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� ` .. ._ <br /> � � <br /> ',- • :�: � �z;..°'� ��Q���� <br /> . : ��. .�� <br /> by th:s Sxurity Ia�tnsmeat. If 3ortowcr fails to pay thtse sums prior to tLe ezpi;otion af this puio�', L .ac�er tuay invake <br /> any•rema-lies p�sm�ittc�by t�is Securit�+Instrumeat wizhout further mtice or cl�mand on Borrowet. <br /> 18. Borrower's Rig9�t to 7�te�tate. If Borrow�ct mcets crrtain condidoas. Borrower shatl haye the right to have <br /> en.`orcemtat c�f this Sectzriry Iast..rnmcat discondnc�ed at say tine prior m th+�Gariier of: (a}3 days(or such other�eriod as <br /> applicable !aw m�+y specify for r�ia.tcat�tj b�fore sale of the Property�usuant to any power of sale ccntained in thi�. <br /> Sr�uri�y dns•.rui,�t;ar(b)�n�}+of a judgment eaforcing this Sacurity IASU�seat.l'hose oonditions are that Borrower: (a) <br /> P�Ys I.rnder all sums whsr.h thsn �uld bt d�x under this �ocurity Insulunent aad the Note as if nQ acceleration F.asi <br /> oaxirred; fb) cuizs Bny default of say other oovemmts o: agcee�at�; (c) pays sil acpenses incurred in eaforcing this <br /> S�a�.�ity lnstrument, ux�luding, but arx timited to, nasonable attoFaeys' fas; and (d) i,vices such mctian a� L.ender may <br /> :�escmably require ta assure thsi t� lien af t�iis Seauity Iasmiment. I�ea.�la's righu in the Property and Barn�wer's <br /> ::'vlidxtion to pay the su�s stcur�d b�ihis SeairitJ+;nstzum�t sh817 conh:riue uac�,inged. L�on reuostat�tnent bv Barroa•er, <br /> i'trlc Sc�sarity Instrument and tae obLgaaons stcured heretsy shall c�emain fuiiy effective� if no a�leratioz.►had rxcau�red. <br /> NoNever, this rig�t to reinstsiz shall not�1�in the c�se�f ac�cele.c�iion under parugrs�h 17. <br /> 19.Sale ot Note;C�aage af Laan,xrrfcfr. 'i�e Noie or a partial iastcrest in the Note(to�eiher with t�iis Szcurity <br /> �trumen�)may be sold ane Ar a:flnc timea wit�out prior noiir,�to Borroaer. A s�lc may result cn�change in the entity <br /> (known as the 'L.naa Servicer') t�t oollocts moathty payr�enu due unda the Nate an�d this 3ecurity lnszrumeut. 'I�ere <br /> also r.�ay be one or more chrngea of the T.oan Suvittr unreiaud ta a sale of the Nata If thrn is a change of t�e Loan <br /> �iCIVICtf, Botrowcr will be giv�wiittrn notice of if�sthange in accotdance with paragragh i�i abave s,nd applicable iaw.. <br /> 'the notia wilt state the name azsd add;ess of the ue�I.�o�n Szrvicer and the address to which pmyments s6ould bz macir.•. <br /> 'I'he notice will caatain any otha iufor�ation reqv�red by ap�licablc law. <br /> 2D. f�rdous S�. Borcower shall not cuuse flr perrnit the pre�ence, use. disposal, saorxge, or reieas�e of <br /> any Hazardous Substances on o: in the Pra�erty. �orroaver shall not du, nor a11ow an}rone else to de, anything affectu,g <br /> thc Properry that is in viota�iac:of any Envuontaeatal The pr�ng two sent�shal! not apply to t3�e presence, <br /> Use,or stora�c on the Froperty of�I quantities of Hazanious Snbstanas that are genetally rxagniztd to be appropriate <br /> to normal m►deatia!us�s and ta ssaintaaar,a of the PraQerty. <br /> �orrower shali ptomptly give Ltnder writ?e.n aat�a o:any issvestigat.ion,claivn. d�mand, lawsuit or other action by <br /> any governmental or r�gulatory aguxy or pri�azs partv involvi,-+.g the Progersy and anv Hazazdous Substar.ce nr Environ- <br /> rnental Law of which�ocrAwrr Aas actual tatow;aige. f f Borrowtr learns, or is notified by any govemment�l ar rcgulator�� <br /> authority,that any removal or cther r_maiiation of any Haz,ardous Substance afitcting the Property