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<br /> �� �o�rr.x�e�s ascrow acccur,t ur�Cef tha leQs;�a� �t Estuta SettSasr,�rtt P!oced�vres A:-t oP 79'74 as ama�ded h'om tc�e to tkr+�, 12 U.S.C. �`
<br /> ��d'1 et sey. ('�=S�rA').�nisss a:�othtz tavr Uta:appFiras to the runds seis a k3sse�srr:sount_ 1€So.L»nd�may.&i any time.p�Nect flnd ;�
<br /> ho r.r Furas in an ar,:ount n�t fo s�oeel the�ssor emauseL LEx�Cer may 9stinats the 2ma�nt of huids e�e on ti�e basis ot current data ;�
<br /> ana ro:.sorsbte est'anaies o�w�snGih�:u�s of(uture Es,crow itsms or ctherwise in accordan<�with applicabia 1aw. .�'i
<br /> �
<br /> The F•�nds she7 be hald � an Fist�utian avhase �osRS ars e�sv�s:2 by s tAd�nel apency, �nstrumental�y. or entity ('nck�ding a
<br /> Lender, if i.er+der 's such ¢n nsi�utionj or � any Faderal Homs Loa� i3ank, i..sncSer�hi3G eppiy !he Fu�ds to pay ths Escrow ltExns. �'
<br /> i3i..... ' 1
<br /> Londe� may not chargo Borrnw�r for ho�tlng an� app.ying the Furtds, enr�ualF,� artatyziig the escrow eccount, or verdyiig the Escrow �
<br /> Itetr,s, �r.fess Londer pa.qs E3orrOHer �f:er65Y �n the F�nds and eppf�abls law p8rmit5 Lendat t�mek0 such a Charge. Hov;o_dgf,Lsndar. �
<br /> may req�:+re 8aT��vsr to ��y a or.B-fur�e cha-ge tor en s�c�gen�t�nt re2f estate tax repoRing secvica ussd tiy Larder in conne�tion w�th ;
<br /> this b�n, �rbss ap�lincabke �w provi3e�s otherv:isp. Unless an agreemeni is made oe aac�bcable �ew re�u're�intarest to be paid,Londer
<br /> shaA nct ba rsquced to pay 9crrowe- ary nterest w samizgs on t3tie Funds. fiorrower arsd Le���may afysee in writing, howevor,that
<br /> in;ere�t sha:t bn paid ar the Funds. La���er shaG gNS to B�ROwer, w4hout charys, an.annua! acccuntin� G,t the Funds, sh��wi�p
<br /> credis a��d dcb+ts ro tne r`urds and U'=e pu:pcse !ar which oach da:.�3 to ths Funds was made. 1'he Fu�ds ara plet�sd es add'Rional
<br /> security !r e+l sums seclrad by ths S�,�..-uriry hutn:m�evst.
<br /> ff ±he �'unds heid by Lenc',er exce+:td the umnunts per,nGlad to tre hald by apQ&cahS� iaw. Lend�r shap, account ;o Sorrower tcr thA
<br /> axcess Fur.ds � accc�dance wsh the reGt+iemenis ot a,�pfacable �iw. !C ,hs amovnt ot the Fund� hel� by Lender at eny tima ks not
<br /> su!'��c-r?t ,o pay the csc�o��e I!ams �nh=,n �a,LenCSr may so no;i6y Barrow•sr as tvr4�:ry, �nd, in such casa Borcower shaB puy!o Lendar
<br /> * t�s amount n�essan tu m�ke up tha d2ficie�cy. Borrowtrr shaEl mske �p ihe defciency � no more than twske mcnit.'� pa}•mertts, ut
<br /> :_endei�s sok� distration.
<br /> Upon p�ym�nl ir h�h o! eZ sums srcur�d by tri5 S�ccu.�ity (r�s;n����nt, l�der ShaA prompty refund 2o E�4rrowef any funds hekJ by
<br /> �_an�er. It, undar paragra,�h 27, Lon�:v shau�cqu're or se�! the Frnpa�y, Lend�, prior ta the acGus4icn or sale of tha Prepert�, sha4
<br /> apply sny Fur,ds he3d by Lenclar at tho timt� ol acquis�eon pr saks as e credA aoanst ths sums saCUred by this Sacurity lnstrumont.
