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�� ��_ �(�G''7�iU � <br /> . - �. „ <br /> 9. ln.�pcctioo. Lrndu or ib ageat may mnks reatonabk eatries ��gen and impect�om of the ProFeety. Lmda shaU give <br /> Sotroaer naticc at the ticac oCor prior W aa iaspection specifyinE:awnabk caenr fc�r thc€mpccd�n_ <br /> 10. Condeotaaiba. ?he proocuds of any anard or claim for damaEes, �red or coasequeniial, in connection wiUt aziy <br /> condemnaGon or otha Salcint of any part of ttx Ptopaty,or for conveysnoe ia'5eu of oondemnatiuR,are hateby ass7gned and <br /> shetl be paid ta Leoda. <br /> In the evmt of a totnl taki:�g oi the Froperty, the procceda stiai!6e�p�8od to the suau sec�rod by �his Secv�ity 1nsUUment, <br /> whcther or�oi ttren due,erith any esctss paid to Bocrowa, [n the evrnt oC a putial taking of!he Property in w•hich thc fair <br /> mnrkct vaiue of thc Properiy tmmodiatcfy ae!'ore tbe taking is oqua!to or gteater trian the antoun;oC the Yums srcu_�ed by this <br /> Sece:rit} (cGwment?�macliaWy bdoro the:ekietg,unleaa 8arrovros�ad l.enda othawise agroe in writing,the wnu securc�i i <br /> by this Secuity instnuneat shaU be rodueed by the amoun!ot the�s mvltipRa! by tht faUow�nX fraction: (a) the tots! � <br /> aarouat of the iucro sxurrd tmmaiiatdy bcfora tho lakina,dividai by(b)Che fnir tmrket:�alue af the Pro�erty immc�fintcly i <br /> before the tak}n An baianc�e shall be W Borrower, la thc eve�t of a ' <br /> 8• Y p+� psxtisl takit�of the Property in which the Cai� <br /> i <br /> market value of the Property icnmeMale�r beforr tf�e takut6 i�kst than the amount crf t}ie svms tocureG immec�atety bcfvre�he . j <br /> eaic3ng.unlrs� Borrowex and�da othrrwise agree�n writut�o�wiless appficabk lavw oltsEraise providn.thc�pcoceeds shatl j <br /> be app3ied to Ux suauti sa.�ured by thn Ssunily lsnirueaent whetha or cwt thc suma ere tha�duo. � <br /> If the Rroperty is abandoaed by Basroc�w,or if atlr.- notice by Leada to Botrower that thR eunddnn�r nlfers to mnicr an <br /> sward or xWe a ciaim Cor damnga. Bnrrowet iai1R :o resporcd to Lrnder wnthin 30 uay� aRer the dale the nodcs is givc�, <br /> l.rnda is nuu�orized lo coUect snd appty thc promr..+s, af i1a opticc�n,dther w rnstoradon or rcpair of the Property or to thc <br /> sums secured by this Sccuriry lnstrua�asi,wt�cther er noi tha�Aue. <br /> UrilesY I.cnd�r actd Bozro�:-ex othenvisc s�roe in a�ritir�,any+ppticstl��n of proaeeds to pri�.apel�he11 not extend or postpone <br /> the due dnte of the monti�ty paymanb rderrod ta in�ro�,r hs i and 2 a�chas�e the anwunt of ruch peyma►b. <br /> 1 I. Borrower Not Rdeascd; Foc�a�rac�oe Br �,cud�x 14ot a Wai�rcr. �xtrnsioa of thc ti�ae fur paymrnt ot modificatian <br /> o!am�rtiradon of the:ums ucured by this Seci.+�3ty lmirumertt Erantod by l.crider ta any sucre!so,- iu interdt of Dorruwrr <br /> shall not opcxate w t�{case Uae C'�bitiry o!'Ibe origitwR Sorrower ar Borrower'� successon M inlerat. Laider ehall �iot bc <br /> requircd t��cocnmrn« ^er,;;+.A,-;;��agYia:t any.u�rssar in icucrot or rcPi�se to cxtaid dme`�r payment or o�hcrwise moJify <br /> aatord�:::;;c;r: ot the sur.,� �a:vrod by tMe Saairity Inatrumrnt by reasoa of aay �emand msde by the orlginnl $urTOwer or <br /> i3orrower'a successors tn intera� Any farbearance b-� i_axfrr in e:etcuirsa any right or remadv sFwll not ba a waivct ol'o� <br /> pr+:c(ucie�he eacr�sc ot any Rght or cemodr. . <br /> 12. Succ�sstxs utd Assi�as i3ouad; .laiut tud