11. AMbeig iwt VpW De%*. ItenaAen; We.: Upon default by Trtisfor in it* payment of or performance•of the terms and conditions of
<br />the Note. or any renewals, nnodifications or extent) 0 Thereof, or the payment of any other indebtedness securedhereby or in the perfonnatice
<br />of any of tilt tWventants or agreements hetreurA* ,;l�etteficiary moy declare all sums secured hereby imrnediaigly due and payable and The some
<br />slaty thereupon become due axe payable witft Wg PreWfilnent, demand, protest.or:nolke at any kind.. Thereafter. Beneficiary may deliver to
<br />i Trustee o written declaration of default afld ftinotd for sale. Trustee shall have. the power of sole of the Property and if Beneficiary decides the
<br />property is to be sold it sholll deposit with. Trust" ley= Deed of Trust and the dote; or Wes and any othe�r..documents ,ervid�efwt iirm) e�xp�eMit uses - -
<br />,i stiall deliver in _ • _ i "i7YlYi�{t t'iVrirs��.�i'1RC -ii"w �.j••v�iitiv. vii •�Fii•ni- iii�t�T.r » ss - suZ�Li-- halt - - --
<br />pnpare a siwifor notice in the form re"k.od 1t ,'low which shall be duly filed for record by Trustee.
<br />(a) After the ktpse of such tune as may bar r?1 it od -by law following If* recordation of tiatice of lkfoult� ,and Notice of Dlriovlt and Notice of
<br />.- .Sole ltaettrObiett -given as regtri+edtiy 1'vtrr,, Trrfstpte: witharrt derrtord-oa TTtrstor; shall sell -therProperty tie ar>Ra:moreporcets and insuch -order ,.... __._..
<br />as Truster rao)i datermine an the date and of. etch time and place designated in said Natkir ot5ok; of public auction to the highest bidder, the fur -
<br />chm price payable in cash in lawful money of the LWted States at the tine of sole. The person lcordfictfng the sole stay, for.any couse he or.she
<br />deems +expedient, postpone the sale from timer fu time un it it shofi be completed and; in every such core, notice of postponement shalt be given
<br />by pu61'ic declaration thereof by such persaniot_ the time and plod lost oppointed for flit sole; provided, if the sole is postponed for longer tt•.on
<br />one (T) daffy beyond the day designated WIN Notice of Sole, notice, thereof shall be given in the some manner as the Original tilotice of Sale.
<br />Trost** shall execute and deliver to the puH.,faser its eked conveying the Property so sold, but without any convenient or warranty, express, or
<br />The recit* in the Dead of any mON!rs or.facts stall be conclusive proof of the truthfulness thereof; Any person, including without
<br />)incitation trustee, may purchase at the solo.,."
<br />(b). When Trustee sells pursuant to Ohs .irgwers herein, Trustee shall apply the proceeds of the safe to paya-,ent of the costs end expenses of
<br />exercising the power of sole and of char sglet including, without limito*n, the payment of Trustee's Fees irctated, which Trustee's Fees shall not
<br />in the aggregate exceed the fallowing-ortrAunts based upon the amount secured hereby tzrtd remaining unpaid: 5 percentum on the balance
<br />thereof; and then to the items%nt..Mrfh:irr4itbporogroph (c) hereof in the order therein stated.
<br />- . - (c) Afferpaying the itomsR pddffed;n stbWagraph (b), if the sole is by Trustee— or the proper court and other casts of foreclosure and sale
<br />if the sale is pursuont to judir: a[foreclosure, the proceeds of sale shall be opplie.6.r :he order stated below to the paymew of:
<br />(1) east atorly evidance of title procured in connection with SV- .hsele and of city revenue required lobe paid;
<br />42i •Afh)rii0s, files;
<br />(3) All sums then sacur(4hereby; '
<br />'•44). Junior trust doodr, mortgages, or` other lienholders; and
<br />(S): The r'riiiaindur, ifittny, to the penman or persons legally
<br />(d) If the Beneficiarrf of this Deed of Trust is abank as defined by Nebroskc low, any statement contained in any other section of this deed
<br />notwithstanding,.1he Runoff. I . 4. shalt not be entitled to receive or take and debtor shall not be obligated to pay or give; any confession of judo -
<br />ment, power ofiattilrney to cinfess judgment, power of attorney to appear for o borrower in a judicial proceeding or agreement to pay the costs
<br />of collection Arlie attorneys' fees, unless such acts of collection would not otherwise be prohibited by Nebraska tow, Provided, however, that
<br />This section does not apply to the Trustee fee referred to in paragraph 6 (b). Provided further, that this peragraph shall not apply to et4,s treed of
<br />ttvst, if the Beneficiary is not a bank.
