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������f:�; <br /> a 4^�yr e 4�.. <br /> ;,ti l s ;� <br />���}�S�,w�ti�# <br /> B t �� <br /> F <br /> l �..+�k'k%T'��'. <br /> ;;.�(. <br /> :[.. <br /> j���9. $ ��?. <br /> F <br /> 1 <br /> �YY�;'�FY���� <br /> �r'�w, <br /> ��'s u� <br /> .,$.r'.a^'`��b <br /> �7 �� `�g� �.����� <br /> �5 n�� <br />� � r,�T,� iE. �o�ro�v2r's �'sight :d Re�n�tate. if aor�evrer rs�;s c�tain cana�icns, ��war snas nave me r;4ht to neve <br /> ���' y,,� ���c.�cca�:zrt �f th� Savmy ��str.�mzn: d:,,contarue� ai any tirna pri:.:r to t�s �r�er at: �a) 5 days (a� su;h ets�se paraod as appics��e <br /> i��x�r� y,� ksw m9y s.r�PC:'ry !nr reint,a;�r.-,�t) t�lv:2 sak� of tt�a P�opaecy pussuant 4o eny Dower a: sais c�niatne� h ttis SecuRy InsLVmant; ,* <br />� ak �7 ��.��`" (b SpL 0� fl J <br /> ,a� ) y j�dg;rr�nt ��t�r��g ihis Sauru'y irstr�mc�n?. Th�sd c�:�d�tiorts are thac Bortrwer: (a) pays Lendar aH wms wh�A th�[s� <br />�t�,�'`��� �,`, .vould bti duo unc'�er thu Security tnswmar;t end tha Nots as it no ac:eYratir.i had accurroQ; (b) cwtu a�y dalauR ot eny atner <br /> k; '��f°'' � w�.an?nt or sgreema�ss; (cl Fays aK mcpens� inaure4 ai enta�cilg th�s Security lns7ument. ticl�d'nQ. but not Snu.'`sd ro. re�a;�nsDb <br /> '� ' eE;ameys� ��os; u,�sQ(�) L3kas suth a�tion as E.tu�dsr rr.ay ressonF,Dly requ¢e 4o assure ihat the Gs�n o7 this Secu�y lnstr�mait,Landa�s <br /> a <br /> rhNhts n the r'rop�rt� and Borrorve�s obtiQatian ta pey the surhs s?cursd ey iha �ecu7dy tnstrurnsnt shan ca�tir.ue unchc�r�ed. Up..^n <br /> rer�sta!ems�rri hy Borrowfr.. this Seci:r�y 1nsSVr�rerst a,�d the ob&�.ations securad hereby st�sa renwin Sv.y e'�active as � r,a accel�tio� <br /> had accwTad. Howrsver, this ri�,ht to r3'nsS2ta sha�not apaFj in the ca�e o!sxekra,a� undee paragraph i7. <br /> 19. �ate o� �ote; Chatige of Loan Servicer. Tr� ;vo�s or a aar;ia� �,:e�t �, �ho Nc�e ��oqetner wlfh thls Sx�urity <br /> Insfi;��t) ru�y ba sold ons or raore tlr�es wAhout pricr nutre to Ecrruwer.A sakk msy rasuk �a chartye h the entty(known es :�o <br /> ,,;v. 'Lo�n Seri�c�,r') cclbCs munttity payme;its dua c:nc1� :hrx NaSa ard this :ecurity tnsLVmanL Thero n$o may be o�a or <br /> ss� ci�2ngos ot !he Lo�n Sarvic2r unrsFatod to a sa�e cf tt�a tJCto, tf the�a is a chanQe o!the loen Secvic:or, Bortuwor w4 pa gl��en w•�tg� <br />�����'�'� net�ce af tho char�,a in accerdance w'th para�raph i4 gbrne ard appGcabb 6aw. The natice w�l staia the name and nddress o; :he <br />�' a <br /> ,�'�� :, � n�vr Laan Sezvdcer and tha adtlress to which payrtwnts sh7�k1 bs matFe. T1�a notGe wid aiso Ca�tan any other informatbn roQuh�d by <br />;; �pPlb�abFa law. <br /> 2J. ti�.Z�rt19i!ffi SUbS4&(!C�°S. Sorrow�r bhnp nct cau.a a �e;mR Yie presence, uso, C'spo�at, steraga, rr re�ase ot ,v;y <br /> ;ia.ra;dous Suostances o� o� e� the Prooarty. 8ortowsr shag aot do,nor p9ow anyone else lo da, enythinp aRecti�p tha Pruporty tt�et <br /> is n viofairn ot any En�on^sental i�w, 7he praceQir.,� �v,�c sentencas 5ha11 not ap�Fy to tRe �ressnce, us�, ar storaQe o� the <br /> PraF,er,y of smaq auenta�ss of Narardaus 3u�sSaxas .hat are perflra�y rcco�,ntzsct to he epgroprla;o to namal resldnnthl usas anC to <br /> maint�snre of tha Prcpert}�. . <br /> �:, .