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<br /> it�lcr.iiug floods or rlooding. fQr w}�ich Ixader tettuires ia�utaoce. T� iasuruxx s�ali be maiatained u►th: aaso::nu aQd
<br /> for t?ie periods that I.eader c�equira. Tt�insu�anc��providin�the?�*�r�ll be d�ose�by�nrrower suhject to
<br /> La�der's approval which shail not be imrrasariably withh�d. If Borrowex faiIs t:, �caintaia ooverage descn� above,
<br /> L.ax7er ma3'. at Lcndar'a opi�cra, obtain cm�erage to protoct I,eac�r's rights in�r Fr:�perty in aacordance with paragr�h
<br /> �
<br /> All insurance policies xnd renew-als shail be sccepta�le [o I,ender and shali �lude a standsrd L-�rtgage clac�e.
<br /> Leader shall have the right to t�ld th+c p.�ii�cies and rmearals. lf Lxader requira, Borrower sAali prom�►.ly give ta Lcnder
<br /> all r�xipt�af paid premrums�d craea�l�. Ia tbo event af loss,Bozrowu shail give orompt noCce to the insatana
<br /> c:usirr and I.eader. i,ender may m�e f of loss ff not madc FivcipdY by Sotmaer.
<br /> U°las Leader a� 8�����x a8����8. �nsura�oe�ivccatt ahall►x appliaf to rrstoratioa or rcpair
<br /> of:Gr Praperty damagtd� if the reStaration or rGpair is xoa�micall� feasibit and Leader's seturity u not lesseaed. lf thc
<br /> ratorarion or re�air is uot eronomically teasstle or L.ender's secunty would be I�cs.aned, the iaturana procceds shal! be
<br /> applied to tt:e sums ucured by this Saxiriry '.iurrumant. whether o�not ttx�due, arith aay ea�oes� �aici to Borrower. If
<br /> i3urrower abandona tttie Property, or does not aasvrer w�thin 30 days a not�.ce from LCnder that the tnsurana cania has
<br /> offra�to ssttte a claim, ffiea Lxadrr may collea tht insuranoe procecds. L.ade�r may us�the Froc�da t4 repair or resi�ro
<br /> the P�op�erty o: to pay sums sa�d by this Savrity In�u�at. a�hahcr or noe t�ea dur 7he 30-day pereod wil; txgin
<br /> whea the notir.e u grvea.
<br /> Unks.s i,r�der and Borrowcr ot�erwise agree�in writing, any licatiov of pc�ocads to�+rincipa! shal!not extend or
<br /> oca s
<br /> postpone t�e c4ue da3e of the a�anthty paymentt refer*-,�to in 1 aad 2 or chaage the amount of the paymrnts. If
<br /> under paragr�21 the Pi'openY is ac�irtG bY I.��er. 3orrower's right to avy iaturance poiic��es and procx�s resulting
<br /> from dama�c ta the P:�sp�rty prios to the a�cqnititian shsIl p�s ia l.eader W tbe ea�eat of the sus�sccur�d Dy this Security
<br /> Insav�at ia�mediat�➢y Frior ta t�e acqt�isitic�a.
<br /> 6. Occapsnc�•, Pr�senatba, Mslute�nce and Prot�ction ol the Property; Borrowa'� p.oan Applicatlon;
<br /> Lea�eholds. Borroaer shall c�csu�y� estatsl[sh. �ard vse t6e Fraptrty at Borrowcr's pti�ipal trsidaia within sizty days
<br /> 2Rcr the ezecutiaa of this StcuritY�t aad�all conri�e ta oa,�upy the pmpa�y,as gorrower's principal residrnce
<br /> for ai ltast onti year afte: tt,e date of oavpuxy. unlrn L,ead�r orh�ranse agnes in wridng, which conxnt shali not be
<br /> unreasonubly withheld,or ualess ezta�uaring cisrumatances rziu�vhich are b�•yond Borrower's coatrol. Bor.owrr sha11 not
<br /> datmy, damage or im.pair t�-. E'roperty, a11ow the Propccty to dderiora!e, o� cammit waste on t� Fropercy• gorrower
<br /> R
<br /> shall be ia defaujt if aay forieiture ai.�on cn prot�atding, w�qvil wt criminal, is b�gun shat in l,endr.r's gnod faith
<br /> judgaxnt could rrsult m forfcitnre of tl� Proprrty or othrrwisc matcrially impair :he lien crqted by this Security
<br /> insuumrnt�r Leade:'s secnriry iater+est. Borroaver�cure s�ch a defaiilt aad rrimtate, as pmvidtd in par�gra�h !8,bY .
