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<br /> TOGE'i'F-IER �+d1TH alI the nm�, emeats now or herrafier erected ou the property. snd sil easemenu,
<br /> aPF�?tcnaac�s. and fczw�naw or 2s�rrdftu�a gart of ttu propccty. Atl repiaam�eats and addt�o�s shatl �lso be coverai
<br /> by ch�s Se�.-urity rnm,�t.Ali of dk.foregoiag u cefernd co m ch:s Securicy Insm�at ffi d.e,Prop�rcy..
<br /> EnaROw�CovII+,�x1s thai Rc�rrower is lawfiilly seised of tbe ts�te t�reby coaveyai and has the n�t to grant ancS
<br /> convey the Property and ahat the Prc�ty is vna�rumbaP.i, �eept foe marmbraners of�eeocd. Borrower warrauts and
<br /> will defend gcaeraily the title ts the P�vperty sgaia�t all cisims s�si demands,surject m any e�umEsraaces of cxord.
<br /> 7'ua SECVxrn Ixsravst�arr cambines mniform covenaats for natianal use and non-unifecm covtsaatt with limitai
<br /> variatiocu by juz isdiaion ta c�stitute a uniform security iastnm�eat covering ral propetty.
<br /> U!nroa.�Cav�.�xrs.Bormwer aad l�aider coveaeat sud agrx u folbws: . �,
<br /> 1. Pavme�t of Prtndpal =nd Literest; Ptepaywa�t and Lte Chaz�n. Ba�xowsr shall PromF�Y PaY wher dus
<br /> the prir►cipai of and inter�si an ti�e debt evidefla+d by the Note and aay prcpaymeat an�i late chgrges due undor the Note.
<br /> 2. F1un�s for Taa;t3 and la�rtote.Sub►xt toap�licabk law or to a wt'stbeu waiver by L,eat�er,£kaarrower shati pay
<br /> to Lznder o� the day r�ont6ly paymeab an dee vnder the Note. until th�t Note is paid in fu12. a sum �'Funds') far: (a)
<br /> ywrfy tazes and ass�:►.sm��ts which may attain priorit�over this Socurity tastrumait as a liea on the A^operty: (ol yearl}�
<br /> leasehold paymenes or grauna raits on tbe Yropeny, if aay; (c)yea�ly hazard or praperty iasurance preauums; (d) yearly
<br /> f�ood ia.�ura,xe premiuma. if aay: (e7 Y�Y�8�imuraaa premivms, it any: and(0 aay sums�ayable by Borrowcr
<br /> co Lender, in accordaace ��itL� the provis�ons of� 8, in lieu of the pavmeat of mortgage cn.�ra�x p�miums.
<br /> Zhesa itrass are cal1� 'E-�ruw ltems.' I.�may, et an�t�m�e,wll�aud Mld Fv�s in atn.amount nnt to nzaed tae
<br /> maximua, hmounz a le�r for a fedaally relatod �rtSage l�aa maY requirt for 8orrower's e�croar �ccount under the
<br /> f�d.�ral Rral Estate Settleaxnt Procodura Act oi 1474 as ama�ded frow t� to dme. 12 U.S.C. � 2601 a s�q.
<br /> ('RESPA'}, unl�s.s aaothu t�v thatupplies to the F�tt�ds�as a lasu ama�at. lf so, L,eader mny, a:any ti�, oolixt aad
<br /> hold Funcls ia xn aar�unt aot to ezoeai the lcssa amouai. i.end�a�ay estiasffie thc amoaiai of Ftmcis due on the basis of
<br /> current data aad ctiasonable atim�stes of expenditure� of fwuce Escrow ltems ar otberwisE in axordanoe wit�,applicable �
<br /> law. � -- _,,,
<br /> 'I�e Funds shall be ixld in aa� instizutioa wtwse dtposin are iasure��y a federal a . instnn:xntality�, pr entity
<br /> (includinR [xnder. if I.a�der is such aa iastitutioa)ur in sn} Federsl Home Loaa Bank.�shaIf �ly the �ads to
<br /> F.a� the Esctow It�. Leader may not charge Borrower for holding and apQiying t!x Fuads. annually analyzing the
<br /> ucmw �xount, os verifying tlse Escinw itans, ur.las I,asdtr psry�s Botmwer mterest o� the Funds at�d appiicable law
<br /> �e�mi�s �.cadtr to makc such a rhuge. I�ioweve�, i.rnder may rzquire Borrower to psy a onc-e:r.x charge for an
<br /> ia�Cpcncicat real estate taz reportiag service us� by L,eo�kr in connecti�n witb this loan, wsless app;�c:ible !aw provides
<br /> ofherwis�:. Unlas an a�reemmt is made or a��icabie law roquira inttrGSt to be paid, Leader shall nvt oe required to pay
<br /> Borrower any intatist Gr carnmgs nn tbe Fnnds. Borrower and I.eader may a�e m wnting.ho�vcwer, t�r,st interest�:hall be
<br /> paid c►n the Funds. Lmd.�shall glvc to Borrower,w-i.tbauchsrge.aa aanval �ting of t�e Fands.�wing credits and
<br /> �iu to tho Funds anci hu parpox for which each debit eo tbe Funds was�m�ade: Tbe Ftmds are plcdged as aciditiona!
