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n <br />M <br />i • <br />89 1.0546 3 <br />5. Tax$$, Asusaments, end 0orges, Ttustor sba!l pa•, all taxes, o.t;aas!nAt.. c+t.{f,ather cha :gel, including. without iiiriitCtiC ►t, fines And im•� <br />positions attributable to tha Property, and leasehok! pgrnjnls or ground rents. pit tMlt >: asfore the same become delinquanl. Truster sho!i promp• <br />fly furnish to Benitficiory Olt notices of amounts due under.-this p4rograph, and•itr,fiitc�.eve nt Trustor shall mcke payment directly, Truster shall <br />preny Ity turnEih to Hanoi Xiary receipts evidencing such gat'u�ents,. Truster shelf pa,t all taxes oriel assessments which may be levied upon <br />!7e►ielicittty's interest herein or upon this Deed of T asp without ragen'ti. ;*t any lour that may be enoctad imposing payment of the whole or any <br />'tors, thereof upon ttte Benefitiory, <br />_6_ Adiiitterisd Miss and frotettlen of 5ortef €e:lliry` etir.7rh.y. T,utit,tr iltall make all payments of interest and principal and payments of any <br />=- -other charges, Ices and expenses contretciaA t,��F =, -, ,•{ trt anj+'ext� ,� Fiemtofiiers� t-airr tre:t:fis':Mess;,�sr a�:i Rio'- 'c- °- °`rr�#.�'�t�`�"oe, <br />tgoge beforo the dote they ore delinquent and 110111 tli!1 M,00 l`1irr fdrge any and all other liens, Brains or charges which mcy jeopardize the <br />securily granted herein. If Trustor fails to make any suctt'paYtrlr'•?1t• 4r f lu to pertorsn any o! the tovtnants and agreements contained in this <br />Deed of Trust, or in on y prior mortgage de difed-iof. first, of if CA. fir: +itsrf,crr proceeding is-commenced -wifth materially affects Benafidory's in- <br />teceel in the Property, including, but nol timittut tit,, rtninent domain preteiedings, or proceedings involving a tfecendent, or if Trustor faits to pay. <br />Truslor's debts generally as they become due_ limn Beneficiary. at Beneficiary's option and without notice to er demand upon Trustor and <br />without releasing Trustor from any obligation tier, under, may make such oppeorances, disburse such sums. arts toy a such attiBR GS is necessary <br />to prore:t Beneficiary's interest including, but nu,' litnited to, disbursement of reasonable attorney's fees, payment, purchase, contest or com- <br />promise of any encumbrance. charges or lion, and entry. upon the Property to make repairs. In the event that Trustor shall fail to procure in- <br />surance or to poy taxes, assay intents, or only other ciutrgirri or to make any payments to existing prior lien holders or bepeficiaries, Beneficiary <br />may procure such insurance and matte such pavrnant , pnjutfalnl,nts disbursed by Qereficicry pursuant to this paragrorh 6 shall become additional <br />indebtedness of Trustor secured Ir.: this Deed of Trurtf: S;ich amounts shall be poycbf upon notice from Beneficiary to Trustor requesting awn- <br />ntenf thereof, and sfiull bear interest frain the debt of disbursement at the rate payob!e from time to time on outstondirg principal under the <br />flute unless payment of inleresf at such r�t,t wyuld be contrary to applicable law, iry . which event such amounts shall bear interest at the hirhast <br />rate permissibte under opplic(Nia inky. Vulhing contained in this Paragraph 6 shall require Beneficiary to incur any expense cr t'ri'te cry Behan <br />hereunder, <br />_ 7. Assignment o!