. ��-���s��
<br /> S. Iis�rd c�r Property in�mace. Barrower shal ktep the improvemenu now ezisting on c�z�aRer erected on tbe
<br /> Pmperty insured against Ivss by fire„ hazards i�luded within t6e tcrm 'ezteaded covarage" and any othsr hazarsiss� includsng
<br /> floads or flooding, far which Lender requires iasuranc�. 'Ihis insutance shaIl be maimtait►!d in the amounts and for the periods
<br /> �hat Lcnder rcquires. 'The insuranrt czrrier provid"ang the ins¢raaa shatl be cho9en by Soimwer subject to I.ender's apptoval
<br /> whicb stza�l not be unreaqonably withheld. If Borrower fails to maintain ceverage nescn'bad above, Lencier may, at Lender's
<br /> u�tion, cbtain coverage to p:o�ext Lender's rights in the Preper�y in�cordance with paragrsl.�h 7. '
<br /> All inr.iran�e golicies and renewals s6alt be accegsable to :xnder and shall include a standard mortgage clause, Lender
<br /> s�aall have the right t�hotd the palicia and reazwals. If Ir.ader roquires,BQarawer shaL'promptly give to I.ender all nrxipu of
<br /> paid premiums and rrn�wa�no:ic�s.In tine ev�at of loss,Borrowu shal:give prompt nutace co the insaraace aurier and Lander.
<br /> L.,-nder may maice proof of loss if not madc Pro�PUY b7'Borrowtr. -
<br /> Ualcss t.ender and�orrower�thawise a�x-a in arriting,inauraace proxals sball be applied to restoration ar rcpair of the
<br /> Prapesty daxnaged, if the restoratioa or repair is economicaily fcasible and Leader'a socurity is not lesseaal. If the ratoraYion or
<br /> rcpair is not economically feasible or L.ender's sr.eurity would tr_lessen�ei, the insuraact proeeecls shall be a�splied to the sums
<br /> securai by this Security Ins�.*ua��t, whaher or not thrn fi�e, with any excess paid W Bomower. If Bozrow�.r abandon� thc
<br /> Pro�erry, or docs noE answar within 30 days a n�tia frvm Leuder that the insurance catric has offered to settle a claim, then
<br /> Leader may c�llt.ct the iasurance pmcwds. L,cadcr mzy use the pro�ds to repair or zsstors the Property ox to pay'sums
<br /> s�cure�by this Sccuriry Instncment,svfi�r or not thoa due.'Ihe 30-day period will begin zvhen tho naticx'is given. � `�
<br /> Unle�s L.ead.,�r and Borrower othervrise agrae ia writing, sny aPPlication of procxo3s to principal shai: not eztead or �
<br /> Fostpone tsc due datE of the mon.hiy payments refcrnd to in paragraptu 1 sad 2 or rhgnge tha amount of the paymwts.If under
<br /> Paragraph 21 thc Property is acquir�d by I.eader, Sorrower's righi to eny insuian�e pol�ciss sad procxtids re�ulting from
<br /> da�age to the Pnoperty prior to the acquisition shail pass to Leader to ffie e�teat of th�suys axured by this xcuriry Instrument
<br /> immaiiately prior to the acq�isition.
<br /> 6. Occnpanty,Pc�escrv�tioa,Malnteaance and Protectioa of the Property;Bota-awer's I.aan�lppiication;I,easebolds.
