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� <br />� <br /> r <br /> r <br /> iq..� 8 �k <br /> E ��- �.��'7�0 <br />�� which shal) nut Uc unreasc+nably witnf:eld. if Bonower fails to maintain covetxge drscribecf abovc, Lettder may, at t.endax's <br /> aption,obtain covesage to protect Lendcr'3 rights in the Froperey in a�cordunce with paragrnph 7. <br /> Ali ir�.wrance policies nnd rrnevrats shall be acceptable to Lendar and shalt include a stnndnrd mortgsge clausc. Lmder snail <br /> have 'he right to hold !he golices aud renewals. If Lender requires, ktorrower sha13 prompdy give to Lenu�e�t sl! rxeipu oC <br /> paici prem;!ims und renewal notices. In the event oi'loss, Borrower sha11 give prompt notice to th� insurance carrier and <br /> Lender. Lender:?iay ma}�e proof of loss af not made pr�mptly by�orrower. <br /> k:niess Le.tder aad Bu�rower oiherwise ag,ree in R'riting, insuranct �raceeds shai! be applied �n txstora;ion or repair of the <br /> Property dsamaged,if the ccsLoration or rc;.air is e�onomicaily feasiate and Leader's security is not lessened. if th�restorution <br /> or repair is not econocnica[iy !'eas�ble or s_ender's �ecur.ty wouEd be lessened, the insurattce proceeds shall be applied to the <br /> sums sezured by d�is Securi�.� ���-;_•e�rrieRt,wheth� or not Clien due,�ieh any ezcess paid ta Snrrvwer. IC Soreower abandons <br /> the Property,or dops not acts�ver�.s,un �^ �!��� a notice fr�m Lender thrst the instvance carr�er has ofTered to setile a cinitr,,, <br /> then Lender may tollect the i:��::re:tce psoceede. Lendes may use tiie Qroceeds to repnir oc restore the Fr�party or to psy - _ <br /> sum�sec�red by this Security ir►strurr:en4 Rhethvr or not then dua The 30-day�r�rio�wil3�n whm t}re noticc ia given. <br /> Unless 9.ender nno �3orr�wer c�thrrwise agee?�i wriUrig, any�g��l:catine oF Froceeds t� principal s�hall not extend or postpo,�e <br /> lhe due date �f :he monthly �.�ayments referre:'. 'o fn paragraphs 1 ared 2 or change the smo�nt of the Faymrnts. If under <br /> paragraph 2I the Propert,y is acquircd by Ler��-°�. }3onowar's right to any insurance pniicies and Froceeds resuldng f'rom <br /> danrage-to chc Pro�erty priar to the BCS�UI9IUOR sball past to Lender to tF►e eztent of the su�es secured by lhls Security <br /> instrument imrnrciiateiy prior lo the acqvisit�on. <br /> 6. Occupaac!�, �reserva2sots, Nlaintenance and �'rog�.?ct�on of the Frc►perty; Sorro�ver's Loan Appii�tior�: <br /> Lease6to9d.�. F3orrower shall uccupy, �Iabiish, a:ad use the Property as Borcowcr's principal residence vrithin siAty days nRer <br /> the executiote of Cnis Security I�s+rumenl a�3d shall continue to occ�py the �co�erty �4 Be�rower's princip�! residence for ai <br /> leasl one year aRer the date c�f occupanc,c, unlrss Len�er otharwise agrees in wriling.which c�nsent shnil not be uraeasanflbly <br /> wilhhcld,ar ualess extentaUng circamstances exist which are be,yond Borrower's eenvoS. BorroH�er shnl! not destroy,dan�aga <br /> cr irttpair the Pmperty, ailow the Pro�cr�to de[erior�le,or commit wa�te o-the Property. �3crrower shafl be in default.i!'an} <br /> ferfeiture action or proceeding, whrt!ter civil or criniinaf, Ps began ehat 9n Lender's good faith judgatent could result in <br /> forfeiture o(the Pro�erty or otherwise mnteriAlly impair the lir,i creatc-c1 by lhis Ser:urity lnrirument or Lender's security <br /> interest. L�orroever may cure such t�defattlt an� c�nstAte,as pruvided in par�graph I8,by causin�the acticn or pro�eedin�to <br /> be dismissed wiG� a ruling L*sat, in i.e:�der's good faith determina!ien, preciuc�es farfeiture oC the 8orrow.r's inte�est in the <br /> Property or nther m�ter�al impaircnent of the lien crta[ed hy this Se�uryt5 Instrument or Lender's security interesi. Pjcrrower <br /> shall also he in defaul[ iC Son•nwer, �uring the io�*: �ppticaEion �roce�s, gave mAteri�slly fafsa ur inaccurate inforrnation or <br /> slatements lo Lender (or failed to provide !