<br />*:. 89-105463
<br />DIED O IKUST' .
<br />11113 DIED OF TRUST Mimle ttihs 4—th dpy ell, OcCabks; lf� ,,_by qnd among >Zichara E_ and a:.n.P Z .,,t,t.�,
<br />}},,urband. a aril± 31-32 Eriat�xaod. Grand�.Lslanod 688t}1
<br />wiwst tnoilirs9 dress �s . K
<br />(herein "Trustt>< "); Gild BA11K OF WOOD RIVER: , Wise moiling oddrez'p,rO-",• Box 487 Woad River NE
<br />(herein "trustee" oixf "Btdeficiary ")• 6883
<br />FOR vALVABLE CONSIcERATION, including the indebtedness indentified herein and the 1�jst• herein cre;tjoA. tho receipt of which is hereby
<br />oick"wiedoW, Trustor irrevocably Wcols, tmnsfers. conveys, tied osftins t0 WITH P01+R Gi!;;w Oz, for Me benefit and
<br />security of Ben ilkimy, under and sub jectto fhs terms ono e�iiaetsof this eilid sfIfiist, the r"ll property dest;r L e a ;ialtowss
<br />Lot 20, Block 2, Brentwood'5ubdivision, Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.-.
<br />i
<br />:.5
<br />TOGEMER WITH, aibrgnis, profits, royalties, income and other benefits derived from *,?4fd'praperty; all leases or subleases covering ilia
<br />real property or any portion thereof, now or hereafter existing or entered into, and all right, title and interest of Truster thereunder; all in-
<br />_...: : ercgts. estate or other claims, bolls in lour and inequity, which Truster now hos or may hereafter acquire n the real property; all easements, -
<br />riUlils•of -way,. tenements, hereditairents and appurtenances thereof and thereto; all oil jt gas rights and profits, water rights and water
<br />stock: all 0911 V, title and interest of Truster, now owned or hereafter acquired, in end to cty i -nd lying within the right-of-way of ony street or
<br />highway adjoining the real property, any and all buildings, fixtures, improvements, and appurtenances now or hereafter erected thereon or
<br />belonging thereto, (hareistreferred toes "Improvement" or "Improvements "); rn:d any and all awards made for the taking by eminent domain
<br />or by any pr feeding or purchase in lieu thereof, of the wliole or any part of the real property.
<br />All of thefici-egoing estate, property and iinlerest hereby conveyed to Trustee herein collectively referred to as the "Property ".
<br />(a) The paymew of Indebtedness evidenced by Trustor's note of even date herewith in the principal sum of One hundred f i ttv-
<br />_ eight thousand and no/100 _� ------------------------ Dedrs is 158.000.00
<br />4ugether with interest at ilia rate or tales provided therein, (here!-,, together with any and all renewals, modifications, and extensions tycereo(, " 5
<br />referred to as ilia "Note ") both principal and interest on Ilia 11014 C,.oing pnyoblo in rrctordaiiruu - .•,vith ilia forms sat fortli therein, reference to .
<br />which is hereby made, Cite final poymen"t of principal and interest, li'net sooner paid and if rsranewals, modifications or extensions are made,
<br />due and payable an_
<br />(b) The performance col a(ich agreement and covenont of Trustor herein contained; and
<br />(c) The payment of any slim or sums ref money with interest thereon which may be hereafter paid or advanced under the terms of Illis Deed of
<br />Trust.
<br />(d) The poyment of any fL14ire odvonces necbsstsry to protect tbe3 p curity cr ory future odvG %a made at If:* option of the parties; and
<br />(e) The performance aR,rn•r.'sligation of any aliter jwf -fan named its this Trust Mad to o beneficiary.
<br />1. Ihgsrrent of hinclpol, and Interest. 3tustor shall promptly pay ;tthrtn due the rrincipal cx iinrf interest on the indebtedness evidenced by the
<br />Note, and ell other cliorC,es and fees t5 sravided in the Note, and i`o princippl of .and intere,riztt,e ny Future Advances secured by this Deed of
<br />Trust.
<br />2. Wo-r4mly of Title, ilvse•or is lawfully seized and possessed of good and int�e insible title and estate to the Properly hereby cons'iy std and
<br />has the right to grant and convey the Property; ties the ~.perry is free and clear a�" all liens arrd encumbrances except liens now of reccr it and
<br />Truster will WOU0nt and defend the title. to the 176ptij -11! cgoinst oil claims and demands.
<br />3. Mefatarlowpt and Compliente with Laws. TruSlar: 0mil keep stle Property in good eondit "owc.nd repair and shall not etirrimit waste or permit
<br />knpairrnent or deterioration of the Property cad sliti'{ romply with the provisions of any lease if this Deed of T. ust is on a leasehatd. lid Improve•
<br />ment now or hereafter erected upon the Properly - hatl Ibe offered, removed or demolished without the prior written consent of tieittrsficiory.
<br />Truster shall comply with all taws, ordinances, regulations, covenants, conditions and restrictions affecting fire Property and not coinrait, suffer,
<br />or purnit ursy oct to be done in or upon the Property in violation of any low, ordinance, retgufulion, covenant, condition or restriction. Trustor
<br />slsuli cornpltte or restore promptly arid in good workmanlike manner any improvement on the',12P.perty which may be damaged or destroyed and
<br />pay, when due, all claims for ld-aor performed and materials furnished therefore and for any alterations thereof,
<br />A. hour"ce. Trustor, of its expense, will maintain with insurers approved by Beneficiary, insurance with respect to the Improvements and
<br />personal property, conslifuling ilia Property, against loss by fire, lightning, tornado, and outer perili and Itozords covered by standard extended
<br />coverage aidorsenient, in on crnounl equal to of [cost one hundred percent of Cite full rep',ice`ment value thereof and insurance against such
<br />other butards and in sixth aniounts as is customarily carried by owners arid operators of siroulor properties or as Beneficiary Tiny require for its
<br />l:rotecrion. Truster will comply with such other requirements as Beneficiary may frcm time to time request for the proterfiort by insurance of rite
<br />i ;IE_reSls of the respective perties. All insurance policies maintained pursuant to this Dee:t of TruWshail n-ine Trustor on•f erfie-ficiary m :n.
<br />tureds, as their Ml,�C:tive interests may oppear, and provide thol there sliall be no cancellation or niodificution V,ithaut re less thin iS d(les
<br />Vic ct written nrjlificoti,)tr fu Ceritfi6ttly. In lire event any policy hereunder is rat renevrer, on or before 15 days it) its expirOijn dole,
<br />`te :t�lic �!y ;r, i, 1.tt,r. ze s�cli IhS �'iCJ : :9 it{ eccol lite Vint 111v trtovis',_�t {s of ,!urr.;rcF1i i heraal_ Tr�star qf; :Il deli :c: t r
<br />of °•1! fn <,r- (frh`rv;bfy Itterec I Cr Inpluo copies of SUJI (:91:' ICS fir +J few-Aals, th !nlf. ru:! ae. t$ f(jam"11 e., i ;<••'r• <• Ivy j -rsr -r or
<br />".tr;v.r ? >r15 rCi; �t :-# # rrr �,,,j; :r ;r; :t�# Ut rlinCi;tli;�nUl $et7C[i[t� fry, CCrytai,in aU��jr�;'t
<br />