` Rests. Bar•Ofifialy Saai!'r1are the right, power and authority during the ct:ntinuance of this Deed of Trust to cotie,i the .., <br />' rents, issues•�sRpr is the P►apert'I and ofinny persorxlt property located thereon with or wittia A tckittg possession of the property affected <br />' ' t itaraby, and Truslar hereby absalutillif anei-uncarditiannlfy assigns all such rents, issues and profits to Beneficiary. Beneficiary, however, hereby <br />coltrant•s to the Trustor's collection caltratention of such rents, issues and profits as they accrue and became,rcnyobte so long as Truster i not, <br />at s�eh lime Ill iJaitiu11 vrilh t•esitOr:t. to payment of any indebtedness secured hereby, Orin the performance of TM:rp agreement hereunder.,. Vc;i,,n <br />Oily .uch cfofaulty.,i)i aficiary snnit'at any tim2, either in person, by dent, or by receiver to be appointed by a court, without notice and v, a- ut <br />regard to Ilia ailigtat!iii t, 9f,afsy security for the indebtedness here' s; +gyred, (o) erter.upon cad take possession of the f?re,:eriy or any port <br />thereof, and in ills own tjum4 ft!e for or otherwise collect such rents, is�wi's and profits, irdl,din3 those past due and unsaid, cr �. apply ti +� _erne, <br />less coal and expenses of :6�.isrotion and colteclion, including reasonub-'e attorneys fees, upon on indebtedness secured hereby, ond:'cn, such <br />order as Be <br />inr5 nlay cittetmino: ib) perform such acts of repo' c;r protection as may be nnetessary.Or proper to conserve this value of the <br />Proper-,' /; {rr !aas,a tits snnttt or any part thereof for such rental, terr-.; god upon such condition, ,.a its judgment may dictate or terminate or 111M. file corm: and ^um iljpns of any existing lease or leases. Unless Trustor and Beneficiary orre 1 ^.lsrwise in writing, any application of rents, <br />itstuis or, pmfif , to tiny,irtdeitfedness secured hereby shall nwt extend or postpone the due date of the instalin°: -,payments as provided in said <br />pr�i.nit.nty ripto or change site amount of such instollmarts. The entering upon and taking possession of the Noperty, the collection of such <br />rents, it7jais royal i t :9fils, and the application thereof as ofcrescid, s!1 not waive or cure any default or notice of default hereunder, or in. <br />V0141010 ally ac► pursuant to such notice. Trustor also assig ^S '1ZJT6MCi6nry, as further security for the performan. ;_ clf the obligations <br />sec,.: ur! het a' ; , cis,` �rcpftid arras and ail nwnies which rnuy have bee' be deposited with said Trustor b; cta;r liessee of the Pro- <br />perty, to secure the Aeytpert. of any rent or domn.Ins. and upon deic '1 iii the r,z °fist ^"once of any of the prcrt ;n)ns Pert., }, :TrrStat a „Ce5 M <br />deliver such refits :it ,deps�.'! .” u Beneficiary. Delivery of written no`0 of Beneficiary's exercise of the rights ge.cmied her =,sir' 1 o any tcrryirtt:oc- <br />+ cupyino said prenvittv­, shall be sufficiont to require said tenant to pa/ '.arc rent to tine neneficiary,sk'it further notice. <br />n, Condomnulciir,. 11 lino to arty part cif 1:l ;� Property shall be toll.• :c.,rs.c•sndeninution procendin; >!J right of eminent dartiett�or similar action, <br />er rh�tll be sold under threat of condcnuwtia :3, all award;- a`cnrtgos c,nJ proceeds are hereby assigned and sF;all be paid to Beneficiary who shall <br />i.i�lq such awards, damages CIA proceeds to ilia surn SE*D rcit; by this Veed of Trust, will-, the excess, if any, paid to Trustor. If Trustor receives <br />any notice er other information tetritiiftO such acti:,ns br p c —.ccdi -its, Trustor shod give prompt written notice thereof to beneficiary. <br />! ttenelicimy shall be enlitled, at its oplian, to comnle+ece, appool in rir.:;.1 : -,• ^secure in its own name any such action or proceedings and shall be on- <br />ti►1 •rl to aloke oily canipromise ar settlement inn connection with any s.,+:':•. anion or proceedings. <br />9. Remedies Hot isclusirtt, Beneficiary shall be entitled to enf rt.