Sa+�aa! L�sbt�t7; Co-si�,t►as. '!he covrnanu and agreem«�ts ot this <br /> Secuily 1naUumet�t stull bind and brne�'t the ftxcessort ace�! ast�ro oC I.rndcr and $otrowct. �ubject lo the provisioru ��f <br /> pnragr�Fh 17. Horrowcr'a covwants aad eSrormmV fI1iU � �O;AI aD� ltYCtHI. Ahy BO�TOVYtf RFIO co•signs this Sccur�ry <br /> instrumcnt but docs not uecuie !ha Nole: (a)is oosig�ing tl�is Sec9uitY 1mUUtfla�t only to mongage, gant nud convcy ttu�t <br /> Bocrowar'a intcmt in U►o I'roperty under the terms of thii Socvrity ImUvmrnt;(b)is not perso�ally obligatsd to pay Uie sum� <br /> �ecured by this Securiry Insvument;:nd(c)aarees that i_a�da snd s�iy otber Borcowa nwy ugoe to eata�d,modif��,forbrar <br /> or mnke �ny sccoaunedatioiu wi�h regsrd Io tbe tettsv oC tlila Socut�t� Instrumant vt the iVote �vithout that Butrower"s <br /> consrnL <br /> 13.l.ona Chxrges. It the ioan sxwed by thin Socwi'y lnstrumrnt is sub}sri b a law ahlch srts mnximum loaa charges,and <br /> l}wt law a finalJy interpre+.ed so lhat the intemt or ot�er Man charga ootiocied or to be rnUrcted in connection with the luan <br /> ucm! the perrt:itted timlb, theu:(a)any such loan d�arge ahsU be roduced by lhs antount ner,e�ary to reduce :he chnrge lo <br /> the petnutted limil; and (b)any sucus aIresdy collated from Borco�rer whkfi esccedcd per.nitud 1'►mits witl be rcfunded to <br /> Borrowet. 1_e�Kiv may choox lo tnake this rcfurid ;y rcducing the p�iricipal owsd uni{a the N��ta or by nsaicing a direct <br /> paymat� to &�:roaa. If s rcfund raiucss principal. tbe rod�xtlon w�iil bo Uratod aa a parda! P*cpaYmait withuui s�iy <br /> P��Yment ct,arge under the Nate_ <br /> 14. Notic�►.Any na�ce to Borrower providod for ia thLt Seeutiry tnsWmrnt ahatl b�e �iven by aelivering i! or by mailiug it <br /> hy first dass matl tuslesa ap�plicabk law requira use of uwlha melbod.7'}�e notloo�}�p be dirocted to the Property AJdras <br /> or a�y other add:� Bortowa daignstes by nat3ca to t,en.icr. Any AaUce to �.enda shal! bc given by Ont clas� mnil lo � <br /> l.rncior'� address�tntad l�esdi�or aay atAa Addres� i,rndar desl�ta by twtico to 8orrowcr. Any notica provided for in lhiv � <br /> Sccu�ity lrotrumcc�t shall bc doemed to t�ave bom`ivea w Bvrro�cr or I.s�dor when�iven sa previdrd�n thi�pnrs�raph j <br /> i3• �'���L' �w'i �'�itr•Thi�Sew�ity lnstrumeut shall be aovernad bp Calasl laa and �hc laa of the juriscflctlun <br /> in which t,5e i'roperty is located. In ttx evrnt lhsl sny ptovision ar dause otthh Security ieutrumrnt or�ha hlott con0icb wilh ! <br /> appGcable iaw,such cc+nitict ahall not alfai atba provisio�n of thb Sxurity Itt�vurr�e�t or the Note which can bo g�ven efTect ! <br /> without thr canfti�ting provuion. To tt�is ard the provisianr of this Seauitq Instrumeoi and Ihe nflte are dcefar�ecf to be � <br /> sev�nbk. <br /> 16. Borr'owtx s Copy.BorTOwrt shaU be givrn one conforiasd oopy of i!►e 1to:c md of thh Socutity Imtrument � <br /> 17.Transfix of Ihe Prope�2�o�a Btnc�idsJ �terest iq $otntwtY. i:ail or any part of the i'roperty or any in[erest ie� it <br /> is sc ld or traruferred(or if a brnef'icial entaest in Borrowa is sold or traiuferred and gorrower is noi a natural penon)without <br /> 51ngF°FamBy—F1t�Al�}��C uN5EOR9�y��pU1lfNT FORM 3fY18 OBIBO(Page 4 of 8 Pages) <br /> MEBI2RSKA ECeSSi Rev o�/oe�Jf <br />, \ ' _ <br /> . � <br /> } <br /> c <br /> � <br />�' • :7: <br />.�.�. . 1 � . ._..,.-.,,.-c:.r�:...a�;6:aee�`tiiS^a_'�:e �_ <br />