�• 5osro:��er shxL prQ:n;,t,y gva Lender wr�`!erv noiice ot'any i�vsst'raetion, cleim, sie�rt�and. Issvsu� or othsr ectian by a�y povemmental <br />� ` ',r�;� or rogua?ory a•^sncy or prirate party invcMin� t?�e Frcp�r9y tuid any uzza:da«� 5+;bstnnc� or E7vlronmmiml Law ef wRich Bonowa haa <br /> Af ,�y; actu�� !:nowtsdge. 4f 8orrcwcs: barr;&, ar is no;ified by any �ovemm9nta! o� rapu�tory avthortf7, that any ramo��a! o�olt�w remeC�tbn <br /> ,�;s�r�£�"�u�� ci any H87.'il'(�JJS Subs?5�cs at!acinb th3 Prc?erty � nRCti�saar,, f3ocrcwer sheB p�ompf!y tske a� necess�.�y rcrc,ed�l a;,l�cnS n <br /> � '+t <br /> � �.F.� � accordance wiih Env'xpnm�n±ti!Law. <br /> 4s ussd in ;tiis �aaagrNph 20, ^Hezardous 5ubstsnces' ena tnose ,ubstnn�.-es det�sod aa toxic cr huudous suDstancos by <br /> Env'rr,n;rventa; Lav+ and the fodowcg 5ub5t�7nce5: gBSOlste, kero5sr�n, pthgr t47:r,�j r�. !exc �etc�:^ p;od�;,;;, tox�; �stc;1as enJ <br /> hsrbic!�es, vctaNia >olvsr,ts, rra!a-i�ts contain'an� asbes[cs or (ortr.alda!?yBe, and r�d'aACt'r.�e materiais. As used in th�s peragaph ?0, , <br /> "�nvironmen>.a! Lbw" msans :eCeral r�w� and taws ot th9 ju;tsdiG;ip� where tha FroperSy is bcated Shat retate fe hsaRh, ra�gry,or <br /> enuironr�ental protactior,. , <br /> hC�l-L;NiFi�F:M COVEfVANTS. Borrcw�snd l»rider�Lrther covanxnt and agrae as !eNcas: <br /> 2�. Accei�ration; R�r�ad�es� LPnd�r �I{ give izattce E� Barrower prfoP to ecceiermtlon follawin� <br /> Br,rrnv�2r's breach t�f any cu�enant or agreemen! in thia Secu�fh,� lystrument (buR not prior to <br /> a�c�iera#iqr� urs�er �aragraph 17 u�less s�ptiaab�e law pravtdes otherwise). Tha no3lco shatl spectfy: <br />! (a) 4rie detauit; (b) the gcUan required 4c� cure 1he defeutt; (c) a date, nat lesa than 30 days trom 4he <br /> ''K cl�te x�e �ot�cp is given to Ba�rower, �y which the �efauti must be cared; and (d) that fallure to curo <br /> ` it;e d,eoault on or before the dste �ec�ff�d in the naticQ may re��.alt in acceEeratlon ot tf�� suma <br /> � uYCr�r�ci by thla SscuriYy infitrum�nt and sale of the Pr�p�rtyr. The na►)�c shalt further lnfcrm <br /> 8osrowQr af ±he rlght to reinstate after acceleratio� and t,he right io brEng a court acUon to asser! the <br /> n�sn-exisience ot s def�ult or any o2her delense ef 3orrower t� acceferation and �le. It the default fs <br /> no4 cur�d can ar beferQ 4he date speclfied i� ihe notice, �encler at f±s option may requlre ImmedietQ <br /> paym�nt An fuii .�,' A!! R:ms se�ure� by this Security instru�e��t wittwut further demand qnd may <br />;��, ir.v�ke the �ni�er of sale and any oth�r remeet+es pesmltted by appticai�te law. Lender shaN be <br /> entltlecf fo ca2'ect aii expen�eg fncurr�� in pursuing the �emec��ea providecS In tfila paragraph 21, <br /> inc(uciing, �aut not s4mi4ed to, resson�ble aStorneys' fees and casts �t tiUe evtdence. <br /> I� the �c��er o4 sat� is invoked, Trustee sha9i recard a nntice af delault i:t each county in which <br /> �n;� part ef tin� Property €s �ocated and shal! maiE copie� oP such noUce in the rnenn�r prescrlbad by <br /> appl'scftble Eav,� 4o Borrower and t�o the other pers�ns pres:rtbed by appticab�e Inn. After the Urtse <br /> r�qu;red �y �p�ti�si�te iav�e, �rustee shaE! give pubf6c r.oUce ot s�le ;0 3he p¢r�ons and !n tf�e manner <br /> �reFs.