /> �. . . <br /> r <br /> . : ., .� �g_�.����� <br /> 9. I�pectton. I.ender o:its ageat may make re�bk eatries up4a aad inspoctiont of the Property. I.�ader shall <br /> give Borrowa notice at the timc of�r preor to an inspaxion specifyin8 re�narl��use for tS�e iasgxtion. <br /> 10. CondPmuatioa. The pr�cxds of aay award or claim for clansages, dirax or coa�queatial, m connectioa with <br /> any cor,demnation or other of aay part of the ProQsrty. or for conweya�ce m lieu of con�nnation, are hercby . <br /> assigned and shall bc paid to�der. <br /> In t�e event of a w�al talcing af the Pro�cty, the proceeds :hall be applied to the sums securtd hy this �curity <br /> Insuvmrat. whether ar not then dsae. with ffis}+ezass paid to Borrower. In the cvent of a partiai talang of the Property in <br /> which �se fair marYet value of the Pn�perty immediasely before tlx taidng i�e��a! to ar greater than the.amount of tha', __ ` <br /> sum.s securcd by tl�is Saairity Insuumeat immediately be�te the taldng, unless Borivwtr and L�sader od�agree in <br /> aTiting, the sums sxured by this Socurity Iastrumtat shall be r�d by tbt amaznt of the �roceeds mul lied by the <br /> fallowing fraction: (a)the iotal am�unt of the sums seca�z�ed i�aediatdy before ihe'talrin8. div�'ed by Eb)the°fair market <br /> value of Cie Pro�erty im�iatEly before the taking.My balance shall be paid tc+BocTOwa. In ct:e event of a partial talcing <br /> of t!�Propaty in whi�ch the fair marrei vah�e of the Property imrrx�ii�r.rty�efoze tht t�n�is Itss thsn the amount of the <br /> suass saauad 'nmmcdiate'cy before t�e taldng, unless Borrower aad I,eadez othercvise agrec m wridng or unless applicable <br /> law othecwise�ro�v,�s the pmceeds shall be appi�d to th�sums securai by th�s Sccurity In�nmr-nt whether or not the <br /> sums are chrn due. � <br /> lf the Propeity is abandoned by Borrower� or if. after notice by i.�nd�r to Sornowru ihat the coademnor offers to <br /> make an award or settle a ci�im for cam�gcs, Borrower fails to s+espocid to L.eAder.within 30 daya after che date�the notix <br /> is given, Lender is suthorim'i!�oflllea a�d a�pply tbe its�tyon.cit�er W cesWcation or repai�of the Froperty <br /> or ta che sums sxuz�by this Serurity Ibstniment.whether or vot then d�u. <br /> Unless LmcSer and Borrower othawise agroe in wsiting.aaY aPP�icatian of proceeds to principal shalI not eztend ar <br /> postpoae the due date of the moathly�y�u ts rrferred to in h� 1 and 2 or change the amoant of such paymcnu. <br /> 11. Borrawer Not Rde�sed; F�r�rsace B9 1-es�de�'��at a Wal�a. F:xteasicm of the rime for psyment or <br /> modificatioa of amortization of tt:c sua�s seaued by this Senu�ity Imtt�meat gsaated by Leader to any aucoe.ssor�mten:st <br /> of Borrower sball aat operate to release ti,c iiabiliry of tht origma] Barrower or Borrower's succrssors in interest. l.wder <br /> shall not be raquirc�to comznmcc�»�oc��'a�ts a�aicst aaY su�es�r in inte�st or refnse to eztend time far E+aymeat or <br /> otherwise madi�+ aznc�rtization of sums s�eczu�d by this S�cvriry I�strumeat b�+ z�ason of any demand aade by the <br /> ociginal Borrower or Fsorrowa's sua�essors in i�tcrr�st. Aay forbearana by l.endzr us�ezer�ising an�right or rem�dy shall <br /> not be a waiver of or preclude the of any zg�t or remMy. <br /> 12. S�ces�ors und A�lgas Baand; Jo[nt and Sevenl I1ab[lity; eo-signecs. The coveaants and agreemrnts of <br /> this Srcuiity Instrument shall bind and brn�irt the �es aad assi�ns af Lender and Borrower, sub ect to the <br /> provisions of para�graph 17. Borrower'a covct�:ant's and agrttmeau shall be�oint and sevtrai. My Borcower w�o co-signs <br /> this Sxurir� L-�tnime�t but doa not exax�te tbe Nou: (a) is co-�ignin�t ihu SecuritY Ias�umrnt only to mortgage, 8cant <br /> an� conv�y that B�rrowa's iaterat ia the Property under the tenns of this Secuinty Inst�ument: (b) is not personally <br /> obligated to pay t�e �ums sxured by this Secunty '•nst�umtnt; aad (c) agrct.: that Lender and any other Borrower may <br /> agree to eztend, modify, forbear�r maYe any acoommodations wicb regard to the term3 0�'this Security Instrumsnt ar the <br /> Note withoeit thaY Borrowa's waseat. <br /> 13. Loun Charges. If tbe toan secured by this Sxurity Insirummt is subject to a law which sets maximuuz loan <br /> r.�arlqes, and that !aw is finally interpreted so ii►at the interest or other la�nn charges a�lixted or to be c�llected in <br /> a�nneccion with B;e loan ezaed the permitted limiu, thca: (a; any st�ch Svan churge shall be roduced by the amount <br /> ne�xsssry to redurc the cbarge to tbe permitted limit• and ;�) auy mms already collxtod from Borcawer which exceeded <br /> �x <br /> pernuttod li.ffiiu will be zr.fundai ta Borrower. Laxkr may choose to make fhis refund by roducing tiie principa� owed <br /> under t�e Nou or by making a direct pay�t_o BormR'er. If a refund r�.xxs principal, th�reducti,•n will be treated as a <br /> p�rti�'prepa}ment R�ithotat any p*rpayment charge vr,dPr thc Note. <br /> 14. Notices. Aey notice to k3orrower grov�ded fa:in�is Seca:ri.ty lbsuument shall be�;ven by delivering it or by <br /> mailing it by first class mail unlessapplicable law rr.�uires use of sooth�rL��ethod. The uot�a shal( be ��irected to the <br /> Properry f►ddress or any other address Borrower desigr�tes by nMioe to r. Any notia to L.ender shall be given by <br /> first class mai;to I,aid�r's address stazod hareia or any other address Lesder desigaates by notia to Borroa�er. Any notice <br /> Provided for in Wis Socurity Inmu�a�eai shalI be dccmai to havo t�a 8i�'en to Borrowa'or t,eack.r wh�given as provided <br /> in this paragra�h. <br /> 13. ^ovrrniaxg .x�verabWry. This Seruriry lnsuument shall be governM by fWeral law and thc law af ihe <br /> ,jurisdi�Kion in which the Froperty is l4cated. In ahe eveat that any provis9on or clause of thL Security Instrument or the <br /> Note�un,flicts withapplicable law, suc�;coaflict shcll nat sitax ather provisions of this Securiry Instrurt�ent or the hote <br /> whicL can be given effect without t2te confiictang pmvisian.To this ead the grovisiom of thi�Sawiry In�uunxnt and sbe <br /> Note are declared to be severabla <br /> 16. Bocrower's Copy. Soirawer s�al1 i�e gi�en one c�nfarmed copy of the Noie a,�d of this Secur, Instrument. <br /> F7, Traasfer ot the Prop�ty or a Beaefictal l�.arest Ea Borrower. 1f all or any part of thc�roperty or any <br /> inter�t in it is sola or tran.eferred (or if a benefcial inttrest in Bc�rrower is sold or transferred and Borrower �s nof a <br /> natvral person)withQUC L.�er's prior wriuen corse�t, �r asay,at its oprion, require immediate paysnent in full of ail <br /> sums secured by this Security L�strument. Howeve_, this option shall aot lx exercistd by I.ender if exercise �s prohibited <br /> by federal law as of che date�f this Security Ins�ment. <br /> 3f Len.ier ez�rcises this option,Len�:tr shail give Bormaer notice of aaxleraiion.'Ilie no:ice shal! provide a period <br /> of aot ivss than 30 days from the�ate the notice is detivered or mail�ed within which Borroaer must pay a11 sums secvred <br /> Fcrm 3028 9f90(page 4 0l 6) <br /> ButXERS SvSTEMS.UtC.5T.CLOUO,MN 56�02 11-800397-23s11 FOia[MD-t-NE 2fSf37 � _ <br /> � � <br /> t� <br /> � <br /> � <br /> .. . �......... <br />