<br /> Borrower shall occupy,establish, and usz the Pregerty as Borrower's principal residence wiihin sizty days after the exaution of
<br /> this Securiry Instrument and shall c,oatiaue to oa;upy the Prvperly as Borrower's principal residcnce for at least one year aftor
<br /> the date af occupancy, unless I.ender otherwise agras ia writing, which con�ent shal aot tx�uu�easonably withheld, or unt�.�,
<br /> �.+teusatiag cirum,nan:,es ezisf uhi�.h a.�c l�yand Bc�row�er's contra2. 8o:xower shaii nac desaG}•, dama.ge or unpair d:e
<br /> F!roperty, aSlow the Prope�t}r to duer'sarate, or co�mit wazte on the Fcrrperty. Borrower shall be in clefault if any focf'eiturs
<br /> action o�procxeding, whether r,vil or criminal, is beKua that in L�ender's good faith iudg�ent could rtsulc in forfeiturt of the
<br /> Property or o�thcrvrise materially i�air the Iiea created by this Security insuursent or Lender's security intorest. Borrower may
<br /> cure ssch a default and reinstate,as pravided in pazagraph 18,by causing tht aciion or proa�eding to be dismissod with a ruling
<br /> that, in L.enler's good faith de:ere�inatioa, precludes forfeinue of the Borrowa's intenest in the Property or ether material
<br /> iznpairmtnt of the lirn created by this SG.^i:sity Insriumcat or I.ender's securiry inte_rost. �orrower shall a�so be ir. default if
<br /> Borrawe;, dw-ing tha laan application process,gavz�atzrially fals�or i�naccurau informadon or st�tements to Leader(or failed
<br /> to provide Lendec witli any materiai information)in conaectian wish iht 2oan evidenced by the Note, inclusiing, but not limited
<br /> to, representations contxrning Borrowcrvs x�pancy of the P:roperty as a princ'rgal residence. If this Security Instrument is on a
<br /> leasehold, Borrawer shal! comply with xll th� �rovisians of the �ease. If Borrower acquires fee title to thc Preperry, :he
<br /> Ieasehold and the fae tide shall not aserge unless Lendes agrees to the m�rgtr in writing.
<br /> 7:Protectfon of Lender's R�gh4s in the Property.If Borrower fails to perform thc caveaants and agreements contained in
<br /> chis Security Insuuuient, ar there is a legai procading that may sigaificxntly affect !L,ender's rights in the Pmperty (such as a
<br /> �rocceding in bankivptcy, probate, for cond�mnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations), thz�.L.ender may do and
<br /> pay for whatever is aec�sary to protax tho value of the Propem, and I,eader's rights in the Froperty. L.tnder'3 actior.s may
<br /> i�clude payiag any su� secured by a lien which has griority aver this Se�arity Instrumtnt, a}�pearing in coart, paying
<br /> reasonable attomeys' 4'as aad enurisg on the Proparty to make repairs. Although I,eader may takt action under t�is paragraph
<br /> 7,Lende:does not have to da so.
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by I.endcr under this paragraph 7 shall b�comc additional debt of Bortower sxured by this
<br /> Securicy Inst►unxnt. Unl�ss Borrawcr and Lender agree ta other turms o�'pay�xnt, these amounts shall bear inter�st from the
<br /> date of disbursemaat at tho Yote rate anci ghall be p�yable, with iaterest, �tpon notice from Lcncier to �3orrower requ-sting
<br /> payu�t.
<br /> �. Martga�e Iasvraace. If Lea�er:aluired mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this Security
<br /> instrumen?, Bc�irower shail pay the pre�iums requireti to maintaia the mortga�e insurance iai effect. If, for aay reason, the
<br /> mortgage insurance coverage rcquired by Ixuder�aps�s or c�ses to be in effect, Borrower shall pay:he premiums c�equired to
<br /> ohtain coverage substantially�uivalent to the nnortgage ir��zra„�previousIy in effax, at a cost snbstaatiall�eqLivalpr�� te LhP
<br /> cost ta Borrower of the moctgage insurancx pr�viouuiy in tf{ect� {rom aa sl��mate mortgage insurer approved by I.endtr. If
<br /> substantiall,y cc�uivaent mortgage insurance cov�rage is�o?available, Bormwer shall pay to L.eacltr each month a sum equal to
<br /> one-:a�elfth of tLe}ear�y mortgage inr�rance premium being ga�d by Borrower when the ina�,ra���verage lapsed or ceasa3 co
<br /> be iai effcct. Lendes will a�ept,use and retai.n th�payments as a ioss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. I,oss reserve
<br /> Form 3� /90
<br /> ��SR((VE)(?2721.07 , P,qa 3 ai 6 lNfl
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<br /> I
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