<br />12. Additional Secerity Iratrwnentsf. Truster, at its expense, will execute and deliver to the Beneficiary, "r�c',triptly upon demand; suci*r �ecuri-
<br />ty instruments as may be required by Berrefitiory, in form and subsiarce satisfactory to otr;eficiary, cove6r4vny of il+eAmapF f'ty conveyevi�-r
<br />this Deed of Trust, which security inst":n~oirt.s shall be additional security for Truslor's faithful performance of all of tits I-Orris, covenants and
<br />conditions of this Deed of Tr cf, the prop, �,my notes secured hereby, and any cf1iter security instruments executed in connection with this tran-
<br />saction. Suchinstruments aitifl;ke recardtad or filed of Truster's expense.
<br />13. Appokl went of We vssor Traitre. Beneficiary may, front time to tallw, U1, ri written instrunteltt executed and acknowledged by
<br />Beneficiary, mailed to Trustor and recordid in the county or counties in which the Prrloerty is located and by otherwise complying with lite provi-
<br />sions of the applicable taws of the Stole of Nebraska, substitute o successor or successors to the Trustee named herein or ii-cling hereunder, .
<br />14. kspectiees. Beneficiary, or its agents, repreyefaf- Ctives or workmen, are rr;;'horized'fo Enter at onyi,r us:ao.tble lima upon or in any purl
<br />qt, the Property for the purpose of inspecting the scmr -omcl for the purpose of perfrorming any of file octsafil ir,•: ia.•dfhroized to perform under the
<br />terms of the Deed of Tr ust,
<br />15. optinr to foreclose. Upon the occurrence of any default hereunder, Benefiziury shall have the option to lorecicsa this Deed of Trust in r
<br />the nnonner provided by taw for the foreclosure of mortgages on real property.
<br />16. Ferekwonee by Berraficiery Not a Waiver. Any forebeorance by Benefiri.ur,y in exercising any righ° c:r remedy hereunder, ci 600rwise
<br />of forded by oppliicable fow, shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of caV such right or f emedy. the waiver by U!L'4oliciury of
<br />any defouit of Trustor under this Deed of Trust shall not be deemed to be u waiver of any other or sirnilar dre'•`a ;r;lts subserluetttly occurring.
<br />11. Truster Net Released. Extension of the time for payment or modification or untoriizat:an of ti:e Sums secured by this Ueed of irus►
<br />fronted by Beneficiary to cnlr successor in interest of Trustor shall not operate to release, in any manner, i hit- liubilif y of Cite original Trustor and
<br />'itustor's successor in intere!il i Beneficiary shall list be required to commence proceedings against such successor or refuse to extend time fur
<br />payment or otherwise rrradiry amorfizolion of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust by yea un of city demand ninde by the original Trustor mitt
<br />Truslor's successor ininfore-a.
<br />16. /enelieiwy'! rower: Yliihout affecting the liability of the Trustor or city other person liable fur lire payment of any abbguttun ht:rem
<br />ornintionted, and without olforting the lien or charge of this Deed of Trust upon any portion of the Property flat then or thefetuluie relecsed (is
<br />security for the full amount of all unpaid obhigotions, Beneficiary moy, tram time to Time and without notice, G) release any person so htrble. tril `-
<br />extend the naturity Or alter city of the terms of any such obligations, (iii) grunt other indulgences, pv) release or recoll-vey, or cnu'C to h"
<br />released or rt.on +eyed of city erne at Beneficiary's options any parcel, portion or all of the Property, (v) Luke or re'cuSf' (jilt oti-cr cr a,fditmiml
<br />security foronyobhgation herein mentioned, or (vi) make cmnpositionsor other artungerneat ; with debtors in relation Uier,cty.
<br />14, esters Advances. Upon request of Trustor, frusree of Trustee's option, prior to r.r:.anveVunue of We rferi,. -rt;
<br />future od+oncers to Truiler. Srh futute advanceS, with interest n.ereun, shall be secured t,y this Trust Ueed v,heri cl.dri cect hY prtIF'rssai y
<br />motet ltetirp that said notes are secured hereby► provided that of rte Brno shod file secured pri-ibput, future udJon,es volt InLtuding snms o:f-
<br />vanced to protect the security, exceed an aggregate priiicipul omoutit of $__17&.S)QQ.W .
<br />20, Reetxveyenee by Trustee. Up 'j-1 wriflea request of Beneficiury stating at!nt pit sums secured hereby 1- .n4e coe,, : i J rt":; vi u,t
<br />ill tAis teed o. f Trutt and the Gate to Tr.rstee for concellutira and retentiorn and upoa PEI ple„ f bw tru;ru: of Tr, ', • <; _� - , si '
<br />w0five t9 Tf :+.vCr. of ti'•a trton fir ° cr r 1 tr �fl tr' r -rl,n• t n r r tt r V,v P! rs
<br />y � ptr,.ri3 raB�1. {• atitf. !� �'. ?,'ci. ki,.,J,yt :s4rr� -1,}'. + -`f v7`•'t, 1 �• ..i
<br />re6111e10 !tt JAk Ie[araellanre of -'if tnytters or facts 0,011 to 6C!:C1US1v6 goat of Ifm h,,!frtU:neSy tnereet 11.19 tpe „r„Y : i.. a .Y�J, ..Yr,; Y •.•.•v
<br />