<br /> 3. Acpitcation o! E'a�men'.s. unsass a.�p�cao�e ta� providas cihenvise, a�payments received by Lenda u�dar paregraphs
<br /> i �nd 2 shall be eppiieC: li!st, :c ary prepeymant charges dua ur.der the �ote; second, !o amounis payebte w7de� parepraph 2; thrd
<br /> to in;zrest due; fcurth,to p,ircpal dus; and las!, to any ta;e char�es 3ue uncSar the Noi:e. �
<br /> 4. Chargas; Lienr>. �cnoWh st�n� psy aU :axas, assessrnents, churpes, frtes Rnd impos�io�s attr�utable to tha Propc��:y " ,
<br /> �4- which may attar pric:iry cver th;; SecurRy l�stru.^�ecri. ar,d S�asehold �,aymer,ts ot ground rents, ii sny. BorrowW shHA 'p;.j� these
<br /> oblgefior; �n ;h<_: :-arnsr prov�,�cd M Fare.Hrp` 2, or iS��t paid 'n that merr,er, Borrow��!sheR pay them on tone dvectly to tha�erson `
<br /> pwod pmyrr.ent. 6orruwer sha�! pronpity F�mish to l.�de:a6 noticss o� amvurts fo bei paid �nd�this parsgrsph. !f �oROwer makes
<br /> thase payr�^r,ts d'reCt;�, 8orrowf�r shn:l promptty "Lm;�h to Lender receipis ev�cing the paymynts.
<br /> 8orowgr sha�l pror.�ptry discharQe any 1'�,rt which has pr'rori2y over thi� Security InsUurtwnt unbss Borrownr: (a)agrses in wrdinQ to
<br /> the paymen: of the ob3ip�tic� sacured by the C�en i� a manner accepsb�to lendar; (b)contasts � good faith the lien by, or det��de
<br /> r��}ainst anforcemant of ih� uen m, tsgai proceed�gs which ;n the Lenders opinio� opemt9 to prevent the entorcement of tho lia:i; or(c)
<br /> socuras from the ��Ider ol the tien sn agre�i ss:isfactory to Lorider subordinating ths liers to ihis SocurRy Instrument. If Lender
<br /> ' deteurr�es that nny pari ot tha Prop�xty is subject to e lisn which m.ay atttti� priordy owr this Socurity (nstrume�;, lender may give
<br /> y� Borrmver a no!�ce ick�t3yey- the �$!1. EOROWOf S�SIIfl ,at41y tne li�n or take ano or moiro a�tha aciions set�ort7� above with�n 10 days
<br /> g�a.. �� of;he c;��u�;� c; no?�p.
<br /> .•,,sp7: :i. Haz�ard �r Pr�p�rty {nsuss!�ce. so�ow� sns� ke�p cna �rc�emer,�s nilw eXacm9 or n«xearer erecied o� tne
<br /> �rop�iy ins�:red aga�rsc bss by fire, harerds �c�dad within ihe term 'extended coverape" and any other hazards, inciud'+ng floo�s or
<br /> ti�od'c�g, tor H•hich Ler,dar req�iros i�surarce. Th.� a�surance shaR be maintainat; � the amaunts and for the periods that lendor
<br /> reGu'ses. Tn� w,suranca csrriw prcv,ds�g ihe iisurancs sha'! be chosen by BoROwsr su6ject to Lsnder's approval which shaN not be
<br /> un�oasonaCH wRhha:d. Ef f3orrow�t taiw to r,tiainca� ca�erage descrbed abave, l.snd,er may, at Ler.de�s option, obtain coverage to
<br /> prr,te�t Le��oer's r:ehts ni the Prcpery in ac:ordance wTh Fara�raph 7.
<br /> �- Al: ��surznce pofici�s en� cee�ewa�s s�ad be accrrptabtn t�Lendr.0 and shali h�clucb a stnnrJard moRgage cl�use. Lender sha!I hava
<br /> �' �''', ;ho r�ht ta ncld ;h+.a un!i:iss end fOf19K'alc. It lend� roquees, Bcrrower shali promptly gn�e to Lerder 3tl receipts of paid premiums
<br /> 5^ -� and rer.ewal r�t'r;es_ In t'�e ev3nt ct F�ss, Be�owsr shall gbre >rompt notice to the �<.urance caT'sr ard Lender. Lender may mzke
<br /> pr�o� cf loss L+nol mnde prcmp,'ry by BoROwar.
