<br /> ��- ���'7�C� .
<br /> 7'iliS SECi;�:i'['Y diVS'Pk�`'�EfV'C comb�±�es uni!'orm coverfents for national use and non-uniform covenants with limited
<br /> variations by jur+sdictian to constitutt a uniforcra se.eurity insirurnenl covering rea{property. '
<br /> U�VIFOR119 COO'E1VA1V'TS. Bo.rower and Lenc�e�cov�enant and agree as follows: .
<br /> 9. Pay�erit oi Yria�a�al ane! Interest; Prepayme�t and I.ate Cha b�s. Borrowr.r shail promptty Fay ahen due th�•
<br /> pri�bi-ipa!of and interest on the debt e�idenced by!he Rlote and any preQayment and late charges due under the Nate.
<br /> Z, r�nds itx 7��xe� and IC;s�t'atntx. Subject to applicabie Iaw or to a wriUen wairer by Lender, Borrower sh�ll pay to
<br /> Lender on the day rianU;iy payments ara due under the Note,until the Note'is paid in firll, a sum ('Funds')for: (a) yeae►y
<br /> taxea �nd ass�smenes whica may attain priorlcy ov�er Lhis Security lnstrum�nt as a lied bn�the'�rop�tty; (b) yearly lease?�of��
<br /> paynvent� or greund rents on t�i�e Propr,rty, if a�►y; (c) yiearly hazard or property insurance�premiums; (d) yoarly ffood
<br /> insurance premiums, if any; (a) yearly mortgage insurance premiums, if sny; and (� any sunns �aya�le by Borrower to
<br /> I.cnder, in accordance evith iho provisions af ppragraph 6, in lieu of the pe;+ment of mcrtgage insurance premiums. '7'hese
<br /> itcros are cailed "Escrow �lems." L.cndr_r may, at any ums,coltect and hold Funds in an t�mount not to exceed Lhe maxlmum
<br /> amouni a leader for s. federaily related �ortgage loan may require far norrowet's escrow account under the federa! Real
<br /> Gstace Sctt4ement Proce.�iures Act oi 1�'74 as amended trom time to time, 12 IJ.S.C. Secdon 250i ei seq. ("RESi'A"�, unless
<br /> anoUier law that applies to the Fands seLS a lesser amc�ant. If so, Lender may, at any t�me, collect and hotd Funds in an
<br /> amount net to �:xcesd the irssar amounL L�r.der may esdmate the amount of Funds due on the basis o:current data and
<br /> reasonable estimates of expenditures of futur,:Escrow Ile�ns or otharwise in accordance w71h nppiicable law.
<br /> 'I'he Funds �t�atl be heid in an insdtuGon whose deposits are insured by a federai agency,inslrumentality,oc endty (induding
<br /> i.ender,if Lender is suct�a�insUlution)or in any F�deral Flome i_oan E3ank. Lerrder sht�ll apply the Funds to pAy lhe �s�.row
<br /> Items. Lender msy not charge $onower for holding and appiyir.g ihe Funcis, a:uivally analyzing the escrow account, or
<br /> eerifying the F.scrow ltems, unless Lender pays Darrower icrterest oa th� Fur�ds and applica5le law penr.its Lender to make
<br /> such a charge. f lowaver, i.ender may rec�uire �orrower lo pay a onc•tircie charge;or an independrnt real estate tax repurQug
<br /> se.rvice used by Lender in connecdo�with lhis loare,unless epplicable luv�provides nShrrwise. Unless an agreement is made or
<br /> applicable law rec�,uires interest t�bs paid,Lender shali not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the !^unds.
<br /> B�reower and I.e�dcr nlay agree in writir.g,hovrever, tfia[inte;�st shali be paid on t?�e Fiinds. Lender shall give to Borrower,
<br /> wilhout cnar�e, an annual accounting af ttie Funds,showitig crerlits acid deb±ts Co the Funds and lhe purpose for which each
<br /> debit to the F���ds was made.?he Funds are ptedged as sddiGanal srcuriry for aID surns secured by this Securily Instrument.