- poyinent e,-d performance of any indebtedness or obligations secured <br />hurcby or:d to exercise all r ;J:ts and prricrs under this Deer! of Trt:st 1r.:+nder ac, c''. -'r agreement executed ill connection herewith or any laws <br />r ow or herenfter ie� forte, - ',1willislordmg write or all e. 1!,c such i. ; ;,,eaurcdness ,a c ?•4 %Jligafions secured hereby rrny now or hereafter be other- <br />wise secured, vily eft or by auartgage, deed of trust, PledV. :,en. c sii,(i! :'ant or i'll fleitritr the ucceptonce of tHs Deed of Trust nor its <br />eMctcement v,?:wllAttr by court action or pursuunt to the Iia',vur of s-,' x? dr ether ;.err=s, hr rein cci'-'..ned, shoil prejudice ce• ill.1my manner affect <br />Nwrificiary's {illir-•tu realize uh ^n or enforce any other security now or heteoffer i :ri,' by eeneficiary, it f Bing tit ;reed !lr +.!;:eneficNry shall be <br />d:,fitled to this geed of Trust and any other security now Of hereafter Leld by Beneficiary in such ar ;,try ant; n-o :: +:ur as it stay in ils ob- <br />S6IUIr3 diSCfC1 0.^F dtetermine, tfa remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to QenC.- (ry is intrinded to be exclo:i•:^ cf any c remedy herein <br />or by law prov!pill or permitted, but each shall be cunwlulive and shall be in cd,lXon to evrry utllrr remedy given hcreune.'fiv +1r now o• hereafter <br />erisfir+J of law or in equily or by statute. Every power or rertedy provided hereunder this Deed of Trust to Beneficiary rtr to which it maybe <br />otherwise entitled, may be exercised, caticurreatly or independently, from time to time and as often as ntay be deemed expedient Benoficiory <br />n it rite !)UtSUC n1GQn ;,S�ICnt ren'.edl °_S. t;othiny herein shah be construed us t:rW',ltir3 B^neficiory fry••, sr .1kirig n deficiency iiidyniert against <br />Olin Trustor to I%e extert such action is perulifted by law. <br />10. Transfer of Properly; Assumption. If oil or any part of the properly or ony :••!erest therein is sol,l, iratisferr(,d or conveyed I)y Trustor <br />v:iiBnut henefickiry's prier written consent, excluding (al Ilia ete:otiun of a lien or encumbrance suburd ;eate to this Deed of Trust, ib) the erea- <br />tit,n of a purcl ;a.e nfonct ; ^ :vrity interest fer household appliances, (c) a transfer by devi: e, descent er by apPrniion of h;w upon the death of a <br />jgint tenant or (tI► Ilia ,r7nt of any teaselio!d interest of three years or less not contoini; g an upiinn to lira' iS ^, Oenrtficiory m ty, at <br />tt.i 1 t y -I _ n c r t • i,^.l::•��I �:t :l}' �;,in and �,ny {•1,!r r:r rrf :, :^ t!tC Trustee to fill,' a ftOtice <br />PS t :air y'$ aptinn, r,Ccjq-e all that s'mis suzur Ctl u ; try vei a, trus tv <br />of t!rfri t1t. eer.airirlry Stmt! 1•11•le wwred Seel opliwi to accelercto if, prior to rarsfar or a.n.e ;en.r, L'cr•o 44iry air_i flip rrtsnn to <br />n tit!? ti•,girrtit it, to (;o „I:f nr transferred tercet a ;• in vaiting th:o the ttcdit of such pets-, 'a , it ;!u ►nry to f eneficiary al,!! 11-1t <br />Ldo interest paytrb tar- Sarr.S Sr curad by this, f`. ?eel of TTU pt %!.Gil bf: al SU. If 1,142 Us uerieliUnr'j Shrill q:.Vsl. <br />_M"i �, <br />