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���r <br />���:� <br />� <br />� <br />��"� , <br /> :� ,,,' <br /> S,�i 4��� <br />��� , <br /> d <br /> h i <br />��"�C� 't <br />���'� <br />� � � <br />��� � <br />� 4� ��� <br /> �.'4�"7v�� . <br /> 7. Pcoiecfio� of Lercler's r'�,ights in 4h� Proper�r. !� eoro� ��s `•o aertorrn me cavanan� and a�g�errsenes - <br /> ccntec�ed i�!his Secur�y Ir.sirum�E, or ihsre � a iegai pioceed�g that may si�n�anily affac!L�dar's rights h ths Pro�erty(su^h as <br /> a procoad�n� in bsicrup4cy, p='a52te, br condgmnatran cx,`arte;ture er io �fores lears or:Aguiati�ns), ihen Lerder rnay d� and pay tar <br /> wtatever is nocessary to protect the va�a o! tho Pro;,c�� and Lends�s rSghts h ihs Prope�tq. Len�s act��s rnay �clude pay�ng <br /> eny sums se:urad b'y a Gan whe�h has priority over th� Security tnstrument, nppearin� h court. paYhG reasonable attorteay's taes and <br /> er:tm=re o� G:o F�p�ty tc m!:lca repa'rs. ARfinugh Lender mey telce aatbn un�r this pa.agreph T.Lender cPOes n�t�s�re to do so. <br /> Any sunounts d!sbuned by ��nder unde.� this parBqraRh 7.sht�� bac°me edd3bnal da�t aF 3or.ower st�:rsd by !h's Secur9y <br /> fl <br /> l�s±n.�n�;L Uniess �oROH•er aad L�sncSer agrae to other ot payrtn�t, tha�e amounts shafi Lear inierast from the dato �f <br /> G:sGurser:�r�t a: ?1e NoPe rnte and shatl tre payabb,�vi:h s�teresf,upen notic>Yvm Lenc.'sr to BonoN�ar r9cj:18s2'�g oaymen4. <br /> $, °v'�4!$�8�2 {t1Fi1lPaf3C�. f! t.�xtdPr reQukad mertgF4ge as a cor,ditiwi o! making the bar. secured �y this Security 4 <br /> :nstrur�ient: Bor:ower s?ta�i pey the gremi�ms reouired to r;�vYtein the martgage �sursnce r� effect. It, for any reasan, ihe moRgega <br /> :�siu2nce cove:a,e ra�i�soQ by Lender !&,�sos or ceases So be in affoct, Borrower ,ha8 pey the premg�ms roc;uired to obta�n ccvocage � <br /> subs�anti.?�fy equ�a4ant to tha morty�abe ins���ce previously in etAac:, at a �ost substant�lly eQuiaftSant to tha cost 40 8ortower of tha <br /> mortgago ins;;rance previousFy a� ettect, Yorn sn e�Remat+g r.�o�tgaQe nsursr approved Cy Lon�'. ti substant�3Ay eq��Naksnt mert�uge ,; <br /> :n;lrar.ce co�fara{}s� 5 -�c; ava;abi�. Bwrow� shaE pay ro :�� eech non!h a s;�m s�ual to c�a-twelfth of the yesrly mortga2o �; <br /> insurance prom�;rr be�g �:abd 4y Borrow�when the insurance cart�aae �apsed or cessed to be i� ettect. L�dor wt9 accept, use and <br /> rsta�� these paym?nts nr a bss rescuve in Geu ot marlgasle �suratcs. Loss neservs payments may no broger te ree��'re�i, at the <br /> optinn cf !snQer. � mortgap� �surure ca�+ere�e (in Eh� amount end for tha pariod thst lend+.r �equlrss) providsd by an t�surer <br /> +� ap�roved by Lnr,dc�r a:,ac� beco�rx+s a•ra'sfabie and ts obta'.Med. Borrowec sha� pay .he premlums req�Srea to rtwhtaln mortgaQe <br /> � ~ insursnce k� a!tact, or t� provide e bss re�arve. untl ih� nxqu���t tor mort�go hsura�co ends In accorda.�ce wfih ony wr�itsn , <br /> , <br /> 4{` aErsem�nt between SortewE*and Lt��es o��ppC�cnbi9 taw. <br /> ���i� 9, inspecti3�1. Le�der o� P.s a�enf may mxke cx�trk+s upcn snd inspsctiors of the Property. Lender shuA plve <br />`�''���+ �n�aw�,s not�cs at the tim� of flr D��tn an e�spectbn spec�yh+� reasanebb Fause ior the hspection. <br /> ' 1�. C�n::�l1'4T11lIQTi. 