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\ <br /> . r. , _ : • ` gg� �QV!V� <br /> Lender'; prior writlen cocueat, Laider mny, at its option, rrquire imm�ate payrnrnt in full of atl surtu secured by thi� <br /> Securitg InsuvmrnL �loxever, thb opdon shnll not ba axached by Leoder if ezvdse is prohibited�by federa! law a� of thc <br /> date of t}ris Securitp ltutrumrnL <br /> �t l.endcr exaciscs thi�option.Lmder shall give 8arro�va notl�oC mcce}erstion.The notice shail provide a peria+d of noi las <br /> sfraa 30 days from the dale the rFatice is defrvtrcd ot mailed withirt which Borrower mwt pay all sums secured by thh Sccurit�. <br /> In�wmcn� if �orrower faih to pny tbc�e sums prio� to the ra�piratian of this period, Leceder may invoke any raneQics <br /> p�rmiued by t}w S�cv:itp lnsWrnent without furthtr nodoe or deatsnd on Flonoatr. <br /> I8. Borroxtr s RE�tt to Rcitist�eie. if Borro�ra meeb certain cortdi8ons, Borrower sha11 have the tight to have <br /> enforccmrni af thu SrcvrFtq (nsUumeat discontinual at a� tirne p�ior to tfx earC:er o( (a) S days (oe �uch other period As <br /> applicabie law may �pM3tjr for reicssiatnnrnt) bet'oe�e syile ot ttte Propvty pursoani to aay powrr of�a4 contnined in tfiis <br /> Securiry (n�trumcnt:or (b) �tr�of a }udEmrnt ea(vsdng th�s SecuritY IcuVumm4 Thax conditMns are that Borcower: (n) <br /> pays I.mder atl sum�wfikh then wonld be dne under tl�h Security Trotrummt a�td the Note as if no acc�leralion had accurrecf; <br /> (b)evres am default of any olt►et corsnanb ut aErr.ernerlb;(c)paya sil esprnsea inr�rred in rntorctng thi�Security InsWmerst <br /> inc)uding,but not C�mite�d to,reasnr.ubk ari�Y'fer�;and(c��akea�uch sctlnn se I.rnder may reasonably reqaire to a.sur� <br /> that the(irn af this Security 9rotrwnenl, l.etxler's ri�ts in It►e PropM}+arid I3orroara'�obtigs8on to pay the sums securrd by <br /> this Sccvrity I�ztrumrnt s:�all �rondrtue uncFwnged. Upon rcirutalement by B�rmwer, thia Secv�ity Instrumrtit nnd the <br /> oStiR�tiom aecurcA herrby remn�n PuHq dTective a�if no accriera8on hed occvrred. !lowever, thia right to rein+tnte sha19 <br /> not appty isi ct�e case of atcalerrtion txoda paraEro� !7, k <br /> f9. Sale of Not� ChxA�c er i.a:n S�ersica. 'T?rc Natr c�r a parHsl interest in the l�:ate (together �vith lhi� Security <br /> Instrumm�) rn:p Fu sc+ld one ot mora tima �sithcwt prior natice to Bortrceer. A saie may rcsult in a chnngc in the enlity <br /> (known a� the 'Loen Srsvicet') that cdlecb monthFy pt�ymd�t� dve uoda the Nole and ihia Secvrlty IrutrumrnL lhere also <br /> may be orn or more cfian�es a�t the Loan Serriccr ntxelalcd ro �sak of the Note. tf there h a chan�te of the Loan Scrviccr, <br /> f3orcoaer rrill be gi��rn w�inrn notice of ttie cfianae in acco�nce aith parasraph la ebove ertd applica�ble law.'Tlx noUcc <br /> nill almic U►e neme and adclrtss of the nrw l.w�n Ser+iccr atrd the sddraa lo whict►paymenb�hould be made.lhe notice will <br /> al�o conUtin eny oth,cr Mfortnateon roquited bq npp6cablc bw. ' <br /> 20. Hazardtxss Sa�tAnees. Borrower shall not cavse or permlt the prac�nce, use, dl�posal, storog^, ar relcase of �ony <br /> llnr�rdous Substnncr.