<br /> lf�he Funds hzld by Lender exceed the amounl�permi[t.ed t�be i�eid by+spolicable law, Lander shall account to Borr�aer for
<br /> the excess Funds in accordan�e wilh lhe requiremen:.� of applicabie law. tf Uie anSOUnt of'lhe Funds held by Lertder vt �riy
<br /> time is no[suffacient to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender may so noGfy Borrower in wriling, and,ir�such case l'orrower
<br /> shall pay to Lender the amUUnt necess�ry to make up the deficiency. E3on•owec shal� make up �he deficiency 1� no more thun
<br /> twelve monthly paymenLs,x4 Len;�er's sole discrelion.
<br /> Upon payment in fu!! of all sums secured by this Security Instrurtient, [.ender shall promQtiy refund to Borrower any Fi:rids
<br /> heid by L.ender. `�, uRder partigraph 21, l.ende�shali acquire or sell the Property, Len�ier, prior to thc acquisiGon or sale of
<br /> the 4'roperty,shalZ apply an; Fu.ads held by Lender at U�e time of acquisition or sale as a credit ag�inst the sums secured by
<br /> lhis Security lnstrument.
<br /> 3.Application of Paymextts. Unless applic�ble law provides othervrise,all payrrzenLs received by l.ender under paragraptis '
<br /> and 2 shall be applied:flrst,tc an,y prepaymen[charges due under the Nots;second,tc amounts payable under paragra;att 2;
<br /> Lhird,to interest due;fourth,to principal due;and last,to any late charges due under ihe Note. ' _
<br /> 4. �;harge�; Lietts. Botrower she�ll psy all taxes, assessments, cS�arges, Fines and imposiUons attributzbYe to the Prope:ty
<br /> whicla may attain prioriry over this Security instrument, and leasehold payments or ground rents, iP ar�y. �orrower shali pay
<br /> these obtigaGuns in the manner provided in paragrapF� 2, or if noi: paid in lhat manner, Borcowcr shatl pay them on time
<br /> directly io che person owed payanent. Borrower shall promplly fvrnish tc� Lender s�ll notices of amouats ta be paid undee this
<br /> parAgraph. If F.orrower makes these pay:nenu directfy, Borro�vee• shall urompUy furnish lo i.en�ler r�ceip4s evidcncing the
<br /> payment�.
<br /> Qorrower sha11 pa•omptiy discharge any lien which hsss priority Uver this Security Instrument unless Borrower: (a) agrees in
<br /> wri�ing to die payment of ttse obligaCson secured by the lien in a nesnner acceptable Co Lender,(b)cantests in good faith Nhe lien
<br /> by, or defends agaiRSt enfatcement of tf�e lien in, Iegal pro�ceed'cngs which in the I.end�r's opinion� operate to prevei�t the
<br /> eaforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder uf the]ien ar►a�reament satisfactory to I.ender subordineting the lieiz lo
<br /> t,iis Security Instrumeni. If Lender delermines thal zny Parl oFthe Property ia subject to a lien which may attain priority over
<br /> thas Security lnstrument; Lender may give Borrow�r a nodce identifying ihe tien. LtorrQwer shall salis(y ihe lien or take one or
<br /> more of ihe ac�ious set forth aboee w�thin 10 days of!he giving of reotice.
<br /> 5. Hazard ot'$CC►petty Insura�Ce, Borrower shall keep ihe improvements now egisting on c�reaRer e�ected on the Propert�
<br /> insured against loss by fiee, hazards included wiUiin iite term 'excended coverage' a�id any ott�er hazards,including floods or
<br /> tluoding, for which Lcnder requires irYSUrs�nce. This inaurance chail be maintained in d�e nmounts and for the periods ti�ut
<br /> l.ender requires. The iruurance carrier prQViding the insurance shall be ct�osen by Borrower subject to Lender's approval
<br /> Singte Fam61y FWA[A/FHLAAC UIVIFCItf4 IId3TRUMENT FORM 3028 08/60(Pa�a 2 ot B Pages)
<br /> HE8RA5KA EC89�JL Rev,o0/U9h.�1
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