7Pti9 �roceads ot �n} award cr ctalm fer darrusgas, d�ect ar consequQnt�ai, h con�ection wK�� any <br />�,;,�� cand2mnatic� or nth�r itt�cirg �f any part o` the Propsrty, or for conveyeni.e �i S'� of co�demnation, flre r,a�reby assigned and sha9 ba <br /> �r pa�d to Len�er. <br /> !n tho event o: s tatsi !alcing ot the Propt�ty, tha pracoads sh�A be ,��ptled to tt�s sums secured by this Sscur�ty Instrumerit, <br /> vrhelner or not ,hen due, wdh eny excess paid !0 8orrower. In tfio event ot a pertial takhg of the Property h which 4i�e fair market <br /> �. � ,w ... w �sx �,o n, $ g C <br /> va�,a �! t`e ^r�pa,',f o�w.,d:a;; �.s ra , a olchg a.;.:a! !o or �•_• than �._ emeu.t o� the Um ecured by chLa Securdy <br /> ,_ �• .a <br /> Ins4rument immadiatey 4siore the taks�g. ur.iess Borrov+er and lcutde� otherwSse a�ree hi writin9� !he sums secured by thls Secur!ty <br /> Ir.s;r�msn; shs8 ba reduced by the amount ot tho procec�ds muRipGed by tfie toSbwing fractb�: (a) the tofel amoun! Lt the sums <br /> sQCUrzd ianmed:atety betore iho takz�g, divid� by (b),the tE'r market vaiue of the °roper;y knmedia:eM be(ore thg akktg. Any belance <br /> shn!i be paid to Bomow�ar. !n tha �:ent cf s partb�l fakin,� 01 the Proptsrty !n wh�h the (a� market value of ths Praperty immodiatAly <br /> bePore ths takE�g s bss t�&n the amcunt of tha sums secured 'unrredieteH belore the ta4ng, unless Bortawer and Lsrder �:herwlsa <br /> agrne � �xrN,ir,g cr �nk�ss appl'cable Iuw olhocviise provides, tha procaods shad be Ap�licaC to the sums secured by 4hts Sacurity <br /> insi�um�nt whsEhor or r�it the sums are:hen du�. <br /> ,':.,� �t the Praaerty is abandonsd Uy Borsoaer, or it,atter not�e by Lender to Sarcower tt�at tha co�dsmnor offas to maka an awaid or <br /> ssit�e a ciaim tor c�amags�c, BeROwer ta�s to rsspor.d to Lender+�iih� 3Q C2ys afte.* the dA:e the notiCe is given, Le�d9r ts authori�d <br /> to coiSe.:t and aepty fhe procseds, at its optz�n, eiiher t� rastoratio� or repar ot ths Froperty or to the sums secured by this SecurRy <br /> Insta!mer,t, ��h9th9r 6C not then dus. <br /> Un�e�> L�nder and Borrcwor o,hsrwise ugreo rc� writng, eny applicstion o' procoeQs to Grinc!pal shali not extond or posfpone the <br /> due dat��1 tho!;r FsYmor.ts refarred to !r ps:agra�hs 1 arc+2 or change the amount ot such payments. <br /> i 1. �?orrQwer �dot FiPBeased: Furb�arance �y Lender Nat a Waiver. �e,s�on of tne tMne tor �ayme�,c or <br /> modvu�atrr, of smorttratan ct rhe sums sc�ured by this Security Instns�:gr2r.t9d by Lc+ndc+r to any successor ln Intt3resl oi Borrower <br /> shail not c�arsto to rel�ase tho Ceabi3iFy o! tho orig�nal 9oTCwer�r Borrowe+'s successors in �ta�sst. LBnder shan not be requied to <br /> cnmmance p�ocflc��Sn{;s any successor in interost or retuse to extar4d time tor pannan4 or otherwise modify amortaation of tha <br /> sums secured by :his 5ecurity 1�„nm:ent by reason of any demand mads bY the orq�nal Borrower er Borrowo�s successnrs in <br /> ��terest. Any fo;be+�rance by Lender in exeresing any r'ght or rer,rady shan �ct ba a wnhrer of or prec!ude the exerc!se eP any right or <br /> ramedy. <br /> 12. 5,scc�ssars and Assig�rs ��aun�'; JoInt �nd SQVerai Liabiiiiy; Co-signers. rne co�enunts a�d <br /> agreemsnts ol ?his S�cu�ty instrurcu�nt shali bind end benefR the succsssors and assign3 of Lender and Bortower, Sub)sc4 to the. <br /> ;rovisians ot parsgraph 7?. Borrowo's coo�enancs and eQreort�e�ts ShaN bfl jain;and se�reral. Any Bo�ower who casigns this Secu�Ry <br /> !nswrnsnt Uut d�os net axacuta tha Fio:e: (a) M co-sfgnicig this Seeurtty lnttrvment only to mort��sc�e, g�flnt, and convey that <br /> oorrowsr's k�tsrest in tho ?rops;ty undar ;he terms ot this Securky Instrument; (b) ts not persanslly obli�sn,.ied to pey the sums sw�ured <br /> by tt�is i9r_�rity f�strument; ar,d (c) ngr� thet Lender an�! any othx Borrower ma� e�rse to extend, modify, torbear or muke sny <br /> accommodz±ior.s with regard to tams of 4h;s Secu:�!y Instrument cr ihe Note withcut that Borrewers consent , <br /> ��. L��n L'har�e�. it °ha !