is necesssuy, fiorrower <br /> si:.all pm�ptly take all reaacdial�ciiom in aanrda�a+ith Environmeatal Law. <br /> As used'an this pa��20. "Hazardou.;,�.,t'►bstaiace�' are those sabstanets sieGnrd as to:ic or harardous substa�icrQ <br /> by E.avironrt�ental Law and the following subst�: ga�oline, kerosene, other flanunabie or toxic petroleum pralucts, <br /> toxi�pesdcid�s and herbicides, volatile solven�, ceaterials containing asbeseos or forniaJdeh�de,ar,�,radioactive materials. <br /> r�s used�this paragraph 20, 'Fnvironr�tntal Law'rneans fedtral laws and laws of tha junsdi_hon where the Propercy is <br /> lcx;ated th,ai re6ate to health, sa�ety or mvironmcntal procecxion. <br /> Nors•tirru�F:+Cov�Rxrs.B�noaYr and L,en�ler further rnvenant and agree a,falfawa: <br /> 21. Acceieratton; Renedtes. :,eQder sha!!give�dc+e Eo Borrower prior to accelerati�n fo��owing Borrower's <br /> bresch of a�ay coveaant or agr�t bn ibis Sec�rtty i�strv�arai(bnt not prior to acceleration umder paragraph 17 <br /> unless appLicabFe lar provides attxsw�se).'I4ee eotice shaii spedfy:(a)the default; (b)the actioa requIred ta curz the <br /> defauIt; (C�A�Lt� IIOt IlSS�9�3O C�IIyS fC0t1f�!!�t�C 1hC DOtICC I4�VCfl LO BO[['OR'e['� by K•hlch the default must be <br /> cured; and (�tl�at faIlure to cure t➢�e delantt oa or bd'orc the date sptdtied In the�sottce may rtsult �n acceleradoa' ._ <br /> of the snms secnred by thlg Security I�fivm�t aad safie of ihe PropeYt�.'Ilse notla s�all 'urther(nfoi�n ibnrower ' <br /> of th� r[g,ht ta relmtate aCtxr aca�leration and the rfght t4 hr[ag a euurt actlon to asse:tt the non-aclstence of a ' <br /> deFa��lt ar an� other dde�c of Borrowcr to sadesation asd sala IP the defvilt is not r.rred oA or Eefore the date <br /> spedfied [n t�e nadce, I.� its optlon osay reqntre lmrnedlate psyment ta ft�ll et all suu�s secured by th3s <br /> Securitp InseruA�ent wiWont furth�r danaad urd a�sy lavoke�powet of sale and any othes rernedies perniltted by, <br /> appllcable taw. �shatf bt mtitlaf to rnlieci a!1 expeases Incurnd ia pursuiaR the remedtes provtded in thls <br /> g�eagra 21, i�nt3fng, bnt not lim.ked to,reasanabie attorarys'tces and casts of tiUe evtdence. <br /> the power of sak io ln�oked,Tr�utce sboll rccord a nec!c:of detault IQ each coau�ty in whic�any Rart ot the <br /> Propaty t�laceted aud shill mafl rnpies af se�aotfa En ihe manuer�.xYSCribed by applkable law to Bnrrower and <br /> to the oihec �rsvns pceycribed by sFptleable taw. Aftar the requlred •_. applicabk law, Trustee shalt give <br /> �ublk aotice of sak ta the }�ersow aad In the manne+r pnscribed bv yppikab�tar►. Trusiee, withoat deanand on <br /> Borrnwc�, shall�eli thc Prnpaty �t pnblk atxEioa to the h�hes!blddrr at t6e tlme and pl��e and un�er tt�e terms <br /> deslgnal�ed in the aada oS ssle in ont or morc pae+cds aad in any order Trustee determine�. 'I�ustee may postpone <br /> sale of a!! or anv parcei ot the g'ropat,y by publk aanouncemeet at t�e tlme aad place a[anv previously seheduled <br /> s+�le.Lender or its desIgnee u�ay purchase the Prnperty at any sala r <br /> � Upon receipt of psym�nt ot 2fie�rice bid,'lYu�cee shnll deiiv�to ihe purchaser'!'nistee's deed eanvPytng ihe <br /> Property. 'The recitals in ibe Tn►siee s deed shall be prima fac3e �evidence of the trirth of 2he s4sEementg m�de <br /> t��sein.'Ik�s!.�s�l!a�pEY the proce��f t}�sale in Lhe folFo�rling order: (a)to a!I costs au�d ezpeoses af exerds�ng <br /> Fmn 3028 9190(page 5 oJ 6� <br /> RANf(ER$:iY$TEINS.INC..ST.CLOUO.!/K 5l30Z f1-800-397•2:i�t)FORM MPt�/,E 2/Sry1 <br /> F <br /> Y_ <br />