<br /> caasing the saion or gnxading to be dismissod vvct� a ruling thu. in I.tades's �ood futh dei'rminati . precludcs
<br /> forfeiture of the Bomow=r's iate�sa in ¢�e Praperty or aber cnauria! i�+aiczaaent of the liea created by t��s Socurity '�
<br /> Instrumeac or I.ayder's s�curity intaest. &irrowa s6s�ll also be in default if Borrowet.�rin�the ioan applicatio�proc�ss,
<br /> �ave msteriaity false or ioaczuraf.e iaformatioa ar sixlemwL� to Ltnder {or failed to �ravide I.ender with any material
<br /> mformation) in a�IInxtion with ttae lous tvi�aced by the Nae, iacluding, hut not lim�ced to, rcprc�ent�tions conceming
<br /> im
<br /> 3orrower's occv.paae}�of the Praperty ss:pcincipsd resideace, U this Sectzriry Instrumeat is�n a leasr3�old, Borrower shali
<br /> comply with at! die provisiocu of the iease. If Borro�ver acquirts fee tide to tht Pcopecty, the ieaxhold and the fee title
<br /> sha:1 not merge unles�L�der agras t�the merger in�vritictg.
<br /> 7. Pcotedion ot I,enckr's R�ghb in t�e Property. lf Bormwer fails to perform the coven�nts and ag:eanents
<br /> contained in this Security lastrumeat. or tbere is n itgal praceoding that may si�Cn►ficandy affect Lxncier's rights in tbe
<br /> �TO�'��'�� �a P��B ����Y, F�e, for con�Cmaation or forteiture or to enforce laws or rrgWatiocu),
<br /> thrn L.eu�rr may do and pay fer whztr��er is neassuy to pr+otect the valix of the Froperty and L.eader's righ�i in the
<br /> Pragertv. Lender's �ctioat mary incluck F8Y�8 �Y � soaued by a lies� which has prior'sty over this Security
<br /> tactrumeat. a�►Pearin8 in court. psYin8 r�ble attnmcys' fees and eatering on thc Yroperty to make r�pairs. Alch�ugh
<br /> :.eader may take aciion under th�I�raBm{�h 7. L.ender does not have to do sa.
<br /> Any amounu disbuned hy I..eader under this psr�agrnph 7 shail be�o�additioaal ckfit of Burrowcr securai by this
<br /> Socurity In.4trur.�►t. UNess Borrowrr aad L.ender agree to other tcnas of payment, these aznonnts shalt bear interat from
<br /> thc datc of disbursea�ent at ths Ivote caso and s6a11 � payab!e, avit6 intertst, upon noticx from L.eader to Sorroaec
<br /> requesting Fsycacnt.
<br /> S. Martgage l�s�u�anee, lf Lcnde�required mortgage insursnce ac a condition of maJ;ing the loan securod by this
<br /> Security Instnuneat, Bort+ower shaIl pay the permiums ra�irod to maintai� �e mc,ngagt insurance in effect. If, for any
<br /> reason, th,e mortgaga iawrar.� eovera�e ra�uirod by L.rnd�r lapses or cease,s to be ia etfect. iiorrower sha11 pa� the
<br /> premiums r�quir�d :o dbtain rnvrragc Subsunaally equivaicnt to the moctga&e insurac�oe proviousty in effix�t, at x cost
<br /> substantinlly v.�uivalent to the cost to I3orrowcr of thc meortgage iasur�actcc prcv�evsly in effoct, from ar. alternate mc►ngage
<br /> ias�uer approved by I.ena,er. If substantially cquiva�au mortgage insnruxe covern,ge is not availabie, li,�+rxowcr sha11 pay
<br />'I ro Lender ench month a sw�n� ro��+;'.;oi tho;�early mortg�c insurance premium txiag paid by n..:�owec when
<br />, tt;t insuraace ooverage I;�sad or oe�od to be i»eftea. L.eQder wilt actcpt, use aad retair.the�se payraents�t a loss reservc
<br />! in Iieu of mortgage insuzanc�. Lasa r�cnre paymeas may no .�nger be required, at th� option of L,ender. if aongage
<br />! insurante cover�e (in �e amouat and far the perind thai L,asdcr requires) provided by an iasur� apgroved by Lender
<br />' again beoomcs av�able and is obtuine�+. Borrower shm,l pay the premiuffis re�uired to mainyain mortgage insuranct in
<br /> f� eff�c, er ;a prov--- a los� reserve. uniil the ns;uirenent for m�rtgage insurzace eads in accardance with any writtrT�
<br /> agreec�ent bsiwe�en Borrower aad i.�r or applic;�blt law.
<br /> Fam 302$ 9/90(page 3 0l 6J
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