<br /> k" Unt�ss L�nder and F3orrowor o.herwise agre3 in �vrita�g, �surarx:e proceods shali b� tt�Qtied ta restorat'v,n ar repar ot tha Prqperty
<br /> darrx,aoJ, d thA restoration o{ ropar is acvraom;catly laasb� snd Landers socur'ry is noi 6essened. It 'he re�toraCan or rypait Is not
<br /> t�conomicatly feas�Lle er Lender's �t�curily tivauld ba bssent�, the i�suran�e proCaAds sitsA be epplied l� the sums secured by this
<br /> Seciarity InsL�usnent, whether or nnt lhen due, weth any excess paid to BAnovre�. If SoROwer sbandons the P:�perty, or does not
<br /> enswer witl�ir� 3C days a netice Yon Len�er tl.at tho insurance carrier has offared to :>attfe a c�?im, then Lsnder rt�.ay collect tho
<br /> x�surarce Nrocseds. Landor msy use tho prccseds to reaa'a or restors .he Props.'ty or ko pay sums secured by this Security
<br />�" �;_� ��! Instrumsnt, whethsr or n�[ thc3n due.The 30-d�y Feriod tiv+9 b,egin :�:isn the nct�ca 's Qiven.
<br /> �•"�• C� B� Y PP G P' �P p
<br />,��, _-y) Un„ss lender snd Borrov.�sr othFrwiso a rec� in w:�ii� en a !"�ceticn of rcceods ta inc' a1 shall not extend or ostpone the
<br /> k , , �� ��� da,3 of tho monthiy paymenis reterted 4o in paregsephs 1 ond 2 or ct�a�ge :�e amaunt of tho paymenis. if under paregreph 21
<br /> � r ihe ?rcpP,rr, is hcRuusd by Lender, �o^owe+'s right to Rny insu.�a^.ca poi,cies and pracaeds resultng from d3r,iaae ta the PrapeRy priar
<br /> te the acquisition shat! �ass *.o Lenc�er to the exient of tho suris securad by this Sscurity instrumerl �nrrsd:atoly arior ;o tho
<br /> �r. � ecGuis��a�. �
<br /> 6. Occu�ancy, Prese!vatio�, ��lat�tert�r�ce snd P'rotect3a� 04 the 3�rope�ty; 3orr�w�PQ Loan
<br /> r9��1lC�jJ0�1; Lea��hcslds. acrrowe� stia�� occuQy, establish, and use the PrcpeRy as Bo�owers pricipal rasidenca wkhh sidy
<br /> �2ys a�er the exr�cuC�un ofi !his S�c�rity I^strument rnd shsA cont�nue :e occupy it�e Propsrt�! as 8orrowar's principei resWenco ipr at
<br /> �ast one ysar after t�� d�te of occupency, unless Lender athenvise agroes i� writing, which consent :;hai! not be unraasonabh•
<br /> wiThhel�, or ur�ass �xtenuat's�g circums�ncas c3r:st whtch are beyond Bo�*owe�s co�ihoL Sar.;::.�r shaA not dostroy, darr�sge or impa�
<br /> t?�a Pro,sny, allow th3 Prope{�y io dstariorote, er coc?cmit wssto on the Proparty. Hortcwer ShaN be in def&ult �any to!feiture action or
<br /> �+:" proceedi�g• wtiGthe:c�:i� cr crimirgl. is Ge,�un that i� Lende.�s good faith}ud�ment coutd result n !csteituve �t the Propsrty or othanvise
<br /> � y�*"'. m.ateria.�� impF'v tho li�n croated Cy this Secur'ty �nstrur�ent or 1.»nde.'s �scurity c�terest. 8or,ower may cura suc� a ctcatauk a��d
<br /> raL�rctat�, es providsd in parag:a?h 1R, by ceusing the action ar proceeding to ba dls:nisssd with a rul�q that, in Lendors good leith
<br /> c!e;ennnation, precl�des forfsture of the Barce�vcxs v�tere�t in the Propc3rty os other rrater�l impaiment �S Ihe fie.� creat2d by tnis
<br /> Security Instrum,nt or Lendo�s s�:urity aiterest. Bortower sha41 elso be in �Pautt � Bor.ower, during tho ban application process,
<br /> gave rn�,terially fa;se or nacc��rete information or stafemonis to Lender (or fa'wd to proviGe Le�der wRh any material inlormatbn) N
<br /> connecticn wi;h tha l�an evidancad by the hcio, including, buf not I;miiea to, repre<_entatan; concemhg Borrowe�'s occupancy of th9
<br /> ��; F�rop�y us a pri,c'r,�a! restdenco. Ii this SocurRy Instrumert is on a leasehold, Rorrower shaA compty with all the provisbns of the
<br /> '�' lossc�. fi Berrovier acquues ;ee fr.le to the PrapaYy, tho k�sssaho�� 4nd ths fee fRlg snsil not merge unlass the Lender apreas to tha
<br /> ,s-"'�` ��e-g�r n w:�?c�g.
<br /> Form JQ2E P/�0
<br />��,��YY
<br />:q'.�� ,AS: F102..LMt1(iC;57) Pxpo 2 ul 5 � '
<br /> 977
<br /> �_
<br />