� on or in t}►e Pmpert7. Borraw�er shall nat da, m+r allow anvone eise to do, anythiag A!Tecting Uie <br /> Property thal is in �iolotion of sny F.nsin.nmcntal law, ihc preccdii� tao senlrncn sha11 not apply to thc p�sence, u.c,�r <br /> �toroge on lhc i'ropsrE}f af tmait quand8es c+f!Ia�rdou�Svb�tancd that a�e Erncralty tcco�ind !o be apF+ropriatc ta normal <br /> resldrndal usa and to rt�,ein'�nanae c+f the PtoF+erty. <br /> Rerrower shall prcMip!!y gi��e Lrnda wrinrn nc.t�ce of am, inf-adEatMn, da:m, demsnd, iawsuit or other actlo� by eny <br /> go�ernmrntaJ or rtgulntory aaet�cv or prirate pterh�)nvopris�a tfie ¢ropelty and ar�y llamrdow SuFn:unce ar Environmental <br /> Laov of�sbich Borcower h�rs aclual kesow4ed�e. 1f Sorrovver karns.or a nodited tsy any ga�ernmattal or regu{atory authoriry, <br /> that any removal or otha mrtedialk.n rf any !9a=ardota Sub9Wnce afTcdina the Proptrty is neceY�ary,, liorrower shall <br /> prompt!}txkr att n�ry remedIal sctiaru in acrnrdIInce with Et�v�roammLsl Law. _ <br /> r1s ttsed in this paragrnph 2C7, 'Fiaznitd�as Substsrtces' aro tltose �tuMtancts ��ned as tozic ar hazardous�sub�tartca by <br /> Fnvirnnmrntal I.a�r and the toUowir� subect�enca: gasolicie, kcro�sase, atha Ilammnble ar tocic petroleum products, lozic <br /> �iidda and ha63cida.volnd}e solrmts,mstexials a,ntainina asbeatas or fofmaldeliyde,end cadiancUve materiais. As wed <br /> in this paro€raph 2(T,'F_nvirortmer►tal i,��v'nxarn fa4aa!taws�er�d Iaw�of thr�uriidkUon where the Ptopertv i�tocated that <br /> rel�tc to hcalth,safery or envis�onmir.W prote�c8on. <br /> !�QN-UNIFORM COVF�IVANTS. Bocro•ra and Les►dar ti�rthv covaunt and agree s�folloars: <br /> 21. �tt'idcixfiote; Retue�dka. Lcr.der +ka� Ri+t aMke ro Eiertower priex to �ecekrstcon fdbnini Borrwver'� Mench of�nr <br /> co�rnaot or a�reement en thia Securitr Insttwe�ent (Iw! no1 prisM M �eteser�tioa nAder par��r�ph 17 ueles. applicahle I:w <br /> prwi3a otherwiaxj,'i1e�e not#er shslf npecF�(�)the de[�uRti(6)t!x ectioa re�cired tc�etne tf:e 4ef'ialt;(c)a date,twf ( th�n <br /> 30 da}�v flran the dafe the no�ke es ti�rea to Borrewer,by w}rkh the�efi,ylt�amt be cw�d,and(d)tkat feilure to cvrc the defeutt <br /> oa or before Mt�late a�y c�tilied iH?ba ooticr ma��soh in ac�et=tiou dt6e wma xcnre� b�,�ha Se=writy Irutrument and sale <br /> of the F'►opettr. '31►r notice s�aN pnt}Kr jrt�m Svrrawer d the r�fi� to rdnstate alta occeltradon artd the right to Fxing n <br /> court xctiwe M n�xtt Me trx�-e�ostecrte ot�defanh ar an�otlxt defease d Borrow'a to ameieretion and sak.If the dtfaalt is <br /> nat ca*ed Q^ Q*b�'�'orc ti�e date s{+cci� in tbe notice, i,ender at its option maf reqvire immediate paqment in Full of sll sums <br /> .ecvred b�•this Secarity lmhmnent witEe�et fi�fbrr deas�etd end msJ imoke the ptrner o(ask sty;;,ny other remetlies permittcd <br /> !,r cFpiicabk law.i.rnder�heB be e�tied ta cedlrci �e�ense..r incnrred ia pKrncin�!be renstdi� prorid�cl in this peragreph <br /> Z 1,inclvdie�r bvt aot limiSed ta.reasoauhie atiarne�s'kes and xasls d title c�i4ea��e. <br /> S�gle Ftrnity_Flt�lRdFNLY�C t)1ilPORlH pt3TRUidE�IT fORY 3028 OB/9b(Gage 5 of 8 Dagesj <br /> „��'�� EC827L R�n�. 10/14/81 <br /> � <br /> i`. <br /> _ � ` I �_ <br />