_ender witt�any malerial informauon)in connecGon wiih the loan evidenced F+y lhe <br /> Note,9ncludir.g,but noi limited to,representti6ons concerning Bo;ro�ver's occunancy of the Property 3s a �rincipal resEdence. <br /> tf Ehis 5ccuriey 3nstrument is cn a ;zasehoi3, Borrower shaO comply with ali the provisions ef the lea�e. If Borro�er acquires <br /> fee titic Lo ihe Prcperty,the leasehold and die fee utle shall�at marge un(ess Lencler sgrees to the marger in wrii:ng. <br /> 7. ��rotection �f Lender's �tig�ts in the Prcy�►erty. If Borrower fails tc� p�rform che covenan!s a^d agreemrn�s contained i�� <br /> this Security lrstrument. or iher� is a►egal procecding thut mz�y significantly �STee;t Lender's rights in the FroF�rty (such as a <br /> proceeding in bankruplcy,probale,tor condemnaGan or 1'or:'eitt�re o�to enforce law�s or regalalions),then l.ender may do t�nd <br /> pay for whatever is nece,s�Try io proteci ihe value oF the ProparLy and !ender's rights in ihe Property. Lendtr's acdnns -nay <br /> include payirzg anj suuzs secared by a lien which has priority over this Security Instrumen:, a�pearing in court, pny:ng <br /> r°asonable attorney^' fees And entering on the Property to rtaka repairs. Althougk► Lendcr may teke e�tian under tliis <br /> paragraph 7, Lend�r daes not have to do so. <br /> Any a;nounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall l�ecome additionai debt of Bone�ver secured by this Secari:y <br /> Insirumen!. L'nless �ior�ower artd l.ender agree ta other tr.rms of pa,�ment, lhese amour.Ls shall bear ir.tcrest frem Uie date of <br /> disbursemeait at the Note rate and shall be p.yable,with interesl,upan notice frchn Lender to 3orrower requesdng paymeni. <br /> $, n'Iw�tgage I?tstlr•utee. if Lender required r.�ortgage ins�rance as a condiiion af making the loan aecured b}- Uais Security <br /> Instrument, Borrower shail pay the preaniums required to mnintaiii the mortga�e insurance iii rfiect. If, for any reaao�i, the <br /> morlgag�;nsurance coverage required by Lender]apses or ceas� to be in eftect, florro�ver shall;�ay the pr�cniunts required to <br /> obis�in coverage subst�ntiaUy equi�aten![o the mortgage insurance previously in sfTec!,at a cose substaneia{ly xquivalent to the <br /> cost to Borrewcr of the mortgage insurance previously ir. e(fect, from an ekernate mortgage insurec npproved by [.ender. IC <br /> substc�ndaliy equivalent mortgage insurance eoverage is nol availabie, Korrower shatl pay to l,ender each monlh a sum ec�ual <br /> to o:�e-tcvelfth of lhe yearly mortgage insurarice prsmium be�ng paid by i3orrower wherz the ir►surARCe cuver�ge f�psed or <br /> ceased tu be in e(Fect. (.ender wi[I accept, use and r�tain these payrt:ents �s a loss resen-e in lieu of morigaga insurance. i.oss <br /> rese:ve payments may n� longer be required, nt the optlon of l.ender,if mortgage insuraRCe coverage (n the anzovnt nnd f�r <br /> the perivd that Lender reyuire�s) provided by an insurer ?pproved by Lender again br_comes availablc and is obtained. <br /> Borrower sha{I pay the prem�oms required to maints�in mortgage inaurance in effoct, or to pravide a loss reaerve, entil the <br /> reyuirement tor morlgage insurance ends in aecacdaace with any �vritten agrmneni bet�veen Borroa-er and Lender or <br /> npplicabl�Iaw. <br /> �: <br /> r <br /> 3inglB FamBy—FNMNFNLMC UNIFOROb1 IN37RUMENT FORRN�028 09/90(page 3 af B Da9�s) <br /> NE8RA9KA [Casel Ra�.o�-roer;��. <br /> � � <br /> i <br /> ' , �' <br />