-�ue� �iy applicable la�v. l'sustes, reitho�+4 demand an Barr��aer, aha61 arel! the Pro�serty et put�llc <br /> �cEC�ian ta tf�� highe�i bidder at !he time and place and under the terms designated in the noUce of <br /> sale in o�s or rnore paccels and in any arder Trustea determinea. Truatee may poatpone aale of a11 <br /> ,; - or �ny �arcel at the F�roperty by p�k�iic anneusscemenx st 4he tEme snd ptace of any prevlouuty <br /> "'' sche�ule�i sale. Lender or it� designee may purchase fhe Rraperty et any sale. <br /> �pa� raceipt of �ayme�nt af tfte pr�ce bid, Trustae sh�ll de[ivsr to the purctlaser Truatti�'e de�d <br />'� ceatve}�iny the Preperiy. The ;ecit.�ls in iPie TruslEe'� �eerf shalE be prima tacis �vidence of thc tr�th <br /> �� �t t�e statemsn4s made therein. Trust�e shall apply ihe proGteds s�f the sale ln the foUowEng otder. <br />'' � (a) ta a?! co�4s and expenses o9 ex�rcising ihe power of sate, �nd the sale, includirtg the payment ot <br />; " tt-�c: 'Trustee'� feea a�tuatiy inc�rred, not 4o exceed � 96 of the principat tmount af the no.e <br /> at the tirs?a �f th� d�c6nratio� ot s4efau14, �nd reason�ble attamey'i, fees as permi44ed �y lava; (b) to +ali <br /> su�� �ecured by th'ss Sec�rity i��sL�ument; and {c; asiy exc�ss to Yhe persaR or persons feg311y <br /> enf:'tlsd tG �Y. <br /> 22. R��afSV2�+Sl^C�. Upon payntent ot eB sums secured by this Secun.� ,nscr,,n,a,�,�ende��na�rec�,esc�n,s�es to recomrey <br /> the Pro�erty n��d shafa surrender ths Sc�urity insuum��t ar,d s!1 neies a✓id2ncing debi sac.ured by this SacvrGy Inatnrmgnt to Trusiee. <br /> ��stee shaL rec:onvsy the Proparty wi;naut wa�r..nw and wGhout chargo to ihe person cr persons iegai��or;i2led tD iL S��ch person or <br /> p�rsons shall pey any raccrda2icn costs. <br /> :3. ��t�$?itUSa TPUSte�?. Le.r:der, Et rs optic°�, nay hom ;ane to tsne Trvsies and appcir,t a suscess�r Lvst,ee ro <br /> 8:1y INS°EF. AQ40d1(B� h8(2Ui1G'Sr hY �'.(1 PSINRI£(1: fBCQ(GEd ifl t!t8 COUfliy 57 1tir1Ch tf115 $6�Ufi� �t15iN7f16t1: I$ fECC'fd&�. YN��f16�1I <br /> � cc,siveyanr.e oi tha °roperty, 5[ICCBSSpf L�ust�e shali sUCCesd 4o al: the ti�l�, power and dvties canf�r*zd upon Trustee i�er� and by <br /> , aPp Vic:tb k3 1aw. <br /> 2d. F��GU@� 10� AE0t1CC3. Borrower rsquests thst cop'�s of.he not�es cf d�'auR and sa12 tre ser.t to Rorrawer's add:ess <br /> wh�h 'rs ths F:ops:ty P,�+,rass. <br /> a '` 25. Fslders to 3his 5ect�rity lrast.+um�(it It ane cr m.ora ridars are aca.ruted by Borrower anri recorded wgethe� w�h <br /> v thk Socurity InsUumc�nt, :he ccvenants and aproements ot each ;uch rider shaA be incorr�oz:ecf into and shaA a�nend and supplement <br /> thF�covar.anis and agree�sents ut tt�is Sacuri;y insL�umert ns d tf�a ricer(s)ware a part of th's Secur�y lnsWmenL <br /> �. , <br /> t� <br /> <i <br />!'��"�C <br /> Por.m�7e 4;G. <br /> 7� F1029.1N�(tP,�P'1 PaGs l 01 5 <br />!rCZ- .. <br /> l..v <br /> �•. <br /> Bi7 <br /> . . . . . . t.�',,. <br />