�s^ s�c�red by this SecurRy Inslr�mstit t� subject t� a law which sets maximum loan charges, - <br /> and th?t ia�.v i, ('�alty intc�reted so thai the a�tsr�st ar a,her loan charc5es coGected or to be coBected in conn9ctlon wf�h the loan <br /> er.ceed the per?nRted !irr,RS, then; (a; any such ban charges shail be reCuced by the amount neCessary to reduce the chargt3 to !ha <br /> p�armitted I'.mit; end (b) any sums a!ready colfected fi�om Borruwsr�vh�;h excaeded pem�itte� limRs wiif be re�unded to Borrower. Lor.dor <br /> snay chooso to maks th's refi�nd by reducing ihe princq�al ewed undet tne Nrte ar by making a dPect payment to Sorrower. If a <br />� r2;und re�uces pr�c�al, ihe�educcion wiY be treate�as e partiat prepeymon!without eny prepaymen!charge undor the Note. <br /> �� 14. 7�lfltiee�. �y not�ce to Bor.ower provided tor in thw Securky I�strumant shan bo given Ey dei'rvering k or by maii�ng 4 by <br /> ., �� first class meil unl�ss appf�abb L�w requ�as usa of a�othes cna:hos. The noticv sh;�ii ba dwected to the Proporty AdSress or any <br /> other sddress Sorrcwo� de,�nates by fiDiiC9 lD Lende;. A�y nctbe to Lsnder shaii t?a gh�en by fest c�ass maii to L�de�s address <br /> ��s,t stated herein er any othsr eddress L�dGr dasig.^.atas by netice ?o Borrawer. Any natics providsd tor �n Rhls 5ecurily Instrum5nt shall <br /> b3 deer'a:d to heva besn giv�n to 6onowsr or Lond�when givsn as providod m thLt ,naragraph. <br /> 15. ��3VC�tldfl9 V..Bri; 5@�E'V'E9�i�1Ty. Thfs Sscurtty instr�m�t snail bo gavemed by le�e! Fsw and the !ew o� the <br /> juri,dxtion m �uh�ch the Proper,y is !;,catsd. ,n th� 5v�3nt that any prov�fon or cYau>e bt ;hu Secu� InsWment or 4hs Note conflicts <br /> viith app!'csbb L.vr, such corfl"�ct sha�t nat eHeci othe� provisio�s of ?his SKCUrity lnsWment or ths R�ota which cen be Qhron eNect <br /> w�;hout tho connct�sg pro•�sion. To this �nd She provisions of thls Security Ins�rument and tha Nate are deckued to be se�erable. <br /> lfi. EiGP�QWPf`S C0�]y. Scrrov+er shait 4e g'v�n one�oniormed copy o1 tha Nota and of this Security Instrumen;. <br /> t 17. Transfer of 3.F�Q Prap�rty ar � Bene'f�cia! inierest !n Borrower. ii an or any part ot tne r�rop�rty or any <br />��,�� ��? interest �n �t 5 �c'� or !ransier-ed (or N �t b°neCn;�i interest e� 8onower is soid or transferred and Bo�ower is not fl r�flturEt! pP.rsCn) <br /> �'w' '-?� withou! _end�r', pnor wrren rensent, ��nd�r mt:y, at its option, requ'ce anmediatca payment m Pull of ail Surns Secured by this �t3curRy <br /> z <br />��+ p,°`�vy��r'� !n;tn:ment. Nowov2r, th� action ,hall not be exercised by Londer N e.<ercise is prohibked by fedorsl taw as of the dato o(thts Sa:urity <br /> r <br />,� ���,�,��M1�� If15Illlff'f•/l!. . <br /> If Lender �ccrc:sos :hi, epti��, LsndRt shali giia Bortowar notic9 ot acce&�retbn. The notice shalt provlde e perad o! not 1es5 <br /> �J, U�r.n 30 dzys hore the dato the notico !s dat�ered or maile�J �vkhvi whkh Ihe Bonowsr must pay aH Sums 5ea;urpd by ihl3 59CUrity <br /> •� InsG1���ant. if 8onowor taiS.; to pay these sums pripr to the exp'rRtlon o(ih's perfod, Lender may fnvcka any romodios permiQfad,by Shts <br /> Securty In,tn:meni without further not�ce o�ttsrnctn� on B�rrower. Form so�n v�vo <br /> ft019_IMO(tC/4�) Pago J ot S <br />�� ��i <br />�F��� � � <br />�'��'r�r k�k�a� D77 <br />�� ��''kf,"�� y <br /> �_ <br />