<br /> sxuriry for all sums secured by this Sxurity lnstrnrneat.
<br /> lf thc Funds hdd by L,ender exaed ffie anx�untt permitted to be txld by srplicabte law, L.en�kr shall acxount to
<br /> Borrowcr for the ezass Funds in accordar►cc with tl�e requir�emeats of s�plicable�aw. If t�s�ouat of the Funds held by
<br /> Leader at any tiine is not sufficieat ro pay the Fscrow ltt�s wbm ds�e. Leader may�noCfy Bocrower in writing, and. in
<br /> such cau Borrower shall pay to l..eader the amo�unt neoeas�r}+ to me]ce up t!x ekficieacy. Bocroaer ahall �ake up the
<br /> deficieacy in c�a morc than�w�zlve mantbly gaymwti,at Lcadcr's sole dixretion.
<br /> Upon paymtnt in full of ali sums secured by this Serurity Insuument, L,ea�er shall pmmpdy refund to Borrower
<br /> an;+ Funds held by L.ender. If, under paragra� 21. L.ender shal! azc�ire or stll the Property, Lenckr, priar to the
<br /> acq��isiti�n or sale of the PruPerty. sh�ll apply any Funcb held by Lender st t�e time of acqutsition ot sale ai a credit
<br /> agai��t the sums secured by thzs Stcurity Insttumem.
<br /> 3. AppIics�fnon of Paymeats. Ualess a�plicabie law pmvid�otherwise. afl paymenu rec�ived by Lender under
<br /> paragraphs 1 snd 2 shall be aFgliod: first, ro any Prepaymrnc charges dve undrr the Note; secoad. to amouncs payable
<br /> under pa�'agraph 2;third,to interesi due; fourth, to principa[due;and l�st,to any late�rg ss due under the Note.
<br /> 4. Che.rgcs; Ueas. Bozrow�r shall pay all ta.�a, assessa�rnts, chazges, finas a�d imposit�ons attributable to the
<br /> Properry which cnay attain priority over this Security lnstrummt, and Ee�sehotd paymsnts or ground rents, if any.
<br /> Borrower�a11 pay these obligation,�in th�manner prmidcd in par�;rdph 2, or if not�aid in that manner, Borrrwer shall
<br /> pay tt�em on time dircctly to the petson awtd payment. Borrowar shalt pmmptZy fumtsh to L.enckr all notias of amounts
<br /> to be paid under this paragraph. If Borraaer mnkrs tbese payments diroctly, gotrowtt shall pmmpdy furnish to Leader
<br /> rocci�u evidtncin$t2se pa}�mrnts.
<br /> Borrownr shai! prompdy discLarge sny liea which has priorily over this Security InsinYment ualtss Borrower: (e)
<br /> agmes in writia� to thc pa}�t of the obligatiou savred by t!x iien in a manner acceptabte to Lender; (b) contcsu in
<br /> good f�ith the lien by, or defmds against eafoc�at of the iien ia, !�gal pc�oc�edings which in the l.,ender's opinion
<br /> operate to prevent the eagorcemcc:' of the liefl; or (c) sxures from the holder of t6e lien aa agrcemeat satisfactory to
<br /> L.ender subordinating ihe lien to this Security Insuumeat. If I.eader detttmines taat any part of the Prooerty is subject ro a
<br /> lien which may attain priority over this Sxuriry• I�rument, i.ender mav give Borrowu a zu+sice i3sntifying the lien.
<br /> Bormw•er shall satisfy the tieat or take onc or mora of tbe aciions set fcarth above within iQ days af the giving of nofice.
<br /> 5.Bazard or Prop�*.;Ims�ara�e. Borrower shali keep the improvements now eziting or hereaRcr erected on the
<br /> Pro�erty ins�R. a�n;ast loss by fire, hazarcts i�]uded within the term 'extendod covttage" aad aay other hazards,
<br /> Form 3�28 9/90/pege 2 0161
<br /> a,wKEns srsreus.ir�c_sr.r.ow,e�N se�oz;isoase�-zass:roaa�ao-,�zsisi
<br /> � � '
<br /> � ' �
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