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<br /> payments may no IQnger lx nx�rar�, ai the option of Lender,if'martga�c insurance coverage(ia the amot�nt and for the period
<br /> that Lender raquires)pro�nded by a*i insurer a�rpcaved by i�cr again bec�m�.c available and is obtaintd. Borrower shall pay
<br /> the pr�u�s required to�,vntain mo�t�age inc„�„x in effefit,nr t6 pc�vide a loss reserve,imtil the requiremr.nt foz mortgage
<br /> insurance ends in acrnrdancr.with any writteu a�men�bec�y���r,�,�r����T or applicable law.
<br /> 9. :nspecfion. Lendcr or its ggmt may nta�ce rzssonable entzias upon and inspections of the Property. I,ender shall give '
<br /> F3arrower uotice at the time of or prior ta an inspectioa specifying reasonabi�causc for t�e i.�spection..
<br /> 1�. Cafldrmnation. The proceeds off any award or ciaiffi for damagos, di*rct or cansequenrial. in connection wiL'4 any
<br /> candemnation or other taicing of any part o�'the Prop!,tty, or for conveyaace in liw af condiemnation, are her�tsy a�signed and
<br /> shall te paid to L�n-der.
<br /> tn�lie evcnt af a total taking of the Property, tho proa�ds shail be applied to the sums accured by this Securiry Tnstivaunt,
<br /> whether qr not ehrn due, with any exc�ss�aid to Sr�rroa+er, In the even;of a partiai taldng af thc Propeity in which the fair
<br /> markct valne ef zhe Property iinmaiia4dy beforo the talcing is �ual �o cr greater than the smount of the sums secuttd by this
<br /> 3xuri�Instrurraent i�ediately befo:�e the ta3cing,unless Borrowtr and Leader otherwise ag,nt ia writing, the aums sxuted�y
<br /> this Securi.� irr.»�zrument shall be reclueed by the amount of tht prooeeds mnitipliad by the following fracticn: (a) the total
<br /> amounz of r.hc; sums securc,9 immediately befure t�e sakiag, divided by @) �.he fair marlca valae of the Rrperty i�smediatrly
<br /> befon thz t;Jcing. Any bal�ce shall bZ paid to Borrowor, In the svent of a garclal ialcing of the PmpGrty in whicl2 the fair
<br /> ma�kct valu�of tb�Prc�rty immuaatcly befare th�takin�ia less than the amaunt oC the sums sacured i�iat�ly before the
<br /> talcing, un3c�s Borrower aad Leader othqc�vise agrer in writing or unless applic�ble ls��+otherwise Qrovides, the pnocads shall
<br /> bs appiie�3.to ehe s�ms sccarod by ehi�Sxtarity Instrumeni wh�ethar or a�t the sums are thsa duc. .
<br /> If the Frop�ty is atsancioae�by goreoa�,er�ar if,after noticx by Lcader to Borrower thst tho condem�r ofi�rs to maka an
<br /> award �or settle a ciaim for dar�a�mes, Borrower fails to respond to i.tnder within 30 days sR.er the date the tr�tia is given,
<br /> I.ende�r is authorized to collect and a�ply t�e procxeds,ac its ogtion,cither to restoxatioa or repair of the Property or to the sums
<br /> se�ured bY t?ais S«.'urity Instrument,whet�er or not then duc.
<br /> Un;GSS Leuder s�d �urcnwer othe�vise agrce rin �xriting, any �pplication of grocxads to principal shall not tztend or
<br /> po�tpone the due date of thc moathly payments reforred ro in garagraphs i and 2 or change the amount o€such payments.
<br /> Y1. Bormwer Not I�eleased, For�ars.ace�3y F,�eier Nat a�yuiycr, Ezteusion of the time;or payment or fficr!ificaiion
<br /> nf amorti:,ation af:he sums secured by this Sccurity Inst*�me�t granted by izndcr eo ssny successor ia interest of B,�rrower shall
<br /> not operate to release che�iability of the origina� B�rrogror or Borrower's succcssors in interest. J�..eader shal!not be roquirsd to
<br /> - CO���P���a a8�nst any successox in interest or refuse to aztend tiL,e for gay�ent or otherwi3e modify amortization
<br /> af ths sums secured b�+ tuis Security Instzuureuc by ressen of any demand made by the original Borr�wer or Borrower's
<br /> su;,cxssors ia int�rest. Any farb�arance by Leuder in oxercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of ur preclude the
<br /> ezercis�of any riglzt or remzdy.
<br /> 12. 5nccessor3 and Asslgns go�rnd; .Iotn4 �ns� �eveisf Liabflity; Co-signers. The covenants and agrcements of this
<br /> Sceeirity Insuun�ent s5a13 bind and be�efit tha snazssors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject to the provisions of
<br /> garagrap� 17. Borrower's covenants and ag:xnaents shall be joint and sevtral. pny Borro�,�rer who co-signs this Security
<br /> Inszrurr:ent but dces nat execute the Note; (a) is co-signing this Sexurity Instniment only to mortgage, grant and convey that
<br /> �rrower's int�rest in the Properry under r.he terms of this Securirr Instrument; (b) is not personally obiigat�d to pay the sun-,s
<br /> secured by this Sc�urity Insczument; and(c}a�rees that I.eador and any otber Borrower may agree to eztend, modify, forbear er
<br /> �e anY�ccommodauons with regard co the tezms of this Security Instiumtnt or the Note without that Bo;rower's consent.
<br /> 13. Loan Cha��-ges. If th�loan secureci by t}:is Socurity Inseniment is subject to a law which sets mazimum doan char�es,
<br /> and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or otber loan charges collected or to be collectai in connecaon with the
<br /> loan eF.cecc3 the permitted limits, then: (a)any such Poan charge shall be r�du�ed by the amount nscessary to reduce the charg�
<br /> to thc permittod limit; arr� (b) any sums already collaxed from Boarower which ezcec�ed permitted limits will';be refunded to '
<br /> Borrawer. Lendez may choose to makz this refi�nd by r^wsein� the principal owed under the Note or by aiaking a direct `
<br /> payment to Borrawer. If a refund reduces principai, the reduction will bt mat�d ag a partial pre�ayment 'withcut any
<br /> prepuy�nt charRz under thc Note.
<br /> �4. NoUces. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Insu+imqt shall be given by delivexing it or by m�iling
<br /> it by first class mail unless applicable law r�quires uss og ano►t�cr m�hod. Thz noua s�l be directtd to the Properry Address
<br /> or anY other address Borrower dcsignates by aotice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first class mail to
<br /> Lendcr's address stated herein or any other address I.ender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for in this
<br /> Securiry Insaument shalI be decried t�have bcea given to Borrower nr Lender when given as pm�+ided in this paragr�ph,
<br /> 15. Gavernin� Y.gw; Severa6lIity. 'I'h?� Security Inst��i �1 be governed by fedetal law and the law of the
<br /> jurisdicaon in whir,h the �C-operty is locatcd. In ch2 e`,ent that any pro�isian or clause of tais Socurity Insttvment�or thc Note
<br /> conflicts with applicable law, such coaflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Iastn�c,�t or the Note which can be
<br /> giv�eff�t without the canflicting provision. To this end ihe provisions of thi� Securiry Insuument and the Note are declazed
<br /> to be scvcrablc.
<br /> 16.Borraw�'s Copy.Borrower shali be given one conforn�ed copy of the Note and of this Security Instru�ent.
<br /> Fam 3028 /90 -'
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